module Propellor.Property.DnsSec where

import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File

-- | Puts the DNSSEC key files in place from PrivData.
-- signedPrimary uses this, so this property does not normally need to be
-- used directly.
keysInstalled :: Domain -> RevertableProperty (HasInfo + UnixLike) UnixLike
keysInstalled domain = setup <!> cleanup
        setup = propertyList "DNSSEC keys installed" $ toProps $
                map installkey keys

        cleanup = propertyList "DNSSEC keys removed" $ toProps $
                map (File.notPresent . keyFn domain) keys

        installkey k = writer (keysrc k) (keyFn domain k) (Context domain)
                        | isPublic k = File.hasPrivContentExposedFrom
                        | otherwise = File.hasPrivContentFrom

        keys = [ PubZSK, PrivZSK, PubKSK, PrivKSK ]

        keysrc k = PrivDataSource (DnsSec k) $ unwords
                [ "The file with extension"
                , keyExt k
                , "created by running:"
                , if isZoneSigningKey k
                        then "dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -n ZONE " ++ domain
                        else "dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a RSASHA256 -b 4096 -n ZONE " ++ domain

-- | Uses dnssec-signzone to sign a domain's zone file.
-- signedPrimary uses this, so this property does not normally need to be
-- used directly.
zoneSigned :: Domain -> FilePath -> RevertableProperty (HasInfo + UnixLike) UnixLike
zoneSigned domain zonefile = setup <!> cleanup
        setup :: Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
        setup = check needupdate (forceZoneSigned domain zonefile)
                `requires` keysInstalled domain

        cleanup :: Property UnixLike
        cleanup = File.notPresent (signedZoneFile zonefile)
                `before` File.notPresent dssetfile
                `before` revert (keysInstalled domain)

        dssetfile = dir </> "-" ++ domain ++ "."
        dir = takeDirectory zonefile

        -- Need to update the signed zone file if the zone file or
        -- any of the keys have a newer timestamp.
        needupdate = do
                v <- catchMaybeIO $ getModificationTime (signedZoneFile zonefile)
                case v of
                        Nothing -> return True
                        Just t1 -> anyM (newerthan t1) $
                                zonefile : map (keyFn domain) [minBound..maxBound]

        newerthan t1 f = do
                t2 <- getModificationTime f
                return (t2 >= t1)

forceZoneSigned :: Domain -> FilePath -> Property UnixLike
forceZoneSigned domain zonefile = property ("zone signed for " ++ domain) $ liftIO $ do
        salt <- take 16 <$> saltSha1
        let p = proc "dnssec-signzone"
                [ "-A"
                , "-3", salt
                -- The serial number needs to be increased each time the
                -- zone is resigned, even if there are no other changes,
                -- so that it will propagate to secondaries. So, use the
                -- unixtime serial format.
                , "-N", "unixtime"
                , "-o", domain
                , zonefile
                -- the ordering of these key files does not matter
                , keyFn domain PubZSK
                , keyFn domain PubKSK
        -- Run in the same directory as the zonefile, so it will 
        -- write the dsset file there.
        (_, _, _, h) <- createProcess $
                p { cwd = Just (takeDirectory zonefile) }
        ifM (checkSuccessProcess h)
                ( return MadeChange
                , return FailedChange

saltSha1 :: IO String
saltSha1 = readProcess "sh"
        [ "-c"
        , "head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1"

-- | The file used for a given key.
keyFn :: Domain -> DnsSecKey -> FilePath
keyFn domain k =  "/etc/bind/propellor/dnssec" </> concat
        [ "K" ++ domain ++ "."
        , if isZoneSigningKey k then "ZSK" else "KSK"
        , keyExt k

-- | These are the extensions that dnssec-keygen looks for.
keyExt :: DnsSecKey -> String
keyExt k
        | isPublic k = ".key"
        | otherwise = ".private"

isPublic :: DnsSecKey -> Bool
isPublic k = k `elem` [PubZSK, PubKSK]

isZoneSigningKey :: DnsSecKey -> Bool
isZoneSigningKey k = k `elem` [PubZSK, PrivZSK]

-- | dnssec-signzone makes a .signed file
signedZoneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
signedZoneFile zonefile = zonefile ++ ".signed"