{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}

module Propellor.Types.MetaTypes (
        type (+),
        type (&&),
) where

import Propellor.Types.Singletons
import Propellor.Types.OS

import GHC.TypeLits hiding (type (+))
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Data.Type.Bool

import Type.Errors
type family IfStuck (expr :: k) (b :: k1) (c :: k1) :: k1 where
        IfStuck expr b c = c
type family DelayError msg where
        DelayError msg = TypeError msg
type family DelayErrorFcf msg where
        DelayErrorFcf msg = TypeError msg

data MetaType
        = Targeting TargetOS -- ^ A target OS of a Property
        | WithInfo           -- ^ Indicates that a Property has associated Info
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Any unix-like system
type UnixLike = MetaTypes
        '[ 'Targeting 'OSDebian
        , 'Targeting 'OSBuntish
        , 'Targeting 'OSArchLinux
        , 'Targeting 'OSFreeBSD

-- | Any linux system
type Linux = MetaTypes
        '[ 'Targeting 'OSDebian
        , 'Targeting 'OSBuntish
        , 'Targeting 'OSArchLinux

-- | Debian and derivatives.
type DebianLike = MetaTypes '[ 'Targeting 'OSDebian, 'Targeting 'OSBuntish ]
type Debian = MetaTypes '[ 'Targeting 'OSDebian ]
type Buntish = MetaTypes '[ 'Targeting 'OSBuntish ]
type FreeBSD = MetaTypes '[ 'Targeting 'OSFreeBSD ]
type ArchLinux = MetaTypes '[ 'Targeting 'OSArchLinux ]

-- | Used to indicate that a Property adds Info to the Host where it's used.
type HasInfo = MetaTypes '[ 'WithInfo ]

type family IncludesInfo t :: Bool where
        IncludesInfo (MetaTypes l) = Elem 'WithInfo l

type MetaTypes = Sing

-- This boilerplate would not be needed if the singletons library were
-- used.
data instance Sing (x :: MetaType) where
        OSDebianS :: Sing ('Targeting 'OSDebian)
        OSBuntishS :: Sing ('Targeting 'OSBuntish)
        OSFreeBSDS :: Sing ('Targeting 'OSFreeBSD)
        OSArchLinuxS :: Sing ('Targeting 'OSArchLinux)
        WithInfoS :: Sing 'WithInfo
instance SingI ('Targeting 'OSDebian) where sing = OSDebianS
instance SingI ('Targeting 'OSBuntish) where sing = OSBuntishS
instance SingI ('Targeting 'OSFreeBSD) where sing = OSFreeBSDS
instance SingI ('Targeting 'OSArchLinux) where sing = OSArchLinuxS
instance SingI 'WithInfo where sing = WithInfoS
instance SingKind ('KProxy :: KProxy MetaType) where
        type DemoteRep ('KProxy :: KProxy MetaType) = MetaType
        fromSing OSDebianS = Targeting OSDebian
        fromSing OSBuntishS = Targeting OSBuntish
        fromSing OSFreeBSDS = Targeting OSFreeBSD
        fromSing OSArchLinuxS = Targeting OSArchLinux
        fromSing WithInfoS = WithInfo

-- | Convenience type operator to combine two `MetaTypes` lists.
-- For example:
-- > HasInfo + Debian
-- Which is shorthand for this type:
-- > MetaTypes '[WithInfo, Targeting OSDebian]
type family a + b :: * where
        (MetaTypes a) + (MetaTypes b) = MetaTypes (Concat a b)

type family Concat (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Concat '[] bs = bs
        Concat (a ': as) bs = a ': (Concat as bs)

-- | Combine two MetaTypes lists, yielding a list
-- that has targets present in both, and nontargets present in either.
type family Combine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Combine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) =
                        (NonTargets list1 `Union` NonTargets list2)
                        (Targets list1 `Intersect` Targets list2)

-- | Checks if two MetaTypes lists can be safly combined;
-- eg they have at least one Target in common.
type family IsCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Bool where
        -- As a special case, if either list is empty or only WithInfo, 
        -- let it be combined with the other. This relies on MetaTypes
        -- list always containing at least one Target, so can only happen
        -- if there's already been a type error. This special case lets the
        -- type checker show only the original type error, and not
        -- subsequent errors due to later CheckCombinable constraints.
        IsCombinable '[] list2 = 'True
        IsCombinable list1 '[] = 'True
        IsCombinable ('WithInfo ': list1) list2 = IsCombinable list1 list2
        IsCombinable list1 ('WithInfo ': list2) = IsCombinable list1 list2
        IsCombinable list1 list2 =
                Not (Null (Combine (Targets list1) (Targets list2)))

-- | This (or CheckCombinableNote) should be used anywhere Combine is used, 
-- as an additional constraint. For example:
-- > foo :: CheckCombinable x y => x -> y -> Combine x y
type family CheckCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Constraint where
        CheckCombinable list1 list2 =
                If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
                        ('True ~ 'True)
                        (CannotCombine list1 list2 'Nothing)

-- | Allows providing an additional note.
type family CheckCombinableNote (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: ErrorMessage) :: Constraint where
        CheckCombinableNote list1 list2 note =
                If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
                        ('True ~ 'True)
                        (CannotCombine list1 list2
                                ('Just ('Text "(" ':<>: note ':<>: 'Text ")"))

-- Checking IfStuck is to avoid massive and useless error message leaking 
-- type families from this module.
type family CannotCombine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: Constraint where
        CannotCombine list1 list2 note =
                IfStuck list1
                        (IfStuck list2
                                (DelayError (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
                                (DelayErrorFcf (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) UnknownTypeNote))
                        (IfStuck list2
                                (DelayError (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
                                (DelayErrorFcf (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) note))

type family UnknownType :: ErrorMessage where
        UnknownType = 'Text "<unknown>"

type family UnknownTypeNote :: Maybe ErrorMessage where
        UnknownTypeNote = 'Just ('Text "(Property <unknown> is often caused by applying a Property constructor to the wrong number of arguments.)")

type family CannotCombineMessage (a :: ErrorMessage) (b :: ErrorMessage) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: ErrorMessage where
        CannotCombineMessage a b ('Just note) =
                CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing
                        ':$$: note
        CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing =
                'Text "Cannot combine Properties:"
                        ':$$: ('Text "  Property " ':<>: a)
                        ':$$: ('Text "  Property " ':<>: b)

type family IsTarget (a :: t) :: Bool where
        IsTarget ('Targeting a) = 'True
        IsTarget 'WithInfo = 'False

type family Targets (l :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Targets '[] = '[]
        Targets (x ': xs) =
                If (IsTarget x)
                        (x ': Targets xs)
                        (Targets xs)

type family NonTargets (l :: [a]) :: [a] where
        NonTargets '[] = '[]
        NonTargets (x ': xs) =
                If (IsTarget x)
                        (NonTargets xs)
                        (x ': NonTargets xs)

-- | Pretty-prints a list of MetaTypes for display in a type error message.
type family PrettyPrintMetaTypes (l :: [MetaType]) :: ErrorMessage where
        PrettyPrintMetaTypes '[] = 'Text "<none>"
        PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': '[]) = PrettyPrintMetaType t
        PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': ts) =
                PrettyPrintMetaType t ':<>: 'Text " + " ':<>: PrettyPrintMetaTypes ts

type family PrettyPrintMetaType t :: ErrorMessage where
        PrettyPrintMetaType 'WithInfo = 'ShowType HasInfo
        PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSDebian) = 'ShowType Debian
        PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSBuntish) = 'ShowType Buntish
        PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSFreeBSD) = 'ShowType FreeBSD
        PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSArchLinux) = 'ShowType ArchLinux
        PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting t) = 'ShowType t

-- | Type level elem
type family Elem (a :: t) (list :: [t]) :: Bool where
        Elem a '[] = 'False
        Elem a (b ': bs) = EqT a b || Elem a bs

-- | Type level union.
type family Union (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Union '[] list2 = list2
        Union (a ': rest) list2 =
                If (Elem a list2 || Elem a rest)
                        (Union rest list2)
                        (a ': Union rest list2)

-- | Type level intersection. Duplicate list items are eliminated.
type family Intersect (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Intersect '[] list2 = '[]
        Intersect (a ': rest) list2 =
                If (Elem a list2 && Not (Elem a rest))
                        (a ': Intersect rest list2)
                        (Intersect rest list2)

-- | Type level difference. Items that are in the first list, but not in
-- the second.
type family Difference (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
        Difference '[] list2 = '[]
        Difference (a ': rest) list2 =
                If (Elem a list2)
                        (Difference rest list2)
                        (a ': Difference rest list2)

-- | Every item in the subset must be in the superset.
type family IsSubset (subset :: [a]) (superset :: [a]) :: Bool where
        IsSubset '[] superset = 'True
        IsSubset (s ': rest) superset =
                If (Elem s superset)
                        (IsSubset rest superset)

-- | Type level null.
type family Null (list :: [a]) :: Bool where
        Null '[] = 'True
        Null l = 'False

-- | Type level equality of metatypes.
type family EqT (a :: MetaType) (b :: MetaType) where
        EqT a a = 'True
        EqT a b = 'False