protocol-buffers-1.8.2: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications



Text.ProtocolBuffers exposes the client API. This merely re-exports parts of the other modules in protocol-buffers. The exposed parts are:

import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Basic
  ( Seq,isValidUTF8,toUtf8,utf8,Utf8(Utf8),Int32,Int64,Word32,Word64
  , WireTag,FieldId,WireType,FieldType,EnumCode,WireSize
  , Mergeable(mergeEmpty,mergeAppend,mergeConcat),Default(defaultValue),Wire)
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Default()
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Extensions
  ( Key,ExtKey(getExt,putExt,clearExt),MessageAPI(getVal,isSet)
  , getKeyFieldId,getKeyFieldType,getKeyDefaultValue)
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Identifiers
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Mergeable()
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Reflections
  ( ReflectDescriptor(..),ReflectEnum(..),ProtoName(..),HsDefault(..),EnumInfoApp
  , KeyInfo,FieldInfo(..),DescriptorInfo(..),EnumInfo(..),ProtoInfo(..),makePNF )
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage
  ( Put,Get,runPut,runGet,runGetOnLazy
  , messageSize,messagePut,messageGet,messagePutM,messageGetM
  , messageWithLengthSize,messageWithLengthPut,messageWithLengthGet,messageWithLengthPutM,messageWithLengthGetM
  , messageAsFieldSize,messageAsFieldPutM,messageAsFieldGetM)

The message serialization is taken care of by WireMessage operations, especially messagePut and messageGet. The MessageAPI provides the useful polymorphic getVal and isSet where getVal looks up default values and also works with extension keys. The Utf8 newtype is used to indicate the format in the underlying lazy ByteString. Messages and values can be combined with the right-biased Mergeable operations. The mergeEmpty should not be used as required values are filled in with undefined errors, please use defaultValue instead.

The Utf8 type is a newtype of the Lazy ByteString. It can be safely constructed by checking for errors with toUtf8, which returns 'Left Int' indicating the index where an error is detected. It can be deconstructed with utf8.
