Sketches of new module, which implements the poking actions.
module Ptr.PokeIO

import Ptr.Prelude
import qualified Ptr.IO as IO

type PokeIO =
  Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

{-# INLINE sequentially #-}
sequentially :: Int -> PokeIO -> PokeIO -> PokeIO
sequentially space1 action1 action2 ptr =
  action1 ptr *> action2 (plusPtr ptr space1)

{-# INLINE concurrently #-}
concurrently :: Int -> PokeIO -> PokeIO -> PokeIO
concurrently space1 action1 action2 ptr =
    lock <- newEmptyMVar
    forkIO $ do
      action1 ptr
      putMVar lock ()
    action2 (plusPtr ptr space1)
    takeMVar lock

{-| Unsigned ASCII integral -}
{-# INLINE asciiUnsignedIntegral #-}
asciiUnsignedIntegral :: (Integral a) => Int -> a -> PokeIO
asciiUnsignedIntegral = let
  loop ptr x = case quotRem x 10 of
    (quot, rem) -> do
      IO.pokeWord8 ptr (48 + fromIntegral rem)
      case quot of
        0 -> return ()
        _ -> loop (plusPtr ptr (-1)) quot
  in \ lastIndex x ptr -> loop (plusPtr ptr lastIndex) x

{-# INLINE reverseAsciiDigits #-}
reverseAsciiDigits :: (Integral a) => Int -> [a] -> PokeIO
reverseAsciiDigits index elements ptr =
    loop ptr =
      \ case
        digit : tail -> do
          IO.pokeWord8 ptr (48 + fromIntegral digit)
          loop (plusPtr ptr (-1)) tail
        _ -> return ()
    in loop (plusPtr ptr index) elements