{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Functions and instances relating to unification
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Unify
  ( freshType
  , solveType
  , substituteType
  , unknownsInType
  , unifyTypes
  , unifyRows
  , alignRowsWith
  , replaceVarWithUnknown
  , replaceTypeWildcards
  , varIfUnknown
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..), gets, modify)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..))

import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, nubBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Skolems
import Language.PureScript.Types

-- | Generate a fresh type variable
freshType :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m SourceType
freshType = do
  t <- gets checkNextType
  modify $ \st -> st { checkNextType = t + 1 }
  return $ srcTUnknown t

-- | Update the substitution to solve a type constraint
solveType :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => Int -> SourceType -> m ()
solveType u t = do
  occursCheck u t
  modify $ \cs -> cs { checkSubstitution =
                         (checkSubstitution cs) { substType =
                                                    M.insert u t $ substType $ checkSubstitution cs

-- | Apply a substitution to a type
substituteType :: Substitution -> SourceType -> SourceType
substituteType sub = everywhereOnTypes go
  go (TUnknown ann u) =
    case M.lookup u (substType sub) of
      Nothing -> TUnknown ann u
      Just (TUnknown ann' u1) | u1 == u -> TUnknown ann' u1
      Just t -> substituteType sub t
  go other = other

-- | Make sure that an unknown does not occur in a type
occursCheck :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m) => Int -> SourceType -> m ()
occursCheck _ TUnknown{} = return ()
occursCheck u t = void $ everywhereOnTypesM go t
  go (TUnknown _ u') | u == u' = throwError . errorMessage . InfiniteType $ t
  go other = return other

-- | Compute a list of all unknowns appearing in a type
unknownsInType :: Type a -> [(a, Int)]
unknownsInType t = everythingOnTypes (.) go t []
  go :: Type a -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
  go (TUnknown ann u) = ((ann, u) :)
  go _ = id

-- | Unify two types, updating the current substitution
unifyTypes :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => SourceType -> SourceType -> m ()
unifyTypes t1 t2 = do
  sub <- gets checkSubstitution
  withErrorMessageHint (ErrorUnifyingTypes t1 t2) $ unifyTypes' (substituteType sub t1) (substituteType sub t2)
  unifyTypes' (TUnknown _ u1) (TUnknown _ u2) | u1 == u2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' (TUnknown _ u) t = solveType u t
  unifyTypes' t (TUnknown _ u) = solveType u t
  unifyTypes' (ForAll ann1 ident1 ty1 sc1) (ForAll ann2 ident2 ty2 sc2) =
    case (sc1, sc2) of
      (Just sc1', Just sc2') -> do
        sko <- newSkolemConstant
        let sk1 = skolemize ann1 ident1 sko sc1' ty1
        let sk2 = skolemize ann2 ident2 sko sc2' ty2
        sk1 `unifyTypes` sk2
      _ -> internalError "unifyTypes: unspecified skolem scope"
  unifyTypes' (ForAll ann ident ty1 (Just sc)) ty2 = do
    sko <- newSkolemConstant
    let sk = skolemize ann ident sko sc ty1
    sk `unifyTypes` ty2
  unifyTypes' ForAll{} _ = internalError "unifyTypes: unspecified skolem scope"
  unifyTypes' ty f@ForAll{} = f `unifyTypes` ty
  unifyTypes' (TypeVar _ v1) (TypeVar _ v2) | v1 == v2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' ty1@(TypeConstructor _ c1) ty2@(TypeConstructor _ c2) =
    guardWith (errorMessage (TypesDoNotUnify ty1 ty2)) (c1 == c2)
  unifyTypes' (TypeLevelString _ s1) (TypeLevelString _ s2) | s1 == s2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' (TypeApp _ t3 t4) (TypeApp _ t5 t6) = do
    t3 `unifyTypes` t5
    t4 `unifyTypes` t6
  unifyTypes' (Skolem _ _ s1 _) (Skolem _ _ s2 _) | s1 == s2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' (KindedType _ ty1 _) ty2 = ty1 `unifyTypes` ty2
  unifyTypes' ty1 (KindedType _ ty2 _) = ty1 `unifyTypes` ty2
  unifyTypes' r1@RCons{} r2 = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1 r2@RCons{} = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1@REmpty{} r2 = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1 r2@REmpty{} = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' ty1@ConstrainedType{} ty2 =
    throwError . errorMessage $ ConstrainedTypeUnified ty1 ty2
  unifyTypes' t3 t4@ConstrainedType{} = unifyTypes' t4 t3
  unifyTypes' t3 t4 =
    throwError . errorMessage $ TypesDoNotUnify t3 t4

-- | Align two rows of types, splitting them into three parts:
-- * Those types which appear in both rows
-- * Those which appear only on the left
-- * Those which appear only on the right
-- Note: importantly, we preserve the order of the types with a given label.
  :: (Type a -> Type a -> r)
  -> Type a
  -> Type a
  -> ([r], (([RowListItem a], Type a), ([RowListItem a], Type a)))
alignRowsWith f ty1 ty2 = go s1 s2 where
  (s1, tail1) = rowToSortedList ty1
  (s2, tail2) = rowToSortedList ty2

  go [] r = ([], (([], tail1), (r, tail2)))
  go r [] = ([], ((r, tail1), ([], tail2)))
  go lhs@(RowListItem a1 l1 t1 : r1) rhs@(RowListItem a2 l2 t2 : r2)
    | l1 < l2 = (second . first . first) (RowListItem a1 l1 t1 :) (go r1 rhs)
    | l2 < l1 = (second . second . first) (RowListItem a2 l2 t2 :) (go lhs r2)
    | otherwise = first (f t1 t2 :) (go r1 r2)

-- | Unify two rows, updating the current substitution
-- Common labels are identified and unified. Remaining labels and types are unified with a
-- trailing row unification variable, if appropriate.
unifyRows :: forall m. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => SourceType -> SourceType -> m ()
unifyRows r1 r2 = sequence_ matches *> uncurry unifyTails rest where
  (matches, rest) = alignRowsWith unifyTypes r1 r2

  unifyTails :: ([RowListItem SourceAnn], SourceType) -> ([RowListItem SourceAnn], SourceType) -> m ()
  unifyTails ([], TUnknown _ u)    (sd, r)               = solveType u (rowFromList (sd, r))
  unifyTails (sd, r)               ([], TUnknown _ u)    = solveType u (rowFromList (sd, r))
  unifyTails ([], REmpty _)        ([], REmpty _)        = return ()
  unifyTails ([], TypeVar _ v1)    ([], TypeVar _ v2)    | v1 == v2 = return ()
  unifyTails ([], Skolem _ s1 _ _) ([], Skolem _ s2 _ _) | s1 == s2 = return ()
  unifyTails (sd1, TUnknown _ u1)  (sd2, TUnknown _ u2)  = do
    forM_ sd1 $ occursCheck u2 . rowListType
    forM_ sd2 $ occursCheck u1 . rowListType
    rest' <- freshType
    solveType u1 (rowFromList (sd2, rest'))
    solveType u2 (rowFromList (sd1, rest'))
  unifyTails _ _ =
    throwError . errorMessage $ TypesDoNotUnify r1 r2

-- |
-- Replace a single type variable with a new unification variable
replaceVarWithUnknown :: (MonadState CheckState m) => Text -> SourceType -> m SourceType
replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty = do
  tu <- freshType
  return $ replaceTypeVars ident tu ty

-- |
-- Replace type wildcards with unknowns
replaceTypeWildcards :: (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => SourceType -> m SourceType
replaceTypeWildcards = everywhereOnTypesM replace
  replace (TypeWildcard ann name) = do
    t <- freshType
    ctx <- getLocalContext
    let err = maybe (WildcardInferredType t ctx) (\n -> HoleInferredType n t ctx Nothing) name
    warnWithPosition (fst ann) $ tell $ errorMessage err
    return t
  replace other = return other

-- |
-- Replace outermost unsolved unification variables with named type variables
varIfUnknown :: SourceType -> SourceType
varIfUnknown ty =
  let unks = nubBy ((==) `on` snd) $ unknownsInType ty
      toName = T.cons 't' . T.pack .  show
      ty' = everywhereOnTypes typeToVar ty
      typeToVar :: SourceType -> SourceType
      typeToVar (TUnknown ann u) = TypeVar ann (toName u)
      typeToVar t = t
  in mkForAll (sortBy (comparing snd) . fmap (fmap toName) $ unks) ty'