{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Language.PureScript.CST.Lexer
  ( lenient
  , lex
  , lexTopLevel
  , lexWithState
  , isUnquotedKey
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (lex, exp, exponent, lines)

import Control.Monad (join)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Functor (($>))
import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Language.PureScript.CST.Errors
import Language.PureScript.CST.Monad hiding (token)
import Language.PureScript.CST.Layout
import Language.PureScript.CST.Positions
import Language.PureScript.CST.Types

-- | Stops at the first lexing error and replaces it with TokEof. Otherwise,
-- the parser will fail when it attempts to draw a lookahead token.
lenient :: [LexResult] -> [LexResult]
lenient = go
  go [] = []
  go (Right a : as) = Right a : go as
  go (Left (st, _) : _) = do
      pos = lexPos st
      ann = TokenAnn (SourceRange pos pos) (lexLeading st) []
    [Right (SourceToken ann TokEof)]

-- | Lexes according to root layout rules.
lex :: Text -> [LexResult]
lex src = do
  let (leading, src') = comments src
  lexWithState $ LexState
    { lexPos = advanceLeading (SourcePos 1 1) leading
    , lexLeading = leading
    , lexSource = src'
    , lexStack = [(SourcePos 0 0, LytRoot)]

-- | Lexes according to top-level declaration context rules.
lexTopLevel :: Text -> [LexResult]
lexTopLevel src = do
    (leading, src') = comments src
    lexPos = advanceLeading (SourcePos 1 1) leading
    hd = Right $ lytToken lexPos TokLayoutStart
    tl = lexWithState $ LexState
      { lexPos = lexPos
      , lexLeading = leading
      , lexSource = src'
      , lexStack = [(lexPos, LytWhere), (SourcePos 0 0, LytRoot)]
  hd : tl

-- | Lexes according to some LexState.
lexWithState :: LexState -> [LexResult]
lexWithState = go
  Parser lexK =

  go state@(LexState {..}) =
    lexK lexSource onError onSuccess
    onError lexSource' err = do
        len1 = Text.length lexSource
        len2 = Text.length lexSource'
        chunk = Text.take (max 0 (len1 - len2)) lexSource
        chunkDelta = textDelta chunk
        pos = applyDelta lexPos chunkDelta
      pure $ Left
        ( state { lexSource = lexSource' }
        , ParserError (SourceRange pos $ applyDelta pos (0, 1)) [] lexStack err

    onSuccess _ (TokEof, _) =
      Right <$> unwindLayout lexPos lexLeading lexStack
    onSuccess lexSource' (tok, (trailing, lexLeading')) = do
        endPos = advanceToken lexPos tok
        lexPos' = advanceLeading (advanceTrailing endPos trailing) lexLeading'
        tokenAnn = TokenAnn
          { tokRange = SourceRange lexPos endPos
          , tokLeadingComments = lexLeading
          , tokTrailingComments = trailing
        (lexStack', toks) =
          insertLayout (SourceToken tokenAnn tok) lexPos' lexStack
        state' = LexState
          { lexPos = lexPos'
          , lexLeading = lexLeading'
          , lexSource = lexSource'
          , lexStack = lexStack'
      go2 state' toks

  go2 state [] = go state
  go2 state (t : ts) = Right t : go2 state ts

type Lexer = ParserM ParserErrorType Text

{-# INLINE next #-}
next :: Lexer ()
next = Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
  ksucc (Text.drop 1 inp) ()

{-# INLINE nextWhile #-}
nextWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Lexer Text
nextWhile p = Parser $ \inp _ ksucc -> do
  let (chs, inp') = Text.span p inp
  ksucc inp' chs

{-# INLINE peek #-}
peek :: Lexer (Maybe Char)
peek = Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
  if Text.null inp
    then ksucc inp Nothing
    else ksucc inp $ Just $ Text.head inp

{-# INLINE restore #-}
restore :: (ParserErrorType -> Bool) -> Lexer a -> Lexer a
restore p (Parser k) = Parser $ \inp kerr ksucc ->
  k inp (\inp' err -> kerr (if p err then inp else inp') err) ksucc

tokenAndComments :: Lexer (Token, ([Comment void], [Comment LineFeed]))
tokenAndComments = (,) <$> token <*> breakComments

comments :: Text -> ([Comment LineFeed], Text)
comments = \src -> k src (\_ _ -> ([], src)) (\inp (a, b) -> (a <> b, inp))
  Parser k = breakComments

breakComments :: Lexer ([Comment void], [Comment LineFeed])
breakComments = k0 []
  k0 acc = do
    spaces <- nextWhile (== ' ')
    lines  <- nextWhile isLineFeed
        | Text.null spaces = acc
        | otherwise = Space (Text.length spaces) : acc
    if Text.null lines
      then do
        mbComm <- comment
        case mbComm of
          Just comm -> k0 (comm : acc')
          Nothing   -> pure (reverse acc', [])
        k1 acc' (goWs [] $ Text.unpack lines)

  k1 trl acc = do
    ws <- nextWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || isLineFeed c)
    let acc' = goWs acc $ Text.unpack ws
    mbComm <- comment
    case mbComm of
      Just comm -> k1 trl (comm : acc')
      Nothing   -> pure (reverse trl, reverse acc')

  goWs a ('\r' : '\n' : ls) = goWs (Line CRLF : a) ls
  goWs a ('\r' : ls) = goWs (Line CRLF : a) ls
  goWs a ('\n' : ls) = goWs (Line LF : a) ls
  goWs a (' ' : ls) = goSpace a 1 ls
  goWs a _ = a

  goSpace a !n (' ' : ls) = goSpace a (n + 1) ls
  goSpace a !n ls = goWs (Space n : a) ls

  isBlockComment = Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
    case Text.uncons inp of
      Just ('-', inp2) ->
        case Text.uncons inp2 of
          Just ('-', inp3) ->
            ksucc inp3 $ Just False
          _ ->
            ksucc inp Nothing
      Just ('{', inp2) ->
        case Text.uncons inp2 of
          Just ('-', inp3) ->
            ksucc inp3 $ Just True
          _ ->
            ksucc inp Nothing
      _ ->
        ksucc inp Nothing

  comment = isBlockComment >>= \case
    Just True  -> Just <$> blockComment "{-"
    Just False -> Just <$> lineComment "--"
    Nothing    -> pure $ Nothing

  lineComment acc = do
    comm <- nextWhile (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n')
    pure $ Comment (acc <> comm)

  blockComment acc = do
    chs <- nextWhile (/= '-')
    dashes <- nextWhile (== '-')
    if Text.null dashes
      then pure $ Comment $ acc <> chs
      else peek >>= \case
        Just '}' -> next $> Comment (acc <> chs <> dashes <> "}")
        _ -> blockComment (acc <> chs <> dashes)

token :: Lexer Token
token = peek >>= maybe (pure TokEof) k0
  k0 ch1 = case ch1 of
    '('  -> next *> leftParen
    ')'  -> next $> TokRightParen
    '{'  -> next $> TokLeftBrace
    '}'  -> next $> TokRightBrace
    '['  -> next $> TokLeftSquare
    ']'  -> next $> TokRightSquare
    '`'  -> next $> TokTick
    ','  -> next $> TokComma
    '∷'  -> next *> orOperator1 (TokDoubleColon Unicode) ch1
    '←'  -> next *> orOperator1 (TokLeftArrow Unicode) ch1
    '→'  -> next *> orOperator1 (TokRightArrow Unicode) ch1
    '⇒'  -> next *> orOperator1 (TokRightFatArrow Unicode) ch1
    '∀'  -> next *> orOperator1 (TokForall Unicode) ch1
    '|'  -> next *> orOperator1 TokPipe ch1
    '.'  -> next *> orOperator1 TokDot ch1
    '\\' -> next *> orOperator1 TokBackslash ch1
    '<'  -> next *> orOperator2 (TokLeftArrow ASCII) ch1 '-'
    '-'  -> next *> orOperator2 (TokRightArrow ASCII) ch1 '>'
    '='  -> next *> orOperator2' TokEquals (TokRightFatArrow ASCII) ch1 '>'
    ':'  -> next *> orOperator2' (TokOperator [] ":") (TokDoubleColon ASCII) ch1 ':'
    '?'  -> next *> hole
    '\'' -> next *> char
    '"'  -> next *> string
    _  | Char.isDigit ch1 -> restore (== ErrNumberOutOfRange) (next *> number ch1)
       | Char.isUpper ch1 -> next *> upper [] ch1
       | isIdentStart ch1 -> next *> lower [] ch1
       | isSymbolChar ch1 -> next *> operator [] [ch1]
       | otherwise        -> throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [ch1]) []

  {-# INLINE orOperator1 #-}
  orOperator1 :: Token -> Char -> Lexer Token
  orOperator1 tok ch1 = join $ Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
    case Text.uncons inp of
      Just (ch2, inp2) | isSymbolChar ch2 ->
        ksucc inp2 $ operator [] [ch1, ch2]
      _ ->
        ksucc inp $ pure tok

  {-# INLINE orOperator2 #-}
  orOperator2 :: Token -> Char -> Char -> Lexer Token
  orOperator2 tok ch1 ch2 = join $ Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
    case Text.uncons inp of
      Just (ch2', inp2) | ch2 == ch2' ->
        case Text.uncons inp2 of
          Just (ch3, inp3) | isSymbolChar ch3 ->
            ksucc inp3 $ operator [] [ch1, ch2, ch3]
          _ ->
            ksucc inp2 $ pure tok
      _ ->
        ksucc inp $ operator [] [ch1]

  {-# INLINE orOperator2' #-}
  orOperator2' :: Token -> Token -> Char -> Char -> Lexer Token
  orOperator2' tok1 tok2 ch1 ch2 = join $ Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
    case Text.uncons inp of
      Just (ch2', inp2) | ch2 == ch2' ->
        case Text.uncons inp2 of
          Just (ch3, inp3) | isSymbolChar ch3 ->
            ksucc inp3 $ operator [] [ch1, ch2, ch3]
          _ ->
            ksucc inp2 $ pure tok2
      Just (ch2', inp2) | isSymbolChar ch2' ->
        ksucc inp2 $ operator [] [ch1, ch2']
      _ ->
        ksucc inp $ pure tok1

      : '(' '→'  ')'
      | '(' '->' ')'
      | '('  symbolChar+  ')'
      | '('
  leftParen :: Lexer Token
  leftParen = Parser $ \inp kerr ksucc ->
    case Text.span isSymbolChar inp of
      (chs, inp2)
        | Text.null chs -> ksucc inp TokLeftParen
        | otherwise ->
            case Text.uncons inp2 of
              Just (')', inp3) ->
                case chs of
                  "→"  -> ksucc inp3 $ TokSymbolArr Unicode
                  "->" -> ksucc inp3 $ TokSymbolArr ASCII
                  _ | isReservedSymbol chs -> kerr inp ErrReservedSymbol
                    | otherwise -> ksucc inp3 $ TokSymbolName [] chs
              _ -> ksucc inp TokLeftParen

      : '(' symbolChar+ ')'
  symbol :: [Text] -> Lexer Token
  symbol qual = restore isReservedSymbolError $ peek >>= \case
    Just ch | isSymbolChar ch ->
      nextWhile isSymbolChar >>= \chs ->
        peek >>= \case
          Just ')'
            | isReservedSymbol chs -> throw ErrReservedSymbol
            | otherwise -> next $> TokSymbolName qual chs
          Just ch2 -> throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [ch2]) []
          Nothing  -> throw ErrEof
    Just ch -> throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [ch]) []
    Nothing -> throw ErrEof

      : symbolChar+
  operator :: [Text] -> [Char] -> Lexer Token
  operator qual pre = do
    rest <- nextWhile isSymbolChar
    pure . TokOperator (reverse qual) $ Text.pack pre <> rest

      : upperChar alphaNumChar*

      : (moduleName '.')* moduleName

      : (qualifier '.')? upperChar identChar*
      | qualifier '.' lowerQualified
      | qualifier '.' operator
      | qualifier '.' symbol
  upper :: [Text] -> Char -> Lexer Token
  upper qual pre = do
    rest <- nextWhile isIdentChar
    ch1  <- peek
    let name = Text.cons pre rest
    case ch1 of
      Just '.' -> do
        let qual' = name : qual
        next *> peek >>= \case
          Just '(' -> next *> symbol qual'
          Just ch2
            | Char.isUpper ch2 -> next *> upper qual' ch2
            | isIdentStart ch2 -> next *> lower qual' ch2
            | isSymbolChar ch2 -> next *> operator qual' [ch2]
            | otherwise -> throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [ch2]) []
          Nothing ->
            throw ErrEof
      _ ->
        pure $ TokUpperName (reverse qual) name

      : '_'
      | 'forall'
      | lowerChar identChar*

      : lowerChar identChar*
  lower :: [Text] -> Char -> Lexer Token
  lower qual pre = do
    rest <- nextWhile isIdentChar
    case pre of
      '_' | Text.null rest ->
        if null qual
          then pure TokUnderscore
          else throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [pre]) []
      _ ->
        case Text.cons pre rest of
          "forall" | null qual -> pure $ TokForall ASCII
          name -> pure $ TokLowerName (reverse qual) name

      : '?' identChar+
  hole :: Lexer Token
  hole = do
    name <- nextWhile isIdentChar
    if Text.null name
      then operator [] ['?']
      else pure $ TokHole name

      : "'" '\' escape "'"
      | "'" [^'] "'"
  char :: Lexer Token
  char = do
    (raw, ch) <- peek >>= \case
      Just '\\' -> do
        (raw, ch2) <- next *> escape
        pure (Text.cons '\\' raw, ch2)
      Just ch ->
        next $> (Text.singleton ch, ch)
      Nothing ->
        throw $ ErrEof
    peek >>= \case
      Just '\''
        | fromEnum ch > 0xFFFF -> throw ErrAstralCodePointInChar
        | otherwise -> next $> TokChar raw ch
      Just ch2 ->
        throw $ ErrLexeme (Just [ch2]) []
      _ ->
        throw $ ErrEof

      : '\' escape
      | '\' [ \r\n]+ '\'
      | [^"]

      : '"' stringPart* '"'
      | '"""' .* '"""'

    This assumes maximal munch for quotes. A raw string literal can end with
    any number of quotes, where the last 3 are considered the closing
  string :: Lexer Token
  string = do
    quotes1 <- nextWhile (== '"')
    case Text.length quotes1 of
      0 -> do
          go raw acc = do
            chs <- nextWhile isNormalStringChar
              raw' = raw <> chs
              acc' = acc <> DList.fromList (Text.unpack chs)
            peek >>= \case
              Just '"'  -> next $> TokString raw' (fromString (DList.toList acc'))
              Just '\\' -> next *> goEscape (raw' <> "\\") acc'
              Just _    -> throw ErrLineFeedInString
              Nothing   -> throw ErrEof

          goEscape raw acc = do
            mbCh <- peek
            case mbCh of
              Just ch1 | isStringGapChar ch1 -> do
                gap <- nextWhile isStringGapChar
                peek >>= \case
                  Just '"'  -> next $> TokString (raw <> gap) (fromString (DList.toList acc))
                  Just '\\' -> next *> go (raw <> gap <> "\\") acc
                  Just ch   -> throw $ ErrCharInGap ch
                  Nothing   -> throw ErrEof
              _ -> do
                (raw', ch) <- escape
                go (raw <> raw') (acc <> DList.singleton ch)
        go "" mempty
      1 ->
        pure $ TokString "" ""
      n | n >= 5 -> do
        let str = Text.take 5 quotes1
        pure $ TokString str (fromString (Text.unpack str))
      _ -> do
          go acc = do
            chs <- nextWhile (/= '"')
            quotes2 <- nextWhile (== '"')
            case Text.length quotes2 of
              0          -> throw ErrEof
              n | n >= 3 -> pure $ TokRawString $ acc <> chs <> Text.drop 3 quotes2
              _          -> go (acc <> chs <> quotes2)
        go ""

      : 't'
      | 'r'
      | 'n'
      | "'"
      | '"'
      | 'x' [0-9a-fA-F]{0,6}
  escape :: Lexer (Text, Char)
  escape = do
    ch <- peek
    case ch of
      Just 't'  -> next $> ("t", '\t')
      Just 'r'  -> next $> ("r", '\r')
      Just 'n'  -> next $> ("n", '\n')
      Just '"'  -> next $> ("\"", '"')
      Just '\'' -> next $> ("'", '\'')
      Just '\\' -> next $> ("\\", '\\')
      Just 'x'  -> (*>) next $ Parser $ \inp kerr ksucc -> do
          go n acc (ch' : chs)
            | Char.isHexDigit ch' = go (n * 16 + Char.digitToInt ch') (ch' : acc) chs
          go n acc _
            | n <= 0x10FFFF =
                ksucc (Text.drop (length acc) inp)
                  ("x" <> Text.pack (reverse acc), Char.chr n)
            | otherwise =
                kerr inp ErrCharEscape -- TODO
        go 0 [] $ Text.unpack $ Text.take 6 inp
      _ -> throw ErrCharEscape

      : hexadecimal
      | integer ('.'  fraction)? exponent?
  number :: Char -> Lexer Token
  number ch1 = peek >>= \ch2 -> case (ch1, ch2) of
    ('0', Just 'x') -> next *> hexadecimal
    (_, _) -> do
      mbInt <- integer1 ch1
      mbFraction <- fraction
      case (mbInt, mbFraction) of
        (Just (raw, int), Nothing) -> do
          let int' = digitsToInteger int
          exponent >>= \case
            Just (raw', exp) ->
              sciDouble (raw <> raw') $ Sci.scientific int' exp
            Nothing ->
              pure $ TokInt raw int'
        (Just (raw, int), Just (raw', frac)) -> do
          let sci = digitsToScientific int frac
          exponent >>= \case
            Just (raw'', exp) ->
              sciDouble (raw <> raw' <> raw'') $ uncurry Sci.scientific $ (+ exp) <$> sci
            Nothing ->
              sciDouble (raw <> raw') $ uncurry Sci.scientific sci
        (Nothing, Just (raw, frac)) -> do
          let sci = digitsToScientific [] frac
          exponent >>= \case
            Just (raw', exp) ->
              sciDouble (raw <> raw') $ uncurry Sci.scientific $ (+ exp) <$> sci
            Nothing ->
              sciDouble raw $ uncurry Sci.scientific sci
        (Nothing, Nothing) ->
          peek >>= \ch -> throw $ ErrLexeme (pure <$> ch) []

  sciDouble :: Text -> Sci.Scientific -> Lexer Token
  sciDouble raw sci = case Sci.toBoundedRealFloat sci of
    Left _ -> throw ErrNumberOutOfRange
    Right n -> pure $ TokNumber raw n

      : '0'
      | [1-9] digits
  integer :: Lexer (Maybe (Text, String))
  integer = peek >>= \case
    Just '0' -> next *> peek >>= \case
      Just ch | isNumberChar ch -> throw ErrLeadingZero
      _ -> pure $ Just ("0", "0")
    Just ch | isDigitChar ch -> Just <$> digits
    _ -> pure $ Nothing

      : '0'
      | [1-9] digits

    This is the same as 'integer', the only difference is that this expects the
    first char to be consumed during dispatch.
  integer1 :: Char -> Lexer (Maybe (Text, String))
  integer1 = \case
    '0' -> peek >>= \case
      Just ch | isNumberChar ch -> throw ErrLeadingZero
      _ -> pure $ Just ("0", "0")
    ch | isDigitChar ch -> do
      (raw, chs) <- digits
      pure $ Just (Text.cons ch raw, ch : chs)
    _ -> pure $ Nothing

      : '.' [0-9_]+
  fraction :: Lexer (Maybe (Text, String))
  fraction = Parser $ \inp _ ksucc ->
    -- We need more than a single char lookahead for things like `1..10`.
    case Text.uncons inp of
      Just ('.', inp')
        | (raw, inp'') <- Text.span isNumberChar inp'
        , not (Text.null raw) ->
            ksucc inp'' $ Just ("." <> raw, filter (/= '_') $ Text.unpack raw)
      _ ->
        ksucc inp Nothing

      : [0-9_]*

    Digits can contain underscores, which are ignored.
  digits :: Lexer (Text, String)
  digits = do
    raw <- nextWhile isNumberChar
    pure (raw, filter (/= '_') $ Text.unpack raw)

      : 'e' ('+' | '-')? integer
  exponent :: Lexer (Maybe (Text, Int))
  exponent = peek >>= \case
    Just 'e' -> do
      (neg, sign) <- next *> peek >>= \case
        Just '-' -> next $> (True, "-")
        Just '+' -> next $> (False, "+")
        _   -> pure (False, "")
      integer >>= \case
        Just (raw, chs) -> do
            int | neg = negate $ digitsToInteger chs
                | otherwise = digitsToInteger chs
          pure $ Just ("e" <> sign <> raw, fromInteger int)
        Nothing -> throw ErrExpectedExponent
    _ ->
      pure Nothing

      : '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+
  hexadecimal :: Lexer Token
  hexadecimal = do
    chs <- nextWhile Char.isHexDigit
    if Text.null chs
      then throw ErrExpectedHex
      else pure $ TokInt ("0x" <> chs) $ digitsToIntegerBase 16 $ Text.unpack chs

digitsToInteger :: [Char] -> Integer
digitsToInteger = digitsToIntegerBase 10

digitsToIntegerBase :: Integer -> [Char] -> Integer
digitsToIntegerBase b = foldl' (\n c -> n * b + (toInteger (Char.digitToInt c))) 0

digitsToScientific :: [Char] -> [Char] -> (Integer, Int)
digitsToScientific = go 0 . reverse
  go !exp is [] = (digitsToInteger (reverse is), exp)
  go !exp is (f : fs) = go (exp - 1) (f : is) fs

isSymbolChar :: Char -> Bool
isSymbolChar c = (c `elem` (":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" :: [Char])) || (not (Char.isAscii c) && Char.isSymbol c)

isReservedSymbolError :: ParserErrorType -> Bool
isReservedSymbolError = (== ErrReservedSymbol)

isReservedSymbol :: Text -> Bool
isReservedSymbol = flip elem symbols
  symbols =
    [ "::"
    , "∷"
    , "<-"
    , "←"
    , "->"
    , "→"
    , "=>"
    , "⇒"
    , "∀"
    , "|"
    , "."
    , "\\"
    , "="

isIdentStart :: Char -> Bool
isIdentStart c = Char.isLower c || c == '_'

isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''

isDigitChar :: Char -> Bool
isDigitChar c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'

isNumberChar :: Char -> Bool
isNumberChar c = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_'

isNormalStringChar :: Char -> Bool
isNormalStringChar c = c /= '"' && c /= '\\' && c /= '\r' && c /= '\n'

isStringGapChar :: Char -> Bool
isStringGapChar c = c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'

isLineFeed :: Char -> Bool
isLineFeed c = c == '\r' || c == '\n'

-- | Checks if some identifier is a valid unquoted key.
isUnquotedKey :: Text -> Bool
isUnquotedKey t =
  case Text.uncons t of
    Nothing ->
    Just (hd, tl) ->
      isIdentStart hd && Text.all isIdentChar tl