{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Language.PureScript.Types where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Label (Label)
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString)
import Lens.Micro.Platform (Lens', (^.), set)
type SourceType = Type SourceAnn
type SourceConstraint = Constraint SourceAnn
newtype SkolemScope = SkolemScope { runSkolemScope :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, A.ToJSON, A.FromJSON, Generic)
instance NFData SkolemScope
instance Serialise SkolemScope
data Type a
= TUnknown a Int
| TypeVar a Text
| TypeLevelString a PSString
| TypeWildcard a (Maybe Text)
| TypeConstructor a (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName))
| TypeOp a (Qualified (OpName 'TypeOpName))
| TypeApp a (Type a) (Type a)
| ForAll a Text (Maybe (Kind a)) (Type a) (Maybe SkolemScope)
| ConstrainedType a (Constraint a) (Type a)
| Skolem a Text Int SkolemScope
| REmpty a
| RCons a Label (Type a) (Type a)
| KindedType a (Type a) (Kind a)
| BinaryNoParensType a (Type a) (Type a) (Type a)
| ParensInType a (Type a)
deriving (Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance NFData a => NFData (Type a)
instance Serialise a => Serialise (Type a)
srcTUnknown :: Int -> SourceType
srcTUnknown = TUnknown NullSourceAnn
srcTypeVar :: Text -> SourceType
srcTypeVar = TypeVar NullSourceAnn
srcTypeLevelString :: PSString -> SourceType
srcTypeLevelString = TypeLevelString NullSourceAnn
srcTypeWildcard :: SourceType
srcTypeWildcard = TypeWildcard NullSourceAnn Nothing
srcTypeConstructor :: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName) -> SourceType
srcTypeConstructor = TypeConstructor NullSourceAnn
srcTypeOp :: Qualified (OpName 'TypeOpName) -> SourceType
srcTypeOp = TypeOp NullSourceAnn
srcTypeApp :: SourceType -> SourceType -> SourceType
srcTypeApp = TypeApp NullSourceAnn
srcForAll :: Text -> Maybe SourceKind -> SourceType -> Maybe SkolemScope -> SourceType
srcForAll = ForAll NullSourceAnn
srcConstrainedType :: SourceConstraint -> SourceType -> SourceType
srcConstrainedType = ConstrainedType NullSourceAnn
srcSkolem :: Text -> Int -> SkolemScope -> SourceType
srcSkolem = Skolem NullSourceAnn
srcREmpty :: SourceType
srcREmpty = REmpty NullSourceAnn
srcRCons :: Label -> SourceType -> SourceType -> SourceType
srcRCons = RCons NullSourceAnn
srcKindedType :: SourceType -> SourceKind -> SourceType
srcKindedType = KindedType NullSourceAnn
srcBinaryNoParensType :: SourceType -> SourceType -> SourceType -> SourceType
srcBinaryNoParensType = BinaryNoParensType NullSourceAnn
srcParensInType :: SourceType -> SourceType
srcParensInType = ParensInType NullSourceAnn
data ConstraintData
= PartialConstraintData [[Text]] Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance NFData ConstraintData
instance Serialise ConstraintData
data Constraint a = Constraint
{ constraintAnn :: a
, constraintClass :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
, constraintArgs :: [Type a]
, constraintData :: Maybe ConstraintData
} deriving (Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance NFData a => NFData (Constraint a)
instance Serialise a => Serialise (Constraint a)
srcConstraint :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [SourceType] -> Maybe ConstraintData -> SourceConstraint
srcConstraint = Constraint NullSourceAnn
mapConstraintArgs :: ([Type a] -> [Type a]) -> Constraint a -> Constraint a
mapConstraintArgs f c = c { constraintArgs = f (constraintArgs c) }
overConstraintArgs :: Functor f => ([Type a] -> f [Type a]) -> Constraint a -> f (Constraint a)
overConstraintArgs f c = (\args -> c { constraintArgs = args }) <$> f (constraintArgs c)
constraintDataToJSON :: ConstraintData -> A.Value
constraintDataToJSON (PartialConstraintData bs trunc) =
[ "contents" .= (bs, trunc)
constraintToJSON :: (a -> A.Value) -> Constraint a -> A.Value
constraintToJSON annToJSON (Constraint {..}) =
[ "constraintAnn" .= annToJSON constraintAnn
, "constraintClass" .= constraintClass
, "constraintArgs" .= fmap (typeToJSON annToJSON) constraintArgs
, "constraintData" .= fmap constraintDataToJSON constraintData
typeToJSON :: forall a. (a -> A.Value) -> Type a -> A.Value
typeToJSON annToJSON ty =
case ty of
TUnknown a b ->
variant "TUnknown" a b
TypeVar a b ->
variant "TypeVar" a b
TypeLevelString a b ->
variant "TypeLevelString" a b
TypeWildcard a b ->
variant "TypeWildcard" a b
TypeConstructor a b ->
variant "TypeConstructor" a b
TypeOp a b ->
variant "TypeOp" a b
TypeApp a b c ->
variant "TypeApp" a (go b, go c)
ForAll a b c d e ->
case c of
Nothing -> variant "ForAll" a (b, go d, e)
Just k -> variant "ForAll" a (b, kindToJSON annToJSON k, go d, e)
ConstrainedType a b c ->
variant "ConstrainedType" a (constraintToJSON annToJSON b, go c)
Skolem a b c d ->
variant "Skolem" a (b, c, d)
REmpty a ->
nullary "REmpty" a
RCons a b c d ->
variant "RCons" a (b, go c, go d)
KindedType a b c ->
variant "KindedType" a (go b, kindToJSON annToJSON c)
BinaryNoParensType a b c d ->
variant "BinaryNoParensType" a (go b, go c, go d)
ParensInType a b ->
variant "ParensInType" a (go b)
go :: Type a -> A.Value
go = typeToJSON annToJSON
variant :: A.ToJSON b => String -> a -> b -> A.Value
variant tag ann contents =
[ "tag" .= tag
, "annotation" .= annToJSON ann
, "contents" .= contents
nullary :: String -> a -> A.Value
nullary tag ann =
[ "tag" .= tag
, "annotation" .= annToJSON ann
instance A.ToJSON a => A.ToJSON (Type a) where
toJSON = typeToJSON A.toJSON
instance A.ToJSON a => A.ToJSON (Constraint a) where
toJSON = constraintToJSON A.toJSON
instance A.ToJSON ConstraintData where
toJSON = constraintDataToJSON
constraintDataFromJSON :: A.Value -> A.Parser ConstraintData
constraintDataFromJSON = A.withObject "PartialConstraintData" $ \o -> do
(bs, trunc) <- o .: "contents"
pure $ PartialConstraintData bs trunc
constraintFromJSON :: forall a. A.Parser a -> (A.Value -> A.Parser a) -> A.Value -> A.Parser (Constraint a)
constraintFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON = A.withObject "Constraint" $ \o -> do
constraintAnn <- (o .: "constraintAnn" >>= annFromJSON) <|> defaultAnn
constraintClass <- o .: "constraintClass"
constraintArgs <- o .: "constraintArgs" >>= traverse (typeFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON)
constraintData <- o .: "constraintData" >>= traverse constraintDataFromJSON
pure $ Constraint {..}
typeFromJSON :: forall a. A.Parser a -> (A.Value -> A.Parser a) -> A.Value -> A.Parser (Type a)
typeFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON = A.withObject "Type" $ \o -> do
tag <- o .: "tag"
a <- (o .: "annotation" >>= annFromJSON) <|> defaultAnn
contents :: A.FromJSON b => A.Parser b
contents = o .: "contents"
case tag of
"TUnknown" ->
TUnknown a <$> contents
"TypeVar" ->
TypeVar a <$> contents
"TypeLevelString" ->
TypeLevelString a <$> contents
"TypeWildcard" -> do
b <- contents <|> pure Nothing
pure $ TypeWildcard a b
"TypeConstructor" ->
TypeConstructor a <$> contents
"TypeOp" ->
TypeOp a <$> contents
"TypeApp" -> do
(b, c) <- contents
TypeApp a <$> go b <*> go c
"ForAll" -> do
withoutMbKind = do
(b, c, d) <- contents
ForAll a b Nothing <$> go c <*> pure d
withMbKind = do
(b, c, d, e) <- contents
ForAll a b <$> (Just <$> kindFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON c) <*> go d <*> pure e
withMbKind <|> withoutMbKind
"ConstrainedType" -> do
(b, c) <- contents
ConstrainedType a <$> constraintFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON b <*> go c
"Skolem" -> do
(b, c, d) <- contents
pure $ Skolem a b c d
"REmpty" ->
pure $ REmpty a
"RCons" -> do
(b, c, d) <- contents
RCons a b <$> go c <*> go d
"KindedType" -> do
(b, c) <- contents
KindedType a <$> go b <*> kindFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON c
"BinaryNoParensType" -> do
(b, c, d) <- contents
BinaryNoParensType a <$> go b <*> go c <*> go d
"ParensInType" -> do
b <- contents
ParensInType a <$> go b
other ->
fail $ "Unrecognised tag: " ++ other
go :: A.Value -> A.Parser (Type a)
go = typeFromJSON defaultAnn annFromJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON (Type SourceAnn) where
parseJSON = typeFromJSON (pure NullSourceAnn) A.parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON (Type ()) where
parseJSON = typeFromJSON (pure ()) A.parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON a => A.FromJSON (Type a) where
parseJSON = typeFromJSON (fail "Invalid annotation") A.parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON (Constraint SourceAnn) where
parseJSON = constraintFromJSON (pure NullSourceAnn) A.parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON (Constraint ()) where
parseJSON = constraintFromJSON (pure ()) A.parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} A.FromJSON a => A.FromJSON (Constraint a) where
parseJSON = constraintFromJSON (fail "Invalid annotation") A.parseJSON
instance A.FromJSON ConstraintData where
parseJSON = constraintDataFromJSON
data RowListItem a = RowListItem
{ rowListAnn :: a
, rowListLabel :: Label
, rowListType :: Type a
} deriving (Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
srcRowListItem :: Label -> SourceType -> RowListItem SourceAnn
srcRowListItem = RowListItem NullSourceAnn
rowToList :: Type a -> ([RowListItem a], Type a)
rowToList = go where
go (RCons ann name ty row) =
first (RowListItem ann name ty :) (rowToList row)
go r = ([], r)
rowToSortedList :: Type a -> ([RowListItem a], Type a)
rowToSortedList = first (sortBy (comparing rowListLabel)) . rowToList
rowFromList :: ([RowListItem a], Type a) -> Type a
rowFromList (xs, r) = foldr (\(RowListItem ann name ty) -> RCons ann name ty) r xs
isMonoType :: Type a -> Bool
isMonoType ForAll{} = False
isMonoType (ParensInType _ t) = isMonoType t
isMonoType (KindedType _ t _) = isMonoType t
isMonoType _ = True
mkForAll :: [(a, (Text, Maybe (Kind a)))] -> Type a -> Type a
mkForAll args ty = foldl (\t (ann, (arg, mbK)) -> ForAll ann arg mbK t Nothing) ty args
replaceTypeVars :: Text -> Type a -> Type a -> Type a
replaceTypeVars v r = replaceAllTypeVars [(v, r)]
replaceAllTypeVars :: [(Text, Type a)] -> Type a -> Type a
replaceAllTypeVars = go [] where
go :: [Text] -> [(Text, Type a)] -> Type a -> Type a
go _ m (TypeVar ann v) = fromMaybe (TypeVar ann v) (v `lookup` m)
go bs m (TypeApp ann t1 t2) = TypeApp ann (go bs m t1) (go bs m t2)
go bs m f@(ForAll ann v mbK t sco)
| v `elem` keys = go bs (filter ((/= v) . fst) m) f
| v `elem` usedVars =
let v' = genName v (keys ++ bs ++ usedVars)
t' = go bs [(v, TypeVar ann v')] t
in ForAll ann v' mbK (go (v' : bs) m t') sco
| otherwise = ForAll ann v mbK (go (v : bs) m t) sco
keys = map fst m
usedVars = concatMap (usedTypeVariables . snd) m
go bs m (ConstrainedType ann c t) = ConstrainedType ann (mapConstraintArgs (map (go bs m)) c) (go bs m t)
go bs m (RCons ann name' t r) = RCons ann name' (go bs m t) (go bs m r)
go bs m (KindedType ann t k) = KindedType ann (go bs m t) k
go bs m (BinaryNoParensType ann t1 t2 t3) = BinaryNoParensType ann (go bs m t1) (go bs m t2) (go bs m t3)
go bs m (ParensInType ann t) = ParensInType ann (go bs m t)
go _ _ ty = ty
genName orig inUse = try' 0 where
try' :: Integer -> Text
try' n | (orig <> T.pack (show n)) `elem` inUse = try' (n + 1)
| otherwise = orig <> T.pack (show n)
usedTypeVariables :: Type a -> [Text]
usedTypeVariables = ordNub . everythingOnTypes (++) go where
go (TypeVar _ v) = [v]
go _ = []
freeTypeVariables :: Type a -> [Text]
freeTypeVariables = ordNub . go [] where
go :: [Text] -> Type a -> [Text]
go bound (TypeVar _ v) | v `notElem` bound = [v]
go bound (TypeApp _ t1 t2) = go bound t1 ++ go bound t2
go bound (ForAll _ v _ t _) = go (v : bound) t
go bound (ConstrainedType _ c t) = concatMap (go bound) (constraintArgs c) ++ go bound t
go bound (RCons _ _ t r) = go bound t ++ go bound r
go bound (KindedType _ t _) = go bound t
go bound (BinaryNoParensType _ t1 t2 t3) = go bound t1 ++ go bound t2 ++ go bound t3
go bound (ParensInType _ t) = go bound t
go _ _ = []
quantify :: Type a -> Type a
quantify ty = foldr (\arg t -> ForAll (getAnnForType ty) arg Nothing t Nothing) ty $ freeTypeVariables ty
moveQuantifiersToFront :: Type a -> Type a
moveQuantifiersToFront = go [] [] where
go qs cs (ForAll ann q mbK ty sco) = go ((ann, q, sco, mbK) : qs) cs ty
go qs cs (ConstrainedType ann c ty) = go qs ((ann, c) : cs) ty
go qs cs ty = foldl (\ty' (ann, q, sco, mbK) -> ForAll ann q mbK ty' sco) (foldl (\ty' (ann, c) -> ConstrainedType ann c ty') ty cs) qs
containsWildcards :: Type a -> Bool
containsWildcards = everythingOnTypes (||) go where
go :: Type a -> Bool
go TypeWildcard{} = True
go _ = False
containsForAll :: Type a -> Bool
containsForAll = everythingOnTypes (||) go where
go :: Type a -> Bool
go ForAll{} = True
go _ = False
everywhereOnTypes :: (Type a -> Type a) -> Type a -> Type a
everywhereOnTypes f = go where
go (TypeApp ann t1 t2) = f (TypeApp ann (go t1) (go t2))
go (ForAll ann arg mbK ty sco) = f (ForAll ann arg mbK (go ty) sco)
go (ConstrainedType ann c ty) = f (ConstrainedType ann (mapConstraintArgs (map go) c) (go ty))
go (RCons ann name ty rest) = f (RCons ann name (go ty) (go rest))
go (KindedType ann ty k) = f (KindedType ann (go ty) k)
go (BinaryNoParensType ann t1 t2 t3) = f (BinaryNoParensType ann (go t1) (go t2) (go t3))
go (ParensInType ann t) = f (ParensInType ann (go t))
go other = f other
everywhereOnTypesTopDown :: (Type a -> Type a) -> Type a -> Type a
everywhereOnTypesTopDown f = go . f where
go (TypeApp ann t1 t2) = TypeApp ann (go (f t1)) (go (f t2))
go (ForAll ann arg mbK ty sco) = ForAll ann arg mbK (go (f ty)) sco
go (ConstrainedType ann c ty) = ConstrainedType ann (mapConstraintArgs (map (go . f)) c) (go (f ty))
go (RCons ann name ty rest) = RCons ann name (go (f ty)) (go (f rest))
go (KindedType ann ty k) = KindedType ann (go (f ty)) k
go (BinaryNoParensType ann t1 t2 t3) = BinaryNoParensType ann (go (f t1)) (go (f t2)) (go (f t3))
go (ParensInType ann t) = ParensInType ann (go (f t))
go other = f other
everywhereOnTypesM :: Monad m => (Type a -> m (Type a)) -> Type a -> m (Type a)
everywhereOnTypesM f = go where
go (TypeApp ann t1 t2) = (TypeApp ann <$> go t1 <*> go t2) >>= f
go (ForAll ann arg mbK ty sco) = (ForAll ann arg mbK <$> go ty <*> pure sco) >>= f
go (ConstrainedType ann c ty) = (ConstrainedType ann <$> overConstraintArgs (mapM go) c <*> go ty) >>= f
go (RCons ann name ty rest) = (RCons ann name <$> go ty <*> go rest) >>= f
go (KindedType ann ty k) = (KindedType ann <$> go ty <*> pure k) >>= f
go (BinaryNoParensType ann t1 t2 t3) = (BinaryNoParensType ann <$> go t1 <*> go t2 <*> go t3) >>= f
go (ParensInType ann t) = (ParensInType ann <$> go t) >>= f
go other = f other
everywhereOnTypesTopDownM :: Monad m => (Type a -> m (Type a)) -> Type a -> m (Type a)
everywhereOnTypesTopDownM f = go <=< f where
go (TypeApp ann t1 t2) = TypeApp ann <$> (f t1 >>= go) <*> (f t2 >>= go)
go (ForAll ann arg mbK ty sco) = ForAll ann arg mbK <$> (f ty >>= go) <*> pure sco
go (ConstrainedType ann c ty) = ConstrainedType ann <$> overConstraintArgs (mapM (go <=< f)) c <*> (f ty >>= go)
go (RCons ann name ty rest) = RCons ann name <$> (f ty >>= go) <*> (f rest >>= go)
go (KindedType ann ty k) = KindedType ann <$> (f ty >>= go) <*> pure k
go (BinaryNoParensType ann t1 t2 t3) = BinaryNoParensType ann <$> (f t1 >>= go) <*> (f t2 >>= go) <*> (f t3 >>= go)
go (ParensInType ann t) = ParensInType ann <$> (f t >>= go)
go other = f other
everythingOnTypes :: (r -> r -> r) -> (Type a -> r) -> Type a -> r
everythingOnTypes (<+>) f = go where
go t@(TypeApp _ t1 t2) = f t <+> go t1 <+> go t2
go t@(ForAll _ _ _ ty _) = f t <+> go ty
go t@(ConstrainedType _ c ty) = foldl (<+>) (f t) (map go (constraintArgs c)) <+> go ty
go t@(RCons _ _ ty rest) = f t <+> go ty <+> go rest
go t@(KindedType _ ty _) = f t <+> go ty
go t@(BinaryNoParensType _ t1 t2 t3) = f t <+> go t1 <+> go t2 <+> go t3
go t@(ParensInType _ t1) = f t <+> go t1
go other = f other
everythingWithContextOnTypes :: s -> r -> (r -> r -> r) -> (s -> Type a -> (s, r)) -> Type a -> r
everythingWithContextOnTypes s0 r0 (<+>) f = go' s0 where
go' s t = let (s', r) = f s t in r <+> go s' t
go s (TypeApp _ t1 t2) = go' s t1 <+> go' s t2
go s (ForAll _ _ _ ty _) = go' s ty
go s (ConstrainedType _ c ty) = foldl (<+>) r0 (map (go' s) (constraintArgs c)) <+> go' s ty
go s (RCons _ _ ty rest) = go' s ty <+> go' s rest
go s (KindedType _ ty _) = go' s ty
go s (BinaryNoParensType _ t1 t2 t3) = go' s t1 <+> go' s t2 <+> go' s t3
go s (ParensInType _ t1) = go' s t1
go _ _ = r0
annForType :: Lens' (Type a) a
annForType k (TUnknown a b) = (\z -> TUnknown z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeVar a b) = (\z -> TypeVar z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeLevelString a b) = (\z -> TypeLevelString z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeWildcard a b) = (\z -> TypeWildcard z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeConstructor a b) = (\z -> TypeConstructor z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeOp a b) = (\z -> TypeOp z b) <$> k a
annForType k (TypeApp a b c) = (\z -> TypeApp z b c) <$> k a
annForType k (ForAll a b c d e) = (\z -> ForAll z b c d e) <$> k a
annForType k (ConstrainedType a b c) = (\z -> ConstrainedType z b c) <$> k a
annForType k (Skolem a b c d) = (\z -> Skolem z b c d) <$> k a
annForType k (REmpty a) = REmpty <$> k a
annForType k (RCons a b c d) = (\z -> RCons z b c d) <$> k a
annForType k (KindedType a b c) = (\z -> KindedType z b c) <$> k a
annForType k (BinaryNoParensType a b c d) = (\z -> BinaryNoParensType z b c d) <$> k a
annForType k (ParensInType a b) = (\z -> ParensInType z b) <$> k a
getAnnForType :: Type a -> a
getAnnForType = (^. annForType)
setAnnForType :: a -> Type a -> Type a
setAnnForType = set annForType
instance Eq (Type a) where
(==) = eqType
instance Ord (Type a) where
compare = compareType
eqType :: Type a -> Type b -> Bool
eqType (TUnknown _ a) (TUnknown _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeVar _ a) (TypeVar _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeLevelString _ a) (TypeLevelString _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeWildcard _ a) (TypeWildcard _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeConstructor _ a) (TypeConstructor _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeOp _ a) (TypeOp _ a') = a == a'
eqType (TypeApp _ a b) (TypeApp _ a' b') = eqType a a' && eqType b b'
eqType (ForAll _ a b c d) (ForAll _ a' b' c' d') = a == a' && eqMaybeKind b b' && eqType c c' && d == d'
eqType (ConstrainedType _ a b) (ConstrainedType _ a' b') = eqConstraint a a' && eqType b b'
eqType (Skolem _ a b c) (Skolem _ a' b' c') = a == a' && b == b' && c == c'
eqType (REmpty _) (REmpty _) = True
eqType (RCons _ a b c) (RCons _ a' b' c') = a == a' && eqType b b' && eqType c c'
eqType (KindedType _ a b) (KindedType _ a' b') = eqType a a' && eqKind b b'
eqType (BinaryNoParensType _ a b c) (BinaryNoParensType _ a' b' c') = eqType a a' && eqType b b' && eqType c c'
eqType (ParensInType _ a) (ParensInType _ a') = eqType a a'
eqType _ _ = False
compareType :: Type a -> Type b -> Ordering
compareType (TUnknown _ a) (TUnknown _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TUnknown {}) _ = LT
compareType (TypeVar _ a) (TypeVar _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TypeVar {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeVar {}) = GT
compareType (TypeLevelString _ a) (TypeLevelString _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TypeLevelString {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeLevelString {}) = GT
compareType (TypeWildcard _ a) (TypeWildcard _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TypeWildcard {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeWildcard {}) = GT
compareType (TypeConstructor _ a) (TypeConstructor _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TypeConstructor {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeConstructor {}) = GT
compareType (TypeOp _ a) (TypeOp _ a') = compare a a'
compareType (TypeOp {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeOp {}) = GT
compareType (TypeApp _ a b) (TypeApp _ a' b') = compareType a a' <> compareType b b'
compareType (TypeApp {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (TypeApp {}) = GT
compareType (ForAll _ a b c d) (ForAll _ a' b' c' d') = compare a a' <> compareMaybeKind b b' <> compareType c c' <> compare d d'
compareType (ForAll {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (ForAll {}) = GT
compareType (ConstrainedType _ a b) (ConstrainedType _ a' b') = compareConstraint a a' <> compareType b b'
compareType (ConstrainedType {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (ConstrainedType {}) = GT
compareType (Skolem _ a b c) (Skolem _ a' b' c') = compare a a' <> compare b b' <> compare c c'
compareType (Skolem {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (Skolem {}) = GT
compareType (REmpty _) (REmpty _) = EQ
compareType (REmpty _) _ = LT
compareType _ (REmpty _) = GT
compareType (RCons _ a b c) (RCons _ a' b' c') = compare a a' <> compareType b b' <> compareType c c'
compareType (RCons {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (RCons {}) = GT
compareType (KindedType _ a b) (KindedType _ a' b') = compareType a a' <> compareKind b b'
compareType (KindedType {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (KindedType {}) = GT
compareType (BinaryNoParensType _ a b c) (BinaryNoParensType _ a' b' c') = compareType a a' <> compareType b b' <> compareType c c'
compareType (BinaryNoParensType {}) _ = LT
compareType _ (BinaryNoParensType {}) = GT
compareType (ParensInType _ a) (ParensInType _ a') = compareType a a'
compareType (ParensInType {}) _ = GT
instance Eq (Constraint a) where
(==) = eqConstraint
instance Ord (Constraint a) where
compare = compareConstraint
eqConstraint :: Constraint a -> Constraint b -> Bool
eqConstraint (Constraint _ a b c) (Constraint _ a' b' c') = a == a' && and (zipWith eqType b b') && c == c'
compareConstraint :: Constraint a -> Constraint b -> Ordering
compareConstraint (Constraint _ a b c) (Constraint _ a' b' c') = compare a a' <> fold (zipWith compareType b b') <> compare c c'