purescript-bridge- Generate PureScript data types from Haskell data types

Safe HaskellSafe




bridgeSumType :: TypeBridge -> SumType -> SumType Source

Translate leaf types in a sum type to match PureScript types.

defaultBridge :: TypeBridge Source

Default bridge for mapping primitive/common types: You can append your own bridges like this:

 defaultBridge <|> myBridge1 <|> myBridge2

Find examples for bridge definitions in Language.PureScript.Bridge.Primitives and Language.PureScript.Bridge.Tuple.

writePSTypes :: TypeBridge -> FilePath -> [SumType] -> IO () Source

Your entry point to this library and quite likely all you will need. Make sure all your types derive Generic and Typeable. Typeable is not needed from ghc-7.10 on.

Then list all your types you want to use in PureScript and call writePSTypes:

 let myTypes = [
     toSumType (Proxy :: Proxy MyType1)
   , toSumType (Proxy :: Proxy MyType2)

 writePSTypes defaultBridge "path/to/your/purescript/project" myTypes

You can define your own type bridges based on defaultBridge:

 myBridge = 'defaultBridge' <|> mySpecialTypeBridge

and use it with writePSTypes:

 writePSTypes myBridge "path/to/your/purescript/project" myTypes

Find examples for implementing your own type bridges in: Language.PureScript.Bridge.Primitives.


writePSTypes will write out PureScript modules to the given path, mirroring the hierarchy of the Haskell modules the types came from. In addition a list of needed PS packages is printed to the console.

The list of needed packages is retrieved from the bridged TypeInfo data, so make sure you set typePackage correctly in your own bridges, in order for this feature to be useful.

Real world usage example:

A real world use case of this library can be found here.


This function overwrites files - make backups or use version control!