{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

Module      : Network.Pusher.Data
Description : Data structure representing Pusher concepts and config
Copyright   : (c) Will Sewell, 2016
Licence     : MIT
Maintainer  : me@willsewell.com
Stability   : experimental

You must create an instance of the Pusher datatype with your particular Pusher
app credentials in order to run the main API functions.

The other types represent Pusher channels and Pusher event fields.
module Network.Pusher.Data (
  -- * Pusher config data type
  , AppKey
  , AppSecret
  , Pusher(..)
  , Credentials(..)
  , Cluster(..)
  , clusterMt1
  , clusterEu
  , clusterAp1
  , clusterAp2
  , getPusher
  , getPusherWithHost
  , getPusherWithConnManager
  -- * Channels
  , Channel(..)
  , ChannelName
  , ChannelType(..)
  , renderChannel
  , renderChannelPrefix
  , parseChannel
  -- Events
  , Event
  , EventData
  , SocketID
  -- * Notifications
  , Notification(..)
  , Interest
  , mkInterest
  , WebhookURL
  , WebhookLevel(..)
  , APNSPayload(..)
  , GCMPayload(..)
  , FCMPayload(..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
       (Manager, defaultManagerSettings, newManager)

import Network.Pusher.Internal.Util
       (failExpectArray, failExpectObj, failExpectSingletonArray,
        failExpectStr, show')

type AppID = Integer

type AppKey = B.ByteString

type AppSecret = B.ByteString

-- |All the required configuration needed to interact with the API.
data Pusher = Pusher
  { pusherHost :: T.Text
  , pusherPath :: T.Text
  , pusherNotifyHost :: T.Text
  , pusherNotifyPath :: T.Text
  , pusherCredentials :: Credentials
  , pusherConnectionManager :: Manager

-- |The credentials for the current app.
data Credentials = Credentials
  { credentialsAppID :: AppID
  , credentialsAppKey :: AppKey
  , credentialsAppSecret :: AppSecret
  , credentialsCluster :: Maybe Cluster

instance A.FromJSON Credentials where
  parseJSON (A.Object v) =
    Credentials <$> v .: "app-id" <*> (encodeUtf8 <$> v .: "app-key") <*>
    (encodeUtf8 <$> v .: "app-secret") <*>
    v .:? "app-cluster"
  parseJSON v2 = failExpectObj v2

-- |The cluster the current app resides on. Common clusters include:
-- mt1,eu,ap1,ap2.
newtype Cluster = Cluster
  { clusterName :: T.Text

clusterMt1, clusterEu, clusterAp1, clusterAp2 :: Cluster
clusterMt1 = Cluster "mt1"

clusterEu = Cluster "eu"

clusterAp1 = Cluster "ap1"

clusterAp2 = Cluster "ap2"

-- The possible cluster suffix given in a host name
renderClusterSuffix :: Cluster -> T.Text
renderClusterSuffix cluster = "-" <> clusterName cluster

instance A.FromJSON Cluster where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.String txt -> return . Cluster $ txt
      _ -> failExpectStr v

-- |Use this to get an instance Pusher. This will fill in the host and path
-- automatically.
getPusher :: MonadIO m => Credentials -> m Pusher
getPusher cred = do
  connManager <- getConnManager
  return $ getPusherWithConnManager connManager Nothing Nothing cred

-- |Get a Pusher instance that uses a specific API endpoint.
getPusherWithHost :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> T.Text -> Credentials -> m Pusher
getPusherWithHost apiHost notifyHost cred = do
  connManager <- getConnManager
  return $
    getPusherWithConnManager connManager (Just apiHost) (Just notifyHost) cred

-- |Get a Pusher instance with a given connection manager. This can be useful
-- if you want to share a connection with your application code.
getPusherWithConnManager ::
     Manager -> Maybe T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Credentials -> Pusher
getPusherWithConnManager connManager apiHost notifyAPIHost cred =
  let path = "/apps/" <> show' (credentialsAppID cred) <> "/"
      mCluster = credentialsCluster cred
      notifyPath =
        "/server_api/v1/apps/" <> show' (credentialsAppID cred) <> "/"
  in Pusher
     { pusherHost = fromMaybe (mkHost mCluster) apiHost
     , pusherPath = path
     , pusherNotifyHost =
         fromMaybe "http://nativepush-cluster1.pusher.com" notifyAPIHost
     , pusherNotifyPath = notifyPath
     , pusherCredentials = cred
     , pusherConnectionManager = connManager

-- |Given a possible cluster, return the corresponding host.
mkHost :: Maybe Cluster -> T.Text
mkHost mCluster =
  case mCluster of
    Nothing -> "http://api.pusherapp.com"
    Just c -> "http://api" <> renderClusterSuffix c <> ".pusher.com"

getConnManager :: MonadIO m => m Manager
getConnManager = liftIO $ newManager defaultManagerSettings

type ChannelName = T.Text

-- |The possible types of Pusher channe.
data ChannelType
  = Public
  | Private
  | Presence
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance Hashable ChannelType

renderChannelPrefix :: ChannelType -> T.Text
renderChannelPrefix Public = ""
renderChannelPrefix Private = "private-"
renderChannelPrefix Presence = "presence-"

-- |The channel name (not including the channel type prefix) and its type.
data Channel = Channel
  { channelType :: ChannelType
  , channelName :: ChannelName
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance Hashable Channel

instance A.FromJSON Channel where
  parseJSON s =
    case s of
      A.String txt -> return $ parseChannel txt
      _ -> failExpectStr s

renderChannel :: Channel -> T.Text
renderChannel (Channel cType cName) = renderChannelPrefix cType <> cName

-- |Convert string representation, e.g. private-chan into the datatype.
parseChannel :: T.Text -> Channel
parseChannel chan
  -- Attempt to parse it as a private or presence channel; default to public
    (Channel Public chan)
    (asum [parseChanAs Private, parseChanAs Presence])
    parseChanAs chanType =
      let split = T.splitOn (renderChannelPrefix chanType) chan
    -- If the prefix appears at the start, then the first element will be empty
      in if length split > 1 && T.null (head split)
           then Just $ Channel chanType (T.concat $ tail split)
           else Nothing

type Event = T.Text

type EventData = T.Text

type SocketID = T.Text

-- |Up to 164 characters where each character is ASCII upper or lower case, a
-- number or one of _=@,.;
-- Note: hyphen - is NOT valid as it is reserved for the possibility of marking
-- interest names with prefixes such as private- or presence-.
newtype Interest =
  Interest T.Text
  deriving (Eq, Show)

mkInterest :: T.Text -> Maybe Interest
mkInterest txt
  | 0 < T.length txt &&
      T.length txt <= 164 &&
      T.all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || HS.member c permitted) txt =
    Just . Interest $ txt
  | otherwise = Nothing
    permitted = HS.fromList "_=@,.;"

instance A.FromJSON Interest where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.String s ->
        case mkInterest s of
          Nothing ->
            fail $
            "An Interest contains invalid characters or is too long: " ++ show s
          Just istr -> pure istr
      _ -> failExpectStr v

instance A.ToJSON Interest where
  toJSON (Interest txt) = A.String txt

-- |URL to which pusher will send information about sent push notifications.
type WebhookURL = T.Text

-- |Level of detail sent to WebhookURL. Defaults to Info.
data WebhookLevel
  = Info -- ^ Errors only
  | Debug -- ^ Everything
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance A.FromJSON WebhookLevel where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.String s
        | s == "INFO" -> pure Info
        | s == "DEBUG" -> pure Debug
      _ -> failExpectStr v

instance A.ToJSON WebhookLevel where
  toJSON w =
    A.String $
    case w of
      Info -> "INFO"
      Debug -> "DEBUG"

-- |Apple push notification service payload.
data APNSPayload =
  -- TODO: Replace JSON object with a stronger encoding
  APNSPayload A.Object
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance A.FromJSON APNSPayload where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.Object o -> pure . APNSPayload $ o
      _ -> failExpectObj v

instance A.ToJSON APNSPayload where
  toJSON (APNSPayload o) = A.Object o

-- |Google Cloud Messaging payload.
data GCMPayload =
  -- TODO: Replace JSON object with a stronger encoding
  GCMPayload A.Object
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance A.FromJSON GCMPayload where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.Object o -> pure . GCMPayload $ o
      _ -> failExpectObj v

instance A.ToJSON GCMPayload where
  toJSON (GCMPayload o) = A.Object o

-- |Firebase Cloud Messaging payload.
data FCMPayload =
  -- TODO: Replace JSON object with a stronger encoding
  FCMPayload A.Object
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance A.FromJSON FCMPayload where
  parseJSON v =
    case v of
      A.Object o -> pure . FCMPayload $ o
      _ -> failExpectObj v

instance A.ToJSON FCMPayload where
  toJSON (FCMPayload o) = A.Object o

data Notification = Notification
  { notificationInterest :: Interest
  , notificationWebhookURL :: Maybe WebhookURL
  , notificationWebhookLevel :: Maybe WebhookLevel
  , notificationAPNSPayload :: Maybe APNSPayload
  , notificationGCMPayload :: Maybe GCMPayload
  , notificationFCMPayload :: Maybe FCMPayload
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance A.FromJSON Notification where
  parseJSON (A.Object v) =
    Notification <$>
    (do interests <- v A..: "interests"
        case interests of
          A.Array arr
            | V.length arr == 1 -> A.parseJSON $ V.head arr
            | otherwise -> failExpectSingletonArray interests
          v' -> failExpectArray v') <*>
    v .:? "webhook_url" <*>
    v .:? "webhook_level" <*>
    v .:? "apns" <*>
    v .:? "gcm" <*>
    v .:? "fcm"
  parseJSON v = failExpectObj v

instance A.ToJSON Notification where
  toJSON (Notification interests mWebhookURL mWebhookLevel mAPNS mGCMP mFCMP) =
    let requiredFields = ["interests" .= [interests]]
        consOptionals =
          consJust "webhook_level" mWebhookLevel .
          consJust "webhook_url" mWebhookURL .
          consJust "apns" mAPNS . consJust "gcm" mGCMP . consJust "fcm" mFCMP
        fields = consOptionals requiredFields
    in A.object fields
      -- Cons a attribute value pair if Just
      consJust attr = maybe id ((:) . (attr .=))