{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MonoLocalBinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
---------- GENERATED FILE, EDITS WILL BE LOST ----------

module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Gui.QBrush (
  QBrushValue (..),
  QBrushConstPtr (..),
  QBrushPtr (..),
  QBrushConst (..),
  QBrush (..),
  QBrushSuper (..),
  QBrushSuperConst (..),
  ) where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import qualified Foreign as HoppyF
import qualified Foreign.C as HoppyFC
import qualified Foreign.Hoppy.Runtime as HoppyFHR
import qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Core.Types as M68
import qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Gui.QColor as M106
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Gui.QImage as M126
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Gui.QPixmap as M150
import qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generated.Gui.QTransform as M170
import qualified Graphics.UI.Qtah.Gui.HColor as HColor
import Prelude (($), (.), (/=), (=<<), (==), (>>))
import qualified Prelude as HoppyP

foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_new" new' ::  HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_newWithColor" newWithColor' ::  HoppyF.Ptr M106.QColorConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_newCopy" newCopy' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_color" color' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr M106.QColorConst)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setColor" setColor' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr M106.QColorConst -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_isOpaque" isOpaque' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO HoppyFHR.CBool
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setGlobalColor" setGlobalColor' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyFC.CInt -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_style" style' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO HoppyFC.CInt
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setStyle" setStyle' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyFC.CInt -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_swap" swap' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_texture" texture' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr M150.QPixmapConst)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setTexture" setTexture' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr M150.QPixmapConst -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_textureImage" textureImage' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr M126.QImageConst)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setTextureImage" setTextureImage' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr M126.QImageConst -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_transform" transform' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr M170.QTransformConst)
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_setTransform" setTransform' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr M170.QTransformConst -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_EQ" eQ' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO HoppyFHR.CBool
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_NE" nE' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO HoppyFHR.CBool
foreign import ccall "genpop__QBrush_ASSIGN" aSSIGN' ::  HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
foreign import ccall "gendel__QBrush" delete'QBrush :: HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO ()
foreign import ccall "&gendel__QBrush" deletePtr'QBrush :: HoppyF.FunPtr (HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO ())

class QBrushValue a where
  withQBrushPtr :: a -> (QBrushConst -> HoppyP.IO b) -> HoppyP.IO b

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} QBrushConstPtr a => QBrushValue a where
  withQBrushPtr = HoppyP.flip ($) . toQBrushConst

class (HoppyFHR.CppPtr this) => QBrushConstPtr this where
  toQBrushConst :: this -> QBrushConst

color :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO HColor.HColor
color arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  (HoppyFHR.decodeAndDelete . M106.QColorConst) =<<
  (color' arg'1')

isOpaque :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO HoppyP.Bool
isOpaque arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  HoppyP.fmap (/= 0)
  (isOpaque' arg'1')

style :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO M68.QtBrushStyle
style arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  HoppyP.fmap (HoppyP.toEnum . HoppyFHR.coerceIntegral)
  (style' arg'1')

texture :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO M150.QPixmap
texture arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  (HoppyFHR.decodeAndDelete . M150.QPixmapConst) =<<
  (texture' arg'1')

textureImage :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO M126.QImage
textureImage arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  (HoppyFHR.decodeAndDelete . M126.QImageConst) =<<
  (textureImage' arg'1')

transform :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO M170.QTransform
transform arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  (HoppyFHR.decodeAndDelete . M170.QTransformConst) =<<
  (transform' arg'1')

eQ :: (QBrushValue arg'1, QBrushValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO HoppyP.Bool
eQ arg'1 arg'2 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  withQBrushPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  HoppyP.fmap (/= 0)
  (eQ' arg'1' arg'2')

nE :: (QBrushValue arg'1, QBrushValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO HoppyP.Bool
nE arg'1 arg'2 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  withQBrushPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  HoppyP.fmap (/= 0)
  (nE' arg'1' arg'2')

class (QBrushConstPtr this) => QBrushPtr this where
  toQBrush :: this -> QBrush

setColor :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, M106.QColorValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO ()
setColor arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  M106.withQColorPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  (setColor' arg'1' arg'2')

setGlobalColor :: (QBrushPtr arg'1) => arg'1 -> M68.QtGlobalColor -> HoppyP.IO ()
setGlobalColor arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  let arg'2' = HoppyFHR.coerceIntegral $ HoppyP.fromEnum arg'2 in
  (setGlobalColor' arg'1' arg'2')

setStyle :: (QBrushPtr arg'1) => arg'1 -> M68.QtBrushStyle -> HoppyP.IO ()
setStyle arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  let arg'2' = HoppyFHR.coerceIntegral $ HoppyP.fromEnum arg'2 in
  (setStyle' arg'1' arg'2')

swap :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, QBrushPtr arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO ()
swap arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'2) $ \arg'2' ->
  (swap' arg'1' arg'2')

setTexture :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, M150.QPixmapValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO ()
setTexture arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  M150.withQPixmapPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  (setTexture' arg'1' arg'2')

setTextureImage :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, M126.QImageValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO ()
setTextureImage arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  M126.withQImagePtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  (setTextureImage' arg'1' arg'2')

setTransform :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, M170.QTransformValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO ()
setTransform arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  M170.withQTransformPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  (setTransform' arg'1' arg'2')

aSSIGN :: (QBrushPtr arg'1, QBrushValue arg'2) => arg'1 -> arg'2 -> HoppyP.IO QBrush
aSSIGN arg'1 arg'2 =
  HoppyFHR.withCppPtr (toQBrush arg'1) $ \arg'1' ->
  withQBrushPtr arg'2 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'2' ->
  HoppyP.fmap QBrush
  (aSSIGN' arg'1' arg'2')

data QBrushConst =
    QBrushConst (HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst)
  | QBrushConstGc (HoppyF.ForeignPtr ()) (HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst)
  deriving (HoppyP.Show)

instance HoppyP.Eq QBrushConst where
  x == y = HoppyFHR.toPtr x == HoppyFHR.toPtr y

instance HoppyP.Ord QBrushConst where
  compare x y = HoppyP.compare (HoppyFHR.toPtr x) (HoppyFHR.toPtr y)

castQBrushToConst :: QBrush -> QBrushConst
castQBrushToConst (QBrush ptr') = QBrushConst $ HoppyF.castPtr ptr'
castQBrushToConst (QBrushGc fptr' ptr') = QBrushConstGc fptr' $ HoppyF.castPtr ptr'

instance HoppyFHR.CppPtr QBrushConst where
  nullptr = QBrushConst HoppyF.nullPtr

  withCppPtr (QBrushConst ptr') f' = f' ptr'
  withCppPtr (QBrushConstGc fptr' ptr') f' = HoppyF.withForeignPtr fptr' $ \_ -> f' ptr'

  toPtr (QBrushConst ptr') = ptr'
  toPtr (QBrushConstGc _ ptr') = ptr'

  touchCppPtr (QBrushConst _) = HoppyP.return ()
  touchCppPtr (QBrushConstGc fptr' _) = HoppyF.touchForeignPtr fptr'

instance HoppyFHR.Deletable QBrushConst where
  delete (QBrushConst ptr') = delete'QBrush ptr'
  delete (QBrushConstGc _ _) = HoppyP.fail $ HoppyP.concat ["Deletable.delete: Asked to delete a GC-managed ", "QBrushConst", " object."]

  toGc this'@(QBrushConst ptr') = if ptr' == HoppyF.nullPtr then HoppyP.return this' else HoppyP.fmap (HoppyP.flip QBrushConstGc ptr') $ HoppyF.newForeignPtr (HoppyF.castFunPtr deletePtr'QBrush :: HoppyF.FunPtr (HoppyF.Ptr () -> HoppyP.IO ())) (HoppyF.castPtr ptr' :: HoppyF.Ptr ())
  toGc this'@(QBrushConstGc {}) = HoppyP.return this'

instance HoppyFHR.Copyable QBrushConst QBrush where copy = newCopy

instance QBrushConstPtr QBrushConst where
  toQBrushConst = HoppyP.id

data QBrush =
    QBrush (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
  | QBrushGc (HoppyF.ForeignPtr ()) (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)
  deriving (HoppyP.Show)

instance HoppyP.Eq QBrush where
  x == y = HoppyFHR.toPtr x == HoppyFHR.toPtr y

instance HoppyP.Ord QBrush where
  compare x y = HoppyP.compare (HoppyFHR.toPtr x) (HoppyFHR.toPtr y)

castQBrushToNonconst :: QBrushConst -> QBrush
castQBrushToNonconst (QBrushConst ptr') = QBrush $ HoppyF.castPtr ptr'
castQBrushToNonconst (QBrushConstGc fptr' ptr') = QBrushGc fptr' $ HoppyF.castPtr ptr'

instance HoppyFHR.CppPtr QBrush where
  nullptr = QBrush HoppyF.nullPtr

  withCppPtr (QBrush ptr') f' = f' ptr'
  withCppPtr (QBrushGc fptr' ptr') f' = HoppyF.withForeignPtr fptr' $ \_ -> f' ptr'

  toPtr (QBrush ptr') = ptr'
  toPtr (QBrushGc _ ptr') = ptr'

  touchCppPtr (QBrush _) = HoppyP.return ()
  touchCppPtr (QBrushGc fptr' _) = HoppyF.touchForeignPtr fptr'

instance HoppyFHR.Deletable QBrush where
  delete (QBrush ptr') = delete'QBrush $ (HoppyF.castPtr ptr' :: HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst)
  delete (QBrushGc _ _) = HoppyP.fail $ HoppyP.concat ["Deletable.delete: Asked to delete a GC-managed ", "QBrush", " object."]

  toGc this'@(QBrush ptr') = if ptr' == HoppyF.nullPtr then HoppyP.return this' else HoppyP.fmap (HoppyP.flip QBrushGc ptr') $ HoppyF.newForeignPtr (HoppyF.castFunPtr deletePtr'QBrush :: HoppyF.FunPtr (HoppyF.Ptr () -> HoppyP.IO ())) (HoppyF.castPtr ptr' :: HoppyF.Ptr ())
  toGc this'@(QBrushGc {}) = HoppyP.return this'

instance HoppyFHR.Copyable QBrush QBrush where copy = newCopy

instance QBrushConstPtr QBrush where
  toQBrushConst (QBrush ptr') = QBrushConst $ (HoppyF.castPtr :: HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst) ptr'
  toQBrushConst (QBrushGc fptr' ptr') = QBrushConstGc fptr' $ (HoppyF.castPtr :: HoppyF.Ptr QBrush -> HoppyF.Ptr QBrushConst) ptr'

instance QBrushPtr QBrush where
  toQBrush = HoppyP.id

new ::  HoppyP.IO QBrush
new =
  HoppyP.fmap QBrush

newWithColor :: (M106.QColorValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO QBrush
newWithColor arg'1 =
  M106.withQColorPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  HoppyP.fmap QBrush
  (newWithColor' arg'1')

newCopy :: (QBrushValue arg'1) => arg'1 -> HoppyP.IO QBrush
newCopy arg'1 =
  withQBrushPtr arg'1 $ HoppyP.flip HoppyFHR.withCppPtr $ \arg'1' ->
  HoppyP.fmap QBrush
  (newCopy' arg'1')

class QBrushSuper a where
  downToQBrush :: a -> QBrush

class QBrushSuperConst a where
  downToQBrushConst :: a -> QBrushConst

instance HoppyFHR.Assignable (HoppyF.Ptr (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)) QBrush where
  assign ptr' value' = HoppyF.poke ptr' $ HoppyFHR.toPtr value'

instance QBrushValue a => HoppyFHR.Assignable QBrush a where
  assign x' y' = aSSIGN x' y' >> HoppyP.return ()

instance HoppyFHR.Decodable (HoppyF.Ptr (HoppyF.Ptr QBrush)) QBrush where
  decode = HoppyP.fmap QBrush . HoppyF.peek

instance HoppyFHR.Decodable QBrush (QBrush) where
  decode = HoppyFHR.decode . toQBrushConst

instance HoppyFHR.Decodable QBrushConst (QBrush) where
  decode =
    HoppyFHR.copy >=> HoppyFHR.toGc