-- | Public API
-- This is re-exported through "Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep".
module Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep.API (
    -- * State
  , getModel
    -- * Main abstraction
  , InLockstep(..)
  , RunLockstep(..)
    -- * Convenience aliases
  , LockstepAction
  , ModelFindVariables
  , ModelLookUp
  , ModelVar
  ) where

import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import Data.Kind
import Data.Typeable

import Test.QuickCheck (Gen)
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel (StateModel, Any, RunModel, Realized, Action)

import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep.EnvF (EnvF)
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep.GVar (GVar, AnyGVar(..))
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep.Op
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel.Lockstep.Op.Identity qualified as Identity

  Lockstep state

  @quickcheck-dynamic@ takes care of keeping track of the responses of the
  system under test, but not the model. We do that here.

  Implementation note: the 'RunModel' class in @quickcheck-dynamic@ uses a type
  family 'Realized': for an @Action state a@, the response from the real system
  is expected to be of type @Realized m a@. This allows the same tests to be run
  against different "test execution backends"; for example, we could run the
  tests in the real IO monad, or using an IO monad simulator.

  This is an orthogonal generalization to what Lockstep provides: no matter the
  test execution backend, the /model/ will always be the same. We could perhaps
  piggy-back on the same abstraction if we introduced a separate monad parameter
  @n@ for the model, and then use @Realized n a@ instead of @ModelValue a@. This
  might work, but it's less clear how to then also that for 'Observable'.
  Overall, it seems cleaner to reserve 'Realized' exclusively for the
  parameterization over test execution backends.

data Lockstep state = Lockstep {
      forall state. Lockstep state -> state
lockstepModel :: state
    , forall state. Lockstep state -> EnvF (ModelValue state)
lockstepEnv   :: EnvF (ModelValue state)

-- | The 'Show' instance does not show the internal environment
instance Show state => Show (Lockstep state) where
  show :: Lockstep state -> String
show = forall a. Show a => a -> String
show forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall state. Lockstep state -> state

-- | Inspect the model that resides inside the Lockstep state
getModel :: Lockstep state -> state
getModel :: forall state. Lockstep state -> state
getModel = forall state. Lockstep state -> state

  Main lockstep abstraction

     ( StateModel (Lockstep state)
     , Typeable state
     , InterpretOp (ModelOp state) (ModelValue state)
     , forall a. Show (ModelValue state a)
     , forall a. Eq   (Observable state a)
     , forall a. Show (Observable state a)
  => InLockstep state where
  -- | Values in the mock environment
  -- 'ModelValue' witnesses the relation between values returned by the real
  -- system and values returned by the model.
  -- In most cases, we expect the real system and the model to return the
  -- /same/ value. However, for some things we must allow them to diverge:
  -- consider file handles for example.
  data ModelValue state a

  -- | Observable responses
  -- The real system returns values of type @a@, and the model returns values
  -- of type @MockValue a@. @Observable a@ defines the parts of those results
  -- that expect to be the /same/ for both.
  data Observable state a

  -- | Type of operations required on the results of actions
  -- Whenever an action has a result of type @a@, but we later need a variable
  -- of type @b@, we need a constructor
  -- > GetB :: ModelOp state a b
  -- in the 'ModelOp' type. For many tests, the standard 'Op' type will
  -- suffice, but not always.
  type ModelOp state :: Type -> Type -> Type
  type ModelOp state = Identity.Op

  -- | Extract the observable part of a response from the model
  observeModel :: ModelValue state a-> Observable state a

  -- | All variables required by a command
  usedVars :: LockstepAction state a -> [AnyGVar (ModelOp state)]

  -- | Step the model
  -- The order of the arguments mimicks 'perform'.
  modelNextState ::
       LockstepAction state a
    -> ModelLookUp state
    -> state
    -> (ModelValue state a, state)

  -- | Generate an arbitrary action, given a way to find variables
  arbitraryWithVars ::
       ModelFindVariables state
    -> state
    -> Gen (Any (LockstepAction state))

  -- | Shrink an action, given a way to find variables
  -- This is optional; without an implementation of 'shrinkWithVars', lists of
  -- actions will still be pruned, but /individual/ actions will not be shrunk.
  shrinkWithVars ::
       ModelFindVariables state
    -> state
    -> LockstepAction state a
    -> [Any (LockstepAction state)]
  shrinkWithVars ModelFindVariables state
_ state
_ LockstepAction state a
_ = []

  -- | Tag actions
  -- Tagging is optional, but can help understand your test input data as
  -- well as your shrinker (see 'tagActions').
  tagStep ::
       (state, state)
    -> LockstepAction state a
    -> ModelValue state a
    -> [String]
  tagStep (state, state)
_ LockstepAction state a
_ ModelValue state a
_ = []

class ( InLockstep state
      , RunModel (Lockstep state) m
      ) => RunLockstep state m where
  -- See also 'Observable'
  observeReal ::
       Proxy m
    -> LockstepAction state a -> Realized m a -> Observable state a

  -- | Show responses from the real system
  -- This method does not need to be implemented, but if it is, counter-examples
  -- can include the real response in addition to the observable response.
  showRealResponse ::
       Proxy m
    -> LockstepAction state a
    -> Maybe (Dict (Show (Realized m a)))
  showRealResponse Proxy m
_ LockstepAction state a
_ = forall a. Maybe a

  Convenience aliases

-- | An action in the lock-step model
type LockstepAction state = Action (Lockstep state)

-- | Look up a variable for model execution
-- The type of the variable is the type in the /real/ system.
type ModelLookUp state = forall a. ModelVar state a -> ModelValue state a

-- | Find variables of the appropriate type
-- The type you pass must be the result type of (previously executed) actions.
-- If you want to change the type of the variable, see
-- 'StateModel.Lockstep.GVar.map'.
type ModelFindVariables state = forall a.
          Typeable a
       => Proxy a -> [GVar (ModelOp state) a]

-- | Variables with a "functor-esque" instance
type ModelVar state = GVar (ModelOp state)