{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Test.StateMachine.Sequential
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2017, ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Stevan Andjelkovic <stevan.andjelkovic@here.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This module contains helpers for generating, shrinking, and checking
-- sequential programs.

module Test.StateMachine.Sequential
  ( forAllCommands
  , generateCommands
  , generateCommandsState
  , measureFrequency
  , calculateFrequency
  , getUsedVars
  , shrinkCommands
  , liftShrinkCommand
  , validCommands
  , filterMaybe
  , runCommands
  , getChanContents
  , executeCommands
  , prettyPrintHistory
  , prettyCommands
  , commandNames
  , commandNamesInOrder
  , checkCommandNames
  , transitionMatrix

import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
                   (TChan, newTChanIO, tryReadTChan, writeTChan)
import           Control.Exception
                   (ErrorCall, IOException, displayException)
import           Control.Monad.Catch
                   (MonadCatch, catch)
import           Control.Monad.State
                   (MonadIO, State, StateT, evalState, evalStateT, get,
                   lift, put, runStateT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
                   (MonadBaseControl, liftBaseWith)
import           Data.Dynamic
                   (Dynamic, toDyn)
import           Data.Either
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                          as M
import           Data.Map.Strict
import           Data.Matrix
                   (Matrix, getRow, matrix)
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set                          as S
import           Data.TreeDiff
                   (ToExpr, ansiWlBgEditExprCompact, ediff)
import qualified Data.Vector                       as V
import           GHC.Generics
                   (Generic1, Rep1, from1)
import           Prelude
import           Test.QuickCheck
                   (Gen, Property, Testable, choose, collect, generate,
                   resize, shrinkList, sized, suchThat)
import           Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
                   (PropertyM, run)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen      as PP
import           Text.Show.Pretty

import           Test.StateMachine.ConstructorName
import           Test.StateMachine.Logic
import           Test.StateMachine.Types
import qualified Test.StateMachine.Types.Rank2     as Rank2
import           Test.StateMachine.Utils


forAllCommands :: Testable prop
               => (Show (cmd Symbolic), Show (model Symbolic))
               => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
               => (Rank2.Foldable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
               => StateMachine model cmd m resp
               -> Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum number of commands.
               -> (Commands cmd -> prop)     -- ^ Predicate.
               -> Property
forAllCommands sm mnum =
  forAllShrinkShow (generateCommands sm mnum) (shrinkCommands sm) ppShow

generateCommands :: (Rank2.Foldable resp, Show (model Symbolic))
                 => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                 => StateMachine model cmd m resp
                 -> Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum number of commands.
                 -> Gen (Commands cmd)
generateCommands sm@StateMachine { initModel } mnum =
  evalStateT (generateCommandsState sm newCounter mnum) (initModel, Nothing)

generateCommandsState :: forall model cmd m resp. Rank2.Foldable resp
                      => Show (model Symbolic)
                      => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                      => StateMachine model cmd m resp
                      -> Counter
                      -> Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum number of commands.
                      -> StateT (model Symbolic, Maybe (cmd Symbolic)) Gen (Commands cmd)
generateCommandsState StateMachine { precondition, generator, transition
                                   , mock, distribution } counter0 mnum = do
  size0 <- lift (sized (\k -> choose (fromMaybe 0 mnum, k)))
  Commands <$> go size0 counter0 []
    go :: Int -> Counter -> [Command cmd]
       -> StateT (model Symbolic, Maybe (cmd Symbolic)) Gen [Command cmd]
    go 0    _       cmds = return (reverse cmds)
    go size counter cmds = do
      (model, mprevious) <- get
      mnext <- lift $ commandFrequency (generator model) distribution mprevious
                  `suchThatOneOf` (boolean . precondition model)
      case mnext of
        Nothing   -> error $ concat
                       [ "A deadlock occured while generating commands.\n"
                       , "No pre-condition holds in the following model:\n"
                       , ppShow model
                       -- XXX: show trace of commands generated so far?
        Just next -> do
          let (resp, counter') = runGenSym (mock model next) counter
          put (transition model next resp, Just next)
          go (size - 1) counter' (Command next (getUsedVars resp) : cmds)

commandFrequency :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                 => Gen (cmd Symbolic) -> Maybe (Matrix Int) -> Maybe (cmd Symbolic)
                 -> [(Int, Gen (cmd Symbolic))]
commandFrequency gen Nothing             _          = [ (1, gen) ]
commandFrequency gen (Just distribution) mprevious  =
  [ (freq, gen `suchThat` ((== con) . gconName1 . from1)) | (freq, con) <- weights ]
      idx = case mprevious of
              Nothing       -> 1
              Just previous ->
                  rep = from1 previous
                  con = gconName1 rep
                  err = "genetateCommandState: no command: " <> con
                  fromMaybe (error err) ((+ 2) <$>
                    elemIndex con (gconNames1 (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep1 cmd Symbolic))))
      row     = V.toList (getRow idx distribution)
      weights = zip row (gconNames1 (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep1 cmd Symbolic)))

measureFrequency :: (Rank2.Foldable resp, Show (model Symbolic))
                 => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                 => StateMachine model cmd m resp
                 -> Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum number of commands.
                 -> Int       -- ^ Maximum number of commands.
                 -> IO (Map (String, Maybe String) Int)
measureFrequency sm min0 size = do
  cmds <- generate (sequence [ resize n (generateCommands sm min0) | n <- [0, 2..size] ])
  return (M.unions (map calculateFrequency cmds))

calculateFrequency :: (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                   => Commands cmd -> Map (String, Maybe String) Int
calculateFrequency = go M.empty . unCommands
    go m [] = m
    go m [cmd]
      = M.insertWith (\_ old -> old + 1) (gconName cmd, Nothing) 1 m
    go m (cmd1 : cmd2 : cmds)
      = go (M.insertWith (\_ old -> old + 1) (gconName cmd1,
                                              Just (gconName cmd2)) 1 m) cmds

getUsedVars :: Rank2.Foldable f => f Symbolic -> Set Var
getUsedVars = Rank2.foldMap (\(Symbolic v) -> S.singleton v)

-- | Shrink commands in a pre-condition and scope respecting way.
shrinkCommands :: (Rank2.Foldable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
               => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd
               -> [Commands cmd]
shrinkCommands sm@StateMachine { initModel, shrinker }
  = filterMaybe ( flip evalState (initModel, S.empty, newCounter)
                . validCommands sm
                . Commands)
  . shrinkList (liftShrinkCommand shrinker)
  . unCommands

liftShrinkCommand :: (cmd Symbolic -> [cmd Symbolic])
                  -> (Command cmd -> [Command cmd])
liftShrinkCommand shrinker (Command cmd resp) =
  [ Command cmd' resp | cmd' <- shrinker cmd ]

filterMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
filterMaybe _ []       = []
filterMaybe f (x : xs) = case f x of
  Nothing ->     filterMaybe f xs
  Just y  -> y : filterMaybe f xs

validCommands :: forall model cmd m resp. (Rank2.Foldable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
              => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd
              -> State (model Symbolic, Set Var, Counter) (Maybe (Commands cmd))
validCommands StateMachine { precondition, transition, mock } =
  fmap (fmap Commands) . go . unCommands
    go :: [Command cmd] -> State (model Symbolic, Set Var, Counter) (Maybe [Command cmd])
    go []                         = return (Just [])
    go (Command cmd _vars : cmds) = do
      (model, scope, counter) <- get
      if boolean (precondition model cmd) && getUsedVars cmd `S.isSubsetOf` scope
      then do
        let (resp, counter') = runGenSym (mock model cmd) counter
            vars             = getUsedVars resp
        put ( transition model cmd resp
            , vars `S.union` scope
            , counter')
        mih <- go cmds
        case mih of
          Nothing -> return Nothing
          Just ih -> return (Just (Command cmd vars : ih))
        return Nothing

runCommands :: (Rank2.Traversable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
            => (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
            => StateMachine model cmd m resp
            -> Commands cmd
            -> PropertyM m (History cmd resp, model Concrete, Reason)
runCommands sm@StateMachine { initModel } = run . go
    go cmds = do
      hchan                <- liftBaseWith (const newTChanIO)
      (reason, (_, model)) <- runStateT (executeCommands sm hchan (Pid 0) True cmds)
                                          (emptyEnvironment, initModel)
      hist                 <- liftBaseWith (const (getChanContents hchan))
      return (History hist, model, reason)

getChanContents :: TChan a -> IO [a]
getChanContents chan = reverse <$> atomically (go' [])
    go' acc = do
      mx <- tryReadTChan chan
      case mx of
        Just x  -> go' (x : acc)
        Nothing -> return acc

executeCommands :: (Rank2.Traversable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
                => (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
                => StateMachine model cmd m resp
                -> TChan (Pid, HistoryEvent cmd resp)
                -> Pid
                -> Bool -- ^ Check invariant and post-condition?
                -> Commands cmd
                -> StateT (Environment, model Concrete) m Reason
executeCommands StateMachine { transition, postcondition, invariant, semantics } hchan pid check =
  go . unCommands
    go []                         = return Ok
    go (Command scmd vars : cmds) = do
      (env, model) <- get
      let ccmd = fromRight (error "executeCommands: impossible") (reify env scmd)
      liftBaseWith (const (atomically (writeTChan hchan (pid, Invocation ccmd vars))))
      !ecresp <- lift (fmap Right (semantics ccmd))
                   `catch` (\(err :: IOException) ->
                               return (Left (displayException err)))
                   `catch` (\(err :: ErrorCall) ->
                               return (Left (displayException err)))
      case ecresp of
        Left err    -> do
          liftBaseWith (const (atomically (writeTChan hchan (pid, Exception err))))
          return ExceptionThrown
        Right cresp -> do
          liftBaseWith (const (atomically (writeTChan hchan (pid, Response cresp))))
          if check
          then case logic (postcondition model ccmd cresp) of
            VFalse ce -> return (PostconditionFailed (show ce))
            VTrue     -> case logic (fromMaybe (const Top) invariant model) of
                           VFalse ce' -> return (InvariantBroken (show ce'))
                           VTrue      -> do
                             put ( insertConcretes (S.toList vars) (getUsedConcrete cresp) env
                                 , transition model ccmd cresp
                             go cmds
          else do
            put ( insertConcretes (S.toList vars) (getUsedConcrete cresp) env
                , transition model ccmd cresp
            go cmds

getUsedConcrete :: Rank2.Foldable f => f Concrete -> [Dynamic]
getUsedConcrete = Rank2.foldMap (\(Concrete x) -> [toDyn x])

modelDiff :: ToExpr (model r) => model r -> Maybe (model r) -> Doc
modelDiff model = ansiWlBgEditExprCompact . flip ediff model . fromMaybe model

prettyPrintHistory :: forall model cmd m resp. ToExpr (model Concrete)
                   => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete))
                   => StateMachine model cmd m resp
                   -> History cmd resp
                   -> IO ()
prettyPrintHistory StateMachine { initModel, transition }
  = PP.putDoc
  . go initModel Nothing
  . makeOperations
  . unHistory
    go :: model Concrete -> Maybe (model Concrete) -> [Operation cmd resp] -> Doc
    go current previous []                             =
      PP.line <> modelDiff current previous <> PP.line <> PP.line
    go current previous [Crash cmd err pid] =
        [ PP.line
        , modelDiff current previous
        , PP.line, PP.line
        , PP.string "   == "
        , PP.string (show cmd)
        , PP.string " ==> "
        , PP.string err
        , PP.string " [ "
        , PP.int (unPid pid)
        , PP.string " ]"
        , PP.line
    go current previous (Operation cmd resp pid : ops) =
        [ PP.line
        , modelDiff current previous
        , PP.line, PP.line
        , PP.string "   == "
        , PP.string (show cmd)
        , PP.string " ==> "
        , PP.string (show resp)
        , PP.string " [ "
        , PP.int (unPid pid)
        , PP.string " ]"
        , PP.line
        , go (transition current cmd resp) (Just current) ops
    go _ _ _ = error "prettyPrintHistory: impossible."

prettyCommands :: (MonadIO m, ToExpr (model Concrete))
               => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete))
               => StateMachine model cmd m resp
               -> History cmd resp
               -> Property
               -> PropertyM m ()
prettyCommands sm hist prop = prettyPrintHistory sm hist `whenFailM` prop


-- | Print distribution of commands and fail if some commands have not
--   been executed.
checkCommandNames :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                  => Commands cmd -> Property -> Property
checkCommandNames cmds
  = collect names
  . oldCover (length names == numOfConstructors) 1 "coverage"
    names             = commandNames cmds
    numOfConstructors = length (gconNames1 (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep1 cmd Symbolic)))

commandNames :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
             => Commands cmd -> [(String, Int)]
commandNames = M.toList . foldl go M.empty . unCommands
    go :: Map String Int -> Command cmd -> Map String Int
    go ih cmd = M.insertWith (+) (gconName cmd) 1 ih

commandNamesInOrder :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
                    => Commands cmd -> [String]
commandNamesInOrder = reverse . foldl go [] . unCommands
    go :: [String] -> Command cmd -> [String]
    go ih cmd = gconName cmd : ih

transitionMatrix :: forall cmd. GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)
                 => Proxy (cmd Symbolic)
                 -> (String -> String -> Int) -> Matrix Int
transitionMatrix _ f =
  let cons = gconNames1 (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep1 cmd Symbolic))
      n    = length cons
      m    = succ n
  in matrix m n $ \case
                    (1, j) -> f "<START>"               (cons !! pred j)
                    (i, j) -> f (cons !! pred (pred i)) (cons !! pred j)