{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Scheduler
  ( SchedulerSupervisor(..)
  , SchedulerCount(..)
  , SchedulerSequential(..)
  , SchedulerHistory(..)
  , SchedulerEnv(..)
  , schedulerP
  , makeSchedulerState

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Distributed.Process
                   (Process, ProcessId, expect, getSelfPid, send,
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.State
                   (get, gets, modify)
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Map
import qualified Data.Map                    as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Sequence
import qualified Data.Sequence               as Seq
import           Data.Typeable
import           GHC.Generics
import           System.Random
                   (StdGen, mkStdGen, randomR)

import           Linearisability
import           StateMachine


newtype SchedulerSupervisor = SchedulerSupervisor ProcessId
  deriving Generic

instance Binary SchedulerSupervisor

newtype SchedulerCount = SchedulerCount Int
  deriving Generic

instance Binary SchedulerCount

newtype SchedulerSequential = SchedulerSequential [(ProcessId, ProcessId)]
  deriving Generic

instance Binary SchedulerSequential

newtype SchedulerHistory pid inv resp = SchedulerHistory (History pid inv resp)
  deriving Generic

instance (Binary pid, Binary inv, Binary resp) => Binary (SchedulerHistory pid inv resp)


data SchedulerEnv input output model = SchedulerEnv
  { transitions :: model -> Either input output -> model
  , invariants  :: model -> Bool

data Mailbox input output
  = Incoming (Seq input)  (Seq output)
  | Outgoing (Seq output) (Seq input)
  deriving (Show, Foldable)

data SchedulerState input output model = SchedulerState
  { mailboxes      :: Map (ProcessId, ProcessId) (Mailbox input output)
  , stdGen         :: StdGen
  , schedulerModel :: model
  , messageCount   :: Int
  , sequential     :: [(ProcessId, ProcessId)]

makeSchedulerState :: Int -> model -> SchedulerState input output model
makeSchedulerState seed model = SchedulerState
  { mailboxes      = M.empty
  , stdGen         = mkStdGen seed
  , schedulerModel = model
  , messageCount   = 0
  , sequential     = []


pickProcessPair :: Scheduler input output model (Maybe (ProcessId, ProcessId))
pickProcessPair = do
  SchedulerState {..} <- get
  case sequential of
    processPair : _ -> return (Just processPair)
    []              -> case M.keys mailboxes of
      []           -> return Nothing
      processPairs -> do
        let (i, stdGen') = randomR (0, length processPairs - 1) stdGen
            processPair  = processPairs !! i
        modify $ \s -> s { stdGen = stdGen' }
        return (Just processPair)

type Scheduler input output model a =
    (SchedulerEnv input output model)
    (SchedulerState input output model)
    input output

  :: SchedulerMessage input output
  -> Scheduler input output model (Maybe (ProcessId, Either input output))
schedulerSM SchedulerTick = do
  count <- gets messageCount
  if count == 0
  then halt
  else do
    mprocessPair <- pickProcessPair
    case mprocessPair of
      Nothing          -> return Nothing
      Just processPair -> do
        mboxes <- gets mailboxes
        case mboxes M.! processPair of
          Incoming reqs resps -> case Seq.viewl reqs of
            Seq.EmptyL        -> return Nothing
            req Seq.:< reqs' -> do
              SchedulerEnv {..} <- ask
              -- unless (invariants model) $ do
              --   tell (printf "scheduler: invariant broken by `%s'" (show msg))
              --   halt
              modify $ \s -> s
                { mailboxes      = M.insert processPair (Outgoing resps reqs') (mailboxes s)
                , schedulerModel = transitions (schedulerModel s) (Left req)
                , messageCount   = messageCount s - 1
                , sequential     = drop 1 (sequential s)
              let (from, to) = processPair
              to ? req
              return (Just (from, Left req))
          Outgoing resps reqs -> case Seq.viewl resps of
            Seq.EmptyL         -> return Nothing
            resp Seq.:< resps' -> do
              SchedulerEnv {..} <- ask
              -- unless (invariants model) $ do
              --   tell (printf "scheduler: invariant broken by `%s'" (show msg))
              --   halt
              modify $ \s -> s
                { mailboxes      = M.insert processPair (Incoming reqs resps') (mailboxes s)
                , schedulerModel = transitions (schedulerModel s) (Right resp)
                , messageCount   = messageCount s - 1
                , sequential     = drop 1 (sequential s)
              let (to, _from) = processPair
              to ! resp
              return (Just (to, Right resp))
schedulerSM (SchedulerRequest from req to) = do
  modify $ \s -> s { mailboxes = M.alter f (from, to) (mailboxes s) }
  return Nothing
      f Nothing     = Just (Incoming (Seq.singleton req) Seq.empty)
      f (Just mbox) = case mbox of
                        Incoming reqs resps -> Just (Incoming (reqs Seq.|> req) resps)
                        Outgoing resps reqs -> Just (Outgoing resps (reqs Seq.|> req))
schedulerSM (SchedulerResponse from resp to) = do
  modify $ \s -> s { mailboxes = M.alter f (to, from) (mailboxes s) }
  return Nothing
      f Nothing     = Just (Outgoing (Seq.singleton resp) Seq.empty)
      f (Just mbox) = case mbox of
                        Incoming reqs resps -> Just (Incoming reqs (resps Seq.|> resp))
                        Outgoing resps reqs -> Just (Outgoing (resps Seq.|> resp) reqs)

  :: forall input output model
  .  (Binary input,  Typeable input)
  => (Binary output, Typeable output)
  => SchedulerEnv input output model
  -> SchedulerState input output model
  -> Process ()
schedulerP env st = do
  self <- getSelfPid
  SchedulerSupervisor supervisor <- expect
  SchedulerCount count <- expect
  SchedulerSequential processPairs <- expect
  let st' = st { messageCount = count, sequential = processPairs }
  _ <- spawnLocal $ forever $ do
    liftIO (threadDelay 1000)
    send self (SchedulerTick :: SchedulerMessage input output)
  hist <- catMaybes <$> stateMachineProcess env st' False schedulerSM
  send supervisor (SchedulerHistory hist)