{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module QuickSpec.Explore.Conditionals where

import QuickSpec.Prop
import QuickSpec.Term
import QuickSpec.Type
import QuickSpec.Pruning
import QuickSpec.Pruning.Background(Background(..))
import QuickSpec.Testing
import QuickSpec.Terminal
import QuickSpec.Utils
import QuickSpec.Explore.PartialApplication
import QuickSpec.Explore.Polymorphic
import qualified Twee.Base as Twee
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

newtype Conditionals m a = Conditionals (m a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTester testcase term, MonadTerminal)
instance MonadTrans Conditionals where
  lift = Conditionals
instance (Typed fun, Ord fun, PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  MonadPruner (Term fun) norm (Conditionals m) where
  normaliser = lift $ do
    norm <- normaliser
    return (norm . fmap Normal)
  add prop = do
    redundant <- conditionallyRedundant prop
    if redundant then return False else do
      res <- lift (add (mapFun Normal prop))
      when res (considerConditionalising prop)
      return res

conditionalsUniverse :: (Typed fun, Predicate fun) => [Type] -> [fun] -> Universe
conditionalsUniverse tys funs =
  universe $
    tys ++
    (map typ $
      map Normal funs ++
      [ Constructor pred clas_test_case | pred <- funs, Predicate{..} <- [classify pred] ])

runConditionals ::
  (PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  [fun] -> Conditionals m a -> m a
runConditionals preds mx =
  run (mapM_ considerPredicate preds >> mx)
    run (Conditionals mx) = mx

class Predicate fun where
  classify :: fun -> Classification fun

data Classification fun =
    Predicate { clas_selectors :: [fun], clas_test_case :: Type, clas_true :: Term fun }
  | Selector { clas_index :: Int, clas_pred :: fun, clas_test_case :: Type }
  | Function
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)

instance (Arity fun, Predicate fun) => Predicate (PartiallyApplied fun) where
  classify f =
    case getTotal f of
      Nothing -> Function
      Just f -> fmap total (classify f)

data WithConstructor fun =
    Constructor fun Type
  | Normal fun
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Sized fun => Sized (WithConstructor fun) where
  size Constructor{} = 0
  size (Normal f) = size f

instance Arity fun => Arity (WithConstructor fun) where
  arity Constructor{} = 1
  arity (Normal f) = arity f

instance Pretty fun => Pretty (WithConstructor fun) where
  pPrintPrec l p (Constructor f _) = pPrintPrec l p f <#> text "_con"
  pPrintPrec l p (Normal f) = pPrintPrec l p f

instance PrettyTerm fun => PrettyTerm (WithConstructor fun) where
  termStyle (Constructor _ _) = curried
  termStyle (Normal f) = termStyle f

instance PrettyArity fun => PrettyArity (WithConstructor fun) where
  prettyArity (Constructor _ _) = 1
  prettyArity (Normal f) = prettyArity f

instance (Predicate fun, Background fun) => Background (WithConstructor fun) where
  background (Normal f) = map (mapFun Normal) (background f)
  background _ = []

instance Typed fun => Typed (WithConstructor fun) where
  typ (Constructor pred ty) =
    arrowType (typeArgs (typ pred)) ty
  typ (Normal f) = typ f
  otherTypesDL (Constructor pred _) = typesDL pred
  otherTypesDL (Normal f) = otherTypesDL f
  typeSubst_ sub (Constructor pred ty) = Constructor (typeSubst_ sub pred) (typeSubst_ sub ty)
  typeSubst_ sub (Normal f) = Normal (typeSubst_ sub f)

predType :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
predType name tys =
  Twee.build (Twee.app (Twee.fun name) tys)

considerPredicate ::
  (PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  fun -> Conditionals m ()
considerPredicate f =
  case classify f of
    Predicate sels ty true -> do
        x = Var (V ty 0)
        eqns =
          [App (Constructor f ty) [App (Normal sel) [x] | sel <- sels] === x,
           App (Normal f) [App (Normal sel) [x] | sel <- sels] === fmap Normal true]
      mapM_ (lift . add) eqns
    _ -> return ()

considerConditionalising ::
  (Typed fun, Ord fun, PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  Prop (Term fun) -> Conditionals m ()
considerConditionalising (lhs :=>: t :=: u) = do
  norm <- normaliser
  -- If we have discovered that "somePredicate x_1 x_2 ... x_n = True"
  -- we should add the axiom "get_x_n (toSomePredicate x_1 x_2 ... x_n) = x_n"
  -- to the set of known equations
  case t of
    App f ts | Predicate{..} <- classify f -> -- It is an interesting predicate, i.e. it was added by the user
      when (norm u == norm clas_true) $
        addPredicate lhs f ts
    _ -> return ()

conditionallyRedundant ::
  (Typed fun, Ord fun, PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  Prop (Term fun) -> Conditionals m Bool
conditionallyRedundant (lhs :=>: t :=: u) = do
  t' <- normalise t
  u' <- normalise u
  conditionallyRedundant' lhs t u t' u'

conditionallyRedundant' ::
  (Typed fun, Ord fun, PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  [Equation (Term fun)] -> Term fun -> Term fun -> norm -> norm -> Conditionals m Bool
conditionallyRedundant' lhs t u t' u' = do
  forM_ (usort (funs [t, u])) $ \f ->
    case classify f of
      Selector{..} -> do
          Predicate{..} = classify clas_pred
          tys = typeArgs (typ clas_pred)
          argss = sequence [ [ arg | arg <- terms [t, u] >>= subterms, typ arg == ty ] | ty <- tys ]
        forM_ argss $ \args -> do
          norm <- normaliser
          let p = App clas_pred args
          when (norm p == norm clas_true) $ do
            addPredicate lhs clas_pred args
      _ -> return ()

  t'' <- normalise t
  u'' <- normalise u
  if t'' == u'' then
    return True
   else if t'' == t' && u'' == u' then
     return False
     conditionallyRedundant' lhs t u t'' u''

addPredicate ::
  (PrettyTerm fun, Ord norm, MonadPruner (Term (WithConstructor fun)) norm m, Predicate fun, MonadTerminal m) =>
  [Equation (Term fun)] -> fun -> [Term fun] -> Conditionals m ()
addPredicate lhs f ts = do
  let Predicate{..} = classify f
      ts' = map (fmap Normal) ts
      lhs' = map (fmap (fmap Normal)) lhs
      -- The "to_p x1 x2 ... xm" term
      construction = App (Constructor f clas_test_case) ts'
      -- The "p_n (to_p x1 x2 ... xn ... xm) = xn"
      -- equations
      equations = [ lhs' :=>: App (Normal (clas_selectors !! i)) [construction] :=: x | (x, i) <- zip ts' [0..]]

  -- Declare the relevant equations as axioms
  mapM_ (lift . add) equations

conditionalise :: (PrettyTerm fun, Typed fun, Ord fun, Predicate fun) => Prop (Term fun) -> Prop (Term fun)
conditionalise (lhs :=>: t :=: u) =
  go lhs t u
    -- Replace one predicate with a conditional
    go lhs t u =
      case [ (p, x, clas_selectors, clas_true) | (App f [Var x]) <- subterms t ++ subterms u, Selector _ p _ <- [classify f], Predicate{..} <- [classify p] ] of
        [] -> sort lhs :=>: t :=: u
        ((p, x, sels, true):_) ->
            n = freeVar [t, u]
            tys = typeArgs (typ p)
            xs = map Var (zipWith V tys [n..])
            subs = [(App (sels !! i) [Var x], xs !! i) | i <- [0..length tys-1]]
            go ((App p xs :=: true):lhs) (replaceMany subs t) (replaceMany subs u)

    replace from to t
      | t == from = to
    replace from to (App f ts) =
      App f (map (replace from to) ts)
    replace _ _ (Var x) = Var x

    replaceMany subs t =
      foldr (uncurry replace) t subs