quickterm- An interface for describing and executing terminal applications

Safe HaskellSafe




data Quickterm Source

In general, the applications I use have two sorts of endpoints:

1) The application has a main command which takes arguments and options and performs basically the same behavior, with some variation, based on these inputs.

2) The application has a variety of sub-modules which have their own pretty unique functionality and usage. I prefer these for two reasons: The first is that, as the user, it separates the learning curve for one aspect of the program from some other one. The second is that it allows me as the developer of such software to truly make modular systems and plug them in and unplug them as I wish.

As I like this and I am developing this, I will then focus my efforts as such. We shall call a program which contain submodules a Choice, whereas we shall call a program which is simply a command to be run a Command.

A Choice should simply have a Name, a list of Quickterms, and a description of its Usage.

A Command may simply have a Name, a TerminalAction, and a description of its Usage.


Choice Name [Quickterm] Usage 
Command Name TerminalAction Usage 

type Options = Map Name [String] Source

The options, on the other hand, tend to be a mapping from some set of names to some string.

type Name = String Source

I tend to call my applications by some name

type Args = [String] Source

The sorts of actions which take place on the terminal are of the form "cmd {arg | ("--" | "-") opt-name opt-val}". The arguments are, in general, sequentially ordered.

usage :: Quickterm -> [Char] Source

This function will generate the usage information and will be exposed at the top level.

type TerminalAction = Args -> Options -> IO () Source

The terminal action itself should take some arguments, some options, and be able to produce some IO action dependent based on these. The key here is that the TerminalAction is a pure function, taking pure values and deterministically attempting some IO action based on these. This is important to me in terms of designing and using programs.

quickrun :: [String] -> Quickterm -> IO () Source

This is a function which will take a top level program and attempt to run it, printing out the usage information for the deepest Choice achieved if the attempt is failed, i.e we did not find a Command to run at all.