-- |
-- Module      :  Data.RationalList
-- Copyright   :  (c) Ross Paterson 2019
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  R.Paterson@city.ac.uk
-- Portability :  portable
-- A rational list (a special kind of rational tree) is a list that is
-- either finite or of the form @xs ++ cycle ys@ where @xs@ and @ys@
-- are finite lists and @ys@ is non-empty.  (Another name is /rho-lists/,
-- after the Greek letter ρ whose shape suggests cyclic repetition
-- after some prefix.)  Such lists have a useful finite representation.
-- Many functions in this module have the same names as functions in the
-- "Prelude", "Data.Foldable" and "Data.List".  On finite lists, these
-- functions have the same behaviour as their list counterparts.  Due to
-- the finite representation, they are also total, even on infinite lists.
-- Many operations on infinite lists are also substantially faster than
-- using lists, because they exploit the repetition.  For example:
-- >>> num_list = iterate (\n -> (n*n + 1) `mod` 100) 19
-- >>> num_list
-- fromList [19,62,45] <> cycle [26,77,30,1,2,5]
-- >>> toList num_list
-- [19,62,45,26,77,30,1,2,5,26,77,30,1,2,5,26,77,30,1,2,5,26,77,30,...
-- >>> maximum num_list
-- 77
-- >>> elementAt 2000000000000000000 num_list
-- Just 5

module Data.RationalList (
    -- * Construction
    fromList, repeat, cycle,
    iterate, unfoldr,
    -- * Components
    -- | Any rational list @xs@ satisfies
    -- prop> fromList (prefix xs) <> cycle (repetend xs) = xs
    prefix, repetend,
    -- * Modification
    concat, concatMap,
    zip, zipWith, unzip,
    -- * Sublists
    filter, partition,
    takeWhile, dropWhile, span,
    take, drop, splitAt,
    -- * Queries
    -- | These are similar to list functions, but take advantage of
    -- repetition for efficiency and to work even with infinite lists.
    -- Several more are provided by the 'Foldable' instance.
    elemIndex, find, findIndex, any, all,
    maximumBy, minimumBy,
    -- * Examples
    -- $examples
    ) where

import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Data.Foldable (toList, fold)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewR(..), (<|), (|>), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Prelude hiding (
    map, repeat, cycle, iterate, concat, concatMap, filter, takeWhile,
    dropWhile, span, take, drop, splitAt, any, all, zip, zipWith, unzip)

-- | A list of the form @'fromList' xs '<>' 'cycle' ys@ where @xs@ and @ys@
-- are finite lists.
data RationalList a = RationalList !(Seq a) !(Seq a)
    -- minimal prefix and repetend

-- | Total functions testing whether lists have the same unfoldings
instance Eq a => Eq (RationalList a) where
    RationalList fr1 re1 == RationalList fr2 re2 = fr1 == fr2 && re1 == re2

-- | Total functions giving the relationship between unfoldings
instance Ord a => Ord (RationalList a) where
    compare xs ys
      | xs == ys = EQ
      | otherwise = compare (toList xs) (toList ys)

-- | Canonical form of the list
instance Show a => Show (RationalList a) where
    showsPrec d (RationalList fr re)
      | null re = showParen (d > app_prec) shows_fr
      | null fr = showParen (d > app_prec) shows_re
      | otherwise = showParen (d > plus_prec) $
            shows_fr . showString " <> " . shows_re
        shows_fr = showString "fromList " . showsPrec (app_prec+1) (toList fr)
        shows_re = showString "cycle " . showsPrec (app_prec+1) (toList re)
        app_prec = 10
        plus_prec = 6

-- | Reads the form produced by 'show'
instance (Read a, Eq a) => Read (RationalList a) where
    readsPrec d =
        readParen (d > plus_prec)
            (\ r -> [(xs <> ys, u) |
                (xs, s) <- readFromList r,
                ("<>", t) <- lex s,
                (ys, u) <- readCycle t]) <>
        readParen (d > app_prec) (readFromList <> readCycle)
        readCycle r = [(cycle xs, t) |
            ("cycle", s) <- lex r,
            (xs, t) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) s]
        readFromList r = [(fromList xs, t) |
            ("fromList", s) <- lex r,
            (xs, t) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) s]
        app_prec = 10
        plus_prec = 6

-- | '<>' is concatenation.
-- In particular, if the first list is infinite, the second is ignored.
instance Eq a => Semigroup (RationalList a) where
    RationalList fr1 re1 <> RationalList fr2 re2
      | Seq.null re1 && Seq.null fr2 = rollup fr1 re2
      | Seq.null re1 = RationalList (fr1 <> fr2) re2
      | otherwise = RationalList fr1 re1

-- | 'mempty' is the empty list.
instance Eq a => Monoid (RationalList a) where
    mempty = RationalList Seq.empty Seq.empty

-- | Specialized implementations of 'null', 'length', 'elem', 'maximum' and
-- 'minimum'
instance Foldable RationalList where
    foldr f z (RationalList fr re) = foldr f rest fr
          | Seq.null re = z
          | otherwise = foldr f rest re
    null (RationalList fr re) = null fr && null re
    length (RationalList fr re)
      | null re = length fr
      | otherwise = error "length of infinite RationalList"
    elem x (RationalList fr re) = elem x fr || elem x re
    maximum = maximumBy compare
    minimum = maximumBy compare

-- Construction

-- | @'fromList' xs@ is a representation of the list @xs@, which must
-- be finite.
fromList :: [a] -> RationalList a
fromList xs = RationalList (Seq.fromList xs) Seq.empty

-- | @'repeat' x@ is the infinite repetition of a single value.
repeat :: a -> RationalList a
repeat x = RationalList Seq.empty (Seq.singleton x)

-- | @'cycle' xs@ is the infinite repetition of the list @xs@, which
-- must be finite.
cycle :: Eq a => [a] -> RationalList a
cycle xs = RationalList Seq.empty (minLoop (Seq.fromList xs))

-- | @'iterate' f x@ is an infinite list of repeated applications of @f@
-- to @x@, provided an earlier value is repeated at some point.
-- If no repetition occurs, the computation does not terminate.
iterate :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> RationalList a
iterate = iterateBrent

-- Brent's algorithm
iterateBrent :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> RationalList a
iterateBrent f = start Seq.empty
    start front tortoise = loop Seq.empty (f tortoise)
        n = Seq.length front
        loop skip hare
          | hare == tortoise = rollup front (tortoise <| skip)
          | Seq.length skip == n =
            start (front >< (tortoise <| skip)) hare
          | otherwise = loop (skip |> hare) (f hare)

-- | @'unfoldr' f z@ is a list built from a seed value @z@.  The function
-- @f@ takes a seed value and returns 'Nothing' if it is done producing
-- the list or returns @'Just' (a,b)@, in which case, @a@ is a prepended
-- to the list and @b@ is used as the next seed value in a recursive call.
-- This will not terminate unless one of these evaluations of @f@ returns
-- 'Nothing' or @'Just' (a,b)@ where @b@ is a previously seen value.
unfoldr :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> RationalList a
unfoldr = unfoldrBrent

-- Brent's algorithm
unfoldrBrent :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> RationalList a
unfoldrBrent f = start Seq.empty
    start front tortoise = loop Seq.empty (f tortoise)
        n = Seq.length front
        loop skip Nothing = RationalList (front >< skip) Seq.empty
        loop skip (Just (x, hare))
          | hare == tortoise = rationalList front skip'
          | Seq.length skip == n = start (front >< skip') hare
          | otherwise = loop skip' (f hare)
            skip' = skip |> x

-- Components

-- | @'prefix' xs@ is the minimal non-repeating part at the front of @xs@.
prefix :: RationalList a -> [a]
prefix (RationalList f _) = toList f

-- | @'repetend' xs@ is the minimal repeating part of @xs@, or @[]@
-- if @xs@ is finite.
repetend :: RationalList a -> [a]
repetend (RationalList _ r) = toList r

-- Modification

-- | @'map' f xs@ is the list obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @xs@.
map :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> RationalList a -> RationalList b
map f (RationalList fr re) = rationalList (fmap f fr) (fmap f re)

-- | @'concat' xss@ is the concatenation of all the lists in @xss@.
concat :: Eq a => RationalList (RationalList a) -> RationalList a
concat (RationalList fr re)
  | Seq.null fr_re && Seq.null re_re = rationalList fr_fr re_fr
  | otherwise = f_fr <> f_re
    f_fr@(RationalList fr_fr fr_re) = fold fr
    f_re@(RationalList re_fr re_re) = fold re

-- | @'concatMap' f xs@ is the concatenation of mapping @f@ over the
-- elements of @xs@.
-- prop> concatMap f xs = concat (map f xs)
concatMap :: Eq b => (a -> RationalList b) -> RationalList a -> RationalList b
concatMap f (RationalList fr re)
  | Seq.null fr_re && Seq.null re_re = rationalList fr_fr re_fr
  | otherwise = f_fr <> f_re
    f_fr@(RationalList fr_fr fr_re) = foldMap f fr
    f_re@(RationalList re_fr re_re) = foldMap f re

-- | @'zip' xs ys@ is a list of corresponding pairs in @xs@ and @ys@.
-- If one input list is shorter, unmatched elements of the longer list
-- are not included.
zip :: RationalList a -> RationalList b -> RationalList (a, b)
zip (RationalList fr1 re1) (RationalList fr2 re2)
  | Seq.null re1 && Seq.null re2 ||
    Seq.null re1 && nf1 <= nf2 ||
    Seq.null re2 && nf2 <= nf1 =
    RationalList (Seq.zip fr1 fr2) Seq.empty
  | nf1 <= nf2 =
    let n = nf2 - nf1 in
        (Seq.zip (fr1 >< Seq.cycleTaking n re1) fr2)
        (zipRepeats (rotateLeft n re1) re2)
  | otherwise =
    let n = nf1 - nf2 in
        (Seq.zip fr1 (fr2 >< Seq.cycleTaking n re2))
        (zipRepeats re1 (rotateLeft n re2))
    nf1 = Seq.length fr1
    nf2 = Seq.length fr2

-- | @'zipWith' f xs ys@ is a list of @f@ applied to corresponding
-- elements from @xs@ and @ys@.
-- If one input list is shorter, unmatched elements of the longer list
-- are not included.
zipWith :: Eq c => (a -> b -> c) ->
    RationalList a -> RationalList b -> RationalList c
zipWith f (RationalList fr1 re1) (RationalList fr2 re2)
  | Seq.null re1 && Seq.null re2 ||
    Seq.null re1 && nf1 <= nf2 ||
    Seq.null re2 && nf2 <= nf1 =
    RationalList (Seq.zipWith f fr1 fr2) Seq.empty
  | nf1 <= nf2 =
    let n = nf2 - nf1 in
        (Seq.zipWith f (fr1 >< Seq.cycleTaking n re1) fr2)
        (zipRepeatsWith f (rotateLeft n re1) re2)
  | otherwise =
    let n = nf1 - nf2 in
        (Seq.zipWith f fr1 (fr2 >< Seq.cycleTaking n re2))
        (zipRepeatsWith f re1 (rotateLeft n re2))
    nf1 = Seq.length fr1
    nf2 = Seq.length fr2

rotateLeft :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
rotateLeft n xs = back >< front
    (front, back) = Seq.splitAt (n `mod` Seq.length xs) xs

zipRepeats :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq (a,b)
zipRepeats = zipRepeatsWith (,)

zipRepeatsWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
zipRepeatsWith f xs ys
  | nx == 0 || ny == 0 = Seq.empty
  | otherwise = Seq.zipWith f (Seq.cycleTaking n xs) (Seq.cycleTaking n ys)
    nx = Seq.length xs
    ny = Seq.length ys
    n = lcm nx ny

-- | @'unzip' xys@ in a pair of the list of first components of @xys@
-- and the list of second components.
unzip :: (Eq a, Eq b) =>
    RationalList (a, b) -> (RationalList a, RationalList b)
unzip (RationalList fr re) = (rationalList fr1 re1, rationalList fr2 re2)
    (fr1, fr2) = Seq.unzip fr
    (re1, re2) = Seq.unzip re

-- Sublists

-- | @'filter' p xs@ is the list of elements @x@ of @xs@ for which @p x@
-- is 'True'.
filter :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> RationalList a
filter p (RationalList fr re) =
    rationalList (Seq.filter p fr) (Seq.filter p re)

-- | @'partition' p xs@ is the list of elements @x@ of @xs@ for which
-- @p x@ is 'True' and the list of those for which it is 'False'.
partition :: Eq a =>
    (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> (RationalList a, RationalList a)
partition p (RationalList fr re) =
    (rationalList (Seq.filter p fr1) (Seq.filter p re1),
     rationalList (Seq.filter p fr2) (Seq.filter p re2))
    (fr1, fr2) = Seq.partition p fr
    (re1, re2) = Seq.partition p re

-- | @'takeWhile' p xs@ is the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@
-- of elements that satisfy @p@.
takeWhile :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> RationalList a
takeWhile p (RationalList fr re)
  | not (null fr2) = RationalList fr1 Seq.empty
  | not (null re2) = RationalList (fr1 >< re1) Seq.empty
  | otherwise = RationalList fr re
    (fr1, fr2) = Seq.spanl p fr
    (re1, re2) = Seq.spanl p re

-- | @'dropWhile' p xs@ is the remainder of the list after the longest
-- prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that satisfy @p@.
-- If no element satisfies @p@, the result is an empty list.
dropWhile :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> RationalList a
dropWhile p (RationalList fr re)
  | not (null fr2) = RationalList fr2 re
  | not (null re2) = RationalList Seq.empty (re2 >< re1)
  | otherwise = mempty
    fr2 = Seq.dropWhileL p fr
    (re1, re2) = Seq.spanl p re

-- | @'span' p xs@ is a pair whose first element is the longest prefix
-- (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that satisfy @p@ and whose second
-- element is the remainder of the list.
-- If no element satisfies @p@, the first list is @xs@ and the second
-- is empty.
span :: Eq a =>
    (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> (RationalList a, RationalList a)
span p (RationalList fr re)
  | not (null fr2) =
    (RationalList fr1 Seq.empty, RationalList fr2 re)
  | not (null re2) =
    (RationalList (fr1 >< re1) Seq.empty,
     RationalList Seq.empty (re2 >< re1))
  | otherwise =
    (RationalList fr re, mempty)
    (fr1, fr2) = Seq.spanl p fr
    (re1, re2) = Seq.spanl p re

-- | @'take' n xs@ is the prefix of @xs@ of length @n@, or all of @xs@
-- if @xs@ is finite and @n > 'length' xs@.
take :: Integral i => i -> RationalList a -> [a]
{-# SPECIALIZE take :: Int -> RationalList a -> [a] #-}
take n xs = List.take (fromIntegral n) (toList xs)

-- | @'drop' n xs@ is the suffix of @xs@ after the first @n@ elements,
-- or empty if @xs@ is finite and @n > 'length' xs@.
drop :: (Integral i, Eq a) => i -> RationalList a -> RationalList a
{-# SPECIALIZE drop :: (Eq a) => Int -> RationalList a -> RationalList a #-}
drop n (RationalList fr re)
  | offset <= 0 = RationalList (Seq.drop (fromIntegral n) fr) re
  | null re = mempty
  | otherwise =
    let (re1, re2) = Seq.splitAt re_ix re in
    RationalList Seq.empty (re2 >< re1)
    offset = toInteger n - toInteger (Seq.length fr)
    re_ix = fromInteger (offset `mod` toInteger (Seq.length re))

-- | @'splitAt' n xs@ is a pair whose first element is the prefix of @xs@
-- of length @n@ and whose second element is the remainder of the list.
splitAt :: (Integral i, Eq a) => i -> RationalList a -> ([a], RationalList a)
{-# SPECIALIZE splitAt :: (Eq a) => Int -> RationalList a -> ([a], RationalList a) #-}
splitAt n (RationalList fr re)
  | offset <= 0 =
    let (fr1, fr2) = Seq.splitAt (fromIntegral n) fr in
    (toList fr1, RationalList fr2 re)
  | null re = (toList fr, mempty)
  | otherwise =
    let (re1, re2) = Seq.splitAt re_ix re in
    (List.take (fromIntegral n) (toList (RationalList fr re)),
     RationalList Seq.empty (re2 >< re1))
    offset = toInteger n - toInteger (Seq.length fr)
    re_ix = fromInteger (offset `mod` toInteger (Seq.length re))

-- | @'tails' xs@ is the list of final segments of @xs@, longest first.
tails :: RationalList a -> RationalList (RationalList a)
tails (RationalList fr re)
  | null re = finiteList (fmap finiteList (Seq.tails fr))
  | otherwise =
        (Seq.fromList [RationalList (Seq.drop n fr) re | n <- [0..nf-1]])
        (Seq.fromList [RationalList mempty (rotateLeft n re) | n <- [0..nr-1]])
    nf = length fr
    nr = length re
    finiteList s = RationalList s mempty

-- Queries

-- | @'finite' xs@ is 'True' when @xs@ is finite.
finite :: RationalList a -> Bool
finite (RationalList _ re) = Seq.null re

-- | @'elementAt' i xs@ is the element of @xs@ at position @i@ (counting
-- from zero), or 'Nothing' if @xs@ has fewer than @i@ elements.
elementAt :: Integral i => i -> RationalList a -> Maybe a
{-# SPECIALIZE elementAt :: Int -> RationalList a -> Maybe a #-}
elementAt n (RationalList fr re)
  | offset < 0 = Seq.lookup (fromIntegral n) fr
  | Seq.null re = Nothing
  | otherwise = Seq.lookup re_ix re
    offset = toInteger n - toInteger (Seq.length fr)
    re_ix = fromInteger (offset `mod` toInteger (Seq.length re))

-- | @'elemIndex' x xs@ is the index of the first element in @xs@ that
-- is equal (by '==') to @x@, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
elemIndex :: Eq a => a -> RationalList a -> Maybe Int
elemIndex x = findIndex (== x)

-- | @'find' p xs@ is @'Just' x@ if @x@ is the first element of @xs@
-- for which @p x@ is 'True', or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
find :: (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> Maybe a
find p (RationalList fr re) = Foldable.find p fr `mplus` Foldable.find p re

-- | @'findIndex' p xs@ is @'Just' i@ if @i@ is the first element @x@
-- of @xs@ for which @p x@ is 'True', or 'Nothing' if there is no such
-- element.
findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> Maybe Int
findIndex p (RationalList fr re) =
    Seq.findIndexL p fr `mplus` fmap (length fr +) (Seq.findIndexL p re)

-- | @'any' p xs@ is 'True' if any only if @p x@ is 'True' for any
-- element of @xs@.
any :: (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> Bool
any p (RationalList fr re) = Foldable.any p fr || Foldable.any p re

-- | @'all' p xs@ is 'True' if any only if @p x@ is 'True' for all
-- elements of @xs@.
all :: (a -> Bool) -> RationalList a -> Bool
all p (RationalList fr re) = Foldable.any p fr && Foldable.any p re

-- | @'maximumBy' cmp xs@ is the greatest element of @xs@ (which must
-- be non-empty) with respect to the comparison function @cmp@.
maximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> RationalList a -> a
maximumBy cmp (RationalList fr re)
  | null re = max_fr
  | null fr = max_re
  | otherwise = case cmp max_fr max_re of
        GT -> max_fr
        _ -> max_re
    max_fr = Foldable.maximumBy cmp fr
    max_re = Foldable.maximumBy cmp re

-- | @'minimumBy' cmp xs@ is the least element of @xs@ (which must be
-- non-empty) with respect to the comparison function @cmp@.
minimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> RationalList a -> a
minimumBy cmp (RationalList fr re)
  | null re = min_fr
  | null fr = min_re
  | otherwise = case cmp min_fr min_re of
        GT -> min_re
        _ -> min_fr
    min_fr = Foldable.minimumBy cmp fr
    min_re = Foldable.minimumBy cmp re

-- | @'foldMapTake' f n xs@ applies @f@ to the first @n@ elements of @xs@
-- and combines the results:
-- prop> foldMapTake f n = foldMap f . take n
-- but may be significantly faster for some monoids.
foldMapTake :: (Integral i, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> i -> RationalList a -> m
{-# SPECIALIZE foldMapTake :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> Int -> RationalList a -> m #-}
foldMapTake f n (RationalList fr re)
  | offset <= 0 || Seq.null re = foldMap f (Seq.take (fromIntegral n) fr)
  | q == 0 = foldMap f fr <> remainder
  | otherwise = foldMap f fr <> stimes q (foldMap f re) <> remainder
    offset = toInteger n - toInteger (Seq.length fr)
    (q, r) = offset `divMod` toInteger (Seq.length re)
    remainder = foldMap f (Seq.take (fromInteger r) re)

-- Internals

-- smart constructor
rationalList :: Eq a => Seq a -> Seq a -> RationalList a
rationalList fr re
  | Seq.null re = RationalList fr mempty
  | otherwise = rollup fr (minLoop re)

-- minimize a recurring list
-- TODO: consider fewer primes?
minLoop :: Eq a => Seq a -> Seq a
minLoop = factorize primes
    factorize (p:ps) xs
      | p > n = xs
      | n `mod` p == 0 && List.all (== first) rest = factorize (p:ps) first
      | otherwise = factorize ps xs
        n = Seq.length xs
        first:rest = takes (n `div` p) xs
    factorize [] _ = error "finite prime list"

-- subsequences of length n
takes :: Int -> Seq a -> [Seq a]
takes n xs
  | Seq.null xs = []
  | otherwise = front:takes n rest
    (front, rest) = Seq.splitAt n xs

-- is n prime?
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime n = noFactors primes
    noFactors (p:ps) = p*p > n || n `mod` p /= 0 && noFactors ps
    noFactors [] = error "finite prime list"

-- infinite list of prime numbers
primes :: [Int]
primes = 2:List.filter isPrime [3,5..]

-- assuming the recurring part is minimal, minimize the prefix
rollup :: Eq a => Seq a -> Seq a -> RationalList a
rollup fr re = case Seq.viewr fr of
    EmptyR -> RationalList fr re
    fr' :> x -> case Seq.viewr re of
        re' :> y | x == y -> rollup fr' (x <| re')
        _ -> RationalList fr re

{- $examples

== Decimal fractions

The following function takes a number @0 <= x < 1@ and returns the leading
digit of its decimal representation, as well as the residue:

> digit :: Rational -> Maybe (Int, Rational)
> digit x
>   | x == 0 = Nothing
>   | otherwise = Just (properFraction (x * 10))

Unfolding with this function gives decimal representations of fractions:

>>> Data.List.unfoldr digit (3/8)

>>> Data.List.unfoldr digit (3/28)

The latter infinite list repeats the subsequence @7,1,4,2,8,5@ indefinitely.
The rational list version of 'unfoldr' detects the repetition and yields a
finite representation:

>>> unfoldr digit (3/8)
fromList [3,7,5]

>>> unfoldr digit (3/28)
fromList [1,0] <> cycle [7,1,4,2,8,5]

With this representation, several list functions can be implemented more
efficiently, e.g.

>>> elementAt 1000000000 $ unfoldr digit (3/28)
Just 4

while others terminate even for infinite lists:

>>> elem 3 $ unfoldr digit (3/28)

== Fibonacci numbers

Puzzle: what is the last digit of the 1000000000th Fibonacci number?
(where the first and second Fibonacci numbers are both 1.)

The infinite list of Fibonacci numbers can be defined as

>>> Data.List.map fst $ Data.List.iterate (\ (a,b) -> (b,(a+b))) (0,1)

However, we only need the last digit of each number, so we can replace
@a+b@ with @(a+b) \`mod\` 10@.  Then the list of pairs must repeat, since
there are a finite number of possible combinations, so it can be represented
as a rational list, and the solution is

>>> elementAt 1000000000 $ map fst $ iterate (\ (a,b) -> (b, (a+b) `mod` 10)) (0,1)
Just 5

Here 'elementAt' calculates the appropriate position in the repeating part
of the list and returns that, without calculating lots of numbers.
