{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Inhabited types

module Data.Inhabited where

import Data.Complex
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

import Data.Inhabited.TH

-- | Inhabited types
class Inhabited a
    -- | Example value. An example value does not have to be an agreed-upon
    -- default value. It can really be any value whatsoever.
    example :: a

instance Inhabited Bool             where example = False
instance Inhabited Int8             where example = 0
instance Inhabited Int16            where example = 0
instance Inhabited Int32            where example = 0
instance Inhabited Int64            where example = 0
instance Inhabited Word8            where example = 0
instance Inhabited Word16           where example = 0
instance Inhabited Word32           where example = 0
instance Inhabited Word64           where example = 0
instance Inhabited Float            where example = 0
instance Inhabited Double           where example = 0
instance Inhabited (Complex Float)  where example = 0
instance Inhabited (Complex Double) where example = 0

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