rdf4h-1.3.4: A library for RDF processing in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Defines types and utility functions related to namespaces, and some predefined values for commonly used namespaces, such as rdf, xsd, dublin core, etc.


Namespace types and functions

data Namespace Source

Represents a namespace as either a prefix and uri, respectively, or just a uri.

mkPlainNS :: Text -> Namespace Source

Make a namespace for the given URI reference.

mkPrefixedNS :: Text -> Text -> Namespace Source

Make a namespace having the given prefix for the given URI reference, respectively.

mkPrefixedNS' :: String -> String -> Namespace Source

Make a namespace having the given prefix for the given URI reference, respectively, using strings which will be converted to bytestrings automatically.

newtype PrefixMapping Source

A mapping of a prefix to the URI for that prefix.


PrefixMapping (Text, Text) 

toPMList :: PrefixMappings -> [(Text, Text)] Source

View the prefix mappings as a list of key-value pairs. The PM in in the name is to reduce name clashes if used without qualifying.

mergePrefixMappings :: PrefixMappings -> PrefixMappings -> PrefixMappings Source

Perform a left-biased merge of the two sets of prefix mappings.

mkUri :: Namespace -> Text -> Text Source

Make a URI consisting of the given namespace and the given localname.

prefixOf :: Namespace -> Maybe Text Source

Determine the prefix of the given namespace, if it has one.

uriOf :: Namespace -> Text Source

Determine the URI of the given namespace.

Predefined namespace values

rdf :: Namespace Source

The RDF namespace.

rdfs :: Namespace Source

The RDF Schema namespace.

dc :: Namespace Source

The Dublin Core namespace.

dct :: Namespace Source

The Dublin Core terms namespace.

owl :: Namespace Source

The OWL namespace.

xsd :: Namespace Source

The XML Schema namespace.

skos :: Namespace Source

The SKOS namespace.

foaf :: Namespace Source

The friend of a friend namespace.

ex :: Namespace Source

Example namespace #1.

ex2 :: Namespace Source

Example namespace #2.

standard_ns_mappings :: PrefixMappings Source

The set of common predefined namespaces as a PrefixMappings value.

ns_mappings :: [Namespace] -> PrefixMappings Source

Takes a list of Namespaces and returns PrefixMappings.