-- |A parser for RDF in N-Triples format
-- <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntriples>.

module Text.RDF.RDF4H.NTriplesParser
  ( NTriplesParser(NTriplesParser)
  , NTriplesParserCustom(NTriplesParserCustom)
  , ParseFailure
  , nt_echar, nt_uchar, nt_langtag
  , string_literal_quote, nt_string_literal_quote
  , nt_pn_chars_base, nt_comment
  , readFile
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter, isAlphaNum, isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (void)

import Data.RDF.Types hiding (empty)
import Data.RDF.IRI
import Text.RDF.RDF4H.ParserUtils

import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parse, IResult(..))
import Text.Parsec (runParser, ParseError)
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Text.Parser.Char
import Text.Parser.Combinators
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile, hSetNewlineMode, noNewlineTranslation, hSetEncoding, utf8)

-- |NTriplesParser is an 'RdfParser' implementation for parsing RDF in the
-- NTriples format. It requires no configuration options. To use this parser,
-- pass an 'NTriplesParser' value as the first argument to any of the
-- 'parseString', 'parseFile', or 'parseURL' methods of the 'RdfParser' type
-- class.
data NTriplesParser = NTriplesParser

newtype NTriplesParserCustom = NTriplesParserCustom Parser

-- |'NTriplesParser' is an instance of 'RdfParser' using parsec based parsers.
instance RdfParser NTriplesParser where
  parseString _  = parseStringParsec
  parseFile   _  = parseFileParsec
  parseURL    _  = parseURLParsec

-- |'NTriplesParser' is an instance of 'RdfParser'.
instance RdfParser NTriplesParserCustom where
  parseString (NTriplesParserCustom Parsec)     = parseStringParsec
  parseString (NTriplesParserCustom Attoparsec) = parseStringAttoparsec
  parseFile   (NTriplesParserCustom Parsec)     = parseFileParsec
  parseFile   (NTriplesParserCustom Attoparsec) = parseFileAttoparsec
  parseURL    (NTriplesParserCustom Parsec)     = parseURLParsec
  parseURL    (NTriplesParserCustom Attoparsec) = parseURLAttoparsec

-- We define or redefine all here using same names as the spec, but with an
-- 'nt_' prefix in order to avoid name clashes (e.g., ntripleDoc becomes
-- nt_ntripleDoc).

-- |nt_ntripleDoc is simply zero or more lines.
-- grammar [1] ntriplesDoc ::= triple? (EOL triple)* EOL?
nt_ntripleDoc :: (CharParsing m, LookAheadParsing m, Monad m) => m [Triple]
nt_ntripleDoc = many sep *> sepEndBy (try nt_triple) (many sep) <* eof
  where sep = many nt_space *> (try nt_comment <|> try nt_eoln) *> many nt_space

-- A triple consists of whitespace-delimited subject, predicate, and object,
-- followed by optional whitespace and a period, and possibly more
-- whitespace.
-- NTriples W3C test "minimal_whitespace" proposes no space:
-- "tests absense of whitespace between subject, predicate, object and
-- end-of-statement"
-- `optional` lets this nt_triple parser succeed even if there is not
-- a space or tab character between resources or the object and the '.'.
-- Grammar [2] triple ::= subject predicate object '.'
nt_triple :: (CharParsing m, LookAheadParsing m, Monad m) => m Triple
nt_triple = Triple
  <$> (nt_subject   <* optional (skipSome nt_space))
  <*> (nt_predicate <* optional (skipSome nt_space))
  <*> (nt_object    <* optional (skipSome nt_space) <* char '.' <* many nt_space)

-- Grammar [6] literal ::= STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE ('^^' IRIREF | LANGTAG)?
nt_literal :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m LValue
nt_literal = do
  str <- nt_string_literal_quote
  option (plainL str) (langTag str <|> typeIRI str)
    langTag str = plainLL str <$> try nt_langtag
    typeIRI str = typedL str <$> try (count 2 (char '^') *> nt_iriref)

-- Grammar [9] STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE ::= '"' ([^#x22#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* '"'
nt_string_literal_quote :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m T.Text
nt_string_literal_quote = string_literal_quote '"'

string_literal_quote :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => Char -> m T.Text
string_literal_quote d = between (char d) (char d) string_literal
  where string_literal = T.pack <$> many (try validLiteralChar)
        validLiteralChar = noneOf [d,'\x5C','\xA','\xD']
                       <|> nt_echar
                       <|> nt_uchar

-- Grammar [144s] LANGTAG ::= '@' [a-zA-Z]+ ('-' [a-zA-Z0-9]+)*
nt_langtag :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m T.Text
nt_langtag = do
  ss   <- char '@' *> some (satisfy isLetter)
  rest <- concat <$> many (char '-' *> some (satisfy isAlphaNum) >>= \lang_str -> pure ('-':lang_str))
  pure (T.pack (ss <> rest))

-- [8] IRIREF
nt_iriref :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m T.Text
nt_iriref = between (char '<') (char '>') $ do
  raw_iri <- iriFragment
  either (const empty) pure (validateIRI raw_iri) <?> "Only absolute IRIs allowed in NTriples format, which this isn't: " <> show raw_iri

-- [153s] ECHAR
nt_echar :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m Char
nt_echar = try $ do
  c2 <- char '\\' *> anyChar
  case c2 of
    't'  -> pure '\t'
    'b'  -> pure '\b'
    'n'  -> pure '\n'
    'r'  -> pure '\r'
    'f'  -> pure '\f'
    '"'  -> pure '\"'
    '\'' -> pure '\''
    '\\' -> pure '\\'
    _    -> empty

nt_uchar :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m Char
nt_uchar = uchar

-- A subject is either a URI reference for a resource or a node id for a
-- blank node.
nt_subject :: (CharParsing m, LookAheadParsing m, Monad m) => m Node
nt_subject = unode <$> try nt_iriref
         <|> bnode <$> nt_blank_node_label

-- A predicate may only be a URI reference to a resource.
nt_predicate :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => m Node
nt_predicate = unode <$> nt_iriref

-- An object may be either a resource (represented by a URI reference),
-- a blank node (represented by a node id), or an object literal.
nt_object :: (CharParsing m, LookAheadParsing m, Monad m) => m Node
nt_object = unode <$> try nt_iriref
        <|> bnode <$> try nt_blank_node_label
        <|> LNode <$> nt_literal

-- [141s] BLANK_NODE_LABEL ::= '_:' (PN_CHARS_U | [0-9]) ((PN_CHARS | '.')* PN_CHARS)?
nt_blank_node_label :: (CharParsing m, LookAheadParsing m, Monad m) => m T.Text
nt_blank_node_label = do
  void (string "_:")
  firstChar <- nt_pn_chars_u <|> satisfy isDigit
  otherChars <- option "" $ try $
    many (nt_pn_chars <|> try (char '.' <* lookAhead (try nt_pn_chars)))
  pure $ T.pack (firstChar : otherChars)

-- [157s] PN_CHARS_BASE ::= [A-Z] | [a-z] | [#x00C0-#x00D6] | [#x00D8-#x00F6] | [#x00F8-#x02FF] | [#x0370-#x037D] | [#x037F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
nt_pn_chars_base :: CharParsing m => m Char
nt_pn_chars_base = try $ satisfy isBaseChar
  where isBaseChar c = (isAsciiUpper c)
                    || (isAsciiLower c)
                    || (c >= '\x00C0' && c <= '\x00D6')
                    || (c >= '\x00D8' && c <= '\x00F6')
                    || (c >= '\x00F8' && c <= '\x02FF')
                    || (c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x037D')
                    || (c >= '\x037F' && c <= '\x1FFF')
                    || (c >= '\x200C' && c <= '\x200D')
                    || (c >= '\x2070' && c <= '\x218F')
                    || (c >= '\x2C00' && c <= '\x2FEF')
                    || (c >= '\x3001' && c <= '\xD7FF')
                    || (c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFDCF')
                    || (c >= '\xFDF0' && c <= '\xFFFD')
                    || (c >= '\x10000' && c <= '\xEFFFF')

-- [158s] PN_CHARS_U
nt_pn_chars_u :: CharParsing m => m Char
nt_pn_chars_u = nt_pn_chars_base <|> try (char '_') <|> try (char ':')

-- [160s] PN_CHARS
nt_pn_chars :: CharParsing m => m Char
nt_pn_chars = nt_pn_chars_u
          <|> try (char '-')
          <|> try (char '\x00B7')
          <|> try (satisfy f)
  where f c = isDigit c
           || (c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F')
           || (c >= '\x203F' && c <= '\x2040')

-- End-of-line consists of either lf or crlf.
-- We also test for eof and consider that to match as well.
nt_eoln :: CharParsing m => m ()
nt_eoln =  try (void (string "\r\n")) <|> void (char '\n')

-- Whitespace is either a space or a tabulation.
-- The built-in space combinator must be avoided here, because it includes newline.
nt_space :: CharParsing m => m ()
nt_space = void (try (char ' ') <|> try (char '\t'))

nt_comment :: CharParsing m => m ()
nt_comment = void (char '#' *> manyTill anyChar (try nt_eoln))

-- parsec based parsers

parseStringParsec :: (Rdf a) => T.Text -> Either ParseFailure (RDF a)
parseStringParsec bs = handleParsec mkRdf (runParser nt_ntripleDoc () "" bs)

parseFileParsec :: (Rdf a) => String -> IO (Either ParseFailure (RDF a))
parseFileParsec path =
  handleParsec mkRdf . runParser nt_ntripleDoc () path
  <$> readFile path

readFile :: FilePath -> IO T.Text
readFile fpath = withFile fpath ReadMode $ \h -> do
  hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
  hSetEncoding h utf8
  T.hGetContents h

parseURLParsec :: (Rdf a) => String -> IO (Either ParseFailure (RDF a))
parseURLParsec = parseFromURL parseStringParsec

handleParsec :: (Triples -> Maybe BaseUrl -> PrefixMappings -> RDF a) ->
                 Either ParseError [Triple] -> Either ParseFailure (RDF a)
handleParsec _mkRdf result = case result of
  Left err -> Left  $ ParseFailure $ "Parse failure: \n" <> show err
  Right ts -> Right $ _mkRdf ts Nothing (PrefixMappings mempty)


-- attoparsec based parsers

parseFileAttoparsec :: (Rdf a) => String -> IO (Either ParseFailure (RDF a))
parseFileAttoparsec path = handleAttoparsec <$> readFile path

parseURLAttoparsec :: (Rdf a) => String -> IO (Either ParseFailure (RDF a))
parseURLAttoparsec = parseFromURL handleAttoparsec

parseStringAttoparsec :: (Rdf a) => T.Text -> Either ParseFailure (RDF a)
parseStringAttoparsec = handleAttoparsec

handleAttoparsec :: (Rdf a) => T.Text -> Either ParseFailure (RDF a)
handleAttoparsec bs = handleResult $ parse nt_ntripleDoc (T.encodeUtf8 bs)
    handleResult res = case res of
        Fail _i _contexts err -> Left $ ParseFailure $ "Parse failure: \n" <> show err
          -- error $
          -- "\nnot consumed: " <> show i
          -- <> "\ncontexts: " <> show contexts
          -- <> "\nerror: " <> show err
        Partial f -> handleResult (f (T.encodeUtf8 mempty))
        Done _ ts -> Right $ mkRdf ts Nothing (PrefixMappings mempty)
