rdf4h-4.0.2: A library for RDF processing in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Query functions

equalSubjects :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool Source #

Determine whether two triples have equal subjects. Note that it doesn't perform namespace expansion!

equalPredicates :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool Source #

Determine whether two triples have equal predicates. Note that it doesn't perform namespace expansion!

equalObjects :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool Source #

Determine whether two triples have equal objects. Note that it doesn't perform namespace expansion!

subjectOf :: Triple -> Node Source #

Answer the subject node of the triple.

predicateOf :: Triple -> Node Source #

Answer the predicate node of the triple.

objectOf :: Triple -> Node Source #

Answer the object node of the triple.

isEmpty :: Rdf a => RDF a -> Bool Source #

Determines whether the RDF contains zero triples.

rdfContainsNode :: Rdf a => RDF a -> Node -> Bool Source #

Answer if rdf contains node.

tripleContainsNode :: Node -> Triple -> Bool Source #

Answer if triple contains node. Note that it doesn't perform namespace expansion!

subjectsWithPredicate :: Rdf a => RDF a -> Predicate -> [Subject] Source #

Lists of all subjects of triples with the given predicate.

objectsOfPredicate :: Rdf a => RDF a -> Predicate -> [Object] Source #

Lists of all objects of triples with the given predicate.

uordered :: Triples -> Triples Source #

Convert a list of triples into a sorted list of unique triples.

RDF graph functions

isIsomorphic :: (Rdf a, Rdf b) => RDF a -> RDF b -> Bool Source #

This determines if two RDF representations are equal regardless of blank node names, triple order and prefixes. In math terms, this is the simeq latex operator, or ~= . Unsafe because it assumes IRI resolution will succeed, may throw an IRIResolutionException exception.

expandTriples :: Rdf a => RDF a -> Triples Source #

Expand the triples in a graph with the prefix map and base URL for that graph. Unsafe because it assumes IRI resolution will succeed, may throw an IRIResolutionException exception.

fromEither :: Either ParseFailure (RDF a) -> RDF a Source #

Convert a parse result into an RDF if it was successful and error and terminate if not.

expansion functions

expandTriple :: PrefixMappings -> Triple -> Triple Source #

Expand the triple with the prefix map.

expandNode :: PrefixMappings -> Node -> Node Source #

Expand the node with the prefix map. Only UNodes are expanded, other kinds of nodes are returned as-is.

expandURI :: PrefixMappings -> Text -> Text Source #

Expand the URI with the prefix map. Also expands "a" to "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type".

absolutizing functions

absolutizeTriple :: Maybe BaseUrl -> Triple -> Triple Source #

Prefixes relative URIs in the triple with BaseUrl. Unsafe because it assumes IRI resolution will succeed, may throw an IRIResolutionException exception.

absolutizeNode :: Maybe BaseUrl -> Node -> Either String Node Source #

Prepends BaseUrl to UNodes with relative URIs.

absolutizeNodeUnsafe :: Maybe BaseUrl -> Node -> Node Source #

Prepends BaseUrl to UNodes with relative URIs. Unsafe because it assumes IRI resolution will succeed, may throw an IRIResolutionException exception.