reanimate- Animation library based on SVGs.

CopyrightWritten by David Himmelstrup
Safe HaskellNone




Reanimate is an animation library based on SVGs. It is designed to act like glue between external components such as latex, ffmpeg, gnuplot, diagrams, and povray.



Reanimate features a web-based viewer which is opened by default if no other parameters are given. Key features:

  • This viewer listens for changes to the source file and recompiles the code automatically as needed.
  • Animations are rendered with increasing fidelity until the frame rate eaches 60 fps.
  • Key commands for pausing, frame stepping, forward/rewind.

reanimate :: Animation -> IO () Source #

Main entry-point for accessing an animation. Creates a program that takes the following command-line arguments:

  This program contains an animation which can either be viewed in a web-browser
  or rendered to disk.

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  check                    Run a system's diagnostic and report any missing
                           external dependencies.
  view                     Play animation in browser window.
  render                   Render animation to file.

Neither the check nor the view command take any additional arguments. Rendering animation can be controlled with these arguments:

Usage: PROG render [-o|--target FILE] [--fps FPS] [-w|--width PIXELS]
                   [-h|--height PIXELS] [--compile] [--format FMT]
                   [--preset TYPE]
  Render animation to file.

Available options:
  -o,--target FILE         Write output to FILE
  --fps FPS                Set frames per second.
  -w,--width PIXELS        Set video width.
  -h,--height PIXELS       Set video height.
  --compile                Compile source code before rendering.
  --format FMT             Video format: mp4, gif, webm
  --preset TYPE            Parameter presets: youtube, gif, quick
  -h,--help                Show this help text


type SVG = Tree Source #

data Animation Source #

Animations are SVGs over a finite time.


Animation Duration (Time -> SVG) 

animate :: (Time -> SVG) -> Animation Source #

Construct animation with a duration of 1.

duration :: Animation -> Duration Source #

Query the duration of an animation.


seqA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play animations in sequence. The lhs animation is removed after it has completed. New animation duration is 'duration lhs + duration rhs'.


drawBox `seqA` drawCircle

parA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Shortest animation freezes on last frame. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

parLoopA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Shortest animation loops. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parLoopA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

parDropA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Animations disappear after playing once. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parLoopA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

pause :: Duration -> Animation Source #

Empty animation (no SVG output) with a fixed duration.


pause 1 `seqA` drawProgress

andThen :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play left animation and freeze on the last frame, then play the right animation. New duration is 'duration lhs + duration rhs'.


drawBox `andThen` drawCircle

mapA :: (Tree -> Tree) -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Map over the SVG produced by an animation at every frame.


mapA (scale 0.5) drawCircle

pauseAtEnd :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the last frame for t seconds at the end of the animation.


pauseAtEnd 1 drawProgress

pauseAtBeginning :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the first frame for t seconds at the beginning of the animation.


pauseAtBeginning 1 drawProgress

pauseAround :: Duration -> Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the first and the last frame of the animation for a specified duration.


pauseAround 1 1 drawProgress

adjustDuration :: (Duration -> Duration) -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Change the duration of an animation. Animates are stretched or squished (rather than truncated) to fit the new duration.

setDuration :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Set the duration of an animation by adjusting its playback rate. The animation is still played from start to finish without being cropped.

reverseA :: Animation -> Animation Source #

Play an animation in reverse. Duration remains unchanged. Shorthand for: signalA reverseS.


reverseA drawCircle

playThenReverseA :: Animation -> Animation Source #

Play animation before playing it again in reverse. Duration is twice the duration of the input.


playThenReverseA drawCircle

repeatA :: Double -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Loop animation n number of times. This number may be fractional and it may be less than 1. It must be greater than or equal to 0, though. New duration is n*duration input.


repeatA 1.5 drawCircle

signalA :: Signal -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Modify the time component of an animation. Animation duration is unchanged.


signalA (fromToS 0.25 0.75) drawCircle


type Signal = Double -> Double Source #

Signals are time-varying variables. Signals can be composed using function composition.

constantS :: Double -> Signal Source #

Constant signal.


signalA (constantS 0.5) drawProgress

fromToS :: Double -> Double -> Signal Source #

Signal with new starting and end values.


signalA (fromToS 0.8 0.2) drawProgress

reverseS :: Signal Source #

Reverse signal order.


signalA reverseS drawProgress

curveS :: Double -> Signal Source #

S-curve signal. Takes a steepness parameter. 2 is a good default.


signalA (curveS 2) drawProgress

bellS :: Double -> Signal Source #

Bell-curve signal. Takes a steepness parameter. 2 is a good default.


signalA (bellS 2) drawProgress

oscillateS :: Signal Source #

Oscillate signal.


signalA oscillateS drawProgress


(#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b Source #

data Scene s a Source #

Monad (Scene s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reanimate.Scene


(>>=) :: Scene s a -> (a -> Scene s b) -> Scene s b #

(>>) :: Scene s a -> Scene s b -> Scene s b #

return :: a -> Scene s a #

fail :: String -> Scene s a #

Functor (Scene s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reanimate.Scene


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Scene s a -> Scene s b #

(<$) :: a -> Scene s b -> Scene s a #

MonadFix (Scene s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reanimate.Scene


mfix :: (a -> Scene s a) -> Scene s a #

Applicative (Scene s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reanimate.Scene


pure :: a -> Scene s a #

(<*>) :: Scene s (a -> b) -> Scene s a -> Scene s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Scene s a -> Scene s b -> Scene s c #

(*>) :: Scene s a -> Scene s b -> Scene s b #

(<*) :: Scene s a -> Scene s b -> Scene s a #

sceneAnimation :: (forall s. Scene s a) -> Animation Source #

fork :: Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #

waitAll :: Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #

adjustZ :: (ZIndex -> ZIndex) -> Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #


Raster data

External SVG providers

latex :: Text -> Tree Source #

Invoke latex and import the result as an SVG object. SVG objects are cached to improve performance.


latex "$e^{i\\pi}+1=0$"

latexAlign :: Text -> Tree Source #

Invoke latex and import the result as an SVG object. SVG objects are cached to improve performance. This wraps the TeX code in an 'align*' context.


latexAlign "R = \\frac{{\\Delta x}}{{kA}}"

xelatex :: Text -> Tree Source #

Invoke xelatex and import the result as an SVG object. SVG objects are cached to improve performance. Xelatex has support for non-western scripts.


xelatex "中文"


turbo :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “turbo” color scheme by Anton Mikhailov.

viridis :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “viridis” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt, Smith and Firing for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.

magma :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “magma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.

inferno :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “inferno” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.

plasma :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “plasma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.

sinebow :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “sinebow” color scheme by Jim Bumgardner and Charlie Loyd.

parula :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Parula is the default colormap for matlab.

cividis :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “cividis” color vision deficiency-optimized color scheme designed by Nuñez, Anderton, and Renslow, represented as an RGB string.

jet :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Jet colormap. Used to be the default in matlab. Obsolete.

hsv :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

hsv colormap. Goes from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.

hsvMatlab :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Matlab hsv colormap. Goes from 0 degrees to 330 degrees.

greyscale :: Double -> PixelRGB8 Source #

Greyscale colormap.
