{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Reanimate.Svg
  ( module Reanimate.Svg
  , module Reanimate.Svg.Constructors
  , module Reanimate.Svg.LineCommand
  , module Reanimate.Svg.BoundingBox
  , module Reanimate.Svg.Unuse
  ) where

import           Control.Lens                 ((%~), (&), (.~), (^.))
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Graphics.SvgTree             hiding (height, line, path, use,
import           Linear.V2                    hiding (angle)
import           Reanimate.Constants
import           Reanimate.Svg.Constructors
import           Reanimate.Svg.LineCommand
import           Reanimate.Svg.BoundingBox
import           Reanimate.Svg.Unuse
import qualified Reanimate.Transform          as Transform

lowerTransformations :: Tree -> Tree
lowerTransformations = worker Transform.identity
    updLineCmd m cmd =
      case cmd of
        LineMove p    -> LineMove $ Transform.transformPoint m p
        -- LineDraw p -> LineDraw $ Transform.transformPoint m p
        LineBezier ps -> LineBezier $ map (Transform.transformPoint m) ps
        LineEnd p     -> LineEnd $ Transform.transformPoint m p
    updPath m = lineToPath . map (updLineCmd m) . toLineCommands
    worker m t =
      let m' = m * Transform.mkMatrix (t^.transform) in
      case t of
        PathTree path -> PathTree $
          path & pathDefinition %~ updPath m'
               & transform .~ Nothing
        GroupTree g -> GroupTree $
          g & groupChildren %~ map (worker m')
            & transform .~ Nothing
        _ -> mkGroup [t] & transform .~ Just [ Transform.toTransformation m ]

lowerIds :: Tree -> Tree
lowerIds = mapTree worker
    worker t@GroupTree{} = t & attrId .~ Nothing
    worker t@PathTree{}  = t & attrId .~ Nothing
    worker t             = t

simplify :: Tree -> Tree
simplify root =
  case worker root of
    []  -> None
    [x] -> x
    xs  -> mkGroup xs
    worker None = []
    worker (DefinitionTree d) =
      concatMap dropNulls $
      [DefinitionTree $ d & groupChildren %~ concatMap worker]
    worker (GroupTree g)
      | g ^. drawAttributes == defaultSvg =
        concatMap dropNulls $
        concatMap worker (g^.groupChildren)
      | otherwise =
        dropNulls $
        GroupTree $ g & groupChildren %~ concatMap worker
    worker t = dropNulls t

    dropNulls None = []
    dropNulls (DefinitionTree d)
      | null (d^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls (GroupTree g)
      | null (g^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls t = [t]

extractPath :: Tree -> [PathCommand]
extractPath = worker . simplify . lowerTransformations . pathify
    worker (GroupTree g) = concatMap worker (g^.groupChildren)
    worker (PathTree p)  = p^.pathDefinition
    worker _             = []

withSubglyphs :: [Int] -> (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree
withSubglyphs target fn = \t -> evalState (worker t) 0
    worker :: Tree -> State Int Tree
    worker t =
      case t of
        GroupTree g -> do
          cs <- mapM worker (g ^. groupChildren)
          return $ GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ cs
        PathTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        CircleTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        PolyLineTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        PolygonTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        EllipseTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        LineTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        RectangleTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        _ -> return t
    handleGlyph :: Tree -> State Int Tree
    handleGlyph svg = do
      n <- get <* modify (+1)
      if n `elem` target
        then return $ fn svg
        else return svg

splitGlyphs :: [Int] -> Tree -> (Tree, Tree)
splitGlyphs target = \t ->
    let (_, l, r) = execState (worker id t) (0, [], [])
    in (mkGroup l, mkGroup r)
    handleGlyph :: Tree -> State (Int, [Tree], [Tree]) ()
    handleGlyph t = do
      (n, l, r) <- get
      if n `elem` target
        then put (n+1, l, t:r)
        else put (n+1, t:l, r)
    worker :: (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree -> State (Int, [Tree], [Tree]) ()
    worker acc t =
      case t of
        GroupTree g -> do
          let acc' sub = acc (GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ [sub])
          mapM_ (worker acc') (g ^. groupChildren)
        PathTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        CircleTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        PolyLineTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        PolygonTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        EllipseTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        LineTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        RectangleTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        DefinitionTree{} -> return ()
        _ ->
          modify $ \(n, l, r) -> (n, acc t:l, r)
<g transform="translate(10,10)">
  <g transform="scale(2)">
  <g transform="scale(0.5)">

[ (\svg -> <g transform="translate(10,10)"><g transform="scale(2)">svg</g></g>, <circle/>)
, (\svg -> <g transform="translate(10,10)"><g transform="scale(0.5)">svg</g></g>, <rect/>)]
svgGlyphs :: Tree -> [(Tree -> Tree, DrawAttributes, Tree)]
svgGlyphs = worker id defaultSvg
    worker acc attr =
        GroupTree g ->
          let acc' sub = acc (GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ [sub])
              attr' = (g^.drawAttributes) `mappend` attr
          in concatMap (worker acc' attr') (g ^. groupChildren)
        t -> [(acc, attr, t)]

pathify :: Tree -> Tree
pathify = mapTree worker
    worker =
        RectangleTree rect | Just (x,y,w,h) <- unpackRect rect ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ rect ^. drawAttributes & strokeLineCap .~ pure CapSquare
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x y]
              ,HorizontalTo OriginRelative [w]
              ,VerticalTo OriginRelative [h]
              ,HorizontalTo OriginRelative [-w]
              ,EndPath ]
        LineTree line | Just (x1,y1, x2, y2) <- unpackLine line ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ line ^. drawAttributes
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x1 y1]
              ,LineTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x2 y2] ]
        CircleTree circ | Just (x, y, r) <- unpackCircle circ ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ circ ^. drawAttributes
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 (x-r) y]
              ,EllipticalArc OriginRelative [(r, r, 0,True,False,(V2 (r*2) 0))
                                            ,(r, r, 0,True,False,(V2 (-r*2) 0))]]
        t -> t
    unpackCircle circ = do
      let (x,y) = circ ^. circleCenter
      liftM3 (,,) (unpackNumber x) (unpackNumber y) (unpackNumber $ circ ^. circleRadius)
    unpackLine line = do
      let (x1,y1) = line ^. linePoint1
          (x2,y2) = line ^. linePoint2
      liftM4 (,,,) (unpackNumber x1) (unpackNumber y1) (unpackNumber x2) (unpackNumber y2)
    unpackRect rect = do
      let (x', y') = rect ^. rectUpperLeftCorner
      x <- unpackNumber x'
      y <- unpackNumber y'
      w <- unpackNumber =<< rect ^. rectWidth
      h <- unpackNumber =<< rect ^. rectHeight
      return (x,y,w,h)
    unpackNumber n =
      case toUserUnit defaultDPI n of
        Num d -> Just d
        _     -> Nothing