module Reanimate.Raster
( embedImage
, embedDynamicImage
, embedPng
, raster
, rasterSized
, vectorize
, vectorize_
, svgAsPngFile
, svgAsPngFile'
) where
import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types (dynamicMap)
import Control.Lens ((&), (.~))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as Base64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.SvgTree (Number (..), Tree (..),
defaultSvg, parseSvgFile)
import qualified Graphics.SvgTree as Svg
import Reanimate.Animation
import Reanimate.Cache
import Reanimate.Misc
import Reanimate.Render
import Reanimate.Parameters
import Reanimate.Svg.Constructors
import Reanimate.Svg.Unuse
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import System.IO.Unsafe
{-# INLINE embedImage #-}
embedImage :: PngSavable a => Image a -> Tree
embedImage img = embedPng width height (encodePng img)
width = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
height = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img
embedPng :: Double -> Double -> LBS.ByteString -> Tree
embedPng w h png = flipYAxis $
ImageTree $ defaultSvg
& Svg.imageCornerUpperLeft .~ (Svg.Num (-w/2), Svg.Num (-h/2))
& Svg.imageWidth .~ Svg.Num w
& Svg.imageHeight .~ Svg.Num h
& Svg.imageHref .~ ("data:image/png;base64," ++ imgData)
imgData = LBS.unpack $ Base64.encode png
{-# INLINE embedDynamicImage #-}
embedDynamicImage :: DynamicImage -> Tree
embedDynamicImage img = embedPng width height imgData
width = fromIntegral $ dynamicMap imageWidth img
height = fromIntegral $ dynamicMap imageHeight img
imgData =
case encodeDynamicPng img of
Left err -> error err
Right dat -> dat
raster :: Tree -> DynamicImage
raster = rasterSized 2560 1440
rasterSized :: Int -> Int -> Tree -> DynamicImage
rasterSized w h svg = unsafePerformIO $ do
png <- B.readFile (svgAsPngFile' w h svg)
case decodePng png of
Left{} -> error "bad image"
Right img -> return img
vectorize :: FilePath -> Tree
vectorize = vectorize_ []
vectorize_ :: [String] -> FilePath -> Tree
vectorize_ _ path | pNoExternals = mkText $ T.pack path
vectorize_ args path = unsafePerformIO $ do
root <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "reanimate"
createDirectoryIfMissing True root
let svgPath = root </> show key <.> "svg"
hit <- doesFileExist svgPath
unless hit $
withSystemTempFile "file.svg" $ \tmpSvgPath svgH ->
withSystemTempFile "file.bmp" $ \tmpBmpPath bmpH -> do
hClose svgH
hClose bmpH
potrace <- requireExecutable "potrace"
convert <- requireExecutable "convert"
runCmd convert [ path, "-flatten", tmpBmpPath ]
runCmd potrace (args ++ ["--svg", "--output", tmpSvgPath, tmpBmpPath])
renameFile tmpSvgPath svgPath
svg_data <- B.readFile svgPath
case parseSvgFile svgPath svg_data of
Nothing -> do
removeFile svgPath
error "Malformed svg"
Just svg -> return $ unbox $ replaceUses svg
key = hash (path, args)
svgAsPngFile :: Tree -> FilePath
svgAsPngFile = svgAsPngFile' width height
width = 2560
height = width * 9 `div` 16
svgAsPngFile' :: Int -> Int -> Tree -> FilePath
svgAsPngFile' _ _ _ | pNoExternals = "/svgAsPngFile/has/been/disabled"
svgAsPngFile' width height svg = unsafePerformIO $ cacheFile template $ \pngPath -> do
let svgPath = replaceExtension pngPath "svg"
writeFile svgPath rendered
applyRaster RasterRSvg svgPath
template = show (hash rendered) <.> "png"
rendered = renderSvg (Just $ Px $ fromIntegral width) (Just $ Px $ fromIntegral height) svg