{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Reanimate.Math.Compatible where

import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Vector                   as V
import           Linear.V2
import           Linear.Vector
import           Reanimate.Math.Common
import           Reanimate.Math.Polygon

import           Debug.Trace

mkSteinerPoints :: V2 Rational -> V2 Rational -> Int -> [V2 Rational]
mkSteinerPoints a b s_ = [ lerp (i/(s+1)) b a | i <- [1..s]]
    s = fromIntegral s_

-- 0..i,j..n-1
-- i..j
split1Link :: Polygon -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Polygon, Polygon)
split1Link p i j s | j < i = split1Link p j i s
split1Link p i j s =
    (mkPolygon $ V.fromList left
    ,mkPolygon $ V.fromList right)
    n = pSize p
    sp = mkSteinerPoints (pAccess p i) (pAccess p j) s
    left = map (pAccess p) [0..i] ++ sp ++ map (pAccess p) [j..n-1]
    right = map (pAccess p) [i..j] ++ reverse sp

steiner2Link :: Polygon -> Int -> Int -> V2 Rational
steiner2Link p i j | j < i = steiner2Link p j i
steiner2Link p i j
    | isNeighbour = error "steiner2Link: Points are neighbours"
    | isParent    = error "steiner2Link: Points can directly see each other."
    | not (isStraightLine || isGrandparent || oneBendBetween p i j) =
      error $ "steiner2Link: Cannot construct 2-link chain between points: " ++ show (i,j,pParent p i j,pParent p i (pParent p i j))
    | otherwise =
      lerp 0.5 (fst vect) (intersects!!0)
    distToV = approxDist (fst vect)
    isNeighbour = i == pNext p j || i == pPrev p j
    isParent = pParent p i j == i
    isGrandparent = pParent p i (pParent p i j) == i
    isStraightLine =
        (pAccess p j)
        (pAccess p $ pParent p i j)
        (pAccess p i) == 0
    intersects = sortOn distToV $
      snd vect :
      [ u
      | n <- [0..pSize p-1]
      , let edge = (pAccess p n, pAccess p $ pNext p n)
      , u <- case rayIntersect vect edge of
               Nothing -> []
               Just u  -> [u]
      , isBetween u edge
      , u /= fst vect
      , isForward vect u
    iP = pAdjustOffset p i
    jP = pAdjustOffset p j
      | isStraightLine =
          let p1 = lerp 0.5 (pAccess p i) (pAccess p j)
              p2 =
                case p1-pAccess p i of
                  V2 x y -> p1 + V2 (-y) x -- rotate 90 degrees.
          in (p1,p2)
      | otherwise = fromMaybe (error $ "No window overlap: " ++ show (isStraightLine, isGrandparent, oneBendBetween p i j)) $ listToMaybe $
        [ (p1, p1+(p2-p1) + (p3-p1))
        | (a,b) <- ssspWindows iP
        , (c,d) <- ssspWindows jP
        , (p1,p2,p3) <-
            if | a == c -> pure (a, b, d)
               | a == d -> pure (a, b, c)
               | b == c -> pure (b, a, d)
               | b == d -> pure (b, a, c)
               | otherwise -> []
    isForward (a,b) v =
      not (isBetween a (b,v))

-- 0..i,s,j..n-1
-- i..j,s
split2Link :: Polygon -> Int -> Int -> (Polygon, Polygon)
split2Link p i j | j < i = split2Link p j i
split2Link p i j =
    (mkPolygon $ V.fromList left
    ,mkPolygon $ V.fromList right)
    s = steiner2Link p i j
    n = pSize p
    left = map (pAccess p) [0..i] ++ [s] ++ map (pAccess p) [j..n-1]
    right = map (pAccess p) [i..j] ++ [s]

data Link = OneLink | TwoLink

splitNLink :: Polygon -> Int -> [(Link,Int)] -> (Polygon, Polygon)
splitNLink p i js =
    (mkPolygon $ V.fromList left
    ,mkPolygon $ V.fromList right)
    n = pSize p
    left = map (pAccess p) [0..i] ++ steiners ++ map (pAccess p) [j..n-1]
    right = map (pAccess p) [i..j] ++ reverse steiners
    j = snd (last js)
    steiners = splitNLinks p i js
-- 0, [(TwoLink,2),(OneLink,3)]
-- 0, [(OneLink,5),(TwoLink,3)]
splitNLinks :: Polygon -> Int -> [(Link,Int)] -> [V2 Rational]
splitNLinks _p _i [] = []
splitNLinks p i [(TwoLink,j)] = [steiner2Link p i j]
splitNLinks _p _i [(OneLink,_j)] = []
splitNLinks p i ((TwoLink,j):(OneLink,j'):xs) =
  let (l,r) = split2Link p i j
      p' = selectContains l r (pAccess p j')
      s = steiner2Link p i j
      sIdx = fromMaybe (error "missing steiner") $ V.elemIndex s (polygonPoints p')
  in s : splitNLinks p' sIdx ((TwoLink,j') : xs)
splitNLinks p i ((TwoLink,j):(TwoLink,j'):xs) =
  let (l,r) = split2Link p i j
      p' = selectContains l r (pAccess p j')
      s = steiner2Link p i j
      sIdx = fromMaybe (error "missing steiner") $ V.elemIndex s (polygonPoints p')
  in s : splitNLinks p' sIdx ((OneLink,j):(TwoLink,j') : xs)
splitNLinks p i ((OneLink,j):(TwoLink,j'):xs) =
  let (l,r) = split2Link p j j'
      p' = selectContains l r (pAccess p i)
      p'' = selectContains l r (pAccess p j')
      s = steiner2Link p j j'
      s' = steiner2Link p' i sIdx
      sIdx = fromMaybe (error "missing steiner sIdx") $ V.elemIndex s (polygonPoints p')
      sIdx' = fromMaybe (error "missing steiner sIdx'") $ V.elemIndex s' (polygonPoints p'')
  in s' : s : splitNLinks p'' sIdx' ((OneLink,j') : xs)
splitNLinks _p _i _ = error "splitNLinks: invalid input"

selectContains :: Polygon -> Polygon -> V2 Rational -> Polygon
selectContains p1 p2 elt
  | V.elem elt (polygonPoints p1) = p1
  | V.elem elt (polygonPoints p2) = p2
  | otherwise     = error "elt not member of either polygons"
-- [(P, Vis)] -> Polygon -> [P]
If there is a 1-link path, connect it.
  Recurse into the two new polygon pairs.

If there is a 2-link path, connect it, possibly add bogus steiner point.
  Recurse into the two new polygon pairs.

If there is a n-link path, connect it, add bogus steiner points.
  Recurse into the two new polygon pairs.

-- a 2 b 1 c
-- ab = 2-link of (a,b)
-- abc = 2-link of (cut-a-ab-b, c)
-- steps: a ab abc c
-- a, [(2,b), (1,c)]
-- [(ab, p1,p2)]

, mkGroup
  [ withStrokeColor "green" $mkGroup
    [ mkLine (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
    , mkLine (x1',y1') (x2',y2') ]
  | (a,b) <- mWins
  , (i,j) <- oWins
  , a == i || a == j || b == i || b == j
  , not (sort [a,b] == sort [i,j])
  , let V2 x1 y1 = realToFrac <$> a
        V2 x2 y2 = realToFrac <$> b
        V2 x1' y1' = realToFrac <$> i
        V2 x2' y2' = realToFrac <$> j

type Points = V.Vector (V2 Rational)
type Edges = [(Int, Int, Int)]
data Mesh = Mesh { meshPoints :: Points, meshEdges :: Edges }
data MeshPair = MeshPair Points Points Edges
-- The points in a RelMesh are:
--   relMeshStatic ++ x where Ax = B
-- data RelMesh = RelMesh
--   { relMeshStatic :: Points
--   , relMeshEdges  :: Edges
--   , relMeshA      :: Matrix Double
--   , relMeshB      :: Matrix Double
--   }
-- data RelMeshPair = RelMeshPair Points Edges (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double) (Matrix Double)

-- Use SSSP to find 1-link connections
-- Compute visibility windows for each node
-- Check windows for ovelap, giving 2-link connections.
-- Use floyd to generate all other connections
-- (a,b,1)
-- (a,b,2)
-- floyd
compatiblyTriangulateP :: Polygon -> Polygon -> [(Polygon, Polygon)]
compatiblyTriangulateP a b
  | pSize a /= pSize b = error "polygon size mismatch"
  | otherwise = compatiblyTriangulateP' (pSetOffset a 0) (pSetOffset a 0) (pSetOffset b 0)

compatiblyTriangulateP' :: Polygon -> Polygon -> Polygon -> [(Polygon, Polygon)]
compatiblyTriangulateP' aOrigin a b
  | trace ("Polygon size: " ++ show (pSize a)) False = undefined
  | n == 3 = trace ("Done") $
  | otherwise =
    case bestOneLink of
      Nothing ->
        case bestTwoLink of
          Nothing -> error $ "no 2-links"
          Just (nodeL, nodeR) -> trace (show ("two link"::String, toOriginIndex nodeL, toOriginIndex nodeR)) $
            let (aL, aR) =
                  if (nodeL, nodeR) `elem` aOneLink
                    then split1Link a nodeL nodeR 1
                    else split2Link a nodeL nodeR
                (bL, bR) =
                  if (nodeL, nodeR) `elem` bOneLink
                    then split1Link b nodeL nodeR 1
                    else split2Link b nodeL nodeR
            in compatiblyTriangulateP' aOrigin aL bL ++ compatiblyTriangulateP' aOrigin aR bR
      Just (nodeL,nodeR) -> trace (show ("one link"::String, toOriginIndex nodeL, toOriginIndex nodeR)) $
        let (aL, aR) = split1Link a nodeL nodeR 0
            (bL, bR) = split1Link b nodeL nodeR 0
        in compatiblyTriangulateP' aOrigin aL bL ++ compatiblyTriangulateP' aOrigin aR bR
    toOriginIndex idx =
      (idx,fromMaybe (-1) (V.elemIndex (pAccess a idx) (polygonPoints aOrigin)) +
      polygonOffset aOrigin)
    n = pSize a
    bestOneLink = listToMaybe (sortOn (Down . nodeDist)
      (aOneLink `intersect` bOneLink))
    bestTwoLink = listToMaybe (sortOn (Down . nodeDist)
      ((aOneLink++aTwoLink) `intersect` (bOneLink++bTwoLink)))
    aOneLink = polygonOneLinks a
    bOneLink = polygonOneLinks b
    aTwoLink = polygonTwoLinks a
    bTwoLink = polygonTwoLinks b
    nodeDist (i,j) = min (j-i) (n-j+i)

oneBendBetween :: Polygon -> Int -> Int -> Bool
oneBendBetween _p _a _b = False
-- oneBendBetween p a b =
--     direction
--       (pAccess p b)
--       (pAccess p (pParent p a b))
--       (pAccess p $ obstructedBy b) == 0 &&
--     (pParent p a b) /= obstructedBy b
--   where
--     obstructedBy n =
--       case pParent p a n of
--         i -> if i == a then n else obstructedBy i

polygonTwoLinks :: Polygon -> [(Int,Int)]
polygonTwoLinks p =
  [ (i, j)
  | i <- [0 .. n-1]
  , j <- [i+2 .. n-1]
  , not (i==0 && j == n-1)
  , pParent p i j /= i -- check for 1-link
  , let isTwoLink = pParent p i (pParent p i j) == i
        isStraightLine = oneBendBetween p i j
  -- Points on a straight line should be 2-link even though they are not
  -- direct grandparents.
  , isTwoLink || isStraightLine
  ] where n = pSize p

polygonOneLinks :: Polygon -> [(Int,Int)]
polygonOneLinks p =
  [ (i, j)
  | i <- [0 .. pSize p-1]
  , j <- [i+2 .. pSize p-1]
  , not (i==0 && j == pSize p-1)
  , pParent p i j == i