redis-0.3.1: A driver for Redis key-value database




Monadic wrapper for Database.Redis.Redis


Types ans Constructors

class MonadIO m => WithRedis m whereSource


data Redis Source

Redis connection descriptor




server :: (String, String)

hostname and port pair

handle :: Handle

real network connection


data BS s => Reply s Source

Redis reply variants



Timeout. Currently unused


"Ok" reply


Reply for the ping command


Used inside multi-exec block

RError String

Some kind of server-side error

RInline s

Simple oneline reply

RInt Int

Integer reply

RBulk (Maybe s)

Multiline reply

RMulti (Maybe [Reply s])

Complex reply. It may consists of various type of replys


(Eq s, BS s) => Eq (Reply s) 
BS s => Show (Reply s) 

data Interval a Source

Interval representation


Closed a a

closed interval [a, b]

Open a a

open interval (a, b)

LeftOpen a a

left-open interval (a, b]

RightOpen a a

right-open interval [a, b)


Show a => Show (Interval a) 
IsInterval (Interval a) a

Trivial IsInterval instance

class IsInterval i a | i -> a whereSource

Class for conversion value to Interval

Definied instances is:

  • the Interval itself
  • pair (a,b) for open interval
  • two-member list [a, b] for closed interval (throws runtime error if the list length is different)


toInterval :: i -> Interval aSource


IsInterval [a] a

Two-element list [a, b] converted to closed interval. No static checking of list length performed.

IsInterval (Interval a) a

Trivial IsInterval instance

IsInterval (a, a) a

Pair (a, b) converted to open interval

data BS s => SortOptions s Source

Options data type for the sort command




desc :: Bool

sort with descending order

limit :: (Int, Int)

return (from, to) elements

alpha :: Bool

sort alphabetically

sort_by :: s

sort by value from this key

get_obj :: [s]

return this keys values

store :: s

store result to this key

sortDefaults :: SortOptions ByteStringSource

Default options for the sort command

fromRInline :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m sSource

Unwraps RInline reply.

Throws an exception when called with something different from RInline

fromRBulk :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m (Maybe s)Source

Unwraps RBulk reply.

Throws an exception when called with something different from RBulk

fromRMulti :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m (Maybe [Reply s])Source

Unwraps RMulti reply

Throws an exception when called with something different from RMulti

fromRMultiBulk :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m (Maybe [Maybe s])Source

Unwraps RMulti reply filled with RBulk

Throws an exception when called with something different from RMulti

fromRInt :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m IntSource

Unwraps RInt reply

Throws an exception when called with something different from RInt

fromROk :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m ()Source

Unwraps ROk reply

Throws an exception when called with something different from ROk

noError :: (Monad m, BS s) => Reply s -> m ()Source

Unwraps every non-error reply

Throws an exception when called with something different from RMulti

takeAll :: (Int, Int)Source

a (0, -1) range - takes all element from a list in lrange, zrange and so on

Database connection

localhost :: StringSource

just a localhost

defaultPort :: StringSource

default Redis port

Redis commands


exec :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => m (Reply s)Source

run_multi :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => [m (Reply ())] -> m (Reply s)Source

exists :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

del :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

getType :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

keys :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

randomKey :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => m (Reply s)Source

rename :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply ())Source

renameNx :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

expire :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> Int -> m (Reply Int)Source

expireAt :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> Int -> m (Reply Int)Source

ttl :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

move :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> Int -> m (Reply Int)Source

info :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => m (Reply s)Source


set :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply ())Source

setNx :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

mSet :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [(s1, s2)] -> m (Reply ())Source

mSetNx :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [(s1, s2)] -> m (Reply Int)Source

get :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

getSet :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply s3)Source

mGet :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> m (Reply s2)Source

incr :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

incrBy :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> Int -> m (Reply Int)Source

decr :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

decrBy :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> Int -> m (Reply Int)Source

append :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

substr :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> (Int, Int) -> m (Reply s2)Source


rpush :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

lpush :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

llen :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

lrange :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> (Int, Int) -> m (Reply s2)Source

ltrim :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> (Int, Int) -> m (Reply ())Source

lindex :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> Int -> m (Reply s2)Source

lset :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> Int -> s2 -> m (Reply ())Source

lrem :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> Int -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

lpop :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

rpop :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

rpoplpush :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply s3)Source

blpop :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> Int -> m (Reply s2)Source

brpop :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> Int -> m (Reply s2)Source


sadd :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

srem :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

spop :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

smove :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> s2 -> s3 -> m (Reply Int)Source

scard :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

sismember :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

smembers :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

srandmember :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> m (Reply s2)Source

sinter :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> m (Reply s2)Source

sinterStore :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> [s2] -> m (Reply ())Source

sunion :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> m (Reply s2)Source

sunionStore :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> [s2] -> m (Reply ())Source

sdiff :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => [s1] -> m (Reply s2)Source

sdiffStore :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> [s2] -> m (Reply ())Source

Sorted sets

zadd :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> Double -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

zrem :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source

zincrBy :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> Double -> s2 -> m (Reply s3)Source

zrange :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> (Int, Int) -> Bool -> m (Reply s2)Source

zrevrange :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> (Int, Int) -> Bool -> m (Reply s2)Source

zrangebyscore :: (WithRedis m, IsInterval i Double, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> i -> Bool -> m (Reply s2)Source

zcount :: (WithRedis m, IsInterval i Double, BS s) => s -> i -> m (Reply Int)Source

zcard :: (WithRedis m, BS s) => s -> m (Reply Int)Source

zscore :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply s3)Source

zrank :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2) => s1 -> s2 -> m (Reply Int)Source


sort :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> SortOptions s2 -> m (Reply s3)Source

listRelated :: (WithRedis m, BS s1, BS s2, BS s3) => s1 -> s2 -> (Int, Int) -> m (Reply s3)Source

Persistent control