references- Selectors for reading and updating data.

Safe HaskellNone




Predefined references for commonly used data structures and reference generators.

When defining lenses one should use the more general types. For instance Lens instead of the more strict Lens'. This way references with different m1 and m2 monads can be combined if there is a monad m' for MMorph m1 m' and MMorph m2 m'.


Trivial references

self :: Lens a b a b Source #

An identical lens. Accesses the context.

self & a = a & self = a

emptyRef :: Simple RefPlus s a Source #

An empty reference that do not traverse anything

emptyRef &+& a = a &+& emptyRef = a
a & emptyRef = emptyRef & a = emptyRef

References for simple data structures

atArg :: Eq a => a -> Simple Lens (a -> b) b Source #

An indexed lens for accessing points a function

just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b Source #

A partial lens to access the value that may not exist

right :: Prism (Either a b) (Either a c) b c Source #

A partial lens to access the right option of an Either

left :: Prism (Either a c) (Either b c) a b Source #

A partial lens to access the left option of an Either

anyway :: Lens (Either a a) (Either b b) a b Source #

Access the value that is in the left or right state of an Either

both :: Traversal (a, a) (b, b) a b Source #

References both elements of a tuple

atHead :: Simple Lens [a] (Maybe a) Source #

References the head of a list

headElem :: Simple Partial [a] a Source #

References the element at the head of the list

_tail :: Simple Partial [a] [a] Source #

References the tail of a list

dropped :: Int -> Simple Partial [a] [a] Source #

References a suffix of a list

view :: Iso [a] [b] (Maybe (a, [a])) (Maybe (b, [b])) Source #

Views a list as an optinal pair

text :: Simple Iso String Text Source #

An isomorphism between the list and text representation of a string

reversed :: Iso [a] [b] [a] [b] Source #

Accesses the reversed version of a list

'turn' reversed == reversed

_numerator :: Integral a => Simple Lens (Ratio a) a Source #

Accesses the numerator of a ratio

_denominator :: Integral a => Simple Lens (Ratio a) a Source #

Accesses the denominator of a ratio

_realPart :: RealFloat a => Simple Lens (Complex a) a Source #

Accesses the real part of a complex number

_imagPart :: RealFloat a => Simple Lens (Complex a) a Source #

Accesses the imaginary part of a complex number

_polar :: RealFloat a => Simple Lens (Complex a) (a, a) Source #

Accesses the polar representation of a complex number

Stateful references

data Console Source #

A dummy object to interact with the user through the console.



consoleLine :: Simple IOLens Console String Source #

Interacts with a line of text on the console. Values set are printed, getting is reading from the console.

fileContent :: Simple IOLens FilePath (Maybe String) Source #

Reference to the contents of the file. Not thread-safe.

An empty file's content is Just "" while a non-existent file's is Nothing

Creates a temporary file to store the result.

mvar :: Simple IOLens (MVar a) a Source #

Access a value inside an MVar. Setting is not atomic. If there is two supplier that may set the accessed value, one may block and can corrupt the following updates.

Reads and updates are done in sequence, always using consistent data.

modifyMVarMasked_ :: (Monad m, Morph IO m, MorphControl IO m) => MVar a -> (a -> m a) -> m () Source #

Generalized version of modifyMVarMasked_.

mask_ :: MorphControl IO m => m a -> m a Source #

Generalized version of mask_.

onException :: MorphControl IO m => m a -> m b -> m a Source #

Generalized version of onException.

ioref :: Simple IOLens (IORef a) a Source #

Access the value of an IORef.

state :: forall s m a. Monad m => Simple (StateLens s m) a s Source #

Access the state inside a state monad (from any context).

stRef :: Simple (STLens s) (STRef s a) a Source #

Access the value inside an STRef

whereOf :: (RefMonads w r, MonadPlus r) => (i -> Bool) -> IndexedReference i w r MU MU s s a a -> IndexedReference i w r MU MU s s a a Source #

Filters an indexed reference based on the index