{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.Registry.TH (
, makeTypeclass
, makeTypeclassWith
) where

import           Data.Text                  as T (drop, splitOn)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import           Protolude                  hiding (Type, Strict)

  This module generates a typeclass for a given "record of functions". For this component:

data Logger m = Logger {
  _info :: Text -> m ()
, _error :: Text -> m ()

-- `makeTypeClass ''Logger` generates

class WithLogger m where
  info :: Text -> m ()
  error :: Text -> m ()

-- This requires the import of `Data.Generics.Product.Typed` from `generic-lens`
instance HasType (Logger m) s => WithLogger (ReaderT s m) where
  info t = ReaderT (\l -> _info (getTyped l) t)
  error t = ReaderT (\l -> _error (getType l) t)


-- | Create the haskell code presented in the module description
makeTypeclass :: Name -> DecsQ
makeTypeclass = makeTypeclassWith (TypeclassOptions ("With" <>) (T.drop 1))

-- | These generation options can be used to tweak the generated names
data TypeclassOptions = TypeclassOptions {
  -- adjust the typeclass name based on the component constructor name
  _typeclassName :: Text -> Text
  -- adjust the typeclass function names based on the component function names
, _functionName  :: Text -> Text

-- | Make a typeclass using some specific generation options
makeTypeclassWith :: TypeclassOptions -> Name -> DecsQ
makeTypeclassWith (TypeclassOptions typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker) componentType = do
  info <- reify componentType
  case info of
        TyConI (DataD _ name typeVars _ [RecC _ types] _) -> do
          readertInstance <- createReadertInstance typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name typeVars types
          pure $ createTypeclass typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name typeVars types
                 <> readertInstance

        TyConI (NewtypeD _ name typeVars _ (RecC _ types) _) -> do
          readertInstance <- createReadertInstance typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name typeVars types
          pure $ createTypeclass typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name typeVars types
                 <> readertInstance

        other -> do
          qReport True ("can only generate a typeclass for a record of functions, got: " <> show other)
          pure []

createTypeclass :: (Text -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [VarBangType] -> [Dec]
createTypeclass typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name typeVars types =
  let typeclassName = modifyName typeclassNameMaker (dropQualified name)
      functions = fmap (makeFunctionDeclaration functionNameMaker) types
  in [ClassD [] typeclassName typeVars [] functions]

-- | Create an instance definition using a ReaderT instance
--     instance WithLogger (ReaderT (Logger m) m) where ...
createReadertInstance :: (Text -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [VarBangType] -> DecsQ
createReadertInstance typeclassNameMaker functionNameMaker name [tvar] types =
  let tvarName = case tvar of PlainTV v -> v; KindedTV v _ -> v
      typeclassName = modifyName typeclassNameMaker (dropQualified name)
      functions = fmap (makeFunctionInstance functionNameMaker (mkName "ReaderT")) types
      typeclassT = ConT typeclassName
      components = mkName "c"
      componentTypeT = ConT name
      componentsTypeT = VarT components
      readerT = ConT (mkName "ReaderT")
      hasTypeT = ConT (mkName "HasType")
      tvarT   = VarT tvarName
  in pure [InstanceD Nothing
            [AppT (AppT hasTypeT (AppT componentTypeT tvarT)) componentsTypeT]
            (AppT typeclassT (AppT (AppT readerT componentsTypeT) tvarT))

createReadertInstance _ _ _ tvars _ = do
  qReport True ("can only generate a instance for a component typeclass when it has only one type variable, got: " <> show tvars)
  pure []

-- | Make the function declaration of the typeclass based on the function name in the "record of functions"
makeFunctionDeclaration :: (Text -> Text) -> VarBangType -> Dec
makeFunctionDeclaration functionNameMaker (name, _, type') =
  SigD (modifyName functionNameMaker (dropQualified name)) type'

-- | This produces: info p1 p2 = ReaderT (\component -> _info component p1 p2)
makeFunctionInstance :: (Text -> Text) -> Name -> VarBangType -> Dec
makeFunctionInstance functionNameMaker runnerName (name, _, functionType) =
  let functionName = modifyName functionNameMaker (dropQualified name)
      readerT = ConE runnerName
      component = mkName "component"
      numberOfParameters = countNumberOfParameters functionType
      parameterNames = (\i -> mkName ("p" <> show i)) <$> [1..numberOfParameters]
      parameters = VarP <$> parameterNames
      firstApplication = AppE (VarE name) (AppE (VarE (mkName "getTyped")) (VarE component))
      body = foldl' (\r p -> AppE r (VarE p)) firstApplication parameterNames
    FunD functionName [Clause parameters (NormalB (AppE readerT (LamE [VarP component] body))) []]

-- | count the number of parameters for a function type
countNumberOfParameters :: Type -> Int
countNumberOfParameters (ForallT _ _ t) = countNumberOfParameters t
countNumberOfParameters (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) t) = 1 +  countNumberOfParameters t
countNumberOfParameters _ = 0

-- | Modify a template haskell name
modifyName :: (Text -> Text) -> Name -> Name
modifyName f n = mkName (toS . f . show $ n)

-- | Remove the module name from a qualified name
dropQualified :: Name -> Name
dropQualified name =  maybe name (mkName . toS) (lastMay (T.splitOn "." (show name)))