{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

  This module provides a set of statistics over the execution
  of the registry. This allows to get better insights over the execution
  or test that the registry is well configured
module Data.Registry.Internal.Statistics where

import           Data.Registry.Internal.Types
import           Protolude
import           Type.Reflection


-- | This datatype records:
--    - the created values
--    - the applied functions
--    - the specializations used to create values
data Statistics = Statistics {
  operations :: Operations
, values     :: Values
} deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup Statistics where
  Statistics ops1 vs1 <> Statistics ops2 vs2 =
    Statistics (ops1 <> ops2) (vs1 <> vs2)

instance Monoid Statistics where
  mempty = Statistics mempty mempty
  mappend = (<>)

-- | A list of function applications created
--   when creating a value out of the Registry
type Operations = [AppliedFunction]

-- | List of distinct paths from the root of the value graph to a leaf
type Paths = [[Value]]

-- | A function application with an output value and a list of input values
data AppliedFunction = AppliedFunction {
  _outputValue :: Value
, _inputValues ::[Value]
} deriving (Show)

initStatistics :: Values -> Statistics
initStatistics vs = mempty { values = vs }

-- | Return the specializations used during the creation of values
usedSpecializations :: Statistics -> [Specialization]
usedSpecializations stats =
  case values stats of
    Values [] -> []
    Values (v : vs) ->
      case usedSpecialization v of
        Just s  -> s : usedSpecializations stats { values = Values vs }
        Nothing -> usedSpecializations stats { values = Values vs }

-- | Return the list of distinct paths from the root of a value graph to leaves
--   of that graph.
--   This can be used to check if a given value was indeed used according to a given
--   specialization
allValuesPaths :: Statistics -> Paths
allValuesPaths stats = do
  v <- unValues $ values stats
  valuePaths v

-- | Return all the paths from a given value to all its dependencies
valuePaths :: Value -> Paths
valuePaths v@(CreatedValue _ _ _ _ (Dependencies ds)) = do
  d <- ds
  (v :) <$> valuePaths d

valuePaths _ = []

-- | Find the most recently created value of a given type
findMostRecentValue :: forall a . (Typeable a) => Statistics -> Maybe Value
findMostRecentValue stats = find (\v -> valueDynTypeRep v == someTypeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) $ unValues (values stats)