{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds      #-}

module Data.Registry.Statistics (
  module S
, makeStatistics
, makeStatisticsFast
, makeStatisticsEither
, makeStatisticsUnsafe
) where

import           Data.Registry.Internal.Make
import           Data.Registry.Internal.Statistics as S
import           Data.Registry.Internal.Stack
import           Data.Registry.Internal.Types
import           Data.Registry.Solver
import           Data.Registry.Registry
import           Prelude                           (error)
import           Protolude
import           Type.Reflection

makeStatistics :: forall a ins out . (Typeable a, Contains a out, Solvable ins out) => Registry ins out -> Statistics
makeStatistics = makeStatisticsUnsafe @a

makeStatisticsFast :: forall a ins out .  (Typeable a, Contains a out) => Registry ins out -> Statistics
makeStatisticsFast = makeStatisticsUnsafe @a

-- | Return `Statistics` as the result of the creation of a value
--   of a given type
makeStatisticsEither :: forall a ins out . (Typeable a) => Registry ins out -> Either Text Statistics
makeStatisticsEither registry =
  let values          = _values registry
      functions       = _functions registry
      specializations = _specializations registry
      modifiers       = _modifiers registry
      targetType      = someTypeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)
      -- use the makeUntyped function to create an element of the target type from a list of values and functions
      -- the list of values is kept as some State so that newly created values can be added to the current state
        evalStackWithValues values
          (makeUntyped targetType (Context [(targetType, Nothing)]) functions specializations modifiers)

        Left e ->
          Left $ "could not create a " <> show targetType <> " out of the registry because " <> e <> "\nThe registry is\n" <>
                 show registry

        other ->

-- | Return `Statistics` as the result of the creation of a value
--   of a given type (and throws an exception if the value cannot be created)
makeStatisticsUnsafe  :: forall a ins out . (Typeable a) => Registry ins out -> Statistics
makeStatisticsUnsafe registry =
  case makeStatisticsEither @a registry of
    Right a -> a
    Left  e -> Prelude.error (toS e)