registry- data structure for assembling components
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Type level functions to statically assess if a value can be built out of a Registry



type family Inputs f :: [Type] where ... Source #

Compute the list of input types for a function


Inputs (i -> o) = i ': Inputs o 
Inputs x = '[] 

type family Output f :: Type where ... Source #

Compute the output type for a function


Output (i -> o) = Output o 
Output x = x 

type family CanMake (a :: Type) (els :: [Type]) (target :: Type) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Compute if a function can be added to a registry


CanMake a '[] t = TypeError (((((((((((((Text "The function creating the output type " :$$: Text "") :$$: (Text " " :<>: ShowType (Output t))) :$$: Text "") :$$: Text "cannot be added to the registry because the input parameter") :$$: Text "") :$$: (Text " " :<>: ShowType (Output a))) :$$: Text "") :$$: Text " is not one of the registry outputs") :$$: Text "") :$$: ((Text "The full function type for " :<>: ShowType (Output t)) :<>: Text " is")) :$$: Text "") :$$: ShowType t) :$$: Text "") 
CanMake a (a ': _els) _t = () 
CanMake a (_b ': els) t = CanMake a els t 

type family CanMakeMany (a :: Type) (els :: [Type]) (targets :: [Type]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Compute if a registry can be added to another registry


CanMakeMany a '[] ts = TypeError (((((((((Text "The registry creating the output types " :$$: Text "") :$$: (Text " " :<>: ShowType ts)) :$$: Text "") :$$: Text "cannot be added to the other registry because one input parameter") :$$: Text "") :$$: (Text " " :<>: ShowType (Output a))) :$$: Text "") :$$: Text " is missing of the overall registry outputs") :$$: Text "") 
CanMakeMany a (a ': _els) _ts = () 
CanMakeMany a (_b ': els) ts = CanMakeMany a els ts 

class IsSubset (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]) (target :: Type) Source #

Compute if each element of a list of types is contained in another list when trying to add the function target


Instances details
IsSubset ('[] :: [Type]) out t Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

(CanMake a out t, IsSubset els out t) => IsSubset (a ': els) out t Source #

The list of elements: a + els is a subset of out if els is a subset of out and a is also included in the set out. The search for a in out is done via a type family in order to be able to display an error message if it can't be found

Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

class AreSubset (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]) (targets :: [Type]) Source #

Compute if each element of a list of types is contained in another list when trying to append 2 registries together where target is the list of inputs of the first registry


Instances details
AreSubset ('[] :: [Type]) out ts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

(CanMakeMany a out ts, AreSubset els out ts) => AreSubset (a ': els) out ts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

class IsSameSet (types1 :: [Type]) (types2 :: [Type]) Source #

Compute if each element of a list of types is the same as another in a different order


Instances details
(ts1 ~ Normalized types1, ts2 ~ Normalized types2, IsSubset ts1 ts2 (), IsSubset ts1 ts2 ()) => IsSameSet types1 types2 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

type family Contains (a :: Type) (els :: [Type]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Compute if a type is contained in a list of types


Contains a els = Contains1 a els els 

type family Contains1 (a :: Type) (els :: [Type]) (target :: [Type]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Compute if a type is contained in a list of types


Contains1 a '[] target = TypeError (('ShowType a :<>: Text " cannot be found in ") :<>: 'ShowType target) 
Contains1 a (a ': els) t = () 
Contains1 a (b ': els) t = Contains1 a els t 

type (:-) out a = Contains a out Source #

Shorthand type alias when many such constraints need to be added to a type signature

class Solvable (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]) Source #

From the list of all the input types and outputs types of a registry Can we create all the output types?


Instances details
IsSubset ins out () => Solvable ins out Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Solver

type family (x :: [k]) :++ (y :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #

Extracted from the typelevel-sets project and adapted for the Registry datatype This union deduplicates elements only if they appear in contiguously What we really want is typelevel sets but they are too slow for now


'[] :++ xs = xs 
(x ': xs) :++ ys = x ': (xs :++ ys) 

type family FindUnique (a :: Type) (as :: [Type]) :: [Type] where ... Source #

Return '[a] only if it is not already in the list of types


FindUnique a '[] = '[a] 
FindUnique a (a ': _rest) = '[] 
FindUnique a (_b ': rest) = FindUnique a rest 

type family Normalized (as :: [Type]) :: [Type] where ... Source #

Type family to remove some redundant types in a list of types


Normalized '[] = '[] 
Normalized '[a] = '[a] 
Normalized (a ': rest) = FindUnique a rest :++ Normalized rest