{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}

module Rel8.Table.Projection
  ( Projection
  , Projectable( project )
  , Biprojectable( biproject )
  , Projecting
  , apply

-- base
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Prelude

-- rel8
import Rel8.Schema.Field ( Field( Field ), fields )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( hfield, htabulate )
import Rel8.Table ( Columns, Context, Transpose, toColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Transpose ( Transposes )

-- | The constraint @'Projecting' a b@ ensures that @'Projection' a b@ is a
-- usable 'Projection'.
type Projecting :: Type -> Type -> Constraint
  ( Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a)
  , Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)
  => Projecting a b
  ( Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a)
  , Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)
  => Projecting a b

-- | A @'Projection' a b@s is a special type of function @a -> b@ whereby the
-- resulting @b@ is guaranteed to be composed only from columns contained in
-- @a@.
type Projection :: Type -> Type -> Type
type Projection a b = Transpose (Field a) a -> Transpose (Field a) b

-- | @'Projectable' f@ means that @f@ is a kind of functor on 'Rel8.Table's
-- that allows the mapping of a 'Projection' over its underlying columns.
type Projectable :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class Projectable f where
  -- | Map a 'Projection' over @f@.
  project :: Projecting a b
    => Projection a b -> f a -> f b

-- | @'Biprojectable' p@ means that @p@ is a kind of bifunctor on
-- 'Rel8.Table's that allows the mapping of a pair of 'Projection's  over its
-- underlying columns.
type Biprojectable :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class Biprojectable p where
  -- | Map a pair of 'Projection's over @p@.
  biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d)
    => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> p a c -> p b d

apply :: Projecting a b
  => Projection a b -> Columns a context -> Columns b context
apply :: Projection a b -> Columns a context -> Columns b context
apply Projection a b
f Columns a context
a = case Transpose (Field a) (Transpose (Field a) b)
-> Columns (Transpose (Field a) (Transpose (Field a) b)) (Field a)
forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
a -> Columns a context
toColumns (Projection a b
f Transpose (Field a) a
forall (context :: Context) table fields.
Transposes context (Field table) table fields =>
fields) of
  Columns (Transpose (Field a) (Transpose (Field a) b)) (Field a)
bs -> (forall a. HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a -> context a)
-> Columns (Transpose (Field a) b) context
forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
HTable t =>
(forall a. HField t a -> context a) -> t context
htabulate ((forall a.
  HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a -> context a)
 -> Columns (Transpose (Field a) b) context)
-> (forall a.
    HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a -> context a)
-> Columns (Transpose (Field a) b) context
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a
field -> case Columns (Transpose (Field a) b) (Field a)
-> HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a -> Field a a
forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context) a.
HTable t =>
t context -> HField t a -> context a
hfield Columns (Transpose (Field a) b) (Field a)
Columns (Transpose (Field a) (Transpose (Field a) b)) (Field a)
bs HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) b)) a
field of
    Field HField (Columns a) a
field' -> Columns (Transpose (Field a) a) context
-> HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) a)) a -> context a
forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context) a.
HTable t =>
t context -> HField t a -> context a
hfield Columns a context
Columns (Transpose (Field a) a) context
a HField (Columns a) a
HField (Columns (Transpose (Field a) a)) a