Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class NotNull a => DBType a where
- newtype JSONEncoded a = JSONEncoded {
- fromJSONEncoded :: a
- newtype JSONBEncoded a = JSONBEncoded {
- fromJSONBEncoded :: a
- newtype ReadShow a = ReadShow {
- fromReadShow :: a
- newtype Composite a = Composite a
- class (DBType a, HKDable a) => DBComposite a where
- compose :: DBComposite a => HKD a Expr -> Expr a
- decompose :: forall a. DBComposite a => Expr a -> HKD a Expr
- newtype Enum a = Enum a
- class (DBType a, Enumable a) => DBEnum a where
- enumValue :: a -> String
- enumTypeName :: String
- class (Generic a, GEnumable (Rep a)) => Enumable a
- data TypeInformation a = TypeInformation {}
- mapTypeInformation :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b
- parseTypeInformation :: (a -> Either String b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b
- class DBType a => DBSemigroup a where
- class DBSemigroup a => DBMonoid a where
- memptyExpr :: Expr a
- class DBType a => DBNum a
- class (DBNum a, DBOrd a) => DBIntegral a
- class DBNum a => DBFractional a
- class DBFractional a => DBFloating a
- class HTable (GColumns t) => Rel8able t
- type KRel8able = Rel8able
- type family Column context a where ...
- type family HADT context t where ...
- type family HEither context = either | either -> context where ...
- type family HMaybe context = maybe | maybe -> context where ...
- type family HList context = list | list -> context where ...
- type family HNonEmpty context = nonEmpty | nonEmpty -> context where ...
- type family HNull context = maybe | maybe -> context where ...
- type family HThese context = these | these -> context where ...
- type family Lift context a where ...
- class (HTable (Columns a), context ~ Context a, a ~ Transpose context a) => Table context a | a -> context where
- class HTable t
- class (Table from a, Table to b, Congruent a b, b ~ Transpose to a, a ~ Transpose from b) => Transposes from to a b | a -> from, b -> to, a to -> b, b from -> a
- class AltTable f where
- class AltTable f => AlternativeTable f where
- emptyTable :: Table Expr a => f a
- class Table Expr a => EqTable a where
- (==:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- (/=:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- class EqTable a => OrdTable a where
- (<:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- (<=:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- (>:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- (>=:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool
- ascTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a
- descTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a
- greatest :: OrdTable a => a -> a -> a
- least :: OrdTable a => a -> a -> a
- lit :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => a -> exprs
- bool :: Table Expr a => a -> a -> Expr Bool -> a
- case_ :: Table Expr a => [(Expr Bool, a)] -> a -> a
- castTable :: Table Expr a => a -> a
- data MaybeTable context a
- maybeTable :: Table Expr b => b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> b
- ($?) :: forall a b. Sql DBType b => (a -> Expr b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr (Nullify b)
- nothingTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable Expr a
- justTable :: a -> MaybeTable Expr a
- isNothingTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool
- isJustTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool
- fromMaybeTable :: Table Expr a => a -> MaybeTable Expr a -> a
- optional :: Query a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a)
- catMaybeTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Query a
- traverseMaybeTable :: (a -> Query b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr b)
- aggregateMaybeTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> MaybeTable Expr exprs -> MaybeTable Aggregate aggregates
- nameMaybeTable :: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> a -> MaybeTable Name a
- data EitherTable context a b
- eitherTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> c
- leftTable :: Table Expr b => a -> EitherTable Expr a b
- rightTable :: Table Expr a => b -> EitherTable Expr a b
- isLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- isRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- keepLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query a
- keepRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query b
- bitraverseEitherTable :: (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr c d)
- aggregateEitherTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> EitherTable Expr exprs exprs' -> EitherTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates'
- nameEitherTable :: Name EitherTag -> a -> b -> EitherTable Name a b
- data TheseTable context a b
- theseTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> c
- thisTable :: Table Expr b => a -> TheseTable Expr a b
- thatTable :: Table Expr a => b -> TheseTable Expr a b
- thoseTable :: a -> b -> TheseTable Expr a b
- isThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- isThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- isThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- hasHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- hasThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool
- justHereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context a
- justThereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context b
- alignMaybeTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> MaybeTable Expr b -> MaybeTable Expr (TheseTable Expr a b)
- alignBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query a -> Query b -> Query (TheseTable Expr a b)
- keepHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b)
- loseHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b
- keepThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b)
- loseThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a
- keepThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a
- loseThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b)
- keepThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b
- loseThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b)
- keepThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, b)
- loseThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr a b)
- bitraverseTheseTable :: (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (TheseTable Expr c d)
- aggregateTheseTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> TheseTable Expr exprs exprs' -> TheseTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates'
- nameTheseTable :: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> a -> b -> TheseTable Name a b
- data ListTable context a
- listTable :: Table Expr a => [a] -> ListTable Expr a
- ($*) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> ListTable Expr a -> Expr [b]
- nameListTable :: Table Name a => a -> ListTable Name a
- many :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (ListTable Expr a)
- manyExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr [a])
- catListTable :: Table Expr a => ListTable Expr a -> Query a
- catList :: Sql DBType a => Expr [a] -> Query (Expr a)
- data NonEmptyTable context a
- nonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmpty a -> NonEmptyTable Expr a
- ($+) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Expr (NonEmpty b)
- nameNonEmptyTable :: Table Name a => a -> NonEmptyTable Name a
- some :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (NonEmptyTable Expr a)
- someExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr (NonEmpty a))
- catNonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Query a
- catNonEmpty :: Sql DBType a => Expr (NonEmpty a) -> Query (Expr a)
- data NullTable context a
- nullableTable :: (Table Expr a, Table Expr b) => b -> (a -> b) -> NullTable Expr a -> b
- nullTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a
- nullifyTable :: a -> NullTable Expr a
- isNullTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> Expr Bool
- isNonNullTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> Expr Bool
- catNullTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> Query a
- nameNullTable :: a -> NullTable Name a
- toNullTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable Expr a -> NullTable Expr a
- toMaybeTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> MaybeTable Expr a
- type NameADT t = GGName 'Sum (ADTRep t) (ADT t Name)
- nameADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => NameADT t
- data ADT t context
- class (Generic (Record (t Result)), HTable (GColumnsADT t), GSerializeADT TSerialize TColumns (Eval (ADTRep t Expr)) (Eval (ADTRep t Result))) => ADTable t
- type DeconstructADT t r = GGDeconstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) (ADT t Expr) r
- deconstructADT :: forall t r. (ConstructableADT t, Table Expr r) => DeconstructADT t r
- type BuildADT t name = GGBuild 'Sum name (ADTRep t) (ADT t Expr)
- buildADT :: forall t name. BuildableADT t name => BuildADT t name
- type ConstructADT t = forall r. GGConstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) r
- constructADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => ConstructADT t -> ADT t Expr
- type AggregateADT t = forall r. GGAggregate 'Sum (ADTRep t) r
- aggregateADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => AggregateADT t -> ADT t Expr -> ADT t Aggregate
- data HKD a f
- class (Generic (Record a), HTable (GColumns (HKD a)), KnownAlgebra (GAlgebra (Rep a)), Eval (GGSerialize (GAlgebra (Rep a)) TSerialize TColumns (Eval (HKDRep a Expr)) (Eval (HKDRep a Result))), GRecord (GMap (TColumn Result) (Rep a)) ~ Rep (Record a)) => HKDable a
- type BuildHKD a name = GGBuild (GAlgebra (Rep a)) name (HKDRep a) (HKD a Expr)
- buildHKD :: forall a name. BuildableHKD a name => BuildHKD a name
- type ConstructHKD a = forall r. GGConstruct (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r
- constructHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => ConstructHKD a -> HKD a Expr
- type DeconstructHKD a r = GGDeconstruct (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) (HKD a Expr) r
- deconstructHKD :: forall a r. (ConstructableHKD a, Table Expr r) => DeconstructHKD a r
- type NameHKD a = GGName (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) (HKD a Name)
- nameHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => NameHKD a
- type AggregateHKD a = forall r. GGAggregate (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r
- aggregateHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => AggregateHKD a -> HKD a Expr -> HKD a Aggregate
- data TableSchema names = TableSchema {}
- data Name a
- namesFromLabels :: Table Name a => a
- namesFromLabelsWith :: Table Name a => (NonEmpty String -> String) -> a
- data Expr a
- class (constraint (Unnullify a), Nullable a) => Sql constraint a
- litExpr :: Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a
- unsafeCastExpr :: Sql DBType b => Expr a -> Expr b
- unsafeLiteral :: String -> Expr a
- class (Nullable a, IsMaybe a ~ 'False) => NotNull a
- class Nullable' (IsMaybe a) a => Nullable a
- class IsMaybe a ~ IsMaybe b => Homonullable a b
- null :: DBType a => Expr (Maybe a)
- nullify :: NotNull a => Expr a -> Expr (Maybe a)
- nullable :: Table Expr b => b -> (Expr a -> b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> b
- isNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- isNonNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- mapNull :: DBType b => (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b)
- liftOpNull :: DBType c => (Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b) -> Expr (Maybe c)
- catNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Query (Expr a)
- coalesce :: Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Expr Bool
- class DBType a => DBEq a
- true :: Expr Bool
- false :: Expr Bool
- not_ :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
- (&&.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
- and_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool
- (||.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
- or_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool
- (==.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (/=.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (==?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- (/=?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- in_ :: forall a f. (Sql DBEq a, Foldable f) => Expr a -> f (Expr a) -> Expr Bool
- boolExpr :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool -> Expr a
- caseExpr :: [(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a
- like :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
- ilike :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
- class DBEq a => DBOrd a
- (<.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (<=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (>.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (>=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
- (<?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- (<=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- (>?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- (>=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
- leastExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
- greatestExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
- class Function arg res
- function :: Function args result => String -> args -> result
- nullaryFunction :: Sql DBType a => String -> Expr a
- binaryOperator :: Sql DBType c => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c
- data Query a
- showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String
- type Projection a b = Transpose (Field a) a -> Transpose (Field a) b
- class Projectable f where
- project :: Projecting a b => Projection a b -> f a -> f b
- class Biprojectable p where
- biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> p a c -> p b d
- class (Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a), Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)) => Projecting a b
- data Field table a
- class Transposes Name Expr names exprs => Selects names exprs
- each :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs
- values :: (Table Expr a, Foldable f) => f a -> Query a
- filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a
- where_ :: Expr Bool -> Query ()
- present :: Query a -> Query ()
- absent :: Query a -> Query ()
- distinct :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a
- distinctOn :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Query a -> Query a
- distinctOnBy :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Order a -> Query a -> Query a
- limit :: Word -> Query a -> Query a
- offset :: Word -> Query a -> Query a
- union :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- unionAll :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- intersect :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- intersectAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- except :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- exceptAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
- exists :: Query a -> Query (Expr Bool)
- with :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a
- withBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a
- without :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a
- withoutBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a
- data Aggregate a
- class Transposes Aggregate Expr aggregates exprs => Aggregates aggregates exprs
- aggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => Query aggregates -> Query exprs
- countRows :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64)
- groupBy :: forall exprs aggregates. (EqTable exprs, Aggregates aggregates exprs) => exprs -> aggregates
- listAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> ListTable Aggregate aggregates
- listAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
- mode :: forall a. EqTable a => Query a -> Query a
- nonEmptyAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable Aggregate aggregates
- nonEmptyAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
- class DBOrd a => DBMax a
- max :: Sql DBMax a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
- class DBOrd a => DBMin a
- min :: Sql DBMin a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
- class DBType a => DBSum a
- sum :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
- sumWhere :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBSum a) => Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
- avg :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
- class DBType a => DBString a
- stringAgg :: Sql DBString a => Expr db -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
- count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
- countStar :: Aggregate Int64
- countDistinct :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
- countWhere :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64
- and :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
- or :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
- orderBy :: Order a -> Query a -> Query a
- data Order a
- asc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a)
- desc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a)
- nullsFirst :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a))
- nullsLast :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a))
- data Window a b
- window :: Window a b -> Query a -> Query b
- data Partition a
- over :: Window a b -> Partition a -> Window a b
- partitionBy :: forall b a. EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Partition a
- orderPartitionBy :: Order a -> Partition a
- cumulative :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => (a -> aggregates) -> Window a exprs
- cumulative_ :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => aggregates -> Window a exprs
- currentRow :: Window a a
- rowNumber :: Window a (Expr Int64)
- rank :: Window a (Expr Int64)
- denseRank :: Window a (Expr Int64)
- percentRank :: Window a (Expr Double)
- cumeDist :: Window a (Expr Double)
- ntile :: Expr Int32 -> Window a (Expr Int32)
- lag :: Expr Int32 -> Expr a -> Window (Expr a) (Expr a)
- lead :: Expr Int32 -> Expr a -> Window (Expr a) (Expr a)
- firstValue :: Window (Expr a) (Expr a)
- lastValue :: Window (Expr a) (Expr a)
- nthValue :: Expr Int32 -> Window (Expr a) (Expr (Nullify a))
- indexed :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64, a)
- rebind :: Table Expr a => String -> a -> Query a
- class (ToExprs exprs a, a ~ FromExprs exprs) => Serializable exprs a | exprs -> a
- class Table Expr exprs => ToExprs exprs a
- type Result = Identity
- select :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => Query exprs -> Statement () [a]
- data Insert a where
- data OnConflict names
- data Upsert names where
- Upsert :: (Selects names exprs, Projecting names index, excluded ~ exprs) => {..} -> Upsert names
- insert :: Insert a -> Statement () a
- unsafeDefault :: Expr a
- showInsert :: Insert a -> String
- data Delete a where
- delete :: Delete a -> Statement () a
- showDelete :: Delete a -> String
- data Update a where
- update :: Update a -> Statement () a
- showUpdate :: Update a -> String
- data Returning names a where
- NumberOfRowsAffected :: Returning names Int64
- Projection :: (Selects names exprs, Serializable returning a) => (exprs -> returning) -> Returning names [a]
- createView :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Statement () ()
- createOrReplaceView :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Statement () ()
- nextval :: String -> Expr Int64
- evaluate :: Table Expr a => a -> Query a
Database types
class NotNull a => DBType a where Source #
Haskell types that can be represented as expressions in a database. There
should be an instance of DBType
for all column types in your database
schema (e.g., int
, timestamptz
, etc).
Rel8 comes with stock instances for most default types in PostgreSQL, so you should only need to derive instances of this class for custom database types, such as types defined in PostgreSQL extensions, or custom domain types.
Deriving-via helpers
newtype JSONEncoded a Source #
A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value
using a JSON encoding described by aeson
and FromJSON
(FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => DBType (JSONEncoded a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.JSONEncoded |
newtype JSONBEncoded a Source #
Like JSONEncoded
, but works for jsonb
(FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => DBType (JSONBEncoded a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.JSONBEncoded |
A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value
using a Haskell's Read
and Show
type classes.
ReadShow | |
A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell product type in a single Postgres column using a Postgres composite type.
Note that this must map to a specific extant type in your database's schema
(created with CREATE TYPE
). Use DBComposite
to specify the name of this
Postgres type and the names of the individual fields (for projecting with
DBComposite a => DBType (Composite a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Composite | |
(DBComposite a, EqTable (HKD a Expr)) => DBEq (Composite a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Composite | |
(DBComposite a, OrdTable (HKD a Expr)) => DBMax (Composite a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Composite | |
(DBComposite a, OrdTable (HKD a Expr)) => DBMin (Composite a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Composite | |
(DBComposite a, OrdTable (HKD a Expr)) => DBOrd (Composite a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Composite |
class (DBType a, HKDable a) => DBComposite a where Source #
is used to associate composite type metadata with a Haskell
compositeFields :: HKD a Name Source #
The names of all fields in the composite type that a
maps to.
compositeTypeName :: String Source #
The name of the composite type that a
maps to.
A deriving-via helper type for column types that store an "enum" type
(in Haskell terms, a sum type where all constructors are nullary) using a
Postgres enum
Note that this should map to a specific type in your database's schema
(explicitly created with CREATE TYPE ... AS ENUM
). Use DBEnum
specify the name of this Postgres type and the names of the individual
values. If left unspecified, the names of the values of the Postgres
are assumed to match exactly exactly the names of the constructors
of the Haskell type (up to and including case sensitivity).
Enum a |
DBEnum a => DBType (Enum a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Enum typeInformation :: TypeInformation (Enum a) Source # | |
DBEnum a => DBEq (Enum a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Enum | |
DBEnum a => DBMax (Enum a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Enum | |
DBEnum a => DBMin (Enum a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Enum | |
DBEnum a => DBOrd (Enum a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Enum |
class (DBType a, Enumable a) => DBEnum a where Source #
contains the necessary metadata to describe a PostgreSQL enum
class (Generic a, GEnumable (Rep a)) => Enumable a Source #
Types that are sum types, where each constructor is unary (that is, has no fields).
data TypeInformation a Source #
describes how to encode and decode a Haskell type to and
from database queries. The typeName
is the name of the type in the
database, which is used to accurately type literals.
mapTypeInformation :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b Source #
Simultaneously map over how a type is both encoded and decoded, while
retaining the name of the type. This operation is useful if you want to
essentially newtype
another DBType
The mapping is required to be total. If you have a partial mapping, see
parseTypeInformation :: (a -> Either String b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b Source #
Apply a parser to TypeInformation
This can be used if the data stored in the database should only be subset of
a given TypeInformation
. The parser is applied when deserializing rows
returned - the encoder assumes that the input data is already in the
appropriate form.
The DBType
class DBType a => DBSemigroup a where Source #
The class of DBType
s that form a semigroup. This class is purely a
Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the Semigroup
DBSemigroup ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Semigroup (<>.) :: Expr ByteString -> Expr ByteString -> Expr ByteString Source # | |
DBSemigroup ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Semigroup (<>.) :: Expr ByteString -> Expr ByteString -> Expr ByteString Source # | |
DBSemigroup Text Source # | |
DBSemigroup Text Source # | |
DBSemigroup CalendarDiffTime Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Semigroup | |
DBSemigroup (CI Text) Source # | |
DBSemigroup (CI Text) Source # | |
Sql DBType a => DBSemigroup (NonEmpty a) Source # | |
Sql DBType a => DBSemigroup [a] Source # | |
class DBSemigroup a => DBMonoid a where Source #
The class of DBType
s that form a semigroup. This class is purely a
Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the Monoid
memptyExpr :: Expr a Source #
DBMonoid ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid | |
DBMonoid ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid | |
DBMonoid Text Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid memptyExpr :: Expr Text Source # | |
DBMonoid Text Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid memptyExpr :: Expr Text Source # | |
DBMonoid CalendarDiffTime Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid | |
DBMonoid (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid | |
DBMonoid (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid | |
Sql DBType a => DBMonoid [a] Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Monoid memptyExpr :: Expr [a] Source # |
class DBType a => DBNum a Source #
The class of database types that support the +
, *
, -
operators, and
the abs
, negate
, sign
DBNum Int16 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBNum Int32 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBNum Int64 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBNum Scientific Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBNum Double Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBNum Float Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num |
class (DBNum a, DBOrd a) => DBIntegral a Source #
The class of database types that can be coerced to from integral
expressions. This is a Rel8 concept, and allows us to provide
DBIntegral Int16 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBIntegral Int32 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBIntegral Int64 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num |
class DBNum a => DBFractional a Source #
The class of database types that support the /
DBFractional Scientific Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBFractional Double Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBFractional Float Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num |
class DBFractional a => DBFloating a Source #
The class of database types that support the /
DBFloating Double Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num | |
DBFloating Float Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Num |
Tables and higher-kinded tables
class HTable (GColumns t) => Rel8able t Source #
This type class allows you to define custom Table
s using higher-kinded
data types. Higher-kinded data types are data types of the pattern:
data MyType f = MyType { field1 :: Column f T1 OR HK1 f , field2 :: Column f T2 OR HK2 f , ... , fieldN :: Column f Tn OR HKn f }
where Tn
is any Haskell type, and HKn
is any higher-kinded type.
That is, higher-kinded data are records where all fields in the record are
all either of the type Column f T
(for any T
), or are themselves
higher-kinded data:
- Nested
data Nested f = Nested { nested1 :: MyType f , nested2 :: MyType f }
The Rel8able
type class is used to give us a special mapping operation
that lets us change the type parameter f
- Supplying
This type class should be derived generically for all table types in your
project. To do this, enable the DeriveAnyClass
and DeriveGeneric
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-} data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T } deriving ( GHC.Generics.Generic, Rel8able )
ADTable t => Rel8able (ADT t) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.ADT gfromColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> GColumns (ADT t) context -> ADT t context gtoColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> ADT t context -> GColumns (ADT t) context gfromResult :: GColumns (ADT t) Result -> GFromExprs (ADT t) | |
HKDable a => Rel8able (HKD a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.HKD gfromColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> GColumns (HKD a) context -> HKD a context gtoColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> HKD a context -> GColumns (HKD a) context gfromResult :: GColumns (HKD a) Result -> GFromExprs (HKD a) |
type family Column context a where ... Source #
This type family is used to specify columns in Rel8able
s. In Column f
, f
is the context of the column (which should be left polymorphic in
definitions), and a
is the type of the column.
type family HEither context = either | either -> context where ... Source #
Nest an Either
value within a Rel8able
. HEither f a b
will produce a
a b
in the Expr
context, and a Either
a b
in the
HEither Result = Either | |
HEither context = EitherTable context |
type family HMaybe context = maybe | maybe -> context where ... Source #
Nest a Maybe
value within a Rel8able
. HMaybe f a
will produce a
in the Expr
context, and a Maybe
in the Result
HMaybe Result = Maybe | |
HMaybe context = MaybeTable context |
type family HList context = list | list -> context where ... Source #
type family HNonEmpty context = nonEmpty | nonEmpty -> context where ... Source #
Nest a NonEmpty
list within a Rel8able
. HNonEmpty f a
will produce a
in the Expr
context, and a NonEmpty
in the
HNonEmpty Result = NonEmpty | |
HNonEmpty context = NonEmptyTable context |
type family HNull context = maybe | maybe -> context where ... Source #
type family HThese context = these | these -> context where ... Source #
Nest an These
value within a Rel8able
. HThese f a b
will produce a
a b
in the Expr
context, and a These
a b
in the
HThese Result = These | |
HThese context = TheseTable context |
class (HTable (Columns a), context ~ Context a, a ~ Transpose context a) => Table context a | a -> context where Source #
s are one of the foundational elements of Rel8, and describe data
types that have a finite number of columns. Each of these columns contains
data under a shared context, and contexts describe how to interpret the
metadata about a column to a particular Haskell type. In Rel8, we have
contexts for expressions (the Expr
context), aggregations (the
context), insert values (the Insert
contex), among
In typical usage of Rel8 you don't need to derive instances of Table
yourself, as anything that's an instance of Rel8able
is always a
type Columns a :: HTable Source #
The HTable
functor that describes the schema of this table.
type Context a :: Context Source #
The common context that all columns use as an interpretation.
type FromExprs a :: Type Source #
The FromExprs
type family maps a type in the Expr
context to the
corresponding Haskell type.
type FromExprs a = Map TFromExprs a
type Transpose (context' :: Context) a :: Type Source #
type Transpose context a = Map (TTranspose context) a
toColumns :: a -> Columns a context Source #
default toColumns :: (Generic (Record a), GTable (TTable context) TColumns (Rep (Record a)), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => a -> Columns a context Source #
fromColumns :: Columns a context -> a Source #
default fromColumns :: (Generic (Record a), GTable (TTable context) TColumns (Rep (Record a)), Columns a ~ GColumns TColumns (Rep (Record a))) => Columns a context -> a Source #
Sql DBType a => Table Aggregate (Aggregate a) Source # | |
Sql DBType a => Table Expr (Expr a) Source # | |
Sql DBType a => Table Name (Name a) Source # | |
Sql DBType a => Table Result (Identity a) Source # | |
(Rel8able t, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (t context) Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b) => Table context (a, b) Source # | |
(Table context a, context ~ context') => Table context' (ListTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.List type Columns (ListTable context a) :: HTable Source # type Context (ListTable context a) :: Context Source # toColumns :: ListTable context a -> Columns (ListTable context a) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (ListTable context a) context' -> ListTable context a Source # fromResult :: Columns (ListTable context a) Result -> FromExprs (ListTable context a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (ListTable context a) -> Columns (ListTable context a) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe type Columns (MaybeTable context a) :: HTable Source # type Context (MaybeTable context a) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) Source # type Transpose context' (MaybeTable context a) Source # toColumns :: MaybeTable context a -> Columns (MaybeTable context a) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (MaybeTable context a) context' -> MaybeTable context a Source # fromResult :: Columns (MaybeTable context a) Result -> FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) -> Columns (MaybeTable context a) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, context ~ context') => Table context' (NonEmptyTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.NonEmpty type Columns (NonEmptyTable context a) :: HTable Source # type Context (NonEmptyTable context a) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (NonEmptyTable context a) Source # type Transpose context' (NonEmptyTable context a) Source # toColumns :: NonEmptyTable context a -> Columns (NonEmptyTable context a) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (NonEmptyTable context a) context' -> NonEmptyTable context a Source # fromResult :: Columns (NonEmptyTable context a) Result -> FromExprs (NonEmptyTable context a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (NonEmptyTable context a) -> Columns (NonEmptyTable context a) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (NullTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Null type Columns (NullTable context a) :: HTable Source # type Context (NullTable context a) :: Context Source # toColumns :: NullTable context a -> Columns (NullTable context a) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (NullTable context a) context' -> NullTable context a Source # fromResult :: Columns (NullTable context a) Result -> FromExprs (NullTable context a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (NullTable context a) -> Columns (NullTable context a) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Table context c) => Table context (a, b, c) Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either type Columns (EitherTable context a b) :: HTable Source # type Context (EitherTable context a b) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) Source # type Transpose context' (EitherTable context a b) Source # toColumns :: EitherTable context a b -> Columns (EitherTable context a b) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (EitherTable context a b) context' -> EitherTable context a b Source # fromResult :: Columns (EitherTable context a b) Result -> FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) -> Columns (EitherTable context a b) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These type Columns (TheseTable context a b) :: HTable Source # type Context (TheseTable context a b) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) Source # type Transpose context' (TheseTable context a b) Source # toColumns :: TheseTable context a b -> Columns (TheseTable context a b) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (TheseTable context a b) context' -> TheseTable context a b Source # fromResult :: Columns (TheseTable context a b) Result -> FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) -> Columns (TheseTable context a b) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Table context c, Table context d) => Table context (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Table context c, Table context d, Table context e) => Table context (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table type Columns (a, b, c, d, e) :: HTable Source # type Context (a, b, c, d, e) :: Context Source # toColumns :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e) context Source # fromColumns :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e) context -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source # fromResult :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e) Result -> FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Table context c, Table context d, Table context e, Table context f) => Table context (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table type Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f) :: HTable Source # type Context (a, b, c, d, e, f) :: Context Source # toColumns :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f) context Source # fromColumns :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f) context -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # fromResult :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f) Result -> FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f) Result Source # | |
(Table context a, Table context b, Table context c, Table context d, Table context e, Table context f, Table context g) => Table context (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table type Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) :: HTable Source # type Context (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) :: Context Source # toColumns :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) context Source # fromColumns :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) context -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # fromResult :: Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Result -> FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Result Source # | |
Sql DBType a => Table (Field table) (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field type Columns (Field table a) :: HTable Source # type Context (Field table a) :: Context Source # toColumns :: Field table a -> Columns (Field table a) (Field table) Source # fromColumns :: Columns (Field table a) (Field table) -> Field table a Source # fromResult :: Columns (Field table a) Result -> FromExprs (Field table a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (Field table a) -> Columns (Field table a) Result Source # |
A HTable
is a functor-indexed/higher-kinded data type that is
representable (htabulate
), constrainable (hdicts
), and
specified (hspecs
This is an internal concept for Rel8, and you should not need to define instances yourself or specify this constraint.
class (Table from a, Table to b, Congruent a b, b ~ Transpose to a, a ~ Transpose from b) => Transposes from to a b | a -> from, b -> to, a to -> b, b from -> a Source #
means that Transposes
from to a ba
and b
are Table
s, in the
and to
contexts respectively, which share the same underlying
structure. In other words, b
is a version of a
transposed from the
context to the to
context (and vice versa).
(Table from a, Table to b, Congruent a b, b ~ Transpose to a, a ~ Transpose from b) => Transposes from to a b Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Transpose |
class AltTable f where Source #
Like Alt
in Haskell. This class is purely a Rel8 concept, and allows you
to take a choice between two tables. See also AlternativeTable
For example, using <|>:
on MaybeTable
allows you to combine two
tables and to return the first one that is a "just" MaybeTable.
(<|>:) :: Table Expr a => f a -> f a -> f a infixl 3 Source #
An associative binary operation on Table
AltTable Query Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AltTable (ListTable context) Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AltTable (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (<|>:) :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AltTable (NonEmptyTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.NonEmpty (<|>:) :: Table Expr a => NonEmptyTable context a -> NonEmptyTable context a -> NonEmptyTable context a Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AltTable (NullTable context) Source # | |
EqTable k => AltTable (Tabulation k) Source # | If |
Defined in Rel8.Tabulate (<|>:) :: Table Expr a => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a Source # |
class AltTable f => AlternativeTable f where Source #
Like Alternative
in Haskell, some Table
s form a monoid on applicative
AlternativeTable Query Source # |
Defined in Rel8.Query | |
context ~ Expr => AlternativeTable (ListTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.List | |
context ~ Expr => AlternativeTable (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe emptyTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable context a Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AlternativeTable (NullTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Null | |
EqTable k => AlternativeTable (Tabulation k) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Tabulate emptyTable :: Table Expr a => Tabulation k a Source # |
class Table Expr a => EqTable a where Source #
The class of Table
s that can be compared for equality. Equality on
tables is defined by equality of all columns all columns, so this class
means "all columns in a Table
have an instance of DBEq
(==:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Compare two Table
s for equality. This corresponds to comparing all
columns inside each table for equality, and combining all comparisons with
(/=:) :: forall a. EqTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if two Table
s are different. This corresponds to comparing all
columns inside each table for inequality, and combining all comparisons with
class EqTable a => OrdTable a where Source #
The class of Table
s that can be ordered. Ordering on tables is defined
by their lexicographic ordering of all columns, so this class means "all
columns in a Table
have an instance of DBOrd
(<:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if one Table
sorts before another. Corresponds to comparing all
columns with <
(<=:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if one Table
sorts before, or is equal to, another. Corresponds to
comparing all columns with <=
(>:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if one Table
sorts after another. Corresponds to comparing all
columns with >
(>=:) :: forall a. OrdTable a => a -> a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if one Table
sorts after another. Corresponds to comparing all
columns with >=
ascTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a Source #
Construct an Order
for a Table
by sorting all columns into ascending
orders (any nullable columns will be sorted with NULLS FIRST
descTable :: forall a. OrdTable a => Order a Source #
Construct an Order
for a Table
by sorting all columns into descending
orders (any nullable columns will be sorted with NULLS LAST
greatest :: OrdTable a => a -> a -> a Source #
Given two Table
s, return the table that sorts after the other.
least :: OrdTable a => a -> a -> a Source #
Given two Table
s, return the table that sorts before the other.
lit :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => a -> exprs Source #
Use lit
to turn literal Haskell values into expressions. lit
capable of lifting single Expr
s to full tables.
bool :: Table Expr a => a -> a -> Expr Bool -> a Source #
An if-then-else expression on tables.
bool x y p
returns x
if p
is False
, and returns y
if p
case_ :: Table Expr a => [(Expr Bool, a)] -> a -> a Source #
Produce a table expression from a list of alternatives. Returns the first
table where the Expr Bool
expression is True
. If no alternatives are
true, the given default is returned.
castTable :: Table Expr a => a -> a Source #
Transform a table by adding CAST
to all columns. This is most useful for
finalising a SELECT or RETURNING statement, guaranteed that the output
matches what is encoded in each columns TypeInformation.
data MaybeTable context a Source #
MaybeTable t
is the table t
, but as the result of an outer join. If
the outer join fails to match any rows, this is essentialy Nothing
, and if
the outer join does match rows, this is like Just
. Unfortunately, SQL
makes it impossible to distinguish whether or not an outer join matched any
rows based generally on the row contents - if you were to join a row
entirely of nulls, you can't distinguish if you matched an all null row, or
if the match failed. For this reason MaybeTable
contains an extra field -
a "nullTag" - to track whether or not the outer join produced any rows.
(Table context a, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe type Columns (MaybeTable context a) :: HTable Source # type Context (MaybeTable context a) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) Source # type Transpose context' (MaybeTable context a) Source # toColumns :: MaybeTable context a -> Columns (MaybeTable context a) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (MaybeTable context a) context' -> MaybeTable context a Source # fromResult :: Columns (MaybeTable context a) Result -> FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) -> Columns (MaybeTable context a) Result Source # | |
context ~ Expr => Applicative (MaybeTable context) Source # | Has the same behavior as the |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe pure :: a -> MaybeTable context a # (<*>) :: MaybeTable context (a -> b) -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context c # (*>) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context b # (<*) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context a # | |
Nullifiable context => Functor (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe fmap :: (a -> b) -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b # (<$) :: a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context a # | |
context ~ Expr => Monad (MaybeTable context) Source # | Has the same behavior as the |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (>>=) :: MaybeTable context a -> (a -> MaybeTable context b) -> MaybeTable context b # (>>) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context b # return :: a -> MaybeTable context a # | |
context ~ Expr => AltTable (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (<|>:) :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a Source # | |
context ~ Expr => AlternativeTable (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe emptyTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable context a Source # | |
Projectable (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe project :: Projecting a b => Projection a b -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b Source # | |
context ~ Expr => Apply (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (<.>) :: MaybeTable context (a -> b) -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b # (.>) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context b # (<.) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context a # liftF2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context b -> MaybeTable context c # | |
context ~ Expr => Bind (MaybeTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (>>-) :: MaybeTable context a -> (a -> MaybeTable context b) -> MaybeTable context b # join :: MaybeTable context (MaybeTable context a) -> MaybeTable context a # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Monoid (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe mempty :: MaybeTable context a # mappend :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a # mconcat :: [MaybeTable context a] -> MaybeTable context a # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe (<>) :: MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a # sconcat :: NonEmpty (MaybeTable context a) -> MaybeTable context a # stimes :: Integral b => b -> MaybeTable context a -> MaybeTable context a # | |
(EqTable a, context ~ Expr) => EqTable (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
(OrdTable a, context ~ Expr) => OrdTable (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
(ToExprs exprs a, context ~ Expr) => ToExprs (MaybeTable context exprs) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
type Transpose to (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
type Columns (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
type Context (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
type FromExprs (MaybeTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe |
maybeTable :: Table Expr b => b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> b Source #
Perform case analysis on a MaybeTable
. Like maybe
($?) :: forall a b. Sql DBType b => (a -> Expr b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr (Nullify b) infixl 4 Source #
Project a single expression out of a MaybeTable
. You can think of this
operator like the $
operator, but it also has the ability to return
nothingTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable Expr a Source #
The null table. Like Nothing
justTable :: a -> MaybeTable Expr a Source #
Lift any table into MaybeTable
. Like Just
. Note you can also use
isNothingTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool Source #
Check if a MaybeTable
is absent of any row. Like isNothing
isJustTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Expr Bool Source #
Check if a MaybeTable
contains a row. Like isJust
fromMaybeTable :: Table Expr a => a -> MaybeTable Expr a -> a Source #
for MaybeTable
optional :: Query a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a) Source #
Convert a query that might return zero rows to a query that always returns at least one row.
To speak in more concrete terms, optional
is most useful to write LEFT
catMaybeTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> Query a Source #
Filter out MaybeTable
s, returning only the tables that are not-null.
This operation can be used to "undo" the effect of optional
, which
operationally is like turning a LEFT JOIN
back into a full JOIN
. You
can think of this as analogous to catMaybes
traverseMaybeTable :: (a -> Query b) -> MaybeTable Expr a -> Query (MaybeTable Expr b) Source #
Extend an optional query with another query. This is useful if you want
to step through multiple LEFT JOINs
Note that traverseMaybeTable
takes a a -> Query b
function, which means
you also have the ability to "expand" one row into multiple rows. If the
a -> Query b
function returns no rows, then the resulting query will also
have no rows. However, regardless of the given a -> Query b
function, if
the input is nothingTable
, you will always get exactly one nothingTable
aggregateMaybeTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> MaybeTable Expr exprs -> MaybeTable Aggregate aggregates Source #
Lift an aggregating function to operate on a MaybeTable
s and justTable
s are grouped separately.
:: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) | The name of the column to track whether a row is a |
-> a | Names of the columns in |
-> MaybeTable Name a |
Construct a MaybeTable
in the Name
context. This can be useful if you
have a MaybeTable
that you are storing in a table and need to construct a
data EitherTable context a b Source #
An EitherTable a b
is a Rel8 table that contains either the table a
the table b
. You can construct an EitherTable
using leftTable
, and eliminate/pattern match using eitherTable
An EitherTable
is operationally the same as Haskell's Either
type, but
adapted to work with Rel8.
(Table context a, Table context b, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either type Columns (EitherTable context a b) :: HTable Source # type Context (EitherTable context a b) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) Source # type Transpose context' (EitherTable context a b) Source # toColumns :: EitherTable context a b -> Columns (EitherTable context a b) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (EitherTable context a b) context' -> EitherTable context a b Source # fromResult :: Columns (EitherTable context a b) Result -> FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) -> Columns (EitherTable context a b) Result Source # | |
Nullifiable context => Bifunctor (EitherTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> EitherTable context a c -> EitherTable context b d # first :: (a -> b) -> EitherTable context a c -> EitherTable context b c # second :: (b -> c) -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a c # | |
Biprojectable (EitherTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> EitherTable context a c -> EitherTable context b d Source # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a) => Applicative (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either pure :: a0 -> EitherTable context a a0 # (<*>) :: EitherTable context a (a0 -> b) -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b # liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a c # (*>) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b # (<*) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a a0 # | |
Nullifiable context => Functor (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b # (<$) :: a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a a0 # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a) => Monad (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either (>>=) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> (a0 -> EitherTable context a b) -> EitherTable context a b # (>>) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b # return :: a0 -> EitherTable context a a0 # | |
Projectable (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either project :: Projecting a0 b => Projection a0 b -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b Source # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a) => Apply (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either (<.>) :: EitherTable context a (a0 -> b) -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b # (.>) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b # (<.) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a a0 # liftF2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> EitherTable context a a0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a c # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a) => Bind (EitherTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either (>>-) :: EitherTable context a a0 -> (a0 -> EitherTable context a b) -> EitherTable context a b # join :: EitherTable context a (EitherTable context a a0) -> EitherTable context a a0 # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Table Expr b) => Semigroup (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either (<>) :: EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b # sconcat :: NonEmpty (EitherTable context a b) -> EitherTable context a b # stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> EitherTable context a b -> EitherTable context a b # | |
(EqTable a, EqTable b, context ~ Expr) => EqTable (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
(OrdTable a, OrdTable b, context ~ Expr) => OrdTable (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
type Transpose to (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
type Columns (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
type Context (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
type FromExprs (EitherTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either |
eitherTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> c Source #
Pattern match/eliminate an EitherTable
, by providing mappings from a
and rightTable
leftTable :: Table Expr b => a -> EitherTable Expr a b Source #
Construct a left EitherTable
. Like Left
rightTable :: Table Expr a => b -> EitherTable Expr a b Source #
Construct a right EitherTable
. Like Right
isLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if an EitherTable
is a leftTable
isRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if an EitherTable
is a rightTable
keepLeftTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query a Source #
Filter EitherTable
s, keeping only leftTable
keepRightTable :: EitherTable Expr a b -> Query b Source #
Filter EitherTable
s, keeping only rightTable
bitraverseEitherTable :: (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> EitherTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr c d) Source #
bitraverseEitherTable f g x
will pass all leftTable
s through f
all rightTable
s through g
. The results are then lifted back into
and rightTable
, respectively. This is similar to bitraverse
for Either
For example,
select do x <- values (map lit [ Left True, Right (42 :: Int32) ]) bitraverseEitherTable (\y -> values [y, not_ y]) (\y -> pure (y * 100)) x :} [ Left True , Left False , Right 4200 ]
aggregateEitherTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> EitherTable Expr exprs exprs' -> EitherTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates' Source #
Lift a pair of aggregating functions to operate on an EitherTable
s and rightTable
s are grouped separately.
:: Name EitherTag | The name of the column to track whether a row is a |
-> a | Names of the columns in the |
-> b | Names of the columns in the |
-> EitherTable Name a b |
Construct a EitherTable
in the Name
context. This can be useful if you
have a EitherTable
that you are storing in a table and need to construct a
data TheseTable context a b Source #
TheseTable a b
is a Rel8 table that contains either the table a
, the
table b
, or both tables a
and b
. You can construct TheseTable
s using
, thatTable
and thoseTable
. TheseTable
s can be
eliminated/pattern matched using theseTable
is operationally the same as Haskell's These
type, but
adapted to work with Rel8.
(Table context a, Table context b, Reifiable context, context ~ context') => Table context' (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These type Columns (TheseTable context a b) :: HTable Source # type Context (TheseTable context a b) :: Context Source # type FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) Source # type Transpose context' (TheseTable context a b) Source # toColumns :: TheseTable context a b -> Columns (TheseTable context a b) context' Source # fromColumns :: Columns (TheseTable context a b) context' -> TheseTable context a b Source # fromResult :: Columns (TheseTable context a b) Result -> FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) -> Columns (TheseTable context a b) Result Source # | |
Nullifiable context => Bifunctor (TheseTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> TheseTable context a c -> TheseTable context b d # first :: (a -> b) -> TheseTable context a c -> TheseTable context b c # second :: (b -> c) -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a c # | |
Biprojectable (TheseTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> TheseTable context a c -> TheseTable context b d Source # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Applicative (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These pure :: a0 -> TheseTable context a a0 # (<*>) :: TheseTable context a (a0 -> b) -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b # liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a c # (*>) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b # (<*) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a a0 # | |
Nullifiable context => Functor (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b # (<$) :: a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a a0 # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Monad (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These (>>=) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> (a0 -> TheseTable context a b) -> TheseTable context a b # (>>) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b # return :: a0 -> TheseTable context a a0 # | |
Projectable (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These project :: Projecting a0 b => Projection a0 b -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b Source # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Apply (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These (<.>) :: TheseTable context a (a0 -> b) -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b # (.>) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b # (<.) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a a0 # liftF2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> TheseTable context a a0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a c # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Semigroup a) => Bind (TheseTable context a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These (>>-) :: TheseTable context a a0 -> (a0 -> TheseTable context a b) -> TheseTable context a b # join :: TheseTable context a (TheseTable context a a0) -> TheseTable context a a0 # | |
(context ~ Expr, Table Expr a, Table Expr b, Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These (<>) :: TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b # sconcat :: NonEmpty (TheseTable context a b) -> TheseTable context a b # stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> TheseTable context a b -> TheseTable context a b # | |
(EqTable a, EqTable b, context ~ Expr) => EqTable (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
(OrdTable a, OrdTable b, context ~ Expr) => OrdTable (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
type Transpose to (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
type Columns (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
type Context (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
type FromExprs (TheseTable context a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These |
theseTable :: Table Expr c => (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> c Source #
Pattern match on a TheseTable
. Corresponds to these
thisTable :: Table Expr b => a -> TheseTable Expr a b Source #
Construct a TheseTable
. Corresponds to This
thatTable :: Table Expr a => b -> TheseTable Expr a b Source #
Construct a TheseTable
. Corresponds to That
thoseTable :: a -> b -> TheseTable Expr a b Source #
Construct a TheseTable
. Corresponds to These
isThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if a TheseTable
was constructed with thisTable
Corresponds to isThis
isThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if a TheseTable
was constructed with thatTable
Corresponds to isThat
isThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if a TheseTable
was constructed with thoseTable
Corresponds to isThese
hasHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if the a
side of TheseTable a b
is present.
Corresponds to hasHere
hasThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Expr Bool Source #
Test if the b
table of TheseTable a b
is present.
Corresponds to hasThere
justHereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context a Source #
Attempt to project out the a
table of a TheseTable a b
Corresponds to justHere
justThereTable :: TheseTable context a b -> MaybeTable context b Source #
Attempt to project out the b
table of a TheseTable a b
Corresponds to justThere
alignMaybeTable :: MaybeTable Expr a -> MaybeTable Expr b -> MaybeTable Expr (TheseTable Expr a b) Source #
Construct a TheseTable
from two MaybeTable
alignBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query a -> Query b -> Query (TheseTable Expr a b) Source #
Corresponds to a FULL OUTER JOIN
between two queries.
keepHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b) Source #
loseHereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b Source #
keepThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b) Source #
loseThereTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a Source #
keepThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query a Source #
loseThisTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (MaybeTable Expr a, b) Source #
keepThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query b Source #
loseThatTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, MaybeTable Expr b) Source #
keepThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (a, b) Source #
loseThoseTable :: TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (EitherTable Expr a b) Source #
bitraverseTheseTable :: (a -> Query c) -> (b -> Query d) -> TheseTable Expr a b -> Query (TheseTable Expr c d) Source #
aggregateTheseTable :: (exprs -> aggregates) -> (exprs' -> aggregates') -> TheseTable Expr exprs exprs' -> TheseTable Aggregate aggregates aggregates' Source #
Lift a pair of aggregating functions to operate on an TheseTable
s, thatTable
s and thoseTable
s are grouped separately.
:: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) | The name of the column to track the presence of the |
-> Name (Maybe MaybeTag) | The name of the column to track the presence of the |
-> a | Names of the columns in the |
-> b | Names of the columns in the |
-> TheseTable Name a b |
Construct a TheseTable
in the Name
context. This can be useful if you
have a TheseTable
that you are storing in a table and need to construct a
data ListTable context a Source #
A ListTable
value contains zero or more instances of a
. You construct
s with many
or listAgg
listTable :: Table Expr a => [a] -> ListTable Expr a Source #
Construct a ListTable
from a list of expressions.
($*) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> ListTable Expr a -> Expr [b] infixl 4 Source #
Project a single expression out of a ListTable
many :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (ListTable Expr a) Source #
Aggregate a Query
into a ListTable
. If the supplied query returns 0
rows, this function will produce a Query
that returns one row containing
the empty ListTable
. If the supplied Query
does return rows, many
return exactly one row, with a ListTable
collecting all returned rows.
is analogous to many
manyExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr [a]) Source #
A version of many
specialised to single expressions.
data NonEmptyTable context a Source #
A NonEmptyTable
value contains one or more instances of a
. You
construct NonEmptyTable
s with some
or nonEmptyAgg
nonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmpty a -> NonEmptyTable Expr a Source #
Construct a NonEmptyTable
from a non-empty list of expressions.
($+) :: Projecting a (Expr b) => Projection a (Expr b) -> NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Expr (NonEmpty b) infixl 4 Source #
Project a single expression out of a NonEmptyTable
:: Table Name a | |
=> a | The names of the columns of elements of the list. |
-> NonEmptyTable Name a |
Construct a NonEmptyTable
in the Name
context. This can be useful if
you have a NonEmptyTable
that you are storing in a table and need to
construct a TableSchema
some :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query (NonEmptyTable Expr a) Source #
Aggregate a Query
into a NonEmptyTable
. If the supplied query returns
0 rows, this function will produce a Query
that is empty - that is, will
produce zero NonEmptyTable
s. If the supplied Query
does return rows,
will return exactly one row, with a NonEmptyTable
collecting all
returned rows.
is analogous to some
someExpr :: Sql DBType a => Query (Expr a) -> Query (Expr (NonEmpty a)) Source #
A version of many
specialised to single expressions.
catNonEmptyTable :: Table Expr a => NonEmptyTable Expr a -> Query a Source #
Expand a NonEmptyTable
into a Query
, where each row in the query is an
element of the given NonEmptyTable
is an inverse to some
data NullTable context a Source #
NullTable t
is the table t
, but where all the columns in t
have the
possibility of being null
. This is very similar to
, except that it does not use an extra tag field, so it
cannot distinguish between Nothing
and Just Nothing
if nested. In other
words, if all of the columns of the t
passed to NullTable
are already
nullable, then NullTable
has no effect.
nullableTable :: (Table Expr a, Table Expr b) => b -> (a -> b) -> NullTable Expr a -> b Source #
Like nullable
isNonNullTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> Expr Bool Source #
The inverse of isNullTable
nameNullTable :: a -> NullTable Name a Source #
toNullTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable Expr a -> NullTable Expr a Source #
Convert a MaybeTable
to a NullTable
. Note that if the underlying a
has no non-nullable fields, this is a lossy conversion.
toMaybeTable :: Table Expr a => NullTable Expr a -> MaybeTable Expr a Source #
Convert a NullTable
to a MaybeTable
Algebraic data types / sum types
Algebraic data types can be modelled between Haskell and SQL.
- Your SQL table needs a certain text field that tags which Haskell constructor is in use.
- You have to use a few combinators to specify the sum type's individual constructors.
- If you want to do case analysis at the
(SQL) level, you can usemaybe
-like eliminators.
The documentation in this section will assume a set of database types like this:
data Thing f = ThingEmployer (Employer f) | ThingPotato (Potato f) | Nullary deriving stock Generic data Employer f = Employer { employerId :: f Int32, employerName :: f Text} deriving stock Generic deriving anyclass Rel8able data Potato f = Potato { size :: f Int32, grower :: f Text } deriving stock Generic deriving anyclass Rel8able
Naming of ADTs
First, in your TableSchema
, name your type like this:
thingSchema :: TableSchema (ADT Thing Name) thingSchema = TableSchema { schema = Nothing, name = "thing", columns = nameADT @Thing "tag" Employer { employerName = "name", employerId = "id" } Potato {size = "size", grower = "Mary"} }
Note that nameADT @Thing "tag"
is variadic: it accepts one
argument per constructor, except the nullary ones (Nullary) because
there's nothing to do for them.
ADTable t => Rel8able (ADT t) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.ADT gfromColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> GColumns (ADT t) context -> ADT t context gtoColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> ADT t context -> GColumns (ADT t) context gfromResult :: GColumns (ADT t) Result -> GFromExprs (ADT t) |
class (Generic (Record (t Result)), HTable (GColumnsADT t), GSerializeADT TSerialize TColumns (Eval (ADTRep t Expr)) (Eval (ADTRep t Result))) => ADTable t Source #
Deconstruction of ADTs
To deconstruct sum types at the SQL level, use deconstructADT
which is also variadic, and has one argument for each
constructor. Similar to maybe
query :: Query (ADT Thing Expr) query = do thingExpr <- each thingSchema where_ $ deconstructADT @Thing (employer -> employerName employer ==. lit "Mary") (potato -> grower potato ==. lit "Mary") (lit False) -- Nullary case thingExpr pure thingExpr
SQL output:
SELECT CAST("tag0_1" AS text) as "tag", CAST("id1_1" AS int4) as "ThingEmployer_1employerId", CAST("name2_1" AS text) as "ThingEmployer_1employerName", CAST("size3_1" AS int4) as "ThingPotato_1size", CAST(Mary4_1 AS text) as "ThingPotato_1grower" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "tag" as "tag0_1", "id" as "id1_1", "name" as "name2_1", "size" as "size3_1", Mary as Mary4_1 FROM "thing" as T1) as T1 WHERE (CASE WHEN ("tag0_1") = (CAST(EThingPotato
AS text)) THEN (Mary4_1) = (CAST(EMary
AS text)) WHEN ("tag0_1") = (CAST(ENullary
AS text)) THEN CAST(FALSE AS bool) ELSE ("name2_1") = (CAST(EMary
AS text)) END)) as T1
type DeconstructADT t r = GGDeconstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) (ADT t Expr) r Source #
deconstructADT :: forall t r. (ConstructableADT t, Table Expr r) => DeconstructADT t r Source #
Construction of ADTs
To construct an ADT, you can use buildADT
or constructADT
. Consider the following type:
data Task f = Pending | Complete (CompletedTask f)
is for constructing values of Task
in the Expr
context. buildADT
needs two type-level arguments before its type
makes any sense. The first argument is the type of the ADT, which
in our case is Task
. The second is the name of the constructor we
want to use. So that means we have the following possible
instantiations of buildADT
for Task
> :t buildADTTask
"Pending" buildADTTask
"Pending" :: ADT Task Expr > :t buildADTTask
"Complete" buildADTTask
"Complete" :: CompletedTask Expr -> ADT Task Expr
Note that as the Pending constructor has no fields, buildADT
@Task @Pending
is equivalent to lit Pending
. But buildADT
@Task @Complete
is not the same as lit . Complete
> :t lit . Complete lit . Complete :: CompletedTask Result -> ADT Task Expr
Note that the former takes a CompletedTask Expr
while the latter
takes a CompletedTask Result
. The former is more powerful because
you can construct Task
s using dynamic values coming a database
To show what this can look like in SQL, consider:
> :{ showQuery $ values [ buildADTTask
"Pending" , buildADTTask
"Complete" CompletedTask {date =} ] :}
This produces the following SQL:
SELECT CAST("values0_1" AS text) as "tag", CAST("values1_1" AS timestamptz) as "Complete_1date" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "column1" as "values0_1", "column2" as "values1_1" FROM (VALUES (CAST(EPending
AS text),CAST(NULL AS timestamptz)), (CAST(EComplete
AS text),CAST(now() AS timestamptz))) as "V") as "T1") as "T1"
This is what you get if you run it in psql
tag | Complete_1date ----------+------------------------------- Pending | Complete | 2022-05-19 21:28:23.969065+00 (2 rows)
"constructADT" is less convenient but more general alternative to "buildADT". It requires only one type-level argument for its type to make sense:
> :t constructADT Task
:: (forall r. r -> (CompletedTask Expr -> r) -> r) -> ADT Task Expr
This might still seem a bit opaque, but basically it gives you a Church-encoded constructor for arbitrary algebraic data types. You might use it as follows:
pending :: ADT Task Expr
pending = constructADT Task $ pending _complete -> pending
complete :: ADT Task Expr
complete = constructADT
Task $ _pending complete -> complete CompletedTask {date =}
These values are otherwise identical to the ones we saw above with
, it's just a different style of constructing them.
type ConstructADT t = forall r. GGConstruct 'Sum (ADTRep t) r Source #
constructADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => ConstructADT t -> ADT t Expr Source #
Other ADT operations
type AggregateADT t = forall r. GGAggregate 'Sum (ADTRep t) r Source #
aggregateADT :: forall t. ConstructableADT t => AggregateADT t -> ADT t Expr -> ADT t Aggregate Source #
Miscellaneous notes
- Note that the order of the arguments for all of these functions
is determined by the order of the constructors in the data
definition. If it were
data Task = Complete (CompletedTask f) | Pending
then the order of all the invocations ofconstructADT
would need to change. - Maybe this is obvious, but just to spell it out: once you're in
context, you can of course constructTask
values normally and use standard Haskell pattern-matching.constructADT
are specifically only needed in theExpr
context, and they allow you to do the equivalent of pattern matching in PostgreSQL.
HKDable a => Rel8able (HKD a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.HKD gfromColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> GColumns (HKD a) context -> HKD a context gtoColumns :: forall (context :: Context). SContext context -> HKD a context -> GColumns (HKD a) context gfromResult :: GColumns (HKD a) Result -> GFromExprs (HKD a) | |
(GTable (TTable f) TColumns (GRecord (GMap (TColumn f) (Rep a))), GColumns TColumns (GRecord (GMap (TColumn f) (Rep a))) ~ GColumnsHKD a, GContext TContext (GRecord (GMap (TColumn f) (Rep a))) ~ f, GRecordable (GMap (TColumn f) (Rep a))) => Generic (HKD a f) Source # | |
type Rep (HKD a f) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.HKD |
class (Generic (Record a), HTable (GColumns (HKD a)), KnownAlgebra (GAlgebra (Rep a)), Eval (GGSerialize (GAlgebra (Rep a)) TSerialize TColumns (Eval (HKDRep a Expr)) (Eval (HKDRep a Result))), GRecord (GMap (TColumn Result) (Rep a)) ~ Rep (Record a)) => HKDable a Source #
type ConstructHKD a = forall r. GGConstruct (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r Source #
constructHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => ConstructHKD a -> HKD a Expr Source #
deconstructHKD :: forall a r. (ConstructableHKD a, Table Expr r) => DeconstructHKD a r Source #
type AggregateHKD a = forall r. GGAggregate (GAlgebra (Rep a)) (HKDRep a) r Source #
aggregateHKD :: forall a. ConstructableHKD a => AggregateHKD a -> HKD a Expr -> HKD a Aggregate Source #
Table schemas
data TableSchema names Source #
The schema for a table. This is used to specify the name and schema that a
table belongs to (the FROM
part of a SQL query), along with the schema of
the columns within this table.
For each selectable table in your database, you should provide a
in order to interact with the table via Rel8.
TableSchema | |
Functor TableSchema Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Table fmap :: (a -> b) -> TableSchema a -> TableSchema b # (<$) :: a -> TableSchema b -> TableSchema a # |
A Name
is the name of a column, as it would be defined in a table's
schema definition. You can construct names by using the OverloadedStrings
extension and writing string literals. This is typically done when providing
a TableSchema
Sql DBType a => Table Name (Name a) Source # | |
IsString (Name a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name fromString :: String -> Name a # | |
Show (Name a) Source # | |
type Transpose to (Name a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name | |
type Columns (Name a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name | |
type Context (Name a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name | |
type FromExprs (Name a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name |
namesFromLabels :: Table Name a => a Source #
Construct a table in the Name
context containing the names of all
columns. Nested column names will be combined with /
See also: namesFromLabelsWith
namesFromLabelsWith :: Table Name a => (NonEmpty String -> String) -> a Source #
Construct a table in the Name
context containing the names of all
columns. The supplied function can be used to transform column names.
This function can be used to generically derive the columns for a
. For example,
myTableSchema :: TableSchema (MyTable Name) myTableSchema = TableSchema { columns = namesFromLabelsWith last }
will construct a TableSchema
where each columns names exactly corresponds
to the name of the Haskell field.
Typed SQL expressions.
class (constraint (Unnullify a), Nullable a) => Sql constraint a Source #
The Sql
type class describes both null and not null database values,
constrained by a specific class.
For example, if you see Sql DBEq a
, this means any database type that
supports equality, and a
can either be exactly an a
, or it could also be
Maybe a
(constraint (Unnullify a), Nullable a) => Sql constraint a Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Null |
litExpr :: Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a Source #
Produce an expression from a literal.
Note that you can usually use lit
, but litExpr
can solve problems
of inference in polymorphic code.
unsafeCastExpr :: Sql DBType b => Expr a -> Expr b Source #
Cast an expression to a different type. Corresponds to a CAST()
unsafeLiteral :: String -> Expr a Source #
Unsafely construct an expression from literal SQL.
This is an escape hatch, and can be used if Rel8 can not adequately express the query you need. If you find yourself using this function, please let us know, as it may indicate that something is missing from Rel8!
class (Nullable a, IsMaybe a ~ 'False) => NotNull a Source #
nullify a
means a
cannot take null
as a value.
class Nullable' (IsMaybe a) a => Nullable a Source #
Nullable a
means that rel8
is able to check if the type a
is a
type that can take null
values or not.
Nullable' (IsMaybe a) a => Nullable a Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Null |
class IsMaybe a ~ IsMaybe b => Homonullable a b Source #
Homonullable a b
means that both a
and b
can be null
, or neither
or b
can be null
IsMaybe a ~ IsMaybe b => Homonullable a b Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Null |
nullify :: NotNull a => Expr a -> Expr (Maybe a) Source #
Lift an expression that can't be null
to a type that might be null
This is an identity operation in terms of any generated query, and just
modifies the query's type.
nullable :: Table Expr b => b -> (Expr a -> b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> b Source #
Like maybe
, but to eliminate null
liftOpNull :: DBType c => (Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b) -> Expr (Maybe c) Source #
Lift a binary operation on non-null
expressions to an equivalent binary
operator on possibly null
expressions. If either of the final arguments
are null
, liftOpNull
returns null
This is like liftA2
for Maybe
coalesce :: Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Expr Bool Source #
Convert a Expr (Maybe Bool)
to a Expr Bool
by treating Nothing
. This can be useful when combined with where_
, which expects
a Bool
, and produces expressions that optimize better than general case
Boolean operations
class DBType a => DBEq a Source #
Database types that can be compared for equality in queries. If a type is
an instance of DBEq
, it means we can compare expressions for equality
using the SQL =
(/=.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if two expressions are different (not equal).
This corresponds to the SQL IS DISTINCT FROM
operator, and will return
when comparing two null
values. This differs from ordinary =
which would return null
. This operator is closer to Haskell's ==
operator. For an operator identical to SQL =
, see /=?
(/=?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Test if two expressions are different.
This corresponds to the SQL <>
operator, though it will always return a
boolExpr :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool -> Expr a Source #
Eliminate a boolean-valued expression.
Corresponds to bool
caseExpr :: [(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #
A multi-way ifthenelse statement. The first argument to caseExpr
is a
list of alternatives. The first alternative that is of the form (true, x)
will be returned. If no such alternative is found, a fallback expression is
Corresponds to a CASE
expression in SQL.
like :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool Source #
like x y
corresponds to the expression y LIKE x
Note that the arguments to like
are swapped. This is to aid currying, so
you can write expressions like
filter (like "Rel%" . packageName) =<< each haskellPackages
ilike :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool Source #
ilike x y
corresponds to the expression y ILIKE x
Note that the arguments to ilike
are swapped. This is to aid currying, so
you can write expressions like
filter (ilike "Rel%" . packageName) =<< each haskellPackages
class DBEq a => DBOrd a Source #
The class of database types that support the <
, <=
, >
and >=
(<.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL <
operator. Note that this differs from SQL <
as null
will sort below any other value. For a version of <
that exactly
matches SQL, see (<?)
(<=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL <=
operator. Note that this differs from SQL <=
as null
will sort below any other value. For a version of <=
that exactly
matches SQL, see (<=?)
(>.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL >
operator. Note that this differs from SQL >
as null
will sort below any other value. For a version of >
that exactly
matches SQL, see (>?)
(>=.) :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL >=
operator. Note that this differs from SQL >
as null
will sort below any other value. For a version of >=
exactly matches SQL, see (>=?)
(<?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL <
operator. Returns null
if either arguments
are null
(<=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL <=
operator. Returns null
if either arguments
are null
(>?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL >
operator. Returns null
if either arguments
are null
(>=?) :: DBOrd a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool infix 4 Source #
Corresponds to the SQL >=
operator. Returns null
if either arguments
are null
leastExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #
Given two expressions, return the expression that sorts less than the other.
Corresponds to the SQL least()
greatestExpr :: forall a. Sql DBOrd a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a Source #
Given two expressions, return the expression that sorts greater than the other.
Corresponds to the SQL greatest()
class Function arg res Source #
This type class exists to allow function
to have arbitrary arity. It's
mostly an implementation detail, and typical uses of Function
need this to be specified.
(arg ~ Expr a, Sql DBType b) => Function arg (Expr b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Expr.Function applyArgument :: ([PrimExpr] -> PrimExpr) -> arg -> Expr b | |
(arg ~ Expr a, Function args res) => Function arg (args -> res) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Expr.Function applyArgument :: ([PrimExpr] -> PrimExpr) -> arg -> args -> res |
function :: Function args result => String -> args -> result Source #
Construct an n-ary function that produces an Expr
that when called runs
a SQL function.
nullaryFunction :: Sql DBType a => String -> Expr a Source #
Construct a function call for functions with no arguments.
binaryOperator :: Sql DBType c => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c Source #
Construct an expression by applying an infix binary operator to two operands.
The Query
monad allows you to compose a SELECT
query. This monad has
semantics similar to the list ([]
) monad.
Applicative Query Source # | |
Functor Query Source # | |
Monad Query Source # | |
AltTable Query Source # | |
AlternativeTable Query Source # |
Defined in Rel8.Query | |
Projectable Query Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Query project :: Projecting a b => Projection a b -> Query a -> Query b Source # | |
Apply Query Source # | |
Bind Query Source # | |
Table Expr a => Monoid (Query a) Source # | |
Table Expr a => Semigroup (Query a) Source # | |
type Projection a b = Transpose (Field a) a -> Transpose (Field a) b Source #
s is a special type of function Projection
a ba -> b
whereby the
resulting b
is guaranteed to be composed only from columns contained in
class Projectable f where Source #
means that Projectable
is a kind of functor on Table
that allows the mapping of a Projection
over its underlying columns.
project :: Projecting a b => Projection a b -> f a -> f b Source #
Map a Projection
over f
class Biprojectable p where Source #
means that Biprojectable
is a kind of bifunctor on
s that allows the mapping of a pair of Projection
s over its
underlying columns.
biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> p a c -> p b d Source #
Map a pair of Projection
s over p
Biprojectable Tabulation Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Tabulate biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> Tabulation a c -> Tabulation b d Source # | |
Biprojectable (EitherTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> EitherTable context a c -> EitherTable context b d Source # | |
Biprojectable (TheseTable context) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These biproject :: (Projecting a b, Projecting c d) => Projection a b -> Projection c d -> TheseTable context a c -> TheseTable context b d Source # |
class (Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a), Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)) => Projecting a b Source #
The constraint
ensures that Projecting
a b
is a
usable Projection
a bProjection
(Transposes (Context a) (Field a) a (Transpose (Field a) a), Transposes (Context a) (Field a) b (Transpose (Field a) b)) => Projecting a b Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Projection |
A special context used in the construction of Projection
Sql DBType a => Table (Field table) (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field type Columns (Field table a) :: HTable Source # type Context (Field table a) :: Context Source # toColumns :: Field table a -> Columns (Field table a) (Field table) Source # fromColumns :: Columns (Field table a) (Field table) -> Field table a Source # fromResult :: Columns (Field table a) Result -> FromExprs (Field table a) Source # toResult :: FromExprs (Field table a) -> Columns (Field table a) Result Source # | |
type Transpose to (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field | |
type Columns (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field | |
type Context (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field | |
type FromExprs (Field table a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Field |
Selecting rows
class Transposes Name Expr names exprs => Selects names exprs Source #
Transposes Name Expr names exprs => Selects names exprs Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Schema.Name |
each :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs Source #
Select each row from a table definition. This is equivalent to FROM
where_ :: Expr Bool -> Query () Source #
Drop any rows that don't match a predicate. where_ expr
is equivalent
to the SQL WHERE expr
present :: Query a -> Query () Source #
Produce the empty query if the given query returns no rows. present
is equivalent to WHERE EXISTS
in SQL.
absent :: Query a -> Query () Source #
Produce the empty query if the given query returns rows. absent
is equivalent to WHERE NOT EXISTS
in SQL.
distinct :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a Source #
Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates. distinct q
is equivalent to the SQL statement SELECT DISTINCT q
distinctOn :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Select all distinct rows from a query, where rows are equivalent according
to a projection. If multiple rows have the same projection, it is
unspecified which row will be returned. If this matters, use distinctOnBy
distinctOnBy :: EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Order a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Select all distinct rows from a query, where rows are equivalent according
to a projection. If there are multiple rows with the same projection, the
first row according to the specified Order
will be returned.
limit :: Word -> Query a -> Query a Source #
limit n
select at most n
rows from a query. limit n
is equivalent
to the SQL LIMIT n
offset :: Word -> Query a -> Query a Source #
offset n
drops the first n
rows from a query. offset n
is equivalent
to the SQL OFFSET n
union :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Combine the results of two queries of the same type, collapsing
duplicates. union a b
is the same as the SQL statement a UNION b
unionAll :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Combine the results of two queries of the same type, retaining duplicates.
unionAll a b
is the same as the SQL statement a UNION ALL b
intersect :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Find the intersection of two queries, collapsing duplicates. intersect a
is the same as the SQL statement a INTERSECT b
intersectAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Find the intersection of two queries, retaining duplicates. intersectAll
a b
is the same as the SQL statement a INTERSECT ALL b
except :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Find the difference of two queries, collapsing duplicates except a b
the same as the SQL statement a EXCEPT b
exceptAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a Source #
Find the difference of two queries, retaining duplicates. exceptAll a b
is the same as the SQL statement a EXCEPT ALL b
withBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a Source #
Like with
, but with a custom membership test.
withoutBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a Source #
Like without
, but with a custom membership test.
Sql DBType a => Table Aggregate (Aggregate a) Source # | |
type Transpose to (Aggregate a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Aggregate | |
type Columns (Aggregate a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Aggregate | |
type Context (Aggregate a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Aggregate | |
type FromExprs (Aggregate a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Aggregate |
class Transposes Aggregate Expr aggregates exprs => Aggregates aggregates exprs Source #
Transposes Aggregate Expr aggregates exprs => Aggregates aggregates exprs Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Aggregate |
aggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => Query aggregates -> Query exprs Source #
Apply an aggregation to all rows returned by a Query
countRows :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64) Source #
Count the number of rows returned by a query. Note that this is different
from countStar
, as even if the given query yields no rows, countRows
will return 0
groupBy :: forall exprs aggregates. (EqTable exprs, Aggregates aggregates exprs) => exprs -> aggregates Source #
Group equal tables together. This works by aggregating each column in the
given table with groupByExpr
For example, if we have a table of items, we could group the items by the order they belong to:
itemsByOrder :: Query (OrderId Expr, ListTable Expr (Item Expr)) itemsByOrder = aggregate $ do item <- each itemSchema let orderId = groupBy (itemOrderId item) let orderItems = listAgg item pure (orderId, orderItems)
listAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> ListTable Aggregate aggregates Source #
Aggregate rows into a single row containing an array of all aggregated rows. This can be used to associate multiple rows with a single row, without changing the over cardinality of the query. This allows you to essentially return a tree-like structure from queries.
For example, if we have a table of orders and each orders contains multiple items, we could aggregate the table of orders, pairing each order with its items:
ordersWithItems :: Query (Order Expr, ListTable Expr (Item Expr)) ordersWithItems = do order <- each orderSchema items aggregate $ listAgg <$ itemsFromOrder order return (order, items)
listAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate [a] Source #
Collect expressions values as a list.
nonEmptyAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable Aggregate aggregates Source #
Like listAgg
, but the result is guaranteed to be a non-empty list.
nonEmptyAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a) Source #
Collect expressions values as a non-empty list.
class DBOrd a => DBMax a Source #
The class of database types that support the max
aggregation function.
max :: Sql DBMax a => Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Produce an aggregation for Expr a
using the max
class DBOrd a => DBMin a Source #
The class of database types that support the min
aggregation function.
min :: Sql DBMin a => Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Produce an aggregation for Expr a
using the max
class DBType a => DBSum a Source #
The class of database types that support the sum()
aggregation function.
DBSum Int16 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum Int32 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum Int64 Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum Scientific Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum CalendarDiffTime Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum Double Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum | |
DBSum Float Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.Sum |
sum :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Corresponds to sum
. Note that in SQL, sum
is type changing - for
example the sum
of integer
returns a bigint
. Rel8 doesn't support
this, and will add explicit casts back to the original input type. This can
lead to overflows, and if you anticipate very large sums, you should upcast
your input.
sumWhere :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBSum a) => Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Take the sum of all expressions that satisfy a predicate.
avg :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Corresponds to avg
. Note that in SQL, avg
is type changing - for
example, the avg
of integer
returns a numeric
. Rel8 doesn't support
this, and will add explicit casts back to the original input type. If you
need a fractional result on an integral column, you should cast your input
to Double
or Scientific
before calling avg
class DBType a => DBString a Source #
The class of data types that support the string_agg()
DBString ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String | |
DBString ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String | |
DBString Text Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String | |
DBString Text Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String | |
DBString (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String | |
DBString (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Type.String |
stringAgg :: Sql DBString a => Expr db -> Expr a -> Aggregate a Source #
Corresponds to string_agg()
count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64 Source #
Count the occurances of a single column. Corresponds to COUNT(a)
countDistinct :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Aggregate Int64 Source #
Count the number of distinct occurances of a single column. Corresponds to
countWhere :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64 Source #
A count of the number of times a given expression is true
An ordering expression for a
. Primitive orderings are defined with
and desc
, and you can combine Order
via its various
A common pattern is to use <>
to combine multiple orderings in sequence,
and >$<
to select individual columns.
nullsFirst :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a)) Source #
Transform an ordering so that null
values appear first. This corresponds
in SQL.
nullsLast :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a)) Source #
Transform an ordering so that null
values appear first. This corresponds
in SQL.
Window functions
is an applicative functor that represents expressions that
window functions.
can be used to
evaluate these expressions over a particular query.
ProductProfunctor Window Source # | |
Profunctor Window Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Window dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Window b c -> Window a d # lmap :: (a -> b) -> Window b c -> Window a c # rmap :: (b -> c) -> Window a b -> Window a c # (#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> Window a b -> Window a c # (.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => Window b c -> q a b -> Window a c # | |
Applicative (Window a) Source # | |
Functor (Window a) Source # | |
Apply (Window a) Source # | |
window :: Window a b -> Query a -> Query b Source #
runs a query composed of expressions containing
window functions.
is similar to aggregate
, with the main difference being
that in a window query, each input row corresponds to one output row,
whereas aggregation queries fold the entire input query down into a single
row. To put this into a Haskell context, aggregate
is to foldl
is to scanl
In PostgreSQL, window functions must specify the "window" or
"partition" over which they operate. The syntax for this looks like:
SUM(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department)
. The Rel8 type Partition
represents everything that comes after OVER
is a Monoid
, so Window
s created with partitionBy
can be combined using <>
over :: Window a b -> Partition a -> Window a b infixl 1 Source #
adds a Partition
to a Window
. salary) over
department <> orderPartitionBy
(salary >$< desc
partitionBy :: forall b a. EqTable b => (a -> b) -> Partition a Source #
Restricts a window function to operate only the group of rows that share the same value(s) for the given expression(s).
orderPartitionBy :: Order a -> Partition a Source #
Controls the order in which rows are processed by window functions. This does not need to match the ordering of the overall query.
cumulative :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => (a -> aggregates) -> Window a exprs Source #
allows the use of aggregation functions in Window
expressions. In particular,
(when combined with cumulative
) gives a running total,
also known as a "cumulative sum", hence the name cumulative
cumulative_ :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => aggregates -> Window a exprs Source #
A version of cumulative
for use with nullary aggregators like
currentRow :: Window a a Source #
Return every column of the current row of a window query.
indexed :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64, a) Source #
Pair each row of a query with its index within the query.
rebind :: Table Expr a => String -> a -> Query a Source #
takes a variable name, some expressions, and binds each of them
to a new variable in the SQL. The a
returned consists only of these
variables. It's essentially a let
binding for Postgres expressions.
class (ToExprs exprs a, a ~ FromExprs exprs) => Serializable exprs a | exprs -> a Source #
witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between the type
, which contains SQL expressions, and the type haskell
, which
contains the Haskell decoding of rows containing sql
SQL expressions.
(ToExprs exprs a, a ~ FromExprs exprs) => Serializable exprs a Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
Sql DBType a => Serializable (Expr a) a Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize |
class Table Expr exprs => ToExprs exprs a Source #
ToExprs exprs a
is evidence that the types exprs
and a
essentially the same type, but exprs
is in the Expr
context, and a
a normal Haskell type.
(Sql DBType a, x ~ Expr a) => ToExprs x a Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(Rel8able t', t' ~ Choose (Algebra t) t, x ~ t' Expr, result ~ Result) => ToExprs x (t result) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Rel8able | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, x ~ EitherTable Expr exprs1 exprs2) => ToExprs x (Either a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Either | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, x ~ TheseTable Expr exprs1 exprs2) => ToExprs x (These a b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.These | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2)) => ToExprs x (a, b) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, ToExprs exprs3 c, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2, exprs3)) => ToExprs x (a, b, c) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, ToExprs exprs3 c, ToExprs exprs4 d, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2, exprs3, exprs4)) => ToExprs x (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, ToExprs exprs3 c, ToExprs exprs4 d, ToExprs exprs5 e, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2, exprs3, exprs4, exprs5)) => ToExprs x (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, ToExprs exprs3 c, ToExprs exprs4 d, ToExprs exprs5 e, ToExprs exprs6 f, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2, exprs3, exprs4, exprs5, exprs6)) => ToExprs x (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, ToExprs exprs3 c, ToExprs exprs4 d, ToExprs exprs5 e, ToExprs exprs6 f, ToExprs exprs7 g, x ~ (exprs1, exprs2, exprs3, exprs4, exprs5, exprs6, exprs7)) => ToExprs x (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(Sql DBType a, NotNull a, x ~ NonEmpty a) => ToExprs (Expr x) (NonEmpty a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(Sql DBType a, NotNull a, x ~ Maybe a) => ToExprs (Expr x) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(Sql DBType a, x ~ [a]) => ToExprs (Expr x) [a] Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Serialize | |
(ToExprs exprs a, context ~ Expr) => ToExprs (ListTable context exprs) [a] Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.List | |
(ToExprs exprs a, context ~ Expr) => ToExprs (MaybeTable context exprs) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Maybe | |
(ToExprs exprs a, context ~ Expr) => ToExprs (NonEmptyTable context exprs) (NonEmpty a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.NonEmpty | |
(ToExprs exprs a, context ~ Expr) => ToExprs (NullTable context exprs) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Table.Null |
type Result = Identity Source #
The Result
context is the context used for decoded query results.
When a query is executed against a PostgreSQL database, Rel8 parses the
returned rows, decoding each row into the Result
Running statements
To run queries and otherwise interact with a PostgreSQL database, Rel8
provides select
, insert
, update
and delete
functions. Note that
, update
and delete
will generally need the
language extension enabled.
select :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => Query exprs -> Statement () [a] Source #
statement, returning all rows.
The constituent parts of a SQL INSERT
Insert | |
data OnConflict names Source #
represents the ON CONFLICT
clause of an INSERT
statement. This specifies what ought to happen when one or more of the
rows proposed for insertion conflict with an existing row in the table.
data Upsert names where Source #
clause of an INSERT
statement, also
known as "upsert".
When an existing row conflicts with a row proposed for insertion,
allows you to instead update this existing row. The
conflicting row proposed for insertion is then "excluded", but its values
can still be referenced from the SET
clauses of the UPDATE
Upsert in Postgres requires an explicit set of "conflict targets" — the
set of columns comprising the UNIQUE
index from conflicts with which we
would like to recover.
Upsert | |
unsafeDefault :: Expr a Source #
Corresponds to the SQL DEFAULT
This Expr
is unsafe for numerous reasons, and should be used with care:
- This
only makes sense in anINSERT
statement. - Rel8 is not able to verify that a particular column actually has a
value. Trying to useunsafeDefault
where there is no default will cause a runtime crash DEFAULT
values can not be transformed. For example, the innocuous Rel8 codeunsafeDefault + 1
will crash, despite type checking.
Given all these caveats, we suggest avoiding the use of default values where
possible, instead being explicit. A common scenario where default values are
used is with auto-incrementing identifier columns. In this case, we suggest
using nextval
showInsert :: Insert a -> String Source #
The constituent parts of a DELETE
Delete | |
showDelete :: Delete a -> String Source #
The constituent parts of an UPDATE
Update | |
showUpdate :: Update a -> String Source #
data Returning names a where Source #
, Update
and Delete
all support returning either
the number of rows affected, or the actual rows modified.
NumberOfRowsAffected :: Returning names Int64 | Return the number of rows affected. |
Projection :: (Selects names exprs, Serializable returning a) => (exprs -> returning) -> Returning names [a] |
Applicative (Returning names) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Statement.Returning pure :: a -> Returning names a # (<*>) :: Returning names (a -> b) -> Returning names a -> Returning names b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names c # (*>) :: Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names b # (<*) :: Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names a # | |
Functor (Returning names) Source # | |
Apply (Returning names) Source # | |
Defined in Rel8.Statement.Returning (<.>) :: Returning names (a -> b) -> Returning names a -> Returning names b # (.>) :: Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names b # (<.) :: Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names a # liftF2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Returning names a -> Returning names b -> Returning names c # |
createView :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Statement () () Source #
Given a TableSchema
and Query
, createView
statement that will save the given query as a view. This can be useful if
you want to share Rel8 queries with other applications.
createOrReplaceView :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Statement () () Source #
Given a TableSchema
and Query
, createOrReplaceView
runs a
statement that will save the given query
as a view, replacing the current view definition if it exists and
adheres to the restrictions in place for replacing a view in