relational-query- Typeful, Modular, Relational, algebraic query engine

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines interfaces between haskell pure values and query internal projection values.


Interface to specify record constructors.

class ProductConstructor r whereSource

Specify tuple like record constructors which are allowed to define ProjectableFunctor.


productConstructor :: rSource

The constructor which has type r.


ProductConstructor (a -> b -> (a, b))

ProductConstructor instance of pair.

Constant SQL Terms

class ShowConstantTermsSQL a whereSource

Interface for constant SQL term list.


ShowConstantTermsSQL Bool

Constant SQL terms of Bool.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Char

Constant SQL terms of Char.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Double

Constant SQL terms of Double. Caution for floating-point error rate.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Float

Constant SQL terms of Float. Caution for floating-point error rate.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Int16

Constant SQL terms of Int16.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Int32

Constant SQL terms of Int32.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Int64

Constant SQL terms of Int64.

ShowConstantTermsSQL String

Constant SQL terms of String.

ShowConstantTermsSQL ByteString

Constant SQL terms of ByteString.

ShowConstantTermsSQL ByteString

Constant SQL terms of ByteString.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Text

Constant SQL terms of Text.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Text

Constant SQL terms of Text.

ShowConstantTermsSQL LocalTime

Constant SQL terms of LocalTime.

ShowConstantTermsSQL TimeOfDay

Constant SQL terms of TimeOfDay.

ShowConstantTermsSQL Day

Constant SQL terms of Day.

(PersistableWidth a, ShowConstantTermsSQL a) => ShowConstantTermsSQL (Maybe a)

Constant SQL terms of Maybe type. Width inference is required.

(ShowConstantTermsSQL a, ShowConstantTermsSQL b) => ShowConstantTermsSQL (a, b)

Constant SQL terms of '(a, b)' type.