{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ExplicitForAll, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-}
module Data.Array.Repa.Eval.Selection
        (selectChunkedS, selectChunkedP)
import Data.Array.Repa.Eval.Gang
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape
import Data.Vector.Unboxed                      as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable              as VM
import GHC.Base                                 (remInt, quotInt)
import Prelude                                  as P
import Control.Monad                            as P
import Data.IORef

-- | Select indices matching a predicate.
--   * This primitive can be useful for writing filtering functions.
        :: Shape sh
        => (sh -> a -> IO ())   -- ^ Update function to write into result.
        -> (sh -> Bool)         -- ^ See if this predicate matches.
        -> (sh -> a)            -- ^  .. and apply fn to the matching index
        -> sh                   -- ^ Extent of indices to apply to predicate.
        -> IO Int               -- ^ Number of elements written to destination array.

{-# INLINE selectChunkedS #-}
selectChunkedS fnWrite fnMatch fnProduce !shSize
 = fill 0 0
 where  lenSrc  = size shSize

        fill !nSrc !nDst
         | nSrc >= lenSrc       = return nDst

         | ixSrc        <- fromIndex shSize nSrc
         , fnMatch ixSrc
         = do   fnWrite ixSrc (fnProduce ixSrc)
                fill (nSrc + 1) (nDst + 1)

         | otherwise
         =      fill (nSrc + 1) nDst

-- | Select indices matching a predicate, in parallel.
--   * This primitive can be useful for writing filtering functions.
--   * The array is split into linear chunks, with one chunk being given to
--     each thread.
--   * The number of elements in the result array depends on how many threads
--     you're running the program with.
        :: forall a
        .  Unbox a
        => (Int -> Bool)        -- ^ See if this predicate matches.
        -> (Int -> a)           --   .. and apply fn to the matching index
        -> Int                  -- Extent of indices to apply to predicate.
        -> IO [IOVector a]      -- Chunks containing array elements.

{-# INLINE selectChunkedP #-}
selectChunkedP fnMatch fnProduce !len
 = do
        -- Make IORefs that the threads will write their result chunks to.
        -- We start with a chunk size proportial to the number of threads we have,
        -- but the threads themselves can grow the chunks if they run out of space.
        refs    <- P.replicateM threads
                $ do    vec     <- VM.new $ len `div` threads
                        newIORef vec

        -- Fire off a thread to fill each chunk.
        gangIO theGang
         $ \thread -> makeChunk (refs !! thread)
                        (splitIx thread)
                        (splitIx (thread + 1) - 1)

        -- Read the result chunks back from the IORefs.
        -- If a thread had to grow a chunk, then these might not be the same ones
        -- we created back in the first step.
        P.mapM readIORef refs

 where  -- See how many threads we have available.
        !threads        = gangSize theGang
        !chunkLen       = len `quotInt` threads
        !chunkLeftover  = len `remInt`  threads

        -- Decide where to split the source array.
        {-# INLINE splitIx #-}
        splitIx thread
         | thread < chunkLeftover = thread * (chunkLen + 1)
         | otherwise              = thread * chunkLen  + chunkLeftover

        -- Fill the given chunk with elements selected from this range of indices.
        makeChunk :: IORef (IOVector a) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
        makeChunk !ref !ixSrc !ixSrcEnd
         | ixSrc > ixSrcEnd
         = do  vecDst   <- VM.new 0
               writeIORef ref vecDst

         | otherwise
         = do  vecDst   <- VM.new (len `div` threads)
               vecDst'  <- fillChunk ixSrc ixSrcEnd vecDst 0 (VM.length vecDst)
               writeIORef ref vecDst'

        -- The main filling loop.
        fillChunk :: Int -> Int -> IOVector a -> Int -> Int -> IO (IOVector a)
        fillChunk !ixSrc !ixSrcEnd !vecDst !ixDst !ixDstLen
         -- If we've finished selecting elements, then slice the vector down
         -- so it doesn't have any empty space at the end.
         | ixSrc > ixSrcEnd
         =      return  $ VM.slice 0 ixDst vecDst

         -- If we've run out of space in the chunk then grow it some more.
         | ixDst >= ixDstLen
         = do   let ixDstLen'   = (VM.length vecDst + 1) * 2
                vecDst'         <- VM.grow vecDst ixDstLen'
                fillChunk ixSrc ixSrcEnd vecDst' ixDst ixDstLen'

         -- We've got a maching element, so add it to the chunk.
         | fnMatch ixSrc
         = do   VM.unsafeWrite vecDst ixDst (fnProduce ixSrc)
                fillChunk (ixSrc + 1) ixSrcEnd vecDst (ixDst + 1) ixDstLen

         -- The element doesnt match, so keep going.
         | otherwise
         =      fillChunk (ixSrc + 1) ixSrcEnd vecDst ixDst ixDstLen