repa-array- Bulk array representations and operators.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data W l Source




windowStart :: Index l
windowSize :: Index l
windowInner :: l


Eq (Name l) => Eq (Name (W l)) 
(Eq l, Eq (Index l)) => Eq (W l) 
Show (Name l) => Show (Name (W l)) 
(Show l, Show (Index l)) => Show (W l) 
Layout l => Layout (W l)

Windowed arrays.

Bulk l a => Bulk (W l) a

Windowed arrays.

Bulk l a => Windowable (W l) a

Windows are windowable.

data Name (W l) = W (Name l) 
type Index (W l) = Index l 
data Array (W l) = WArray !(Index l) !(Index l) !(Array l a) 

class Bulk l a => Windowable l a where Source

Class of array representations that can be windowed directly.

The underlying representation can encode the window, without needing to add a wrapper to the existing layout.


window :: Index l -> Index l -> Array l a -> Array l a Source


Storable a => Windowable S a 
Windowable B a

Boxed windows.

Storable a => Windowable F a

Windowing Foreign arrays.

Unbox a => Windowable U a

Windowing Unboxed arrays.

Windowable A Char 
Windowable A Double 
Windowable A Float 
Windowable A Int 
Windowable A Int8 
Windowable A Int16 
Windowable A Int32 
Windowable A Int64 
Windowable A Word8 
Windowable A Date32 
Bulk A a => Windowable A [a] 
(BulkI l a, Windowable l a) => Windowable N (Array l a)

Windowing Nested arrays.

(Windowable A a, Windowable A b) => Windowable A (a, b) 
(Windowable A a, Windowable A b) => Windowable A ((:*:) a b) 
(Bulk A a, Windowable l a, (~) * (Index l) Int) => Windowable A (Array l a) 
Bulk l a => Windowable (W l) a

Windows are windowable.

(Windowable l1 a, Windowable l2 b, (~) * (Index l1) (Index l2)) => Windowable (T2 l1 l2) (a, b)

Tupled windows.

windowed :: Index l -> Index l -> Array l a -> Array (W l) a Source

Wrap a window around an exiting array.

entire :: Bulk l a => Array l a -> Array (W l) a Source

Wrap a window around an existing array that encompases the entire array.

tail :: (Windowable l a, Index l ~ Int) => Array l a -> Maybe (Array l a) Source

O(1). Take the tail of an array, or Nothing if it's empty.

init :: (Windowable l a, Index l ~ Int) => Array l a -> Maybe (Array l a) Source

O(1). Take the initial elements of an array, or Nothing if it's empty.