{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Require.Transform where

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.DList (DList)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Relude
import Require.Error (Error(..))
import qualified Require.File as File
import qualified Require.Parser as Parser
import Require.Types

-- | The monad stack used during transformation:
-- * @'StateT' 'TransformState'@ to keep track of whether to render the next
--   line tag, the module's name etc.
-- * @'WriterT' ('DList' 'Text')@ to collect the output lines. Instead of
--   haskell's built-in list type we use 'DList' because of it's /O(1)/ append
--   operation.
-- * @'Either' 'Error'@ to return errors.
type TransformM =
  StateT TransformState
    (WriterT (DList Text)
      (Either Error))

data TransformState = TransformState
  { tstLineTagOutput  :: File.LineTag -> TransformM ()
  , tstHostModule     :: !(Maybe ModuleName)
  , tstAutorequire    :: !(AutorequireMode File.Input)

-- | Outputs a single line.
output :: Text -> TransformM ()
output = tell . pure

-- | Outputs the pragma representation of the given line tag.
renderLineTag :: File.LineTag -> TransformM ()
renderLineTag (File.LineTag (File.Name fn) (File.LineNumber ln)) =
  output $ "{-# LINE " <> show ln <> " \"" <> fn <> "\" #-}"

-- | Ignore the given line tag, specifically don't render it.
ignoreLineTag :: File.LineTag -> TransformM ()
ignoreLineTag = const (pure ())

transform :: AutorequireMode File.Input -> File.Input -> Either Error [Text]
transform autorequire input =
  File.inputLines input
    & traverse_ (process False)
    & flip execStateT initialState
    & chainedTo checkDidAutorequire
    & execWriterT
    & fmap toList
    initialState = TransformState
      { tstLineTagOutput  = renderLineTag
      , tstHostModule     = Nothing
      , tstAutorequire    = autorequire

    unableToAutorequire resultState
      -- If the autorequire mode was `enabled` initially and still is
      -- afterwards, we were unable to find where to place the Require contents.
      | AutorequireEnabled _ <- autorequire
      , AutorequireEnabled _ <- tstAutorequire resultState
      = True
      -- In any other case this either wasn't goal or it was done successfully.
      | otherwise
      = False

    checkDidAutorequire resultState
      | unableToAutorequire resultState = throwError AutorequireImpossible
      | otherwise = pure ()

process :: Bool -> (File.LineTag, Text) -> TransformM ()
process filterImports (tag, line) = do
  -- Uses 'tstLineTagOutput' to render the current lines tag if necessary.
  let useTagPrep = do
        tst <- get
        tstLineTagOutput tst tag
        put (tst { tstLineTagOutput = ignoreLineTag })

  let lineWithAutorequire isDirective autoCondition = do
        autoMode <- gets tstAutorequire
        case autoMode of
          AutorequireEnabled autoContent
            | isDirective || autoCondition -> do
                -- If this is an `autorequire` directive, ignore it. Otherwise
                -- output the line tag if necessary (useTagPrep) and then the
                -- line itself.
                unless isDirective (useTagPrep >> output line)
                processAutorequireContent autoContent

          AutorequireOnDirective (Just autoContent)
            | isDirective -> processAutorequireContent autoContent

          AutorequireOnDirective Nothing
            | isDirective -> throwError MissingOptionalRequiresFile

          _ | isDirective -> pure ()
            | otherwise   -> useTagPrep >> output line

  let hasWhere =
        -- TODO: This assumes that comments have whitespace before them and
        -- that `where` has whitespace before it. But
        --    module Foo (abc)where--something else
        -- is valid in Haskell.
        words line
          & takeWhile (not . ("--" `Text.isPrefixOf`))
          & elem "where"

  case Parser.parseMaybe Parser.requireDirective line of
    Nothing -> do
      hasModule <- gets $ isJust . tstHostModule
      lineWithAutorequire False $ hasModule && hasWhere

    Just (ModuleDirective moduleName) -> do
      -- If there is already a module name, don't overwrite it.
      modify $ \s -> s { tstHostModule = tstHostModule s <|> Just moduleName }
      lineWithAutorequire False hasWhere

    Just (RequireDirective ri) ->
      -- renderImport already prepends the line tag if necessary.
      renderImport filterImports tag ri

    Just AutorequireDirective ->
      lineWithAutorequire True False

processAutorequireContent :: File.Input -> TransformM ()
processAutorequireContent autorequireContent = do
  modify $ \s -> s
     { tstLineTagOutput  = renderLineTag
     , tstAutorequire    = AutorequireDisabled

  traverse_ (process True) (File.inputLines autorequireContent)
  modify $ \s -> s { tstLineTagOutput = renderLineTag }

renderImport :: Bool -> File.LineTag -> RequireInfo -> TransformM ()
renderImport filterImports line RequireInfo {..} = do
    tst <- get
    if filterImports && tstHostModule tst == Just riFullModuleName
        -- We skipped a line, therefore we need a line tag before outputting
        -- the next one.
        put (tst { tstLineTagOutput = renderLineTag })

      else do
        tstLineTagOutput tst line
        output typesImport
        renderLineTag line
        output qualifiedImport
        put (tst { tstLineTagOutput = ignoreLineTag })
    typesImport = unwords
      [ "import"
      , unModuleName riFullModuleName
      , "(" <> riImportedTypes <> ")"
    qualifiedImport = unwords
      [ "import qualified"
      , unModuleName riFullModuleName
      , "as"
      , riModuleAlias