-- Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
-- This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Retrie.Replace
  ( replace
  , Replacement(..)
  , Change(..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Generics

import Retrie.ExactPrint
import Retrie.Expr
import Retrie.FreeVars
import Retrie.GHC
import Retrie.Subst
import Retrie.Types
import Retrie.Universe


-- | Specializes 'replaceImpl' to each of the AST types that retrie supports.
  :: (Data a, MonadIO m) => Context -> a -> TransformT (WriterT Change m) a
replace c =
  mkM (replaceImpl @(HsExpr GhcPs) c)
    `extM` (replaceImpl @(Stmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) c)
    `extM` (replaceImpl @(HsType GhcPs) c)

-- | Generic replacement function. This is the thing that actually runs the
-- 'Rewriter' carried by the context, instantiates templates, handles parens
-- and other whitespace bookkeeping, and emits resulting 'Replacement's.
  :: forall ast m. (Annotate ast, Matchable (Located ast), MonadIO m)
  => Context -> Located ast -> TransformT (WriterT Change m) (Located ast)
replaceImpl c e = do
    -- Prevent rewriting source of the rewrite itself by refusing to
    -- match under a binding of something that appears in the template.
    f result@RewriterResult{..} = result
      { rrTransformer =
          fmap (fmap (check rrOrigin rrQuantifiers)) <$> rrTransformer
    check origin quantifiers match
      | getLoc e `overlaps` origin = NoMatch
      | MatchResult _ Template{..} <- match
      , fvs <- freeVars quantifiers (astA tTemplate)
      , any (`elemFVs` fvs) (ctxtBinders c) = NoMatch
      | otherwise = match

  match <- runRewriter f c (ctxtRewriter c) (getUnparened e)

  case match of
    NoMatch -> return e
    MatchResult sub Template{..} -> do
      -- graft template into target module
      t' <- graftA tTemplate
      -- substitute for quantifiers in grafted template
      r <- subst sub c t'
      -- copy appropriate annotations from old expression to template
      addAllAnnsT e r
      -- add parens to template if needed
      res <- (mkM (parenify c) `extM` parenifyT c) r
      -- prune the resulting expression and log it with location
      orig <- printNoLeadingSpaces <$> pruneA e
      repl <- printNoLeadingSpaces <$> pruneA res
      let replacement = Replacement (getLoc e) orig repl
      TransformT $ lift $ tell $ Change [replacement] [tImports]
      -- make the actual replacement
      return res

-- | Records a replacement made. In cases where we cannot use ghc-exactprint
-- to print the resulting AST (e.g. CPP modules), we fall back on splicing
-- strings. Can also be used by external tools (search, linters, etc).
data Replacement = Replacement
  { replLocation :: SrcSpan
  , replOriginal :: String
  , replReplacement :: String

-- | Used as the writer type during matching to indicate whether any change
-- to the module should be made.
data Change = NoChange | Change [Replacement] [AnnotatedImports]

instance Semigroup Change where
  (<>) = mappend

instance Monoid Change where
  mempty = NoChange
  mappend NoChange     other        = other
  mappend other        NoChange     = other
  mappend (Change rs1 is1) (Change rs2 is2) =
    Change (rs1 <> rs2) (is1 <> is2)

-- We want to match through HsPar so we can make a decision
-- about whether to keep the parens or not based on the
-- resulting expression, but we need to know the entry location
-- of the parens, not the inner expression, so we have to
-- keep both expressions around.
getUnparened :: Data k => k -> k
getUnparened = mkT e `extT` t
    e :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
    e (L _ (HsPar expr)) = expr
    e (L _ (HsPar _ expr)) = expr
    e other = other

    t :: LHsType GhcPs -> LHsType GhcPs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
    t (L _ (HsParTy ty)) = ty
    t (L _ (HsParTy _ ty)) = ty
    t other = other

-- The location of 'e' accurately points to the first non-space character
-- of 'e', but when we exactprint 'e', we might get some leading spaces (if
-- annEntryDelta of the first token is non-zero). This means we can't just
-- splice in the printed expression at the desired location and call it a day.
-- Unfortunately, its hard to find the right annEntryDelta (it may not be the
-- top of the redex) and zero it out. As janky as it seems, its easier to just
-- drop leading spaces like this.
printNoLeadingSpaces :: Annotate k => Annotated (Located k) -> String
printNoLeadingSpaces = dropWhile isSpace . printA