Build #3 for rewrite-inspector-

[all reports]

Package rewrite-inspector-
Install BuildFailed
Docs NotTried
Tests NotTried
Time submitted 2019-05-29 21:45:21.286727709 UTC
Compiler ghc-8.6.3
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies base-, binary-, brick-0.47, containers-, data-default-, microlens-0.4.10, microlens-th-, prettyprinter-1.3.0, text-, vty-5.25.1, base-, prettyprinter-1.3.0
Flags none

Code Coverage

No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.

Build log

[view raw]

Warning: The install command is a part of the legacy v1 style of cabal usage.

Please switch to using either the new project style and the new-install
command or the legacy v1-install alias as new-style projects will become the
default in the next version of cabal-install. Please file a bug if you cannot
replicate a working v1- use case with the new-style commands.

For more information, see:

Resolving dependencies...
Starting     StateVar-
Starting     data-default-class-
Starting     dlist-
Starting     blaze-builder-
Building     data-default-class-
Building     dlist-
Building     blaze-builder-
Building     StateVar-
Completed    data-default-class-
Starting     erf-
Completed    StateVar-
Starting     hashable-
Building     erf-
Building     hashable-
Completed    dlist-
Starting     integer-logarithms-1.0.3
Building     integer-logarithms-1.0.3
Completed    blaze-builder-
Starting     microlens-0.4.10
Completed    erf-
Starting     old-locale-
Building     microlens-0.4.10
Building     old-locale-
Completed    integer-logarithms-1.0.3
Starting     parallel-
Building     parallel-
Completed    old-locale-
Starting     parser-combinators-1.0.3
Completed    hashable-
Starting     prettyprinter-1.3.0
Building     parser-combinators-1.0.3
Building     prettyprinter-1.3.0
Completed    microlens-0.4.10
Starting     primitive-
Building     primitive-
Completed    parallel-
Starting     random-1.1
Building     random-1.1
Completed    parser-combinators-1.0.3
Starting     th-abstraction-
Building     th-abstraction-
Completed    random-1.1
Starting     transformers-compat-0.6.5
Completed    prettyprinter-1.3.0
Starting     utf8-string-
Building     transformers-compat-0.6.5
Building     utf8-string-
Completed    th-abstraction-
Starting     word-wrap-0.4.1
Building     word-wrap-0.4.1
Completed    transformers-compat-0.6.5
Starting     data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1
Completed    word-wrap-0.4.1
Starting     contravariant-1.5.1
Building     data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1
Building     contravariant-1.5.1
Completed    utf8-string-
Starting     data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1
Completed    data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1
Starting     data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1
Building     data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1
Building     data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1
Completed    data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1
Starting     unordered-containers-
Completed    data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1
Starting     case-insensitive-
Building     unordered-containers-
Building     case-insensitive-
Completed    contravariant-1.5.1
Starting     microlens-th-
Completed    primitive-
Starting     microlens-mtl-
Building     microlens-th-
Building     microlens-mtl-
Completed    case-insensitive-
Starting     data-default-
Building     data-default-
Completed    microlens-mtl-
Starting     vector-
Completed    data-default-
Starting     tf-random-0.5
Building     vector-
Building     tf-random-0.5
Completed    microlens-th-
Starting     scientific-
Building     scientific-
Completed    tf-random-0.5
Starting     QuickCheck-
Building     QuickCheck-
Completed    unordered-containers-
Completed    scientific-
Starting     megaparsec-7.0.5
Building     megaparsec-7.0.5
Completed    megaparsec-7.0.5
Starting     config-ini-
Building     config-ini-
Completed    QuickCheck-
Starting     data-clist-
Completed    config-ini-
Building     data-clist-
Completed    data-clist-
Completed    vector-
Starting     text-zipper-0.10.1
Starting     vty-5.25.1
Building     text-zipper-0.10.1
Building     vty-5.25.1
Completed    text-zipper-0.10.1
Completed    vty-5.25.1
Starting     brick-0.47
Building     brick-0.47
Completed    brick-0.47
Starting     rewrite-inspector-
Building     rewrite-inspector-
Failed to install rewrite-inspector-
Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.6.3/rewrite-inspector- ):
cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-31740/rewrite-inspector-'
Configuring rewrite-inspector-
Preprocessing library for rewrite-inspector-
Building library for rewrite-inspector-
[1 of 4] Compiling Gen              ( src/Gen.hs, dist/build/Gen.o )
[2 of 4] Compiling Pretty           ( src/Pretty.hs, dist/build/Pretty.o )
[3 of 4] Compiling Types            ( src/Types.hs, dist/build/Types.o )
[4 of 4] Compiling BrickUI          ( src/BrickUI.hs, dist/build/BrickUI.o )

src/BrickUI.hs:42:14: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘IO a1’
                  with actual type ‘s0 -> IO s0’
    • Probable cause: ‘B.customMain’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
           (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
           (createVizStates @term hist)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
          $ B.customMain
              (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
              (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
              (createVizStates @term hist)
      In the expression:
        do [fname] <- getArgs
           hist <- readHistory @term fname
             $ B.customMain
                 (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
                 (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
                 (createVizStates @term hist)
42 |       void $ B.customMain
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^...

src/BrickUI.hs:44:10: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘V.Vty’ with actual type ‘IO V.Vty’
    • In the first argument of ‘B.customMain’, namely
        ‘(V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
           (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
           (createVizStates @term hist)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
          $ B.customMain
              (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
              (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
              (createVizStates @term hist)
44 |         (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig { V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin  = Just 1 })
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

src/BrickUI.hs:45:9: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘IO V.Vty’
                  with actual type ‘Maybe a0’
    • In the second argument of ‘B.customMain’, namely ‘Nothing’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
           (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
           (createVizStates @term hist)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
          $ B.customMain
              (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
              (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
              (createVizStates @term hist)
45 |         Nothing                             -- event channel
   |         ^^^^^^^

src/BrickUI.hs:46:10: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe (Brick.BChan.BChan e0)’
                  with actual type ‘App (VizStates term) NoCustomEvent Name’
    • In the third argument of ‘B.customMain’, namely
        ‘(app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
           (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
           (createVizStates @term hist)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
          $ B.customMain
              (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
              (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
              (createVizStates @term hist)
    • Relevant bindings include
        hist :: History term (Ctx term) (bound at src/BrickUI.hs:41:7)
46 |         (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))  -- the Brick application
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

src/BrickUI.hs:47:10: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘App s0 e0 n0’
                  with actual type ‘VizStates term’
    • In the fourth argument of ‘B.customMain’, namely
        ‘(createVizStates @term hist)’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
           (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
           (createVizStates @term hist)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
          $ B.customMain
              (V.mkVty $ V.defaultConfig {V.vtime = Just 100, V.vmin = Just 1})
              (app @term (themeToAttrMap theme))
              (createVizStates @term hist)
    • Relevant bindings include
        hist :: History term (Ctx term) (bound at src/BrickUI.hs:41:7)
47 |         (createVizStates @term hist)        -- initial state
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-31740/rewrite-inspector-'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
rewrite-inspector- failed during the building
phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Test log

No test log was submitted for this report.