{- |
Run closed 'Rhine's (which are signal functions together with matching clocks)
as main loops.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module FRP.Rhine.Reactimation where

-- dunai
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction.InternalCore

-- rhine
import FRP.Rhine.Clock
import FRP.Rhine.ClSF.Core
import FRP.Rhine.Reactimation.Tick
import FRP.Rhine.Reactimation.Combinators
import FRP.Rhine.Schedule
import FRP.Rhine.Type

-- * Running a Rhine

{- |
Takes a closed 'Rhine' (with trivial input and output),
and runs it indefinitely.
This is typically the main loop.

All input has to be created, and all output has to be consumed
by means of side effects in a monad 'm'.

Basic usage (synchronous case):

sensor :: ClSF MyMonad MyClock () a
sensor = constMCl produceData

processing :: ClSF MyMonad MyClock a b
processing = ...

actuator :: ClSF MyMonad MyClock b ()
actuator = arrMCl consumeData

mainSF :: ClSF MyMonad MyClock () ()
mainSF = sensor >-> processing >-> actuator

main :: MyMonad ()
main = flow $ mainSF @@ clock
-- TODO Can we chuck the constraints into Clock m cl?
  :: ( Monad m, Clock m cl
     , Time cl ~ Time (In  cl)
     , Time cl ~ Time (Out cl)
  => Rhine m cl () () -> m ()
flow Rhine {..} = do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initClock clock
  -- Run the main loop
  flow' runningClock $ createTickable
    (trivialResamplingBuffer clock)
    (trivialResamplingBuffer clock)
      flow' runningClock tickable = do
        -- Fetch the next time stamp from the stream, wait if necessary
        ((now, tag), runningClock') <- unMSF runningClock ()
        -- Process the part of the signal network that is scheduled to run
        tickable' <- tick tickable now tag
        -- Loop
        flow' runningClock' tickable'

-- | Run a synchronous 'ClSF' with its clock as a main loop,
--   similar to Yampa's, or Dunai's, 'reactimate'.
  :: ( Monad m, Clock m cl
     , cl ~ In  cl, cl ~ Out cl
  => cl -> ClSF m cl () () -> m ()
reactimateCl cl clsf = flow $ clsf @@ cl