{- |
'Schedule's are the compatibility mechanism between two different clocks.
A schedule' implements the the universal clocks such that those two given clocks
are its subclocks.

This module defines the 'Schedule' type and certain general constructions of schedules,
such as lifting along monad morphisms or time domain morphisms.
It also supplies (sequential and parallel) compositions of clocks.

Specific implementations of schedules are found in submodules.

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module FRP.Rhine.Schedule where

-- base
import Data.Semigroup

-- transformers
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

-- dunai
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction

-- rhine
import FRP.Rhine.Clock
import FRP.Rhine.Schedule.Util

-- * The schedule type

-- | A schedule implements a combination of two clocks.
--   It outputs a time stamp and an 'Either' value,
--   which specifies which of the two subclocks has ticked.
data Schedule m cl1 cl2
  = (Time cl1 ~ Time cl2)
  => Schedule
    { initSchedule
        :: cl1 -> cl2
        -> RunningClockInit m (Time cl1) (Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2))
-- The type constraint in the constructor is actually useful when pattern matching on 'Schedule',
-- which is interesting since a constraint like 'Monad m' is useful.
-- When reformulating as a GADT, it might get used,
-- but that would mean that we can't use record syntax.

-- * Utilities to create new schedules from existing ones

-- | Lift a schedule along a monad morphism.
  :: (Monad m1, Monad m2)
  => (forall a . m1 a -> m2 a)
  -> Schedule m1 cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m2 cl1 cl2
hoistSchedule hoist Schedule {..} = Schedule initSchedule'
    initSchedule' cl1 cl2 = hoist
      $ first (hoistMSF hoist) <$> initSchedule cl1 cl2
    hoistMSF = morphS
    -- TODO This should be a dunai issue

-- | Swaps the clocks for a given schedule.
  :: Monad m
  => Schedule m cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m cl2 cl1
flipSchedule Schedule {..} = Schedule initSchedule_
    initSchedule_ cl2 cl1 = first (arr (second swapEither) <<<) <$> initSchedule cl1 cl2

-- TODO I originally wanted to rescale a schedule and its clocks at the same time.
-- That's rescaleSequentialClock.
-- | If a schedule works for two clocks, a rescaling of the clocks
--   also applies to the schedule.
  :: Monad m
  => Schedule m cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m (RescaledClock cl1 time) (RescaledClock cl2 time)
rescaledSchedule schedule = Schedule $ initSchedule'
    initSchedule' cl1 cl2 = initSchedule (rescaledScheduleS schedule) (rescaledClockToS cl1) (rescaledClockToS cl2)

-- | As 'rescaledSchedule', with a stateful rescaling
  :: Monad m
  => Schedule m cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m (RescaledClockS m cl1 time tag1) (RescaledClockS m cl2 time tag2)
rescaledScheduleS Schedule {..} = Schedule initSchedule'
    initSchedule' (RescaledClockS cl1 rescaleS1) (RescaledClockS cl2 rescaleS2) = do
      (runningSchedule, initTime ) <- initSchedule cl1 cl2
      (rescaling1     , initTime') <- rescaleS1 initTime
      (rescaling2     , _        ) <- rescaleS2 initTime
      let runningSchedule'
            = runningSchedule >>> proc (time, tag12) -> case tag12 of
                Left  tag1 -> do
                  (time', tag1') <- rescaling1 -< (time, tag1)
                  returnA -< (time', Left  tag1')
                Right tag2 -> do
                  (time', tag2') <- rescaling2 -< (time, tag2)
                  returnA -< (time', Right tag2')
      return (runningSchedule', initTime')

-- TODO What's the most general way we can lift a schedule this way?
-- | Lifts a schedule into the 'ReaderT' transformer,
--   supplying the same environment to its scheduled clocks.
  :: ( Monad m
     , Clock (ReaderT r m) cl1, Clock (ReaderT r m) cl2
     , Time cl1 ~ Time cl2
  => Schedule m
       (HoistClock (ReaderT r m) m cl1) (HoistClock (ReaderT r m) m cl2)
  -> Schedule (ReaderT r m) cl1 cl2
readerSchedule Schedule {..}
  = Schedule $ \cl1 cl2 -> ReaderT $ \r -> first liftTransS
  <$> initSchedule
        (HoistClock cl1 $ flip runReaderT r)
        (HoistClock cl2 $ flip runReaderT r)

-- * Composite clocks

-- ** Sequentially combined clocks

-- | Two clocks can be combined with a schedule as a clock
--   for an asynchronous sequential composition of signal networks.
data SequentialClock m cl1 cl2
  = Time cl1 ~ Time cl2
  => SequentialClock
    { sequentialCl1      :: cl1
    , sequentialCl2      :: cl2
    , sequentialSchedule :: Schedule m cl1 cl2

-- | Abbrevation synonym.
type SeqClock m cl1 cl2 = SequentialClock m cl1 cl2

instance (Monad m, Clock m cl1, Clock m cl2)
      => Clock m (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) where
  type Time (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Time cl1
  type Tag  (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2)
  initClock SequentialClock {..}
    = initSchedule sequentialSchedule sequentialCl1 sequentialCl2

-- | @cl1@ is a subclock of @SequentialClock m cl1 cl2@,
--   therefore it is always possible to schedule these two clocks deterministically.
--   The left subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly after @cl1@.
schedSeq1 :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl1) => Schedule m cl1 (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2)
schedSeq1 = Schedule $ \cl1 SequentialClock { sequentialSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule (cl1 <> sequentialCl1) sequentialCl2
  return (duplicateSubtick runningClock, initTime)

-- | As 'schedSeq1', but for the right subclock.
--   The right subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly before @cl2@.
schedSeq2 :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl2, Time cl1 ~ Time cl2) => Schedule m (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) cl2
schedSeq2 = Schedule $ \SequentialClock { sequentialSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } cl2 -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule sequentialCl1 (sequentialCl2 <> cl2)
  return (duplicateSubtick (runningClock >>> second (arr swapEither)) >>> second (arr remap), initTime)
      remap (Left tag2)          = Left $ Right tag2
      remap (Right (Left tag2))  = Right tag2
      remap (Right (Right tag1)) = Left $ Left tag1
-- TODO Why did I need the constraint on the time domains here, but not in schedSeq1?
--      Same for schedPar2

-- ** Parallelly combined clocks

-- | Two clocks can be combined with a schedule as a clock
--   for an asynchronous parallel composition of signal networks.
data ParallelClock m cl1 cl2
  = Time cl1 ~ Time cl2
  => ParallelClock
    { parallelCl1      :: cl1
    , parallelCl2      :: cl2
    , parallelSchedule :: Schedule m cl1 cl2

-- | Abbrevation synonym.
type ParClock m cl1 cl2 = ParallelClock m cl1 cl2

instance (Monad m, Clock m cl1, Clock m cl2)
      => Clock m (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) where
  type Time (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) = Time cl1
  type Tag  (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) = Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2)
  initClock ParallelClock {..}
    = initSchedule parallelSchedule parallelCl1 parallelCl2

-- | Like 'schedSeq1', but for parallel clocks.
--   The left subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly after @cl1@.
schedPar1 :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl1) => Schedule m cl1 (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2)
schedPar1 = Schedule $ \cl1 ParallelClock { parallelSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule (cl1 <> parallelCl1) parallelCl2
  return (duplicateSubtick runningClock, initTime)

-- | Like 'schedPar1',
--   but the left subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly /before/ @cl1@.
schedPar1' :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl1) => Schedule m cl1 (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2)
schedPar1' = Schedule $ \cl1 ParallelClock { parallelSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule (parallelCl1 <> cl1) parallelCl2
  return (duplicateSubtick runningClock >>> arr (second remap), initTime)
      remap (Left tag1)         = Right $ Left tag1
      remap (Right (Left tag1)) = Left tag1
      remap tag                 = tag

-- | Like 'schedPar1', but for the right subclock.
--   The right subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly before @cl2@.
schedPar2 :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl2, Time cl1 ~ Time cl2) => Schedule m (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) cl2
schedPar2 = Schedule $ \ParallelClock { parallelSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } cl2 -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule parallelCl1 (parallelCl2 <> cl2)
  return (duplicateSubtick (runningClock >>> second (arr swapEither)) >>> second (arr remap), initTime)
      remap (Left tag2)          = Left $ Right tag2
      remap (Right (Left tag2))  = Right tag2
      remap (Right (Right tag1)) = Left $ Left tag1

-- | Like 'schedPar1',
--   but the right subclock of the combined clock always ticks instantly /after/ @cl2@.
schedPar2' :: (Monad m, Semigroup cl2, Time cl1 ~ Time cl2) => Schedule m (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) cl2
schedPar2' = Schedule $ \ParallelClock { parallelSchedule = Schedule {..}, .. } cl2 -> do
  (runningClock, initTime) <- initSchedule parallelCl1 (parallelCl2 <> cl2)
  return (duplicateSubtick (runningClock >>> second (arr swapEither)) >>> second (arr remap), initTime)
      remap (Left tag2)          = Right tag2
      remap (Right (Left tag2))  = Left $ Right tag2
      remap (Right (Right tag1)) = Left $ Left tag1

-- * Navigating the clock tree

-- | The clock that represents the rate at which data enters the system.
type family In cl where
  In (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = In cl1
  In (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2) = ParallelClock m (In cl1) (In cl2)
  In cl                          = cl

-- | The clock that represents the rate at which data leaves the system.
type family Out cl where
  Out (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Out cl2
  Out (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2) = ParallelClock m (Out cl1) (Out cl2)
  Out cl                          = cl

-- | A tree representing possible last times to which
--   the constituents of a clock may have ticked.
data LastTime cl where
    :: LastTime cl1 -> LastTime cl2
    -> LastTime (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2)
    :: LastTime cl1 -> LastTime cl2
    -> LastTime (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2)
  LeafLastTime :: Time cl -> LastTime cl

-- | An inclusion of a clock into a tree of parallel compositions of clocks.
data ParClockInclusion clS cl where
    :: ParClockInclusion (ParallelClock m clL clR) cl
    -> ParClockInclusion                  clL      cl
    :: ParClockInclusion (ParallelClock m clL clR) cl
    -> ParClockInclusion                      clR  cl
  ParClockRefl :: ParClockInclusion cl cl

-- | Generates a tag for the composite clock from a tag of a leaf clock,
--   given a parallel clock inclusion.
parClockTagInclusion :: ParClockInclusion clS cl -> Tag clS -> Tag cl
parClockTagInclusion (ParClockInL parClockInL) tag = parClockTagInclusion parClockInL $ Left  tag
parClockTagInclusion (ParClockInR parClockInR) tag = parClockTagInclusion parClockInR $ Right tag
parClockTagInclusion ParClockRefl              tag = tag