{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{- | SQL statement conditions. -}
module Database.Ribbit.Conditions (
  type (?),

) where

import Database.Ribbit.Table (Validate)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, AppendSymbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage((:<>:),
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as Lit

{- | "WHERE" constructor, used for attaching conditions to a query. -}
data Where query conditions
infixl 6 `Where`

{- | "=" constructor for conditions. -}
data Equals (l :: k1) (r :: k2)
infix 9 `Equals`

{- | "!=" constructor for conditions. -}
data NotEquals l r
infix 9 `NotEquals`

{- | "<" constructor for conditions. -}
data Lt l r
infix 9 `Lt`

{- | "<=" constructor for conditions. -}
data Lte l r
infix 9 `Lte`

{- | ">" constructor for conditions. -}
data Gt l r
infix 9 `Gt`

{- | ">=" constructor for conditions. -}
data Gte l r
infix 9 `Gte`

{- | "AND" constructor for conditions. -}
data And l r
infixr 8 `And`

{- | "OR" constructor for conditions. -}
data Or (l :: k1) (r :: k2)
infixr 7 `Or`

{- | NOT conditional constructor. -}
data Not a

{- | Is a field null? -}
data IsNull (field :: Symbol)

{- | Is a field not null? -}
data NotNull (field :: Symbol)

type family RenderConditions a schema where
  RenderConditions (Or l r) schema =
    "( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderConditions l schema
    `AppendSymbol` " ) OR ("
    `AppendSymbol` RenderConditions r schema
    `AppendSymbol` " )"

  RenderConditions (And l r) schema =
    "( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderConditions l schema
    `AppendSymbol` " ) AND ( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderConditions r schema
    `AppendSymbol` " )"

  RenderConditions condition schema = RenderCondition condition schema

type family RenderCondition condition schema where
  RenderCondition (Equals l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) "=" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (NotEquals l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) "!=" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (Lt l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) "<" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (Lte l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) "<=" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (Gt l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) ">" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (Gte l r) schema = SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) ">=" (Expr r)
  RenderCondition (IsNull field) schema = Validate field schema (
      field `AppendSymbol` " IS NULL"
  RenderCondition (NotNull field) schema = Validate field schema (
      field `AppendSymbol` " IS NOT NULL"
  RenderCondition a _ = TypeError ('Lit.Text "Invalid condition: " ':<>: 'ShowType a)

type family SimpleCondition schema l op r where
  SimpleCondition schema (Expr (?)) op (Expr r) =
    Validate r schema (
      "? "
      `AppendSymbol` op
      `AppendSymbol` " "
      `AppendSymbol` r
  SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) op (Expr (?)) =
    Validate l schema (
      `AppendSymbol` " "
      `AppendSymbol` op
      `AppendSymbol` " ?"
  SimpleCondition schema (Expr l) op (Expr r) =
    Validate l schema (
      Validate r schema (
        `AppendSymbol` " "
        `AppendSymbol` op
        `AppendSymbol` " "
        `AppendSymbol` r

data Expr (a :: k)

type family RenderJoinConditions a schema where
  RenderJoinConditions (Or l r) schema =
    "( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderJoinConditions l schema
    `AppendSymbol` " ) OR ("
    `AppendSymbol` RenderJoinConditions r schema
    `AppendSymbol` " )"

  RenderJoinConditions (And l r) schema =
    "( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderJoinConditions l schema
    `AppendSymbol` " ) AND ( "
    `AppendSymbol` RenderJoinConditions r schema
    `AppendSymbol` " )"

  RenderJoinConditions condition schema = RenderJoinCondition condition schema

type family RenderJoinCondition condition schema where
  RenderJoinCondition (Equals l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) "=" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (NotEquals l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) "!=" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (Lt l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) "<" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (Lte l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) "<=" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (Gt l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) ">" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (Gte l r) schema = ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) ">=" (Expr r)
  RenderJoinCondition (IsNull field) schema = Validate field schema (
      field `AppendSymbol` " IS NULL"
  RenderJoinCondition (NotNull field) schema = Validate field schema (
      field `AppendSymbol` " IS NOT NULL"
  RenderJoinCondition a _ = TypeError ('Lit.Text "Invalid condition: " ':<>: 'ShowType a)

{- | A closed condition is one that does not allow query parameters. -}
type family ClosedCondition schema l op r where
  ClosedCondition schema (Expr l) op (Expr r) =
    Validate l schema (
      Validate r schema (
        `AppendSymbol` " "
        `AppendSymbol` op
        `AppendSymbol` " "
        `AppendSymbol` r

{- | "?" constructor, used to indicate the presence of a query parameter. -}
data (?)