{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

module Data.Semimodule (
  -- * Types
    type Free
  , type Basis
  , type Basis2
  , type Basis3
  , type FreeModule
  , type FreeSemimodule
  -- * Left modules
  , type LeftModule
  , LeftSemimodule(..)
  , lscaleDef
  , negateDef
  , lerp
  , (*.)
  , (/.)
  , (\.)
  -- * Right modules
  , type RightModule
  , RightSemimodule(..)
  , rscaleDef
  , (.*)
  , (./)
  , (.\)
  -- * Bimodules
  , type Bimodule
  , Bisemimodule(..)
) where

import safe Data.Complex
import safe Data.Semifield
import safe Data.Functor.Rep
import safe Data.Semiring
import safe GHC.Real hiding (Fractional(..))
import safe Numeric.Natural
import safe Prelude hiding (Num(..), Fractional(..), sum, product)

import safe Prelude (fromInteger)

type Free f = (Representable f, Eq (Rep f))

type Basis b f = (Free f, Rep f ~ b)

type Basis2 b c f g = (Basis b f, Basis c g)

type Basis3 b c d f g h = (Basis b f, Basis c g, Basis d h)

type FreeModule a f = (Free f, Bimodule a a (f a))

type FreeSemimodule a f = (Free f, Bisemimodule a a (f a))

-- Left modules

type LeftModule l a = (Ring l, (Additive-Group) a, LeftSemimodule l a)

-- | < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semimodule Left semimodule > over a commutative semiring.
-- All instances must satisfy the following identities:
-- @
-- 'lscale' s (x '+' y) = 'lscale' s x '+' 'lscale' s y
-- 'lscale' (s1 '+' s2) x = 'lscale' s1 x '+' 'lscale' s2 x
-- 'lscale' (s1 '*' s2) = 'lscale' s1 . 'lscale' s2
-- 'lscale' 'zero' = 'zero'
-- @
-- When the ring of coefficients /s/ is unital we must additionally have:
-- @
-- 'lscale' 'one' = 'id'
-- @
-- See the properties module for a detailed specification of the laws.
class (Semiring l, (Additive-Monoid) a) => LeftSemimodule l a where
  -- | Left-multiply by a scalar.
  lscale :: l -> a -> a

-- | Default definition of 'lscale' for a free module.
lscaleDef :: Semiring a => Functor f => a -> f a -> f a
lscaleDef a f = (a *) <$> f

-- | Default definition of '<<' for a commutative group.
negateDef :: LeftModule Integer a => a -> a
negateDef a = (-1 :: Integer) *. a

-- | Linearly interpolate between two vectors.
-- >>> u = V3 (1 :% 1) (2 :% 1) (3 :% 1) :: V3 Rational
-- >>> v = V3 (2 :% 1) (4 :% 1) (6 :% 1) :: V3 Rational
-- >>> r = 1 :% 2 :: Rational
-- >>> lerp r u v
-- V3 (6 % 4) (12 % 4) (18 % 4)
lerp :: LeftModule r a => r -> a -> a -> a
lerp r f g = r *. f + (one - r) *. g
{-# INLINE lerp #-}

infixr 7 *., \., /.

(*.) :: LeftSemimodule l a => l -> a -> a
(*.) = lscale

(/.) :: Semifield a => Functor f => a -> f a -> f a
a /. f = (a /) <$> f

(\.) :: Semifield a => Functor f => a -> f a -> f a
a \. f = (a \\) <$> f

-- Right modules

type RightModule r a = (Ring r, (Additive-Group) a, RightSemimodule r a)

-- | < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semimodule Right semimodule > over a commutative semiring.
-- The laws for right semimodules are analagous to those of left semimodules.
-- See the properties module for a detailed specification.
class (Semiring r, (Additive-Monoid) a) => RightSemimodule r a where

  -- | Right-multiply by a scalar.
  rscale :: r -> a -> a

-- | Default definition of 'rscale' for a free module.
rscaleDef :: Semiring a => Functor f => a -> f a -> f a
rscaleDef a f = (* a) <$> f

infixl 7 .*, .\, ./
(.*) :: RightSemimodule r a => a -> r -> a
(.*) = flip rscale

(./) :: Semifield a => Functor f => f a -> a -> f a
(./) = flip (/.)

(.\) :: Semifield a => Functor f => f a -> a -> f a
(.\) = flip (\.)

-- Bimodules

type Bimodule l r a = (LeftModule l a, RightModule r a, Bisemimodule l r a)

-- | < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bimodule Bisemimodule > over a commutative semiring.
-- @
-- 'lscale' l . 'rscale' r = 'rscale' r . 'lscale' l
-- @
class (LeftSemimodule l a, RightSemimodule r a) => Bisemimodule l r a where

  discale :: l -> r -> a -> a
  discale l r = lscale l . rscale r

-- Instances

instance Semiring l => LeftSemimodule l () where
  lscale _ = const ()

instance (Additive-Monoid) a => LeftSemimodule () a where
  lscale _ = id

instance (Additive-Monoid) a => LeftSemimodule Natural a where
  lscale l a = unAdditive $ mreplicate l (Additive a)

instance ((Additive-Monoid) a, (Additive-Group) a) => LeftSemimodule Integer a where
  lscale l a = unAdditive $ greplicate l (Additive a)

instance LeftSemimodule l a => LeftSemimodule l (e -> a) where
  lscale l = fmap (l *.)

instance (LeftSemimodule l a, LeftSemimodule l b) => LeftSemimodule l (a, b) where
  lscale n (a, b) = (n *. a, n *. b)

instance (LeftSemimodule l a, LeftSemimodule l b, LeftSemimodule l c) => LeftSemimodule l (a, b, c) where
  lscale n (a, b, c) = (n *. a, n *. b, n *. c)

instance Semiring a => LeftSemimodule a (Ratio a) where
  lscale l (x :% y) = (l * x) :% y

instance Ring a => LeftSemimodule a (Complex a) where
  lscale l (x :+ y) = (l * x) :+ (l * y)

instance Ring a => LeftSemimodule (Complex a) (Complex a) where
   lscale = (*)

#define deriveLeftSemimodule(ty)                      \
instance LeftSemimodule ty ty where {                 \
   lscale = (*)                                       \
;  {-# INLINE lscale #-}                              \


instance Semiring r => RightSemimodule r () where
  rscale _ = const ()

instance (Additive-Monoid) a => RightSemimodule () a where
  rscale _ = id

instance (Additive-Monoid) a => RightSemimodule Natural a where
  rscale r a = unAdditive $ mreplicate r (Additive a)

instance ((Additive-Monoid) a, (Additive-Group) a) => RightSemimodule Integer a where
  rscale r a = unAdditive $ greplicate r (Additive a)

instance RightSemimodule r a => RightSemimodule r (e -> a) where
  rscale r = fmap (.* r)

instance (RightSemimodule r a, RightSemimodule r b) => RightSemimodule r (a, b) where
  rscale n (a, b) = (a .* n, b .* n)

instance (RightSemimodule r a, RightSemimodule r b, RightSemimodule r c) => RightSemimodule r (a, b, c) where
  rscale n (a, b, c) = (a .* n, b .* n, c .* n)

instance Semiring a => RightSemimodule a (Ratio a) where
  rscale r (x :% y) = (r * x) :% y

instance Ring a => RightSemimodule a (Complex a) where
  rscale r (x :+ y) = (r * x) :+ (r * y)

instance Ring a => RightSemimodule (Complex a) (Complex a) where
  rscale = (*)

instance Semiring r => Bisemimodule r r ()

instance Bisemimodule r r a => Bisemimodule r r (e -> a)

instance (Bisemimodule r r a, Bisemimodule r r b) => Bisemimodule r r (a, b)

instance (Bisemimodule r r a, Bisemimodule r r b, Bisemimodule r r c) => Bisemimodule r r (a, b, c)

instance Semiring a => Bisemimodule a a (Ratio a)

instance Ring a => Bisemimodule a a (Complex a)

instance Ring a => Bisemimodule (Complex a) (Complex a) (Complex a)