{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module RIO.Prelude.Logger
  ( -- ** Running with logging
  , newLogFunc
  , LogFunc
  , HasLogFunc (..)
  , logOptionsHandle
    -- *** Log options
  , LogOptions
  , setLogMinLevel
  , setLogMinLevelIO
  , setLogVerboseFormat
  , setLogVerboseFormatIO
  , setLogTerminal
  , setLogUseTime
  , setLogUseColor
  , setLogUseLoc
  , setLogFormat
    -- ** Standard logging functions
  , logDebug
  , logInfo
  , logWarn
  , logError
  , logOther
    -- ** Advanced logging functions
    -- *** Sticky logging
  , logSticky
  , logStickyDone
    -- *** With source
  , logDebugS
  , logInfoS
  , logWarnS
  , logErrorS
  , logOtherS
    -- *** Generic log function
  , logGeneric
    -- ** Advanced running functions
  , mkLogFunc
  , logOptionsMemory
    -- ** Data types
  , LogLevel (..)
  , LogSource
  , CallStack
    -- ** Convenience functions
  , displayCallStack
  , noLogging
    -- ** Accessors
  , logFuncUseColorL
    -- * Type-generic logger
    -- $type-generic-intro
  , glog
  , GLogFunc
  , gLogFuncClassic
  , mkGLogFunc
  , contramapMaybeGLogFunc
  , contramapGLogFunc
  , HasGLogFunc(..)
  , HasLogLevel(..)
  , HasLogSource(..)
  ) where

import RIO.Prelude.Reexports hiding ((<>))
import RIO.Prelude.Renames
import RIO.Prelude.Display
import RIO.Prelude.Lens
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, CallStack, SrcLoc (..), getCallStack, callStack)
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString, char7, byteString, hPutBuilder)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (flush)
import           GHC.IO.Handle.Internals         (wantWritableHandle)
import           GHC.IO.Encoding.Types           (textEncodingName)
import           GHC.IO.Handle.Types             (Handle__ (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           System.IO                  (localeEncoding)
import           GHC.Foreign                (peekCString, withCString)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant

-- | The log level of a message.
-- @since
data LogLevel = LevelDebug | LevelInfo | LevelWarn | LevelError | LevelOther !Text
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)

-- | Where in the application a log message came from. Used for
-- display purposes only.
-- @since
type LogSource = Text

-- | Environment values with a logging function.
-- @since
class HasLogFunc env where
  logFuncL :: Lens' env LogFunc
instance HasLogFunc LogFunc where
  logFuncL = id

-- | A logging function, wrapped in a newtype for better error messages.
-- An implementation may choose any behavior of this value it wishes,
-- including printing to standard output or no action at all.
-- @since
data LogFunc = LogFunc
  { unLogFunc :: !(CallStack -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Utf8Builder -> IO ())
  , lfOptions :: !(Maybe LogOptions)

-- | Perform both sets of actions per log entry.
-- @since
instance Semigroup LogFunc where
  LogFunc f o1 <> LogFunc g o2 = LogFunc
    { unLogFunc = \a b c d -> f a b c d *> g a b c d
    , lfOptions = o1 `mplus` o2

-- | 'mempty' peforms no logging.
-- @since
instance Monoid LogFunc where
  mempty = mkLogFunc $ \_ _ _ _ -> return ()
  mappend = (<>)

-- | Create a 'LogFunc' from the given function.
-- @since
mkLogFunc :: (CallStack -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Utf8Builder -> IO ()) -> LogFunc
mkLogFunc f = LogFunc f Nothing

-- | Generic, basic function for creating other logging functions.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => LogSource
  -> LogLevel
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logGeneric src level str = do
  LogFunc logFunc _ <- view logFuncL
  liftIO $ logFunc callStack src level str

-- | Log a debug level message with no source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logDebug = logGeneric "" LevelDebug

-- | Log an info level message with no source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logInfo = logGeneric "" LevelInfo

-- | Log a warn level message with no source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logWarn = logGeneric "" LevelWarn

-- | Log an error level message with no source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logError = logGeneric "" LevelError

-- | Log a message with the specified textual level and no source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Text -- ^ level
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logOther = logGeneric "" . LevelOther

-- | Log a debug level message with the given source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => LogSource
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logDebugS src = logGeneric src LevelDebug

-- | Log an info level message with the given source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => LogSource
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logInfoS src = logGeneric src LevelInfo

-- | Log a warn level message with the given source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => LogSource
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logWarnS src = logGeneric src LevelWarn

-- | Log an error level message with the given source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => LogSource
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logErrorS src = logGeneric src LevelError

-- | Log a message with the specified textual level and the given
-- source.
-- @since
  :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env, HasCallStack)
  => Text -- ^ level
  -> LogSource
  -> Utf8Builder
  -> m ()
logOtherS src = logGeneric src . LevelOther

-- | Write a "sticky" line to the terminal. Any subsequent lines will
-- overwrite this one, and that same line will be repeated below
-- again. In other words, the line sticks at the bottom of the output
-- forever. Running this function again will replace the sticky line
-- with a new sticky line. When you want to get rid of the sticky
-- line, run 'logStickyDone'.
-- Note that not all 'LogFunc' implementations will support sticky
-- messages as described. However, the 'withLogFunc' implementation
-- provided by this module does.
-- @since
logSticky :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env) => Utf8Builder -> m ()
logSticky = logOther "sticky"

-- | This will print out the given message with a newline and disable
-- any further stickiness of the line until a new call to 'logSticky'
-- happens.
-- @since
logStickyDone :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack, MonadReader env m, HasLogFunc env) => Utf8Builder -> m ()
logStickyDone = logOther "sticky-done"

-- TODO It might be better at some point to have a 'runSticky' function
-- that encompasses the logSticky->logStickyDone pairing.

canUseUtf8 :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m Bool
canUseUtf8 h = liftIO $ wantWritableHandle "canUseUtf8" h $ \h_ -> do
  -- TODO also handle haOutputNL for CRLF
  return $ (textEncodingName <$> haCodec h_) == Just "UTF-8"

-- | Create a 'LogOptions' value which will store its data in
-- memory. This is primarily intended for testing purposes. This will
-- return both a 'LogOptions' value and an 'IORef' containing the
-- resulting 'Builder' value.
-- This will default to non-verbose settings and assume there is a
-- terminal attached. These assumptions can be overridden using the
-- appropriate @set@ functions.
-- @since
logOptionsMemory :: MonadIO m => m (IORef Builder, LogOptions)
logOptionsMemory = do
  ref <- newIORef mempty
  let options = LogOptions
        { logMinLevel = return LevelInfo
        , logVerboseFormat = return False
        , logTerminal = True
        , logUseTime = False
        , logUseColor = False
        , logUseLoc = False
        , logFormat = id
        , logSend = \new -> atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \old -> (old <> new, ())
  return (ref, options)

-- | Create a 'LogOptions' value from the given 'Handle' and whether
-- to perform verbose logging or not. Individiual settings can be
-- overridden using appropriate @set@ functions.
-- When Verbose Flag is @True@, the following happens:
--     * @setLogVerboseFormat@ is called with @True@
--     * @setLogUseColor@ is called with @True@ (except on Windows)
--     * @setLogUseLoc@ is called with @True@
--     * @setLogUseTime@ is called with @True@
--     * @setLogMinLevel@ is called with 'Debug' log level
-- @since
  :: MonadIO m
  => Handle
  -> Bool -- ^ Verbose Flag
  -> m LogOptions
logOptionsHandle handle' verbose = liftIO $ do
  terminal <- hIsTerminalDevice handle'
  useUtf8 <- canUseUtf8 handle'
  unicode <- if useUtf8 then return True else getCanUseUnicode
  return LogOptions
    { logMinLevel = return $ if verbose then LevelDebug else LevelInfo
    , logVerboseFormat = return verbose
    , logTerminal = terminal
    , logUseTime = verbose
    , logUseColor = False
    , logUseColor = verbose && terminal
    , logUseLoc = verbose
    , logFormat = id
    , logSend = \builder ->
        if useUtf8 && unicode
          then hPutBuilder handle' (builder <> flush)
          else do
            let lbs = toLazyByteString builder
                bs = toStrictBytes lbs
            case decodeUtf8' bs of
              Left e -> error $ "mkLogOptions: invalid UTF8 sequence: " ++ show (e, bs)
              Right text -> do
                let text'
                      | unicode = text
                      | otherwise = T.map replaceUnicode text
                TIO.hPutStr handle' text'
                hFlush handle'

-- | Taken from GHC: determine if we should use Unicode syntax
getCanUseUnicode :: IO Bool
getCanUseUnicode = do
    let enc = localeEncoding
        str = "\x2018\x2019"
        test = withCString enc str $ \cstr -> do
            str' <- peekCString enc cstr
            return (str == str')
    test `catchIO` \_ -> return False

-- | Given a 'LogOptions' value, returns both a new 'LogFunc' and a sub-routine that
-- disposes it.
-- Intended for use if you want to deal with the teardown of 'LogFunc' yourself,
-- otherwise prefer the 'withLogFunc' function instead.
--  @since
newLogFunc :: (MonadIO n, MonadIO m) => LogOptions -> n (LogFunc, m ())
newLogFunc options =
  if logTerminal options then do
    var <- newMVar (mempty,0)
    return (LogFunc
             { unLogFunc = stickyImpl var options (simpleLogFunc options)
             , lfOptions = Just options
           , do (state,_) <- takeMVar var
                unless (B.null state) (liftIO $ logSend options "\n")
    return (LogFunc
            { unLogFunc = \cs src level str ->
                simpleLogFunc options cs src (noSticky level) str
            , lfOptions = Just options
           , return ()

-- | Given a 'LogOptions' value, run the given function with the
-- specified 'LogFunc'. A common way to use this function is:
-- @
-- let isVerbose = False -- get from the command line instead
-- logOptions' <- logOptionsHandle stderr isVerbose
-- let logOptions = setLogUseTime True logOptions'
-- withLogFunc logOptions $ \\lf -> do
--   let app = App -- application specific environment
--         { appLogFunc = lf
--         , appOtherStuff = ...
--         }
--   runRIO app $ do
--     logInfo "Starting app"
--     myApp
-- @
-- @since
withLogFunc :: MonadUnliftIO m => LogOptions -> (LogFunc -> m a) -> m a
withLogFunc options inner = withRunInIO $ \run -> do
  bracket (newLogFunc options)
          (run . inner . fst)

-- | Replace Unicode characters with non-Unicode equivalents
replaceUnicode :: Char -> Char
replaceUnicode '\x2018' = '`'
replaceUnicode '\x2019' = '\''
replaceUnicode c = c

noSticky :: LogLevel -> LogLevel
noSticky (LevelOther "sticky-done") = LevelInfo
noSticky (LevelOther "sticky") = LevelInfo
noSticky level = level

-- | Configuration for how to create a 'LogFunc'. Intended to be used
-- with the 'withLogFunc' function.
-- @since
data LogOptions = LogOptions
  { logMinLevel :: !(IO LogLevel)
  , logVerboseFormat :: !(IO Bool)
  , logTerminal :: !Bool
  , logUseTime :: !Bool
  , logUseColor :: !Bool
  , logUseLoc :: !Bool
  , logFormat :: !(Utf8Builder -> Utf8Builder)
  , logSend :: !(Builder -> IO ())

-- | Set the minimum log level. Messages below this level will not be
-- printed.
-- Default: in verbose mode, 'LevelDebug'. Otherwise, 'LevelInfo'.
-- @since
setLogMinLevel :: LogLevel -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogMinLevel level options = options { logMinLevel = return level }

-- | Refer to 'setLogMinLevel'. This modifier allows to alter the verbose format
-- value dynamically at runtime.
-- Default: in verbose mode, 'LevelDebug'. Otherwise, 'LevelInfo'.
-- @since
setLogMinLevelIO :: IO LogLevel -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogMinLevelIO getLevel options = options { logMinLevel = getLevel }

-- | Use the verbose format for printing log messages.
-- Default: follows the value of the verbose flag.
-- @since
setLogVerboseFormat :: Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogVerboseFormat v options = options { logVerboseFormat = return v }

-- | Refer to 'setLogVerboseFormat'. This modifier allows to alter the verbose
--   format value dynamically at runtime.
-- Default: follows the value of the verbose flag.
-- @since
setLogVerboseFormatIO :: IO Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogVerboseFormatIO getVerboseLevel options =
  options { logVerboseFormat = getVerboseLevel }

-- | Do we treat output as a terminal. If @True@, we will enabled
-- sticky logging functionality.
-- Default: checks if the @Handle@ provided to 'logOptionsHandle' is a
-- terminal with 'hIsTerminalDevice'.
-- @since
setLogTerminal :: Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogTerminal t options = options { logTerminal = t }

-- | Include the time when printing log messages.
-- Default: `True` in debug mode, `False` otherwise.
-- @since
setLogUseTime :: Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogUseTime t options = options { logUseTime = t }

-- | Use ANSI color codes in the log output.
-- Default: `True` if in verbose mode /and/ the 'Handle' is a terminal device.
-- @since
setLogUseColor :: Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogUseColor c options = options { logUseColor = c }

-- | Use code location in the log output.
-- Default: `True` if in verbose mode, `False` otherwise.
-- @since
setLogUseLoc :: Bool -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogUseLoc l options = options { logUseLoc = l }

-- | Set format method for messages
-- Default: `id`
-- @since
setLogFormat :: (Utf8Builder -> Utf8Builder) -> LogOptions -> LogOptions
setLogFormat f options = options { logFormat = f }

simpleLogFunc :: LogOptions -> CallStack -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Utf8Builder -> IO ()
simpleLogFunc lo cs _src level msg = do
    logLevel   <- logMinLevel lo
    logVerbose <- logVerboseFormat lo

    when (level >= logLevel) $ do
      timestamp <- getTimestamp logVerbose
      logSend lo $ getUtf8Builder $
        timestamp <>
        getLevel logVerbose <>
        ansi reset <>
        logFormat lo msg <>
        getLoc <>
        ansi reset <>
   reset = "\ESC[0m"
   setBlack = "\ESC[90m"
   setGreen = "\ESC[32m"
   setBlue = "\ESC[34m"
   setYellow = "\ESC[33m"
   setRed = "\ESC[31m"
   setMagenta = "\ESC[35m"

   ansi :: Utf8Builder -> Utf8Builder
   ansi xs | logUseColor lo = xs
           | otherwise = mempty

   getTimestamp :: Bool -> IO Utf8Builder
   getTimestamp logVerbose
     | logVerbose && logUseTime lo =
       do now <- getZonedTime
          return $ ansi setBlack <> fromString (formatTime' now) <> ": "
     | otherwise = return mempty
       formatTime' =
           take timestampLength . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T.%q"

   getLevel :: Bool -> Utf8Builder
   getLevel logVerbose
     | logVerbose =
         case level of
           LevelDebug -> ansi setGreen <> "[debug] "
           LevelInfo -> ansi setBlue <> "[info] "
           LevelWarn -> ansi setYellow <> "[warn] "
           LevelError -> ansi setRed <> "[error] "
           LevelOther name ->
             ansi setMagenta <>
             "[" <>
             display name <>
             "] "
     | otherwise = mempty

   getLoc :: Utf8Builder
     | logUseLoc lo = ansi setBlack <> "\n@(" <> displayCallStack cs <> ")"
     | otherwise = mempty

-- | Convert a 'CallStack' value into a 'Utf8Builder' indicating
-- the first source location.
-- TODO Consider showing the entire call stack instead.
-- @since
displayCallStack :: CallStack -> Utf8Builder
displayCallStack cs =
     case reverse $ getCallStack cs of
       [] -> "<no call stack found>"
       (_desc, loc):_ ->
         let file = srcLocFile loc
          in fromString file <>
             ":" <>
             displayShow (srcLocStartLine loc) <>
             ":" <>
             displayShow (srcLocStartCol loc)

-- | The length of a timestamp in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.μμμμμμ".
-- This definition is top-level in order to avoid multiple reevaluation at runtime.
timestampLength :: Int
timestampLength =
  length (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T.000000" (UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0))

    :: MVar (ByteString,Int) -> LogOptions
    -> (CallStack -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Utf8Builder -> IO ())
    -> CallStack -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Utf8Builder -> IO ()
stickyImpl ref lo logFunc loc src level msgOrig = modifyMVar_ ref $ \(sticky,stickyLen) -> do
  let backSpaceChar = '\8'
      repeating = mconcat . replicate stickyLen . char7
      clear = logSend lo
        (repeating backSpaceChar <>
        repeating ' ' <>
        repeating backSpaceChar)

  logLevel <- logMinLevel lo

  case level of
    LevelOther "sticky-done" -> do
      logFunc loc src LevelInfo msgOrig
      return (mempty,0)
    LevelOther "sticky" -> do
      let bs = toStrictBytes $ toLazyByteString $ getUtf8Builder msgOrig
      logSend lo (byteString bs <> flush)
      return (bs, utf8CharacterCount bs)
      | level >= logLevel -> do
          logFunc loc src level msgOrig
          unless (B.null sticky) $ logSend lo (byteString sticky <> flush)
          return (sticky,stickyLen)
      | otherwise -> return (sticky,stickyLen)

-- | The number of Unicode characters in a UTF-8 encoded byte string,
-- excluding ANSI CSI sequences.
utf8CharacterCount :: ByteString -> Int
utf8CharacterCount = go 0
    go !n bs = case B.uncons bs of
        Nothing -> n
        Just (c,bs)
            | c .&. 0xC0 == 0x80 -> go n bs            -- UTF-8 continuation
            | c == 0x1B          -> go n $ dropCSI bs  -- ANSI escape
            | otherwise          -> go (n+1) bs

    dropCSI bs = case B.uncons bs of
        Just (0x5B,bs2) -> B.drop 1 $ B.dropWhile isSequenceByte bs2
        _               -> bs

    isSequenceByte c = c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x3F

-- | Is the log func configured to use color output?
-- Intended for use by code which wants to optionally add additional color to
-- its log messages.
-- @since
logFuncUseColorL :: HasLogFunc env => SimpleGetter env Bool
logFuncUseColorL = logFuncL.to (maybe False logUseColor . lfOptions)

-- | Disable logging capabilities in a given sub-routine
-- Intended to skip logging in general purpose implementations, where secrets
-- might be logged accidently.
-- @since
noLogging :: (HasLogFunc env, MonadReader env m) => m a -> m a
noLogging = local (set logFuncL mempty)

-- $type-generic-intro
-- When logging takes on a more semantic meaning and the logs need to
-- be digested, acted upon, translated or serialized upstream (to
-- e.g. a JSON logging server), we have 'GLogFunc' (as in "generic log
-- function"), and is accessed via 'HasGLogFunc'.
-- There is only one function to log in this system: the 'glog'
-- function, which can log any message. You determine the log levels
-- or severity of messages when needed.
-- Using 'RIO.Prelude.mapRIO' and 'contramapGLogFunc' (or
-- 'contramapMaybeGLogFunc'), you can build hierarchies of loggers.
-- Example:
-- @
-- import RIO
-- data DatabaseMsg = Connected String | Query String | Disconnected deriving Show
-- data WebMsg = Request String | Error String | DatabaseMsg DatabaseMsg deriving Show
-- data AppMsg = InitMsg String | WebMsg WebMsg deriving Show
-- main :: IO ()
-- main =
--   runRIO
--     (mkGLogFunc (\stack msg -> print msg))
--     (do glog (InitMsg "Ready to go!")
--         runWeb
--           (do glog (Request "/foo")
--               runDB (do glog (Connected "")
--                         glog (Query "SELECT 1"))
--               glog (Error "Oh noes!")))
-- runDB :: RIO (GLogFunc DatabaseMsg) () -> RIO (GLogFunc WebMsg) ()
-- runDB = mapRIO (contramapGLogFunc DatabaseMsg)
-- runWeb :: RIO (GLogFunc WebMsg) () -> RIO (GLogFunc AppMsg) ()
-- runWeb = mapRIO (contramapGLogFunc WebMsg)
-- @
-- If we instead decided that we only wanted to log database queries,
-- and not bother the upstream with connect/disconnect messages, we
-- could simplify the constructor to @DatabaseQuery String@:
-- @
-- data WebMsg = Request String | Error String | DatabaseQuery String deriving Show
-- @
-- And then @runDB@ could use 'contramapMaybeGLogFunc' to parse only queries:
-- @
-- runDB =
--   mapRIO
--     (contramapMaybeGLogFunc
--        (\msg ->
--           case msg of
--             Query string -> pure (DatabaseQuery string)
--             _ -> Nothing))
-- @
-- This way, upstream only has to care about queries and not
-- connect/disconnect constructors.

-- | An app is capable of generic logging if it implements this.
-- @since
class HasGLogFunc env where
  type GMsg env
  gLogFuncL :: Lens' env (GLogFunc (GMsg env))

-- | Quick way to run a RIO that only has a logger in its environment.
-- @since
instance HasGLogFunc (GLogFunc msg) where
  type GMsg (GLogFunc msg) = msg
  gLogFuncL = id

-- | A generic logger of some type @msg@.
-- Your 'GLocFunc' can re-use the existing classical logging framework
-- of RIO, and/or implement additional transforms,
-- filters. Alternatively, you may log to a JSON source in a database,
-- or anywhere else as needed. You can decide how to log levels or
-- severities based on the constructors in your type. You will
-- normally determine this in your main app entry point.
-- @since
newtype GLogFunc msg = GLogFunc (CallStack -> msg -> IO ())

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
-- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-

-- | Use this instance to wrap sub-loggers via 'RIO.mapRIO'.
-- The 'Contravariant' class is available in base 4.12.0.
-- @since
instance Contravariant GLogFunc where
  contramap = contramapGLogFunc
  {-# INLINABLE contramap #-}

-- | Perform both sets of actions per log entry.
-- @since
instance Semigroup (GLogFunc msg) where
  GLogFunc f <> GLogFunc g = GLogFunc (\a b -> f a b *> g a b)

-- | 'mempty' peforms no logging.
-- @since
instance Monoid (GLogFunc msg) where
  mempty = mkGLogFunc $ \_ _ -> return ()
  mappend = (<>)

-- | A vesion of 'contramapMaybeGLogFunc' which supports filering.
-- @since
contramapMaybeGLogFunc :: (a -> Maybe b) -> GLogFunc b -> GLogFunc a
contramapMaybeGLogFunc f (GLogFunc io) =
  GLogFunc (\stack msg -> maybe (pure ()) (io stack) (f msg))
{-# INLINABLE contramapMaybeGLogFunc #-}

-- | A contramap. Use this to wrap sub-loggers via 'RIO.mapRIO'.
-- If you are on base > 4.12.0, you can just use 'contramap'.
-- @since
contramapGLogFunc :: (a -> b) -> GLogFunc b -> GLogFunc a
contramapGLogFunc f (GLogFunc io) = GLogFunc (\stack msg -> io stack (f msg))
{-# INLINABLE contramapGLogFunc #-}

-- | Make a custom generic logger. With this you could, for example,
-- write to a database or a log digestion service. For example:
-- > mkGLogFunc (\stack msg -> send (Data.Aeson.encode (JsonLog stack msg)))
-- @since
mkGLogFunc :: (CallStack -> msg -> IO ()) -> GLogFunc msg
mkGLogFunc = GLogFunc

-- | Log a value generically.
-- @since
glog ::
     (MonadIO m, HasCallStack, HasGLogFunc env, MonadReader env m)
  => GMsg env
  -> m ()
glog t = do
  GLogFunc gLogFunc <- view gLogFuncL
  liftIO (gLogFunc callStack t)
{-# INLINABLE glog #-}

-- Integration with classical logger framework

-- | Level, if any, of your logs. If unknown, use 'LogOther'. Use for
-- your generic log data types that want to sit inside the classic log
-- framework.
-- @since
class HasLogLevel msg where
  getLogLevel :: msg -> LogLevel

-- | Source of a log. This can be whatever you want. Use for your
-- generic log data types that want to sit inside the classic log
-- framework.
-- @since
class HasLogSource msg where
  getLogSource :: msg -> LogSource

-- | Make a 'GLogFunc' via classic 'LogFunc'. Use this if you'd like
-- to log your generic data type via the classic RIO terminal logger.
-- @since
gLogFuncClassic ::
     (HasLogLevel msg, HasLogSource msg, Display msg) => LogFunc -> GLogFunc msg
gLogFuncClassic (LogFunc {unLogFunc = io}) =
    (\theCallStack msg ->
         (io theCallStack (getLogSource msg) (getLogLevel msg) (display msg)))