{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | Observed-Remove Set (OR-Set)
module RON.Data.ORSet
    ( ORSet (..)
    , ObjectORSet (..)
    , ORSetRaw
    , addNewRef
    , addRef
    , addValue
    , removeRef
    , removeValue
    ) where

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import           RON.Data.Internal
import           RON.Error (MonadE)
import           RON.Event (ReplicaClock, getEventUuid)
import           RON.Types (Atom, Object (Object, frame, id),
                            Op (Op, opId, payload, refId),
                            StateChunk (StateChunk, stateBody, stateType, stateVersion),
import           RON.UUID (pattern Zero)
import qualified RON.UUID as UUID

-- | Untyped OR-Set.
-- Implementation:
-- a map from the last change (creation or deletion) to the original op.
newtype ORSetRaw = ORSetRaw (Map UUID Op)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

opKey :: Op -> UUID
opKey Op{opId, refId} = case refId of
    Zero -> opId   -- alive
    _    -> refId  -- tombstone

observedRemove :: Op -> Op -> Op
observedRemove = maxOn refId

instance Semigroup ORSetRaw where
    ORSetRaw set1 <> ORSetRaw set2 =
        ORSetRaw $ Map.unionWith observedRemove set1 set2

instance Monoid ORSetRaw where
    mempty = ORSetRaw mempty

instance Reducible ORSetRaw where
    reducibleOpType = setType

    stateFromChunk ops =
        ORSetRaw $ Map.fromListWith observedRemove [(opKey op, op) | op <- ops]

    stateToChunk (ORSetRaw set) =
        mkStateChunk setType . sortOn opId $ Map.elems set

-- | Name-UUID to use as OR-Set type marker.
setType :: UUID
setType = $(UUID.liftName "set")

-- | Type-directing wrapper for typed OR-Set of atomic values
newtype ORSet a = ORSet [a]

-- | Type-directing wrapper for typed OR-Set of objects
newtype ObjectORSet a = ObjectORSet [a]

instance ReplicatedAsPayload a => Replicated (ORSet a) where
    encoding = objectEncoding

instance ReplicatedAsPayload a => ReplicatedAsObject (ORSet a) where
    objectOpType = setType
    newObject = commonNewObject pure
    getObject = commonGetObject pure

instance ReplicatedAsObject a => Replicated (ObjectORSet a) where
    encoding = objectEncoding

instance ReplicatedAsObject a => ReplicatedAsObject (ObjectORSet a) where
    objectOpType = setType
    newObject = commonNewObject $ fmap (\Object{id} -> id) . newObject
    getObject obj@Object{frame} =
        commonGetObject (\itemId -> getObject (Object itemId frame)) obj

    ::  ( Coercible (orset item) [item]
        , ReplicaClock m
        , ReplicatedAsPayload itemRep
    => (item -> m itemRep) -> orset item -> m (Object (orset item))
commonNewObject newItem items = collectFrame $ do
    ops <- for (coerce items) $ \item -> do
        event <- lift getEventUuid
        payload <- lift $ newItem item
        pure . Op event Zero $ toPayload payload
    oid <- lift getEventUuid
    let stateVersion = maximumDef oid $ map opId ops
    tell $
        Map.singleton oid $
        StateChunk{stateType = setType, stateVersion, stateBody = ops}
    pure oid

    :: forall item m orset itemRep
    . (Coercible (orset item) [item], MonadE m, ReplicatedAsPayload itemRep)
    => (itemRep -> m item) -> Object (orset item) -> m (orset item)
commonGetObject getItem obj@Object{..} = do
    StateChunk{..} <- getObjectStateChunk obj
    mItems <- for stateBody $ \Op{refId, payload} -> case refId of
        Zero -> Just <$> (fromPayload payload >>= getItem)
        _    -> pure Nothing
    pure . coerce @[item] $ catMaybes mItems

-- | XXX Internal. Common implementation of 'addValue' and 'addRef'.
commonAdd :: (ReplicatedAsPayload b, ReplicaClock m, MonadE m)
    => b -> StateT (Object a) m ()
commonAdd item = do
    obj@Object{id, frame} <- get
    StateChunk{..} <- getObjectStateChunk obj
    event <- getEventUuid
    let payload = toPayload item
    let newOp = Op event Zero payload
    let chunk' = stateBody ++ [newOp]
    let state' = StateChunk
            {stateType = setType, stateVersion = event, stateBody = chunk'}
    put obj{frame = Map.insert id state' frame}

-- | Add atomic value to the OR-Set
    :: (ReplicatedAsPayload a, ReplicaClock m, MonadE m)
    => a -> StateT (Object (ORSet a)) m ()
addValue = commonAdd

-- | Add a reference to the object to the OR-Set
    :: (ReplicaClock m, MonadE m)
    => Object a -> StateT (Object (ObjectORSet a)) m ()
addRef Object{id = itemId, frame = itemFrame} = do
    modify' $ \Object{..} -> Object{frame = frame <> itemFrame, ..}
    commonAdd itemId

-- | Encode an object and add a reference to it to the OR-Set
    :: forall a m
    . (ReplicatedAsObject a, ReplicaClock m, MonadE m)
    => a -> StateT (Object (ObjectORSet a)) m (Object a)
addNewRef item = do
    itemObj@(Object _ itemFrame) <- lift $ newObject item
    modify' $ \Object{..} -> Object{frame = frame <> itemFrame, ..}
    addRef itemObj
    pure itemObj

-- | XXX Internal. Common implementation of 'removeValue' and 'removeRef'.
    :: (MonadE m, ReplicaClock m)
    => ([Atom] -> Bool) -> StateT (Object (orset a)) m ()
commonRemove isTarget = do
    obj@Object{id, frame} <- get
    StateChunk{..} <- getObjectStateChunk obj
    let state0@(ORSetRaw opMap) = stateFromChunk stateBody
    let targetEvents =
            [ opId
            | Op{opId, refId, payload} <- toList opMap
            , refId == Zero  -- is alive
            , isTarget payload
    case targetEvents of
        [] -> pure ()
        _  -> do
            tombstone <- getEventUuid
            let patch =
                    [ Op{opId = tombstone, refId, payload = []}
                    | refId <- targetEvents
            let chunk' = state0 <> stateFromChunk patch
            let state' = stateToChunk chunk'
            put obj{frame = Map.insert id state' frame}

-- | Remove an atomic value from the OR-Set
    :: (ReplicatedAsPayload a, MonadE m, ReplicaClock m)
    => a -> StateT (Object (ORSet a)) m ()
removeValue = commonRemove . eqPayload

-- | Remove an object reference from the OR-Set
    :: (MonadE m, ReplicaClock m)
    => Object a -> StateT (Object (ObjectORSet a)) m ()
removeRef = commonRemove . eqRef