{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | RON Storage interface. For usage, see "RON.Storage.FS".
module RON.Storage (
    Collection (..),
    CollectionDocId (..),
) where

import           RON.Prelude

import qualified Data.Text as Text

import           RON.Data (ObjectStateT, execObjectState, reduceObject)
import           RON.Error (Error (Error), errorContext, throwErrorString)
import           RON.Storage.Backend (Collection (..), CollectionName,
                                      DocId (DocId), Document (Document),
                                      IsTouched (IsTouched), MonadStorage,
                                      createVersion, decodeDocId,
                                      getDocumentVersions, isTouched,
                                      readVersion, value, versions)
import           RON.Types (ObjectState, UUID)
import qualified RON.UUID as UUID

data CollectionDocId = forall a. Collection a => CollectionDocId (DocId a)

-- | Load all versions of a document
loadDocument :: (Collection a, MonadStorage m) => DocId a -> m (Document a)
loadDocument docid = loadRetry (3 :: Int)
    loadRetry n
        | n > 0 = do
            versions0 <- getDocumentVersions docid
            case versions0 of
                []   ->
                    throwErrorString $
                    "Document with id " ++ show docid ++ " has not found."
                v:vs -> do
                    let versions = v :| vs
                    let wrapDoc (value, isTouched) =
                            Document{value, versions, isTouched}
                    readResults <-
                        errorContext ("document " <> show docid) $
                        for versions $ \ver ->
                            try $
                            errorContext ("version " <> Text.pack ver) $
                            readVersion docid ver
                    liftEither $ wrapDoc <$> vsconcat readResults
        | otherwise = throwError "Maximum retries exceeded"

-- | Validation-like version of 'sconcat'.
    :: NonEmpty (Either Error (ObjectState a, IsTouched))
    -> Either Error (ObjectState a, IsTouched)
vsconcat = foldr1 vappend
    vappend    (Left  e1)    (Left  e2) = Left $ Error "vappend" [e1, e2]
    vappend e1@(Left  _ )    (Right _ ) = e1
    vappend    (Right _ ) e2@(Left  _ ) = e2
    vappend    (Right r1)    (Right r2) =
        (, IsTouched (t1 || t2)) <$> reduceObject a1 a2 where
        (a1, IsTouched t1) = r1
        (a2, IsTouched t2) = r2

try :: MonadError e m => m a -> m (Either e a)
try ma = (Right <$> ma) `catchError` (pure . Left)

-- | Load document, apply changes and put it back to storage
    :: (Collection a, MonadStorage m) => DocId a -> ObjectStateT a m () -> m ()
modify docid f = do
    oldDoc <- loadDocument docid
    value' <- execObjectState (value oldDoc) f
    createVersion (Just (docid, oldDoc)) value'

-- | Create document assuming it doesn't exist yet.
createDocument :: (Collection a, MonadStorage m) => ObjectState a -> m ()
createDocument = createVersion Nothing

docIdFromUuid :: UUID -> DocId a
docIdFromUuid = DocId . UUID.encodeBase32