rsagl-0.2.1: The RogueStar Animation and Graphics LibrarySource codeContentsIndex
rotationA :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a) => Vector3D -> Rate Angle -> FRP i o a ignored AffineTransformationSource
animateA :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowState s a, CoordinateSystemClass s) => FRP i o a j AffineTransformation -> FRP i o a j p -> FRP i o a j pSource
rotateA :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowState s a, CoordinateSystemClass s) => Vector3D -> Rate Angle -> FRP i o a j p -> FRP i o a j pSource
pointAtCameraA :: (Arrow a, ArrowState s a, CoordinateSystemClass s, ScenicAccumulator s) => a (SceneLayer, IO IntermediateModel) ()Source
inverseSquareLaw :: Double -> Point3D -> ForceFunctionSource
quadraticTrap :: Double -> Point3D -> ForceFunctionSource
drag :: Double -> ForceFunctionSource
concatForces :: [ForceFunction] -> ForceFunctionSource
constrainForce :: (Time -> Point3D -> Rate Vector3D -> Bool) -> ForceFunction -> ForceFunctionSource
accelerationModel :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a, ArrowState s a, CoordinateSystemClass s) => Frequency -> PV -> FRPX any t i o a j ForceFunction -> FRPX any t i o a (PVA, j) p -> FRPX any t i o a j pSource
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