rsagl-0.2.1: The RogueStar Animation and Graphics LibrarySource codeContentsIndex
data FRPX k t i o a j p Source
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(ArrowState s a, ArrowChoice a) => ArrowState s (FRPX k t i o a)
(Arrow a, ArrowChoice a) => ArrowTransformer (FRPX k t i o) a
(Arrow a, ArrowChoice a) => Arrow (FRPX k t i o a)
type FRP1 = FRPX () ()Source
data Threaded Source
type FRP = FRPX Threaded ()Source
switchContinue :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRPX any t i o a (Maybe (FRPX any t i o a i o), i) iSource
switchTerminate :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a) => FRPX any t i o a (Maybe (FRPX any t i o a i o), o) oSource
spawnThreads :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRPX Threaded t i o a [(t, FRPX Threaded t i o a i o)] ()Source
killThreadIf :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRPX Threaded t i o a Bool ()Source
statefulContext :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => StatefulArrow a j p -> FRPX any t i o a j pSource
threadIdentity :: ArrowChoice a => FRPX any t i o a () tSource
frpTest :: [FRP i o (->) i o] -> [i] -> [[o]]Source
data FRPProgram a i o Source
newFRPProgram :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => (forall x. i -> [(t, x)] -> [(t, (o, x))] -> [x]) -> [(t, FRPX Threaded t i o a i o)] -> FRPProgram a i [(t, o)]Source
newFRP1Program :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRP1 i o a i o -> FRPProgram a i oSource
updateFRPProgram :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRPProgram a i o -> a (i, Time) (o, FRPProgram a i o)Source
integral :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a, AbstractVector v) => v -> FRPX any t i o a (Rate v) vSource
derivative :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a, AbstractSubtract p v, AbstractVector v) => FRPX any t i o a p (Rate v)Source
integralRK4 :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a, AbstractVector v) => Frequency -> (p -> v -> p) -> p -> FRPX any t i o a (Time -> p -> Rate v) pSource
integralRK4' :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a, AbstractVector v) => Frequency -> (p -> v -> p) -> (p, Rate v) -> FRPX any t x y a (Time -> p -> Rate v -> Acceleration v) (p, Rate v)Source
absoluteTime :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a) => FRPX any t i o a () TimeSource
threadTime :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRPX any t i o a () TimeSource
frpContext :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => (forall x. j -> [(t, x)] -> [(t, (p, x))] -> [x]) -> [(t, FRPX Threaded t j p a j p)] -> FRPX any u i o a j [(t, p)]Source
frp1Context :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => FRP1 j p a j p -> FRPX any t i o a j pSource
withState :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => (forall x. j -> [(t, x)] -> [(t, (p, x))] -> [x]) -> [(t, FRPX Threaded t j p (StateArrow s a) j p)] -> s -> FRPX any u i o a j [(t, p)]Source
withExposedState :: (Arrow a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => (forall x. j -> [(t, x)] -> [(t, (p, x))] -> [x]) -> [(t, FRPX Threaded t j p (StateArrow s a) j p)] -> FRPX any u i o a (j, s) ([(t, p)], s)Source
type ThreadIdentity t = forall i x o. i -> [(t, x)] -> [(t, (o, x))] -> [x]Source
nullaryThreadIdentity :: ThreadIdentity ()Source
maybeThreadIdentity :: ThreadIdentity t -> ThreadIdentity (Maybe t)Source
unionThreadIdentity :: (t -> t -> Bool) -> ThreadIdentity tSource
whenJust :: (ArrowChoice a, ArrowApply a) => (forall x y. FRP1 x y a j p) -> FRPX any t i o a (Maybe j) (Maybe p)Source
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