{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, MagicHash, RoleAnnotations #-}
module Data.Ref.Impl (module Data.Ref.Impl) where

import GHC.Base (MutVar#, RealWorld, sameMutVar#, isTrue#)

The `r` parameter is deliberately nominal here, which prevents the use of
coerce to "safely" escape the lifetime of a reference:

> escape :: a -> RT (Ref r a)
> escape x = newRef x (return . coerce)

Would compile if the annotation was left as phantom (which is the inferred).
This is clearly not something we want to allow, so nominal it is.
type role Ref nominal representational
-- Don't even expose the constructor, then it's pretty much safe?
data Ref r a = Ref (MutVar# RealWorld a)

-- It's nice that two references must clearly have the same lifetime to be equal
instance Eq (Ref r a) where
  Ref MutVar# RealWorld a
ref1# == :: Ref r a -> Ref r a -> Bool
== Ref MutVar# RealWorld a
ref2# = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (MutVar# RealWorld a -> MutVar# RealWorld a -> Int#
forall s a. MutVar# s a -> MutVar# s a -> Int#
sameMutVar# MutVar# RealWorld a
ref1# MutVar# RealWorld a