{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
module Salak.Prop where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.Identity
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString         as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy    as BL
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Map.Strict         as M
import           Data.Menshen
import           Data.Scientific
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Text               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text               as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding      as TB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy          as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TBL
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Word
import           Foreign.C
import           GHC.Exts
import           GHC.Generics            hiding (Selector)
import qualified GHC.Generics            as G
import           Salak.Types
import           Salak.Types.Selector
import           Salak.Types.Source
import           Salak.Types.Value
import           Text.Read               (readMaybe)

data PResult a
  = O [Selector] a      -- ^ Succeed value
  | N [Selector]        -- ^ Empty value
  | F [Selector] String -- ^ Fail value
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

instance Applicative PResult where
  pure = O []
  (O s f) <*> (O _ a) = O s (f a)
  (F s e) <*> _       = F s e
  _       <*> (F s e) = F s e
  (N s)   <*> _       = N s
  _       <*> (N s)   = N s

instance Alternative PResult where
  empty = N []
  (O s f) <|> _ = O s f
  _       <|> x = x

instance Monad PResult where
  return = pure
  (O _ a) >>= f = f a
  (N s  ) >>= _ = N s
  (F s e) >>= _ = F s e

data PropSource = PropSource
  { originSP :: SourcePack
  , currSP   :: SourcePack
  , cacheRef :: M.Map [Selector] Bool

newtype PropT m a = Prop { unProp :: ReaderT PropSource m a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, Alternative)

-- | Optional value.
infixl 5 .?=
(.?=) :: Alternative f => f a -> a -> f a
(.?=) a b = a <|> pure b

-- | Default value.
infixl 5 .?:
(.?:) :: (Alternative f, Default b) => f a -> (b -> a) -> f a
(.?:) fa b = fa .?= b def

-- | Monad used to parse properties to destination type.
type Prop = PropT PResult

runProp :: PropSource -> PropT m a -> m a
runProp sp a = runReaderT (unProp a) sp

askSub :: (SourcePack -> SourcePack) -> Prop PropSource
askSub f = do
  ps <- Prop ask
  return ps { currSP = f (currSP ps) }

askOrigin :: Prop SourcePack
askOrigin = originSP <$> Prop ask

instance MonadReader SourcePack Prop where
  ask = currSP <$> Prop ask
  local f (Prop a) = Prop (local (\sp -> sp { currSP = f (currSP sp) }) a)

instance HasValid Prop where
  invalid = err . toI18n

instance FromProp a => IsString (Prop a) where
  fromString = readSelect . T.pack

class FromProp a where
  fromProp :: Prop a
  default fromProp :: (Generic a, GFromProp (Rep a)) => Prop a
  fromProp = fmap to gFromProp

class GFromProp f where
  gFromProp :: Prop (f a)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Constructor c, GFromProp a) => GFromProp (M1 C c a) where
      | conIsRecord m = fmap M1 gFromProp
      | otherwise     = fmap M1 $ gEnum $ T.pack (conName m)
      where m = undefined :: t c a x

gEnum :: GFromProp f => Text -> PropT PResult (f a)
gEnum va = do
  o <- gFromProp
  readPrimitive $ \ss v -> case v of
    VStr _ x -> if x /= va then N ss else O ss o
    _        -> N ss

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (G.Selector s, GFromProp a) => GFromProp (M1 S s a) where
  gFromProp = local go $ M1 <$> gFromProp
      go sp = select sp (SStr $ T.pack $ selName (undefined :: t s a p))

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} GFromProp a => GFromProp (M1 D i a) where
  gFromProp = M1 <$> gFromProp

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (FromProp a) => GFromProp (K1 i a) where
    gFromProp = fmap K1 fromProp

instance GFromProp U1 where
  gFromProp = pure U1

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (GFromProp a, GFromProp b) => GFromProp (a:*:b) where
  gFromProp = (:*:) <$> gFromProp <*> gFromProp

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (GFromProp a, GFromProp b) => GFromProp (a:+:b) where
  gFromProp = fmap L1 gFromProp <|> fmap R1 gFromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Maybe a) where
  fromProp = do
    fps <- askSub id
    lift $ case runProp fps (fromProp :: Prop a) of
      O s a -> O s $ Just a
      N s   -> O s Nothing
      F s e -> F s e

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Either String a) where
  fromProp = do
    fps <- askSub id
    lift $ case runProp fps (fromProp :: Prop a) of
      O s a -> O s $ Right a
      N s   -> O s $ Left "null"
      F s e -> O s $ Left e

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Identity a) where
  fromProp = Identity <$> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b) => FromProp (a,b) where
  fromProp = (,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c) => FromProp (a,b,c) where
  fromProp = (,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d) => FromProp (a,b,c,d) where
  fromProp = (,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d, FromProp e) => FromProp (a,b,c,d,e) where
  fromProp = (,,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d, FromProp e, FromProp f) => FromProp (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
  fromProp = (,,,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d, FromProp e, FromProp f, FromProp g) => FromProp (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
  fromProp = (,,,,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d, FromProp e, FromProp f, FromProp g, FromProp h) => FromProp (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where
  fromProp = (,,,,,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance (FromProp a, FromProp b, FromProp c, FromProp d, FromProp e, FromProp f, FromProp g, FromProp h, FromProp i) => FromProp (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) where
  fromProp = (,,,,,,,,) <$> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp <*> fromProp

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} FromProp a => FromProp [a] where
  fromProp = do
    sp@SourcePack{..} <- ask
    as <- foldM (go sp) [] $ M.toList (mapValue source)
    return (reverse as)
      go sp' as (ix,s) = do
        so <- askSub $ const sp' { prefix = ix : prefix sp', source = s}
        a <- lift $ runProp so fromProp
        return (a:as)

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Min a) where
  fromProp = Min <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Max a) where
  fromProp = Max <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (First a) where
  fromProp = First <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Last a) where
  fromProp = Last <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Dual a) where
  fromProp = Dual <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Sum a) where
  fromProp = Sum <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Product a) where
  fromProp = Product <$> fromProp

instance FromProp a => FromProp (Option a) where
  fromProp = Option <$> fromProp

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} FromEnumProp a => FromProp a where
  fromProp = readPrimitive $ \ss v -> case v of
    VStr  _ s -> either (F ss) (O ss) $ fromEnumProp $ T.toLower s
    x         -> F ss $ getType x ++ " cannot be enum"

evalV :: [Selector] -> Value -> Prop Value
evalV x (VRef i rs) = do
  sp <- askOrigin
  ps <- askSub (const sp)
  if M.member x (cacheRef ps)
    then lift $ F x "self reference"
    else lift $ VStr i <$> foldM (go ps { cacheRef = M.insert x True $ cacheRef ps} ) "" rs
    go _  a (RVal b) = return (T.append a b)
    go ps a (RRef f) = case convert $ runProp ps (selectP f) of
        Right b -> return (T.append a b)
        Left  e -> F f e
evalV _ v           = return v

-- | ReadPrimitive value
readPrimitive :: ([Selector] -> Value -> PResult a) -> Prop a
readPrimitive f = do
  SourcePack{..} <- ask
  case getQ (value source) of
    Just v -> evalV prefix v >>= lift . f prefix
    _      -> lift $ N prefix

class FromEnumProp a where
  fromEnumProp :: Text -> Either String a
  {-# MINIMAL fromEnumProp #-}

err :: String -> Prop a
err e = do
  sp <- ask
  lift $ F (prefix sp) e

-- | Parse value
readSelect :: FromProp a => Text -> Prop a
readSelect key = case selectors key of
  Left  e -> err e
  Right s -> selectP s

selectP :: FromProp a => [Selector] -> Prop a
selectP s = local (\sp -> foldl select sp s) fromProp

search :: FromProp a => Text -> SourcePack -> Either String a
search key sp = convert $ runProp (PropSource sp sp M.empty) (readSelect key)

convert :: PResult a -> Either String a
convert (O _ x) = Right x
convert (N s  ) = Left $ "key " ++ toKey s ++ " not found"
convert (F s e) = Left $ "key " ++ toKey s ++ " : " ++ e

instance FromProp Bool where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VBool _ x) = O s x
      go s (VStr  _ x) = case T.toLower x of
        "true"  -> O s True
        "yes"   -> O s True
        "false" -> O s False
        "no"    -> O s False
        _       -> F s "string convert bool failed"
      go s x             = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be bool"

instance FromProp Text where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VStr  _ x) = O s x
      go s x           = O s $ T.pack (getV x)

instance FromProp TL.Text where
  fromProp = TL.fromStrict <$> fromProp

instance FromProp B.ByteString where
  fromProp = TB.encodeUtf8 <$> fromProp

instance FromProp BL.ByteString where
  fromProp = TBL.encodeUtf8 <$> fromProp

instance FromProp String where
  fromProp = T.unpack <$> fromProp

instance FromProp Scientific where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VStr  _ x) = case readMaybe $ T.unpack x of
        Just v -> O s v
        _      -> F s "string convert number failed"
      go s (VNum  _ x) = O s x
      go s x           = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be number"

instance FromProp Float where
  fromProp = toRealFloat <$> fromProp

instance FromProp Double where
  fromProp = toRealFloat <$> fromProp

instance FromProp Integer where
  fromProp = toInteger <$> (fromProp :: Prop Int)

instance FromProp Int where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Int8 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Int16 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Int32 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Int64 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Word where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Word8 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Word16 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Word32 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp Word64 where
  fromProp = fromProp >>= toNum

instance FromProp NominalDiffTime where
  fromProp = fromInteger <$> fromProp

instance FromProp DiffTime where
  fromProp = timeOfDayToTime <$> fromProp

toNum :: (Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> Prop i
toNum s = case toBoundedInteger s of
  Just v -> return v
  _      -> err "scientific number doesn't fit in the target representation"

instance FromProp UTCTime where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VZTime _ a b) = O s (zonedTimeToUTC $ ZonedTime b a)
      go s x              = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be UTCTime"

instance FromProp ZonedTime where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VZTime _ a b) = O s (ZonedTime b a)
      go s x              = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be ZonedTime"

instance FromProp LocalTime where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VLTime _   b) = O s b
      go s (VZTime _ _ b) = O s b
      go s x              = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be LocalTime"

instance FromProp Day where
  fromProp = readPrimitive go
      go s (VDay   _ b) = O s b
      go s (VLTime _ b) = O s (localDay b)
      go s x            = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be Day"

instance FromProp TimeOfDay where
  fromProp = readPrimitive readTimeOfDay

readTimeOfDay :: [Selector] -> Value -> PResult TimeOfDay
readTimeOfDay s (VHour  _ b) = O s b
readTimeOfDay s (VLTime _ b) = O s (localTimeOfDay b)
readTimeOfDay s x            = F s $ getType x ++ " cannot be TimeOfDay"

instance FromProp CBool where
  fromProp = do
    b <- fromProp
    return $ if b then 1 else 0

instance FromProp CShort where
  fromProp = CShort <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CUShort where
  fromProp = CUShort <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CInt where
  fromProp = CInt <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CUInt where
  fromProp = CUInt <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CLong where
  fromProp = CLong <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CULong where
  fromProp = CULong <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CLLong where
  fromProp = CLLong <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CULLong where
  fromProp = CULLong <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CFloat where
  fromProp = CFloat <$> fromProp

instance FromProp CDouble where
  fromProp = CDouble <$> fromProp