scientific- Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation

MaintainerBas van Dijk <>
Safe HaskellNone




This module is designed to be imported qualified:

import Data.Scientific as Scientific



data Scientific Source

An arbitrary-precision number represented using scientific notation.

This type describes the set of all Reals which have a finite decimal expansion.

A scientific number with coefficient c and base10Exponent e corresponds to the Fractional number: fromInteger c * 10 ^^ e


Eq Scientific 
Fractional Scientific

WARNING: recip and / will diverge when their outputs have an infinite decimal expansion. fromRational will diverge when the input Rational has an infinite decimal expansion.

Num Scientific 
Ord Scientific 
Read Scientific 
Real Scientific 
RealFrac Scientific 
Show Scientific 
Typeable Scientific 
NFData Scientific 
Hashable Scientific 

scientific :: Integer -> Int -> ScientificSource

scientific c e constructs a scientific number with coefficient c and base10Exponent e.

coefficient :: Scientific -> IntegerSource

The coefficient of a scientific number.

base10Exponent :: Scientific -> IntSource

The base-10 exponent of a scientific number.


toFractional :: Fractional a => Scientific -> aSource

Efficient conversion from a Scientific to a Fractional number.

Note that this module provides rewrite RULES that convert realToFrac into toFractional when going from a Scientific to either a Double, Float, CDouble or CFloat to avoid going via Rational.

So it's recommended to use realToFrac to convert to a Fractional number. However, if you don't want to rely on these RULES this function can be used.

fromRealFloat :: RealFloat a => a -> ScientificSource

Efficient conversion from a RealFloat into a Scientific number.

Note that this module provides rewrite RULES that convert realToFrac into fromRealFloat when going from either a Double, Float, CDouble or CFloat to a Scientific to avoid going via Rational.

So it's recommended to use realToFrac to convert Real numbers into Scientific. However, if you don't want to rely on these RULES this function can be used.

Pretty printing

data FPFormat Source

Control the rendering of floating point numbers.



Scientific notation (e.g. 2.3e123).


Standard decimal notation.


Use decimal notation for values between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.

scientificBuilder :: Scientific -> BuilderSource

A Text Builder which renders a scientific number to full precision, using standard decimal notation for arguments whose absolute value lies between 0.1 and 9,999,999, and scientific notation otherwise.



:: FPFormat 
-> Maybe Int

Number of decimal places to render.

-> Scientific 
-> Builder 

Like scientificBuilder but provides rendering options.



:: FPFormat 
-> Maybe Int

Number of decimal places to render.

-> Scientific 
-> String 

Like show but provides rendering options.

toDecimalDigits :: Scientific -> ([Int], Int)Source

Similar to floatToDigits, toDecimalDigits takes a non-negative Scientific number, and returns a list of digits and a base-10 exponent. In particular, if x>=0, and

 toDecimalDigits x = ([d1,d2,...,dn], e)


  1. n >= 1
  2. x = 0.d1d2...dn * (10^^e)
  3. 0 <= di <= 9